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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-10-28 in Posts

  1. I predict a packed house full of Rourke groupies. People who can't get tickets will risk life and limb scaling the walls to get a glimpse of the legend that is Rourke. Women will tear each other apart trying to get his towel. Men will take out second mortgages to buy his game worn jersey. We are so lucky to be graced with his presence if only for a quarter
    13 points
  2. I am just going to ponder how lucky I am to be in the same stadium as Nathan Rourke tonight.
    11 points
  3. man....if only Dan Clark was able to be there be just the best game ever
    10 points
  4. Forecast: 10C (feels like 7) at kick off, with winds out of the SW of 19kmh gusting to 30. By the end, 9, feels like 6. Gorgeous fall weather.
    9 points
  5. Rourke is literally the only storyline this week. We already did our work and this game means nothing.
    8 points
  6. looking forward tho to see what and How Ford does....has the tools to be a good corner
    7 points
  7. even by the very low standard set by this message board, this is just such an insane conversation that I cannot believe is still going.... my goodness, thank **** it's a game day...
    7 points
  8. Who: Domesticated short-hairs @ The Back-to-back, reigning, defending, Grey Cup Champions! What: CFL Football When: Tonight, October 28th, 7:30 Central Where: Fort Hew, Deep in Bomber Territory TSN/RDS CJOB Why: FOOOOOOTBALL!!! LFG!!!!!
    6 points
  9. The only real obstacles are internal. There isn't another team that beats us if we do our job.
    6 points
  10. He can be a good qb worthy of an NFL look and massive raise and still be over rated you know. But again, don't cut yourself on all that edge you're posting with.
    6 points
  11. 6 points
  12. Guys, I did a quick image search and the injury has not been kind to Rourke. I don't think we have anything to worry about.
    5 points
  13. Football teams rarely, if ever, have their players best interests in mind.
    5 points
  14. I'm already exhausted from reading/hearing about Rourke and the will he/won't he/should he.........**** off already. Let's play ball and park that kid on his ass over and over and over.
    5 points
  15. I just hope we don't have to put up with Suitor slobbering all over Rourke.....and man what If it was Suitor and Farhan...hahaha...I'd prob drive a knife through my ears
    5 points
  16. At any rate, Rourke's 3rd year is a moot point anyhow. The Lions are unable to do any kind of extension until his NFL option has expired and it is almost a certainty that he will look at NFL offers and that he will receive them. The state of QBing in the NFL is questionable right now and there is this 24 year old kid out there that just ripped the 2nd best league on the planet a new arsehole. Anyone thinking there will be anything but massive interest in Rourke is dreaming in technicolor. He has demonstrated at a very young age that he can ball, that is an NFL scouts wet dream. If he was 26 or 27 the interest might be lukewarm, but at 24, teams can really take their time and develop him and still get a young QB out of the deal. He's gone imo. The NFL will come for him, not because he is better than a Zac Collaros or BLM in his prime, but because he is so much younger than either of them were when they demonstrated they could ball up here. Even if the Lions throw 600k at him he likely still bolts. I mean, why not if you were him? Take your shot. If it doesn't work out you come back to the CFL to the highest bidder in a couple years and make your bank for the next 10 years. At his age, he would be monumentally stupid to not bolt to the NFL next year and at least try to live the dream. He will, at the very least, be a PR lock for any team that takes him.
    5 points
  17. This is understandable... I would bet no one, other than Bomber fans, want the Bombers to win another Grey Cup.... if the Bombers were terrible right now and one of our rivals were going for a three peat... I'd probably jump on the Rourke bandwagon for the playoffs
    4 points
  18. Mark F

    US Politics

    this is astounding. the nazis that almost succeeded in kidnapping wittmer , are being convicted, and sentenced. Wonder how far this will go? really frightening. didnt read how the nazi got near pelosi, but... This incident supports my thinking in spite of everything that has happened, since Trump, the people in power, in the States, Biden, Nancy, Schumer, et al, just have not grasped the seriousness of the situation. They just dont seem to get it, viscerally. They seem to think that proceeding with polite, orderly hearings, will take care of the problem. making smart ass comments to the press now and then. it might be beyond their comprehension.
    4 points
  19. I can't wait for this week to be over. Some people are so ****ing exhausting, they just suck the life out of this place.
    4 points
  20. On July 9th a healthy Rourke was 16/25 for 278 yards, had 3 tds & 2 interceptions against the Bombers in their cozy dome. Regardless of what he does tonight & in the WSF, he doesn't scare me and I'd love for them to knock off the Stamps in their dome and get stomped by the Bombers the next week. Stamps are the biggest threat to the 3peat imo.
    4 points
  21. People are confusing two things - Rourke's potential and Rourke's resume, Resume - has none. Potential - almost limitless
    4 points
  22. 4 points
  23. 4 points
  24. 17to85

    US Politics

    Won't somebody please think of the shareholders!!!!
    4 points
  25. Make no mistake. The majority of non-playoff team cfl fans and commentators want Nathan Rourke and the BC Lions to win this year's Grey Cup. But the Bombers know what it takes to win it and are the better team.
    4 points
  26. let's............*******............ goooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Tired of hearing about Rourke. Only concerned about Nov 13. Win would be nice, but I fully expect heavy scoops of vanilla on both sides of the ball, so we'll see what happens. I'm just very very very excited to park my fat ass in my recliner in the basement with a 1919 and do some yelling and screaming. Let's go Bluuuuuuuuuuueee!! #FortHew #DefendTheFort
    4 points
  27. The d***-riding is getting a bit tiresome, even Rourke thinks so.
    4 points
  28. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    If correct, it's odd then that he would turn around and then dump on the party for the way the leadership race was handled and the way they are running government. He could have bowed out of the leadership race for the same reasons he gave (not enough time to mount a serious campaign) without throwing the party under the bus. I agree that anyone would have had a tough time stepping in during the pandemic, but Gillingham seems like the anti-Pallister, in that he seems to be thoughtful and considerate. A leader like him could have potentially turned things around for the party but instead you get a completely out of touch Stefanson who has only further eroded their support.
    4 points
  29. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Poached this sentence from an opinion piece by Ryan Coogan on Kanye West: . . . we’re currently living in a cultural moment where espousing far-right rhetoric is “just another side to the conversation”. I think he's being kind by labelling it 'far-right rhetoric'.
    4 points
  30. Woli in the slot is going to be great to finally see too. bc sucks!
    3 points
  31. I am legit disappointed I didn't get to see him live this year (I'm not going tonight). In a world where he stayed healthy, and tonight's game was to decide first place, that would be a rocking stadium.
    3 points
  32. dog-******* in full force! Playing requests for a bro that's listening online from Victoria, and just waiting till 4:30 pre-game show. Stoked for CA to make his debut tonight. We have a workout room in our office, so I'm going to pre-record some of my afternoon and hit the treadmill to listen to the pre-game tonight. Just killing time til then! LFG!!!!!
    3 points
  33. what about if it was happening in the rumpus room? lol
    3 points
  34. Any Bomber that inflicts even the most innocent of hits that puts him down will be scrutinized. If he happens to be reinjured, the national sports media will view the Bomber player through the same lens as Mosca after Fleming. Good times
    3 points
  35. It's almost like this is a place to put out opinions on things that happen around the CFL...in fact, now that I wrote that out. We should really start a website like that! Honestly though, I think you're reading too much into what people are putting down here. The people who are saying they don't like him, from what I gather are saying it because of the jersey he wears not because of the talent he has/doesn't have. As far as I can see, most people want him to succeed because of the reasons you listed, it would be great for the league. That doesn't make him untouchable from other fans...or free from jokes about the attention he is getting. I ******* hated AC when he played, it doesn't mean I thought he was trash. I just didn't want him to do well against the Bombers. Likewise with Rourke, I think the media needs to put more respect on the way the Bombers handled him when he played a game against them. That does not mean I think he is a **** QB. I also think he will get an NFL shot due to his talent. That does not mean I think he should be put on the levels of the Fluties/Ray/AC/Collaros/Moon etc etc. It's hard to believe, but 2 things can be true at once.
    3 points
  36. The Rourke attention is fully justified. People are just butt hurt because we want all the attention on us. Rourke could be exactly the kind of superstar this league needs at the exact position the league needs more talent at. But even though Rourke has that potential, we are the better team - as we’ve already proven.
    3 points
  37. Especially ones so seemingly desperate for success like BC. Honestly I hope someone on our DL absolutely buries Rourke within the rules the first time he drops back to pass.
    3 points
  38. was on the tsn app...clicked winnipeg blue bombers....first three stories all about Rourke, even though I had clicked on the Bombers!
    3 points
  39. Realistically, as good as he has been so far, the jury is still out on Rourke. In any case, if the Lions choose to have him play tonight or even in the WSF, they are a pack of idiots. They are likely one and done in the WSF and they have to weigh the risk against screwing up his promising future. Adams is not a saviour but has shown some ability to win, so the outcome in the WSF is apt to be the same in either scenario. There is a rule in gambling: Don't play with money you can't afford to lose.
    3 points
  40. well if u look at the timelines...dates....and when hardware comes out ....which is the healing period....he is well under it...and obviously not totally healed....but is "pain free" but deosnt mean healed...pain free with tossing and skeleton work....big difference....and u can be ahead of the schedule....sure..happens with injuries...but not with structural fixation procedures using hardware...of which needs to be surgically removed to complete the healing, and that hasnt been done The second study the one with the NFL players...where it states the timelines...and averages...also the propencity for being back to normal after the healing...which is very rare was pointed out to me from a staff member of the Arizona Cardinals strength and conditioning and rehab team...whom I do camps with and is a guideline all teams basically follow. I ran by him this lil scenario and whats happening...and the time lines and he said thats crazy, and is a recipe for disaster, and can't even believe the team orthopedic physician is even halfway ok with that. I will stick to my opinion, and from the mouths of other who know WTF they talkin about on an NFL team as opposed to google and assumptions...he may not get hurt...he may get re-hurt ans never be the same...who knows, but fact of the matter it's a desperate rush job and frankly quite stupid... based on?...u are so full of crap...did you not read the second study...with NFL PLAYERS..and their return to play....obviously not, and also read my other post on actually asking a NFL team rehab and strength person about it....not just a google search and or assumption to continue an argument....good grief
    3 points
  41. JCon

    World Politics

    This is my shocked face:
    3 points
  42. Not an apt comparison, IMO. The 2001 Blue Bombers weren't back-to-back champs; they let their hubris get the best of them and it cost them dearly. This team, this group, its leaders, and its coaches all know what's required to win. They've been there twice now.
    3 points
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