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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-02-22 in Posts

  1. That is not a good match for Strevy. Fur coat in Florida? Bad idea.
    8 points
  2. Good for you Strev!! If we can't have him, I don't want anyone else in the CFL getting him either.
    5 points
  3. courtesy our boy @rileymarra, it looks like Strev is "taking his talents to South Beach"....
    5 points
  4. Women’s rights (reproductive and other), LGBTQ rights.
    5 points
  5. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Science. Democracy.
    5 points
  6. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Competent and intelligent but completely unable to produce or defend a policy position that does not lie in Provincial jurisdiction. They need good policy people in the party. Those who can articulate and structure an actual policy that the Fed NDP could enact if in gov't or push for in a minority gov't. They could quickly coalesce the left, with the Green's abandoning any reason, if they could just get it together.
    5 points
  7. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Those are losing ones for conservatives then. They aren't going to touch housing affordability. Too anti-free market. Hard sell for their supporters. They will make noises about cutting taxes but so will the liberals. No one will actually do it. Cost of living, well again bad conservative situation. They don't do anything to help. Example, Jason kenney and his government have directly made utility and auto insurance costs higher here. Know what a big thing in the Liberals favour is? Their childcare plan. That's a direct improvement in people with young kids lives to make their costs of living go down and improve their finances. The entire conservative platform these days is "**** Trudeau! And **** the Liberals!" Plays well with idiots but offers nothing for Canadians as has lost 3 elections in a row with 3 different leaders shouting that message. They lose trudeau it gets harder cause he really is a liability for the Liberals at this point.
    5 points
  8. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    If you wanted to make the argument that Trudeau did exactly the right thing, your best argument might be that Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, and Marjorie Taylor Greene disapprove strongly. The “reverse” character witness.
    5 points
  9. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    It's a trick question because there are no conservatives left. The CPCs are not interested in governing or having ideas. They have nothing but cozying up to white supremacists and calling Trudeau bad. An actual policy? Heck no.
    5 points
  10. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    And don't forget, that was 100% caused by the Liberals. There wasn't a global pandemic and supply chain issues that no government in the world had any control over......
    5 points
  11. I do believe they were really after him before he signed with Arizona
    4 points
  12. I seriously think cold weather played a large factor. I remember seeing a quick shot of him on the sidelines during the West Final where an excited teammate was talking to him, and he was just standing there with one of those big puffy sideline jackets on just shaking his head and looking like he wanted to die.
    4 points
  13. Yeah, in the CFL.ca article, Stove even talked about how much he enjoyed that scenery when the Bombers would be playing out there. He flat out said it played a part in his decision to leave so good for him getting paid and moving to an area he really enjoys.
    4 points
  14. When you've used the term Justinflation to regurgitate Poilievre talking points, I listened, looked up the facts, and proved you completely wrong. You admitted it by saying that leaders sometimes take the heat for things beyond their control. Yet you still think there is some credibility in using it again 🙄 You've admitted that Conservatives can gain support by provoking anger even though it isn't backed up by facts. I agree, but I think this is a bad aspect of our political system and leads to Canada becoming a worse country. Appealing to anger and pandering to those informed by misinformation for personal gain is NOT a way to make our country better. We've seen this show in the US. I have no problem listening to opposing viewpoints, but I have no patience for arguments that are admittedly not based on facts. I will call out bullsh** every time I see it and have time to actually look up the facts myself. I have voted for at least 4 different political parties that I can recall of the top of my head. I do not have my vote parked with any party, but will evaluate where I vote in elections based on who provides the best policy that is backed up by facts. If a party's main arguments are completely, objectively false, I have no reason to support a party without credibility. My hope is that most voters will engage in critical thinking when choosing a political party rather than just listening to their chosen side and utilizing their talking points as facts without actually checking if they are based in reality.
    4 points
  15. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    You underestimate politician's ability to rile up the public with talking points. Neither the left or the right has won an election on the facts in 50 years. Who controls the election agenda wins. Fact....lmao...it's agendas and promises that win/lose elections. You can say inflation is garbage but tell that to Joe Blow in Sudbury who can't afford gas for his truck. He don't give a rats ass about facts, he's just pissed off and looking to vent his anger. You really think Trudeau can win an election if it is fought on the economy...lol. He can't string two sentences together about the economy without it becoming a meme.
    4 points
  16. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Oil prices going up, so thank a Conservative for higher tax revenue but also blame the Liberal govt for higher prices at the pump. Con logic.
    4 points
  17. This should be posted on Rider Fans.
    3 points
  18. Mark F

    World Politics

    Trump refers to Russian aggression towards Ukraine as 'genius https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-calls-putin-genius-ukraine-invasion-1311025/ " “I said, ‘This is genius,'” Trump said on a right-wing podcast. “Putin declared a big portion of … Ukraine … as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. … I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s going to go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s strongest peace force. … We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re going to keep the peace all right. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy … I know him very well. Very, very well " please die.
    3 points
  19. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Mulroney's gov't carefully crafted this legislation to replace the War Measures Act. It's a good piece of legislation, it's just too bad they had to enact it.
    3 points
  20. It’s really ridiculous to even be having the Western Finals in December. Time to start the season earlier so that we can end the season in ideally early November.
    3 points
  21. Tracker

    World Politics

    Russian oligarcs need Europe and North America to silo their money away and actually travel to those places to enjoy it. Russian currency fluctuates wildly, and any armed conflict or threat of same will depress the ruble's value. The Russian economy is heavily dependent on petroleum/gas exports, mostly to Europe, and if the western nations (Europe, really) get their act together and build that pipleline from the Caucaus to Europe, the Russian economy and ruble will crater. Putin's actions ought to spur that on.
    3 points
  22. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Not to mention national free healthcare, workers' compensation, portable pensions, subsidized daycare for qualifying parents, environmental standards, workplace safety regulations, food and drug standards, etc etc. This is too easy.
    3 points
  23. I suppose Winnipeg is much smaller but it is hardly vastly inferior. Vancouver has some good things going for it to be sure, but so does Winnipeg.
    3 points
  24. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    We've gone over this garbage before.... If people actually care about inflation and it will be a major issue in the next election, the Liberals should make huge gains. Based on real inflation data, Canadian inflation is doing significantly better than inflation in the US. and most of the rest of the developed world. The gap between inflation in Canada and elsewhere is also continuing to grow. Keep regurgitating what they tell you is the death of Canada as we know it though... It is easy to just repeat Poilievre talking points, but those arguments are laughable when real data is examined. The hope the Conservatives have in the next election is that they can rile up enough people who will vote without taking a critical look at the issues and what politicians are saying and the rest of the informed voting populace is too apathetic to oppose them.
    3 points
  25. I don't know what the difference here is- please help me understand. Unless I have a very narrow view of what the "agenda of the left" is.
    3 points
  26. Stove was a guy on the way up we couldn't afford anymore. I don't hold it against him for going and taking BC's big bucks. Best of luck. He was a pure effort guy but our DL is so stacked we realistically can't afford a top DT salary.
    3 points
  27. GCn20

    World Politics

    Severe and crippling economic sanctions need to be levied. We shall see if Biden has the stones.
    3 points
  28. Sometimes the players don't either, doesn't mean they haven't said it directly to the rest of the locker room. This is the largest nothingburger I've heard yet.
    3 points
  29. This guy should know something about poor OLines from practicing against one everyday.
    2 points
  30. Or even better... the next Wade Miller, John Huffnagel, Pinball Clemmons, Mike O'Shea, Kyle Walters??? Hell, those names are even mentioned in the article...
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Jpan85

    World Politics

    Funny that Putins biggest supporter/fan is one of the biggest if not the biggest star in Washington.
    2 points
  33. Tracker


    COVID "long-haulers" may have finally found relief in inexpensive, over-the-counter drugs. Small studies suggest over-the-counter antihistamines can relieve long COVID symptoms Two women have recovered from post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), a condition more commonly known as long COVID — and researchers believe that inexpensive, over-the-counter antihistamines were the reason. The news comes from a report published this month in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners which describes the recovery of two middle-aged women who, by chance, found that antihistamines greatly improved their daily functions after suffering from long Covid. The research will be welcomed by sufferers of long COVID, of which there are many. Up to 10 percent of those who contract COVID-19 have long-term symptoms long after the virus has cleared their body, according to University of Alabama researchers. The United States population has had a cumulative 78 million cases of COVID-19, meaning around 8 million Americans have long Covid symptoms long after the virus has cleared their system. Long Covid sufferers experience all kinds of different symptoms, though the most common include brain fog, psychiatric disorders, loss of taste and smell, fatigue and lack of energy. Long Covid appears to affect children and adults in equal measure. In this latest study, both women who recovered from long Covid took over-the-counter antihistamines for different reasons aside from their COVID-19 symptoms. The first woman had an allergy to dairy which was triggered by eating cheese. Prior to her January 2020 COVID-19 infection, she was healthy and active; after, she could no longer tolerate exercise, had prolonged chest pain, headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and a rash. The morning after she took an antihistamine for her dairy allergy, she noticed considerable relief in her fatigue and ability to concentrate. But in the next 72 hours, when she wasn't taking an antihistamine, her fatigue and brain fog returned. The woman self-administered diphenhydramine and observed an improvement in symptoms once again. Over the next six months, she noticed many of her other symptoms — like the rashes — were improving as well. Now, she reports she's back to 90 percent of her pre-infection functioning ability, including exercising 1 to 2 hours 5 to 6 times a week. The second woman, who was similarly active and healthy prior to COVID-19, likely contracted COVID-19 from her child who was unwell with COVID-19 symptoms. While a PCR test came back negative at first for COVID-19, she was clinically diagnosed when she developed chills, shortness of breath, chest pain , and a fever. At first, her symptoms persisted for three months. During the course of this time, she also suffered from Covid toe, abdominal pain, and rashes. Nearly 13 months after the onset of the infection, she substituted her usual allergy medication with diphenhydramine. The next morning, she also noticed a significant relief in her fatigue and brain fog. Since then, she has been taking 25 milligrams of diphenhydramine at night and 180 milligrams of fexofenadine in the morning and is back to exercising and feeling better. Both fexofenadine and diphenhydramine are common over-the-counter anti-histamine drugs.
    2 points
  34. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Let's hope this is nothing,
    2 points
  35. Winnipeg has no ocean, winnipeg has no mountains... it's a small podunk prairie city. I prefer it to Vancouver, but if someone likes the big major city with ocean and mountains Winnipeg just ain't in the same sphere at all.
    2 points
  36. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    You're right...It's Justinflation.
    2 points
  37. JCon

    World Politics

    It's Europe that needs to enact them (but won't). They rely on that Russian money.
    2 points
  38. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Hyperinflation. Be afraid everyone. Be scared. The Boogeyman is coming.
    2 points
  39. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    As someone who absolutely dislikes Trudeau and won't vote for him I have to give him credit for his handling of this. I doubt he runs again , he had such a low % of the popular vote. % 32 , which is lower than the PCs had. ( that happened in the last election as well mind you ) But if this protest has done anything , it has probably increased his popularity. Many of the Conservatives are pandering to a segment that will vote for them regardless. They are pushing away the more centralist segment of the population. It's the old " cutting off your nose dispite your face " bit. It's going to cost them.
    2 points
  40. Even 30 years later, Rockets contract is still mind boggling.
    2 points
  41. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Election integrity to them means my guy or no guy but my guy.
    2 points
  42. 1 point
  43. There's no screw over. It was a clean goal. Jets can't catch a break but we need to be scoring more than 1 goal a game. This team just doesn't have it. Sellers come deadline day
    1 point
  44. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    I agree, they are definitely complicit in this garbage. They've given credibility to misinformation-fueled idiots trying to destroy our country. I just don't see how any of "us" can do anything about it. Poilievre, Bergen, prairie Premiers & Co. have all realized that it is much easier to pander to these morons and get easy votes. They are showing they don't respect the intelligence of the general Canadian populace as they think they can win elections while still cheering this sh** on. I just don't see anything "we" can do about this other than making sure we vote and hopefully get them destroyed in elections. Prove a point that you can't cozy up to the loonies and racists and have a chance in elections in Canada.
    1 point
  45. https://www.hilltimes.com/2022/02/21/aligning-with-protesters-like-catching-a-tiger-by-the-tail-it-could-backfire-on-conservatives-say-politicos/345272
    1 point
  46. Harris is the one mouthing off & not the organization. He's the one crying "poor me" in front of every mic he sees trying to make the Bombers look bad. Right now, he's being an asshat. His choice. Screw him.
    1 point
  47. Jones will wring that out of him in sort order.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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