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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-05-16 in Posts

  1. He'd have to prove his intelligence has increased over the past 18 months for me to want him here! 😂 https://3downnation.com/2021/11/05/patrick-levels-thinks-montreal-is-a-better-team-than-winnipeg/
    12 points
  2. I don't want a leader who will confidently March people in the wrong direction. I want people who will listen and can admit when they were mistaken. Changing your mind isn't weakness, it's being a rational person.
    9 points
  3. That's such an old way of thinking that needs to change. I think it's more powerful to recognize a mistake and adjust accordingly. Many of the world's problems result from people backed into a corner and unable to reverse course on a decision.
    8 points
  4. Always the best time of the season this! Well and the first game week lol. Think we have some good rookies here and eager to see what they can all do moving forward. Been off the forum for a bit due to some pretty bad things that went on in my life: Bad wreck, loss of employment, etc but am in a better place now and looking forward to a new season of Bomber football. Hope everyone here has been doing alright.👍
    8 points
  5. MOS quote "There’s different ways to do it. You either say, ‘Here’s our system. We’re very rigid. We’re bringing people in to fit that system. If you don’t fit the system, you’re gone.’ We look at it the other way — what can they do and how do we put them on the field and have them be successful.” ‐‐--------Just another example of why MOS is such a great coach.
    7 points
  6. Booch gonna be inconsolable
    6 points
  7. As good a reason as any to learn a language. Respect.
    6 points
  8. Winning covers up a fair amount of character imperfections (not that OSH has any - he was cool, calm and collected before 2019 even though some called for his head back then). Luckily Wade was patient and we reaped the benefits.
    6 points
  9. Glad Osh is ours. I remember the day he first showed up when they held a little pc, snowed like mad the day of and before. Dudes a legend now as a coach and player
    6 points
  10. Need a receiver who can catch 75-25 balls.
    5 points
  11. Wideleft

    Manitoba Politics

    Mad Max late to right-of-centre festivities in Portage-LisgarP By: Dan Lett Posted: 7:00 PM CDT Monday, May. 15, 2023 OPINION It’s not clear yet whether the good people of Portage-Lisgar should be honoured or concerned that Maxime Bernier wants to make this federal riding his home. In a thoroughly telegraphed but woefully underwhelming announcement last Friday, the People’s Party of Canada leader announced he was going to be a candidate in the June 19 byelection in Portage-Lisgar, one of four key byelections to be held that day in Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. You could tell by the tone of his news release that he thought this was going to be big news; unfortunately for the PPC leader, the national media reacted with little more than a shrug. Still, Mad Max’s arrival in the middle of the country raises a couple of important questions. Will this riding serve as the fertile ground on which Bernier can grow the base of the PPC and make Canadian political history? Or, will his party’s fortunes — which have hovered just short of a breakthrough — wilt like wheat in a Prairie drought? In the final analysis, Bernier’s decision to play the political carpetbagger in Manitoba says a lot about the steep hill facing the PPC as it attempts to become the sixth party in the House of Commons. In theory, Bernier could have run in any of next month’s four byelections, including in Notre-Dame-de-Grace, the Montreal riding held for 15 years by former astronaut and Liberal cabinet minister Marc Garneau. Bernier is, after all, a native Quebecer and represented the federal riding of Beauce (south of Quebec City) for 13 years. However, he tried twice (in 2019 and 2021) to recapture Beauce and in both instances, he finished comfortably in second place. The thought of competing for a seat in a Liberal stronghold in ultra-urban Montreal was, in the final analysis, not all that appealing. The same predicament faced Bernier in Winnipeg South Centre, one of the longest-held Liberal seats in Canada. Ben Carr, son of the late Jim Carr, who held the riding for many years and served in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet, is hoping to keep the seat in the Grit fold. Winnipeg South Centre is as inhospitable a riding for Bernier as Notre-Dame-de-Grace. The PPC ran a candidate against the elder Carr in 2021 and received only two per cent of the total votes cast. That leaves the Ontario riding of Oxford, which has been left open thanks to the departure of Conservative MP David McKenzie. Oxford is considered a Tory stronghold and the PPC captured a respectable 6,500 votes — 10 per cent of the total — in the 2021 federal election. But a right-of-centre voter in southwestern Ontario is perhaps not the same kind of right-of-centre voter likely to flock to the PPC. Even with anti-vax and anti-mask sentiments running hot across Canada, MacKenzie was still able to collect nearly 30,000 votes, overwhelming the PPC result. So, by default, that leaves us with Portage-Lisgar. Bernier knows full well that southern Manitoba has become a hotbed of far-right, libertarian activism, the core attributes of PPC supporters. With arguably the lowest vaccination rate in the country, it was not surprising the PPC and candidate Solomon Wiebe were able to collect some 9,790 votes in the 2021 election. Manitoba is also a province where Bernier got great headlines for being charged two years ago with breaching pandemic restrictions. It is a brilliant coincidence that on Tuesday, just four days after he announced his Portage-Lisgar candidacy, Bernier is scheduled to make a court appearance to contest his June 2021 arrest and charges for violating pandemic restrictions. When you’re campaigning on an anti-government platform, being arrested by the Deep State is priceless political marketing. And yet, even with all those positive signs, there is evidence the voters Bernier needs to win this byelection are already comfortable tucked into the folds of the Conservative party. For evidence of that, you need only look at the results of the recent Conservative nomination in Portage-Lisgar to see how successful the federal Tories, behind the hard-right leadership of Pierre Poilievre, have been at recruiting far-right voters. Former Tory MLA Cameron Friesen — a health and finance minister in the Progressive Conservative government who was considered to be a thought-leader for the far-right and ultra-religious sects within the provincial caucus — was considered to be a strong option for the nomination to replace Conservative MP Candice Bergen. However, when the final results were announced, Friesen was left behind in the dust of Branden Leslie, Bergen’s former campaign manager. Leslie, who organized pro-freedom rallies and is well-equipped to talk the libertarian talk, is a potent opponent for Bernier. And therein lies the rub for the PPC leader: riding voters who share the same ideological plain as the PPC leader are fully and completely embedded in the federal Conservative party riding association, and likely in the Tory voting base. Bernier can rail on about the “Fake Conservative party,” the “radical left” and “woke culture” all he wants. In Portage-Lisgar, it’s a song often sung by others with deeper roots in the riding. dan.lett@winnipegfreepress.com https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/2023/05/15/mad-max-late-to-right-of-centre-festivities-in-portage-lisgar 0 PM CDT Monday, May. 15, 2023
    5 points
  12. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    You piqued my interest. "The final problem threatening societies like the US concerns the pervasive bias in favour of privately produced goods and services at the expense of those provided by government. Inadequate public provision, Galbraith argues, hampers the most effective use of society’s expanded productive capacity while unnecessarily impoverishing most citizens’ lives. This outcome is due to an amalgam of the factors and forces identified earlier in the book – namely, the debt-fuelled process of want creation, the malign impact of vested interests, the ideology of market fundamentalism and the associated attack on the proper economic role of the state. Galbraith’s analysis raises issues that have recently resurfaced in heated debates over privatization. It also strongly resonates with recent developments in environmental economics and policy. In short, Galbraith’s theory of social balance remains one of the enduring contributions of The Affluent Society, fifty years after its publication and counting."
    5 points
  13. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    Just to recap. If any Albertan is even considering voting for Danielle Smith, they are either a True Believer, totally ignorant of her character (she had a popular radio talk-show, after all) or voting against the NDP out of spite. Don't be offended if people call you out for waffling on this one when the choice is so clear and don't blame people who call you out for waffling as your reason to keep voting for the "Conservative" brand. Same goes for the Federal Cons and the American Republicans. This s**t is getting existential.
    5 points
  14. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    FYI: The Manitoba Registered Nurses' Association is giving out lawn signs that read "Vote Like Your Life Depends On it". If you would like one, call: (204) 774-3477
    5 points
  15. Has Maas been taking classes so he can swear in both official languages?
    4 points
  16. blue_gold_84

    Space is the Place

    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. The fragility of some people. Amazing that they don't break just getting out of bed.
    4 points
  19. @DTonOB Day 3 of Bombers camp: looks like Brady Oliveira has the day off. Bighill, Grant, Thomas and O’Leary-Orange as well. @DTonOB Looked like another good round from the kickers. Side view, but it looked like only two misses: Castillo from 50 and Liegghio from 54 @DTonOB Evan Holm got some reps at halfback with the 1st D during team period. Believe that’s the first time we’ve seen that in camp
    4 points
  20. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    And this one (from 1963): 60 ******* years ago.
    4 points
  21. I much prefer this way of doing things opposed to being so rigid in your system. You waste so much potential doing it the other way.
    4 points
  22. Looks like zac spent some time in the gym this winter.... He is way more ripped than when he came to us... That means alot btw...
    4 points
  23. This is the full list of Bombers who qualify as Nationalized Americans: Brandon Alexander Alden Darby Jr Winston Rose Jackson Jeffcoat Willie Jefferson Adam Bighill Stanley Bryant Jermarcus Hardrick Rasheed Bailey Janarion Grant Sergio Castillo (not sure how the rules work for kickers)
    4 points
  24. They scored 7 touchdowns off fumble recoveries and pick sixes alone, so that's where the big difference is (we only had 2). While I myself wouldn't say they struggled outside of Carey, they certainly didn't light it up through the air either. They finished with 144 points from passing plays (tied with Montreal for 4th place). That left them a whopping 120 points behind Winnipeg's 264 in that category.
    4 points
  25. some fun stuff with Liam Dobson......
    3 points
  26. Only in the CFL can you fail upwards. Terrible O in Saskatchewan.. gets fired, gets rewarding with a head coaching position..
    3 points
  27. JCon

    Around The NHL 2022-23

    12 years later and the NHL is still a joke. The Arizona Bettmans are a joke.
    3 points
  28. I like Holms. Hoping he can take the next step this year.
    3 points
  29. sure...but why was this brought up at all...?
    3 points
  30. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    There is a reason why all major political parties contract their own polling services and also a reason why some polls are leaked or minimized. The persuasion game in politics has many tentacles.
    3 points
  31. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    3 points
  32. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    I had to snap at my father in law on the weekend cause he's on team blue because orange lady bad.
    3 points
  33. The modern day Don...just much less of an A-Hole.
    3 points
  34. You're more than welcome not to read my posts if they bother you so much.
    3 points
  35. Lord, I can't even begin to keep up with all the **** that's flowing in the last couple of weeks. This first clip is from yesterday, she intends to implement an Ab. police force, no question. The guy interviewing her is Vince Byfield, a well known zealot that happens to now be a director on the board of the UCP and the Take Back AB. group. Smith is accepting 6 questions in total from the Press. Order of outlets asking Danielle Smith questions so far at today’s press conference: 1. Western Standard 2. Rebel Media 3. True North … Pretty sure this one violates the Charter of Rights as did the electronic bracelet monitoring on parolees of interest, as you can't kidnap an innocent person off the street against their will and hold them in custody, even if it's for their own benefit. Shades of Fascism arising, who's next, political opponents? Pièce de résistance, this nutter is the VP of the Alberta Prosperity Project. Moderate Conservatives don't seem to be paying attention to what's going on behind the scenes in this election. If they get their foot in the door the next 4 years are going to be hell for Canada.
    3 points
  36. Tracker

    Manitoba Politics

    Of course! Just look at how MTS/Bell improved after Filmon privatized it- even though he "promised" the Cons would not.
    3 points
  37. AND better service.
    3 points
  38. the great ones never get complacent....
    3 points
  39. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    Not what he said.
    2 points
  40. I think the most telling thing in that poll is the "I Don't Know" column.
    2 points
  41. Sounds like he's juat pacing his older veterans. Why burn them out at TC when there is 18 regular season games they have to play? I think that's O'Shea's thought process here.
    2 points
  42. Wilbur

    2023 NHL Playoffs Thread

    Will be heading to Raleigh for Game 1 when it is confirmed. Let's go Canes!
    2 points
  43. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    according to Ryan Jespersen, Edmonton media personality..... the word on the street is that UCP door-knockers are pleading with supporters to stick with the party, implying that Smith will be punted shortly after the election. If TBA is still pulling the strings for the UCP, that would mean someone AS crazy or even MORE......would be instituted after Smith got turfed. Terrifying and smacks of desperation on the part of the UCP....
    2 points
  44. Hmmmm....this explains some of my wife's descriptions of me.
    2 points
  45. Don't you know that privatization ALWAYS leads to lower costs to the consumer? /s
    2 points
  46. Probably best to take opinion-based polling with a massive grain of salt these days. Pollsters/polling firms aren't necessarily ensuring those they poll are adequately informed.
    2 points
  47. I want to meet the official who is tasked to maintain the: “Two additional Nationalized Americans can substitute for a National starter for up to 49 percent of snaps in a game” rule.
    2 points
  48. So you would rather it be like riderfans.com then with everyone having an extremely bias take? I was not aware that everyone is suppose to agree and not give an opinion that may differ.
    2 points
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