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  1. Rich

    2021 Grey Cup Pick 'Ems

    Special thanks to @Marshall who won the Lock of the Week and @Fox Creek AB Rider Fan who won the Pick 'Ems for both choosing to donate their prizes this year. $100 has been donated to the Christmas Cheer Board to help give a family in need a Merry Christmas this year.
    7 points
  2. Booch

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    he has already said he is back in 2022 as well....so basically..he's back lol
    5 points
  3. Happy one week anniversary!!!!!
    5 points
  4. Rich - this generous decision by Marshall and Fox Creek inspired me to match the $100 donation to the Christmas Cheer Board. I dedicated my $100 donation to "Richard Harris and Morning Big Blue". I challenge other posters here to make the same donation. Let's give until it hurts MBB community! (or not, totally up to you lol).... Financial Donations | Christmas Cheer Board
    4 points
  5. FrostyWinnipeg


    Openings at RBC for today, got lucky for aft appointment.
    4 points
  6. I think Tui is brought back regardless of vaxx status. I honestly believe he is that good. Also there is a slight chance that vaxx requirements drop by then (I'm not betting on it so calm your ****, I'm just saying there's a chance!). I'm more concerned about Dline and Dbs leaving than anything else.
    4 points
  7. The thing is if we do lose a top guy or two. There will be a lineup of guys that get to FA that will want to come here that you may get at a discount for a chance to win.
    4 points
  8. I truly think the only reason Arbuckle didn't play in Edm was so they could see what Cornelius had and avoid any kind of injury to Arbuckle. He's signed through 2022 so I would assume he's their day 1 starter come June.
    4 points
  9. Yeah..Arbuckle isn't a bad lockeroom guy and outta him...MBT..Nichols and Cornelius he's the better of the 3...Lapo went with what he knew and who could run with his pop gun offence in Ottawa in yr one Dinnwidie...big error there...MBT is not a long term answer... Elizondo was a joke..mismanaged Harris to be honest and wanted to use his guy he brought there...big mistake too...now is Arbuckle a free agent? I'd actually like to see us bring him in to backup ZC...sign him to a decent deal with a per start clause in there on top of if ZC goes down..
    4 points
  10. Watching the o.t 2 point convert...A key thing overlooked was a psych job by Woli and Zack...watch for them having a one on one "discussion" prior to snap...and then when play runs..watch Woli release and suck 3 guys to him..main one Bailey's cover guy leaving him wide open for the 2 point grab...u can even see Adeleke wondering wtf and why was that guy wide open....sneaky buggers lol
    4 points
  11. And you playoff cheque and your GC cheque and your GC winning cheque 😁
    3 points
  12. "Here's your contract offer and your grey cup ring, coach Oshea would love to have you back..." Walter's magic.
    3 points
  13. Exactly. I’m sure there are 8 other teams who “want him” doesn’t mean they are actively trying to get him or that he is at all interested in making a move anywhere. He can just stay here and soak up all of the praises for the rest of his life.
    3 points
  14. And, again, everyone is basing this on Madani saying that the Elks were going to make a big pitch to him. There was never anything said about whether Osh would go. Only that the Elks wanted him. Which is whatever.
    3 points
  15. JCon


    He said last week that his own Christmas plans would violate the current orders, then changed the orders to meet his plans.
    3 points
  16. Booch

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    I see Eli back as well...
    3 points
  17. I doubt we lose any of the starting O-lineman to be honest....you have to remember too...players wanna have to leave and will take a lot to leave a good spot...Our olineman other than Desjarlais are all making around the top of their pay scale...so really to steal one you will have to wayyyyyyy over pay....and is that worth it?...we can offer fair value and have the playoff loot hanging there, plus being the place to be...I'm not worried in the least keeping any key piece, and could see us actually adding a key piece for under market value
    3 points
  18. Hopefully all the overrating of the Hamilton OL, is over. I think more than one team will try to pry an OL out of Winnipeg. We have depth guys who could quite adequately start.
    3 points
  19. Isn't bitching about qb depth a pleasant change from bitching about not having a QB? We've been a have not in terms of starting QB for so long it's nice to have our qb problem be the backup
    3 points
  20. I was actually looking at the stats.. the only quarterbacks to throw over 300 yards this season against us was Arbuckle in week three (the game Toronto beat us) and Maier the backup in Calgary the following week. Sure our defense got better as the season went on but I still think Arbuckle has the potential to be a starter in this league.
    3 points
  21. Please pick Chris Jones!! Please pick Chris Jones!!
    3 points
  22. Bighill almost jumped as well in the play Nichols made to thwart the TD...game of inches indeed Kongbo too made a key play in the run stuff Biggie and Rose made late in 4th quarter forcing a field goal..played it perfect..forced Masolli to bubble back and flip to Jackson where biggie and rose were able to clean up..
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. I think our topics with O'Shea should be more so if the team offers a 3 or 5 year extension for him?
    2 points
  25. Exactly. Just Arash throwing out trash. Unsubstantiated nothing rumours. I am not sure why this guy gets attention he is never right. Then again, he never puts his name on anything than can be proven or disproven so he is never "right/wrong". Useless
    2 points
  26. This idea that Osh has any inclination to leave right now is hilarious. People need to stop casually throwing it out there😄 Zero validity in it.
    2 points
  27. Right it was the tackle. Just sends the guy ass over tea kettle, hilarious.
    2 points
  28. watch in O.T ...I think was O.T where Willie sends the tackle on his ass....funny was that where hi pinned him after the play like a wrestler?...I Laughed at that as well, if thats the same play
    2 points
  29. none of them are retiring this year....they will all be back with slight bumps..I can see Bryant just getting what he did last year...same with Neuf...That 3peat is gonna be a huge come back draw If we close that out next yr tho..I could see Neuf and Bryant shutting it down
    2 points
  30. Noeller


    Kenney's video is one thing only: him saying that he won't do a damn thing to help anyone. He would rather do nothing and just let as many people die as necessary to prevent any further mitigation measures. The UCP base members are absolute evil...
    2 points
  31. Would be nice but Arbuckle is already 28. I don’t think he wants to spend another year being a back up or a 1)B kind of guy. I’m sure he wants a starter job with starter money.
    2 points
  32. Is rather see those than the terrible baby blue hand written logo
    2 points
  33. Booch, Sunderland gave Arbuckle a contract extension just before he was fired. He is an Elk for at least 2022.
    2 points
  34. LaPo is the big problem. He didn't want Arbuckle. He wanted Nichols. Just a horrible personnel decision that deep sixed their season. The salary cap on coaches saved his bacon.
    2 points
  35. The Elks have been a disaster. Please bring on the train wreck that is Chris Jones.
    2 points
  36. That offside Hamilton took in OT was pretty brutal timing too. What a bad time to jump. Whatever, **** em. We're GOAT, everyone else can suck it.
    2 points
  37. I'll never get tired of watching that OT, so when I watch it again today I'll look for Woli. It was funny watching Adeleke throwing his hands up going "WTF" as Bailey was basically uncovered. You could also hear all the air get sucked out of that stadium on that catch, as the fans just all collectively went "Oh no, we not only need to score, we need to get two points after we score, on one of the best defenses in the past 50 years in the CFL, maybe ever". The look on Needy B's face said it all, they knew they were done.
    2 points
  38. Notice how we only win with the classic look? If Wade Miller does read these posts, please don't change the look, colour of the uniforms or the W on the helmet. Just leave it all alone. It's working out just fine.
    2 points
  39. I think Trevor Harris has reached Kevin Glenn’s arc in his career, a former good starter who you would want as a solid backup but probably not winning much as a starter.
    1 point
  40. If anyone listens to the Green Light Podcast (Chris Long) former Bomber Nate Collins gave props to our boys and specifically mentioned how much he loved Jake Thomas (named a few other guys and Osh) and that we went B2B. Nice to get a shout out on a decently big pod!
    1 point
  41. I'd take Harris as a back up QB here. That said, he will be 36 next year so I could see him calling it a career.
    1 point
  42. in 2019 they got personally autographed copies of albums by the Reklaws. Andrew Harris was lucky enough to end up with both copies, which represented 20% of their 2019 sales.
    1 point
  43. Anyone know if the MOP and MOC at the Grey Cup gets anything in terms of some financial award? I am old enough to remember when Sean Kehoe won a brand new car in 1984 for being the Most Outstanding Canadian (**** Suderman Trophy) at the Grey Cup. What do they get now? A $50 gift card to Tim Hortons?
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. They had to give Arbuckle an intensive tc experience to make sure his flex is up to elk standards. I actually like corny as a project qb and back up. He's a guy who should be cheap for a few years while he develops and he can do a couple things well. I wouldn't mind if he was our 4th qb to push McGuire in camp. Yeah maybe he won't Want to take the slow approach. But man the stream line to success hasn't been good to him either. No one wants to be James Franklin. Future star qb to out of football by 30.
    1 point
  46. Tracker


    This is called "the Donald Trump" initiative. Elizabeth Warren and Corey Booker have contracted COVID despite being double-vaccinated, but are experiencing only mild flu symptoms. Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker Test Positive For COVID-19 | HuffPost Latest News
    1 point
  47. Just rewatched the game last night. Just saw a hellacious hit by Jeffcoat that I missed the first time. Just steamrolls the RB behind the play at 7:02 of the 2nd Q. I highly recommend anyone who didn't notice this one (behind the play) to take a look. Hilarious.
    1 point
  48. Nolby

    2021 Blue Bombers Season

    Let's see what kind of loyalty we've got in that department. It's been a treat having our big time guys take huge paycuts and helped tremendously. Hopefully Walters can spin some magic and keep em all together but it's gonna be tough.
    1 point
  49. I just don't see Collaros leaving,going back to the team you were once on that has been beat in back to back grey cups? I don't think Fajardo is going anywhere,I think the Riders try and pry an olineman out of Winnipeg and attempt to rebuild that trash oline.
    1 point
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