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  1. 19 points
  2. 3rdand1.5

    Argos at Bombers GDT

    Booch already has the cheque book out and ready to bid for that Jackson orange......
    11 points
  3. I hope we lay 50 on them, they've still got a defensive playing, let's expose them, crush them on the D line. GO BOMBERS GO!!!!!
    10 points
  4. bigg jay

    Argos at Bombers GDT

    I'm guessing you'll be the only bidder so just send it straight to Booch!
    8 points
  5. And, you know, the racists.
    6 points
  6. Kap was never a locker room cancer. His teammates loved him. Only the NFL owners and management hated him.
    6 points
  7. Wasn't sure where else to put this. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/truth-reconciliation-football-jersey-oak-park-winnipeg-1.6980853
    6 points
  8. Renaud, awesome. I still remember watching a game at the old stadium where he launched a deep punt and for reasons ill never understand was the first guy downfield, and absolutely crushed the returner lmfao. He was crazy. And yes, that Dinwiddie jersey needs to be doused in gasoline and set a blaze, never to be seen again.
    5 points
  9. HardCoreBlue


    What to do? Access well educated highly trained highly experienced well respected medical professionals like pharmacists versus accessing second hand third hand fourth hand information from people like 'Dr.' Theo Fleury and 'Dr.' Jamie Sale?
    5 points
  10. Absolutely love the Star Blanket W... wish they would use that on the helmet all the time. The orange jerseys with it on the front in the style of the blue alternates would be amazing as well. They've had the orange Ts and hoodies for a couple of years now... don't be surprised to see a good chunk of the crowd wearing them tonight, they do look great.
    5 points
  11. Star Blanket W is awesome. We all think it but it bears repeating.
    5 points
  12. Also, because I got tired of Pepper Brooks not looking or talking like Pepper Brooks, I went to chat GPT for some assistance. Bluto to GPT: Please answer all of my questions in the style of the character Pepper Brooks from the movie Dodgeball. Bluto to GPT: How should the Winnipeg Blue Bombers set themselves up to play the Toronto Argonauts? Bluto to GPT: Thanks Pepper, I appreciate your perspective on this important match for Winnipeg.
    5 points
  13. Yeah Dinwiddie is playing silly buggers with that answer.
    5 points
  14. Nothing really changes from the players perspective. Beat the man in front of you and make the play. Same as always.
    5 points
  15. BomberBall

    Argos at Bombers GDT

    What a glorious fall day for a football game. Looking forward to it!!
    4 points
  16. 1-0 this week, 1-0 next week. All that matters.
    4 points
  17. Noeller


    some people projecting their own personal beliefs on to the general public here. Talked to the pharmacist yesterday and already looking forward to October 16th... should have both the seasonal flu shot and the brand spankin' new COVID booster in stock and ready to go. Looking forward to loading up the protection as we head into the always brutal Cold/Flu/COVID season...
    4 points
  18. Kap is good peeps....he stood up...well guess kneeled down for something he believed in, and had full support of his teamates...he was no cancer....he was just blackballed out of the league yes this here
    4 points
  19. JCon

    Argos at Bombers GDT

    Sorry, folks, the Game Day email is a long one this week. Lots of info about Orange Shirt Day (jerseys and merch), battery disposal boxes, and support for local schools through supply donations. Be in your seats for 6:45 tonight. ORANGE JERSEY BIDS: https://can.givergy.com/OrangeJerseyAuction2023/?controller=home
    4 points
  20. 4 points
  21. Doug Brown is absolutely PISSED. OFF. about the Argos resting players today (especially Kelly).... spitting fire, not even trying to be funny. Just straight up ANGRY right now...
    3 points
  22. Or maybe this Demski kid will pan out.
    3 points
  23. I keep on hearing how good Toronto is, GC 2022 Champions and 'you are your record' so Toronto should be the favorite tonight, depth playing in certain positions or not. Enough with the silliness of guaranteed win for us nonsense thrown at us by argoblow fans because of who their team has decided to healthy scratch. Put up or shut up.
    3 points
  24. You're on the road to recovery and it's good to see...
    3 points
  25. I'm sure Osh is all over that one....bid him up!!!! hahah hahaha....I gonna bid osh up...he prob slept in it last night too......I figured you guys would have me all over Holms, tho be useless to me as my kids were that big at 12...so wouldnt fit haha On a diff note...have met Jackson...great guy...good story....not his fault his HC has made him a whipping boy
    3 points
  26. bluto

    Argos at Bombers GDT

    Thanks guys. The email above made it sound like the Argos were wearing Orange jersey which were up for auction too. No such luck. Maybe I'll bid on the Damian Jackson jersey and donate it to MBB if I win... EDIT: seriously though, those orange Ts and Hoodies look cool. You guys should jump on those.
    3 points
  27. JCon

    Argos at Bombers GDT

    I've added the link to the above post.
    3 points
  28. Glad to see some sanity on page 10. Who cares what the Argos are doing with their roster? This week we're going 1-0 and that's all I care about. Glad to see JJ and Hansen back and I'm really looking forward to the craziness at IGF tonight!
    3 points
  29. Kap is definitely a side show for the cfl. I for one, think he could actually play, and play well. 7 years removed from pro football is a long time. But I'd say he's a better qb than Johnny manziel ever was. I think it would be an interesting grab for the cfl and would catch a lot of eyes. I'm for it
    3 points
  30. I ******* hate the way he plays the game. *******. Hate. It.
    3 points
  31. Yup...u play it out and let chips fall where they fall ...u may rotate more...and limit reps but totally not dressing and having any play time....no way
    3 points
  32. I still think Dinwiddie was kidding/playing for the local media, but......
    3 points
  33. I never liked the resting and coasting as a player...and it often led to injuries when you get back...and or lack luster play....in football u never let up or pause....just don't do it We should never have let up in Banjo Bowl ..and we let up in Ottawa...look what happened there..
    3 points
  34. So nice that you bring up Kevin Glenn, throw in Collaros last year too. Injuries can happen at any time. Did resting collaros last season help keep him healthy for the Grey Cup? You step on the field you run the risk of an injury. Just the way it is. You play the game to win.
    3 points
  35. I wish we had a who cares emoticon. I'm with the WBB players/coaches on this one when they say they couldn't care less on who they field or not field and the coaches justifications for doing so. Our goal is to execute and win not to decipher and care about what the argblows are doing.
    3 points
  36. Iron Mike Renaud? His special teams coverage (until he blew out his knee) was great!
    2 points
  37. My buddy has an Oosterhuis jersey lol.
    2 points
  38. Somebody call Poulin's to get rid of the cockroaches on this site right now.........
    2 points
  39. Exactly right. Seems they may not be as focused as they need to be as well. I have a hard time buying into the age is a factor thing when we can completely dominate at any given time. If our problem was age related we would be getting worse as the season progresses and that's not the case as the Banjo Bowl clearly illustrated. It could be that the players just aren't as hungry after years of success. That is something they need to gut check within themselves.
    2 points
  40. Probably has FIFO engraved on the inside too.
    2 points
  41. Yeah argos trying their very best to be the Bombers.
    2 points
  42. What a time to be alive. Much better than the years we were lucky to get 4 wins. I wouldn't call it luck. I'd call it having a good team. The problem is the team is getting older and they're dropping a few of the close ones because of it. That's where they need to have some adequate depth in place. It's not as dire yet as some make it seem, but gotta be forward thinking.
    2 points
  43. I thought about bidding $1 for the Jackson jersey but was afraid I might win.
    2 points
  44. Good luck. Edit: Wow, the shirts are actually on the website. I didn't have much faith as a lot of stuff isn't on there. They could do a better job of highlighting their availability however. https://www.thebomberstore.com/bulletin-primary-w-orange-tee.html
    2 points
  45. Seems pretty motivated to me. It " **SEEMS** like he just wants to play. I guess we'll find out now Nothing I've seen from kap in my humble opinion is prima Donna, just blacklisted. I'm not interested in political discussion here but there's no doubt he's been blacked balled by the nfl Ffs we signed Pacman Jones..
    2 points
  46. bluto

    Argos at Bombers GDT

    Honey Garlic Pork bites sounds good. Could someone please PM me the link to bid on an Orange jersey?
    2 points
  47. *Couldn't care less.... .... but yes..... one week at a time, as has always been the mantra. Just win this week, worry about BC after that.
    2 points
  48. Milanovich made all the difference in the world for Hamilton. They're a totally different team since he arrived (if you ignore the most recent Toronto game where they laid an egg)
    2 points
  49. You must be new to sports....
    2 points
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