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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-11-10 in Posts

  1. Around 2300 tickets left, so we are around 31k sold. A sell out is 33,234. Let’s sell this bad boy out. You guys who watch from afar and spend a lot of time enjoying this team feel free to help the club out and donate to groups such as : https://winnipeg.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/tickets/ Or ask the Bombers how to donate - they work with amazing groups like the St. Amant Centre. Donating tickets also makes you eligible for a tax receipt
    9 points
  2. 8 points
  3. 3 things not mentioned that are important to consider: 1. Ratings are down in part compared to last year because Saskatchewan was not playing. Rider and Bomber games always draw the most eyeballs 2. The ratings do not account for streaming of games, which negatively affects the numbers. Actual total viewership will be higher than what the ratings reflect. And most importantly: 3. The CFL western final had better ratings than every other single sporting event on that day - including all the NFL games, and Maple Leafs game, and a Raptors game. League of course has issues, but adding some context puts those numbers in a much more positive light.
    8 points
  4. 8 points
  5. yeah....this team is focused and putting in the work....no doubts there
    7 points
  6. CBC did a good job with games
    7 points
  7. Yet another really great piece from Our Man Tait, and some awesome quotes from the fellas (Nicky D, Biggie, Osh....)
    7 points
  8. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    If true, Christmas came early.
    7 points
  9. 7 points
  10. It frightens me that Nye picked us......
    6 points
    6 points
  12. It just sums up this team's attitude. "We know how hard it was to win before, we need to work harder to win again"
    6 points
  13. I'll quote David Bouchard every time the Bombers host a game in November: Still you're not from the prairie and yet you know cold..you say you've been cold? Do you know what to do to relieve so much pain Of burning from deep down that drives you insane? Your ears and your hands right into your toes A child who's been cold on the prairie will know Of all of those memories we share when we're old None are more clear then that hard bitter cold You'll not find among us a soul who can say "I've conquered the wind on a cold winter's day" If you're not from the prairie you don't know the cold you've
    6 points
  14. If Sportsnet does for the CFL what they did for the NHL broadcasts, hard pass from me. Although they way overpaid for the rights, their production and panels IMO are awful. And the last thing I want is resident malcontent Arash Madani becoming the Sportsnet face of “let me tell you why the CFL is irrelevant, bring on the XFL” every time he opens his mouth when he covers the league.
    6 points
  15. now that would be a big bonus....i sure he be eased in possibly in WF...or is he slated right in?....but him added to Rose, Nichols, BA, Darby and Parker, with also Ford showing he is more than capable, and whomever the extra db will be...gives us some real nice depth/options....
    6 points
  16. This tweet alone can carry the media team to Grey Cup week- but then they have to work.
    5 points
  17. “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Rod Black, who was crucified. He is here; he has risen, just as he said.
    5 points
  18. No Riders in the WSF this year is the big difference in ratings.
    5 points
  19. Houston practicing, if he's ready to go they'll be down to one rookie in the secondary, Parker.
    5 points
  20. The constant feed of stuff like this is why I believe this team will over achieve even the sum of their pieces until the wheels fall off.
    5 points
  21. 5 points
  22. Nye picking us scares me too. I will say Costabile writes for the CFL Fantasy but her actually picks for the CJOB league were weak. O'Leary's regular season record speaks for itself. My point most of these people are experts in name only.
    4 points
  23. am I crazy or has our social media team not been the envy of the league for at least the last few years.....? It seems odd to hear that our social media team isn't doing enough....I'm not disagreeing, but I could have sworn we were the ones that everyone was trying to be like.
    4 points
  24. yup...agreed....I also truly see no want or reason for either to leave....cause really why would they....sometimes legacy and perpetual success and accolades goes a long way...and if it came to money...I'm sure the Club will make it work....especially now with the cap...only so much u can give without raping your staff and not having quality across the board
    4 points
  25. Tell me about it! I can’t focus on work or anything else this week. All I care about right now is the game on Sunday. It’s been a long week.
    4 points
  26. JCon

    US Politics

    I have zero problems with it. Although, our system of paper ballots and machine counting seems farrrrrrr superior. That and we don't allow the politicians to mess with the electoral process.
    4 points
  27. thing is....if the leadership group is maintained, and the continual retention of core players, and new blood that fits the narrative, then the wheels shouldnt fall off....but this is pro sports, and it eventually becomes cyclical...but some times takes a loooong time
    4 points
  28. Houston was a full participant at practice today.
    4 points
  29. Oh yeah, for sure.... I only post it to give Matty something else to be angry about this afternoon.......
    3 points
  30. They are good overall- but they have fallen asleep the last two weeks. We have two posts on Twitter today. One is the injury report and the other is a RT from Global interviewing WJ. 😴
    3 points
  31. Maybe....but if we're actually at 31k+, maybe it IS working as a war cry of sorts? I mean, 2300 shy of a sellout in that barn is pretty damn good.... it's going to be raucous in there.
    3 points
  32. Like who is this marketed towards? This makes approximately zero people want to go that we’re not already planning to go. This is also basically the extent of their marketing effort online so far as well. Come on. This almost makes me not want to go. The White Out marketing works because you are inside and warm. This is just ineffective.
    3 points
  33. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Sounds more to me that he wanted someone else to handle it so he didn't have to. Same as every other conservative premier. They knew this was a problem that needed resolved but they didn't want to go against people who vote for them. Which is why the feds had to step in.
    3 points
  34. "Biggie,Biggie,Biggie can't you see,the lights aren't on in the facility" Dudes a perfect example of hard work
    3 points
  35. CBC did a better job with presentation- and Saturday afternoon games were great.
    3 points
  36. I would love for them to try Saturday games (again?). I know the bars and restaurants around the country likely agree too. It's gonna be hard for me to go out for some drinks after the game Sunday.
    3 points
  37. Yeah if they keep the core of Walter and mos in tact the wheels could stay on the bus for 20 years. This golden age of the bombers could last longer than the riders longest grey cup drought lol.
    3 points
  38. yup....and Lately Parker has been playing great...and gets better and better....also rarely misses a tackle.
    3 points
  39. Why the CFL wants to compete with the NFL on Sundays during the playoffs make no sense. Plus not having the games on network tv like CTV really hurts. The goal should be maximum exposure for the CFL but I dunno the way this league is run.
    3 points
  40. Not really - hurries and disrupted passing lanes are just as good.
    3 points
  41. Needs to be chanted all game long! Enough said.
    3 points
  42. I vote Baffin Island Do not use that pool
    3 points
  43. https://3downnation.com/2022/11/09/canadian-offensive-lineman-drew-desjarlais-joins-new-orleans-saints-practice-roster/
    3 points
  44. They do get the advantages that come along with being the underdog so we quickly need to let them know why they are the underdog. Don’t let them hang around at all.
    3 points
  45. Are they the underdog though? Media can't shut up about them and the Bombers are just ho hum whatever.
    2 points
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