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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-07-23 in Posts

  1. year 2037 a.d. longest morning big blue thread: was it Nichols or Lapo that sucked. most comments: 17 to 85 (jr) and some others. sub topic. did Damon Allen suck.
    6 points
  2. Kills me. Schedule maker pooped the bed on that one. It sounded like Harris was doing more again today so who knows. I sure would like to see one of those nfl style injury reports on the walking wounded now. Sounds like Eli is off an running at c in camp. Wish I could see it he has the potential to be a friggin monster.
    5 points
  3. I could watch this blind-folded and still tell you which play is coming up next...lol...
    4 points
  4. Jpan85


    4 points
  5. anti-vaxxers/maskers are, as a rule, among the dumbest in society.......not a huge shock that this guy fits the mold.
    4 points
  6. All this talk about Nichols/Lapo has me absolutely pumped to play them this year. As a matter of fact, I'll go circle the date on my calendar right now....
    4 points
  7. These are the kind of updates I like. Seeing who the top players are when our 1s are not taking reps
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. In some aspects the current environment facilitates mental instability. E.g., social media
    3 points
  10. Never been jealous of a Ti-cat fan before... Ticats expect 3,000 fans at Sunday practice - CFL.ca
    3 points
  11. WildPath

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Tagging the Bombers in his post is a great way for word to get out. This guy is clearly a genius.
    3 points
  12. Bigblue204

    NFL thread

    Hopkins talking about how he doesn't know of he wants to play in the NFL now...DONT **** WITH MY FANTASY!!! Just play damn it!!!
    3 points
  13. And LaPo won’t hear a word of this nonsense because his Grey Cup rings will be plugging his ears.
    3 points
  14. Its not an acl or he'd be done..and not running around and as an RB couldn't play with even a minor one with a brace .he'd be garbage. MCL mild to even total tear u can play through actually..and with a brace risk minimal to no further damage...but I think it prob just a minor strain as opposed to a tear and they just being precautions with it..and if we had a game tomorrow..I would be certain he'd be playing. Better to let it heal now so it doesn't linger and he doesn't need the reps..he knows his gig
    3 points
  15. Stretch

    2019 Game Videos

    You may not want to look too hard for these games. 🤭
    2 points
  16. Dr Zaius

    The Trade Thread

    What a horrible trade for Philly. My God
    2 points
  17. Noeller


    So just an update from the west, in case anyone is curious about what happens if and when you ditch the masks...... AB seeing exponential growth again, due to Delta Variant and largest group of "unvaccinated even though eligible" population in the country. 96% of all new cases are people not fully vaccinated. Some of that is kids, but most is assholes not getting vaccinated. It's gonna be BRUTAL come fall time....and it's already begun.
    2 points
  18. No kidding. Get that soccer garbage out of the stadium so we can go watch!
    2 points
  19. Lol he actually tagged them? Wow...even if he wasn't already under orders to not do that kind of thing, that would have been stupid...but the fact that he had a court order to not set up protests just makes it all the more funny
    2 points
  20. I definitely see Ottawa leading the league in field goals. And field goal attempts. Without a doubt. According to my schedule that date will be Sunday, December 12th, 2021. I really hope by that point Strevs is back with us as well, if only to see him in that fur coat once again in the parade....
    2 points
  21. bigg jay

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Out since the beginning of camp & still a week from getting back on the field according to Tait's latest Quick Hits article. I hope he can get/stay healthy so the club can really know if he can still play.
    2 points
  22. I see ottawa playing just well enough to barely lose. That's who he is as a coach. Passive to a fault.
    2 points
  23. Sub sub topic goltz, Michna, martin etc was way better than the rest and just didn't get a good chance.
    2 points
  24. Pretty easy for a rookie to get spooked because this is the Big League and psych himself out. Sooooo....they threw the Christian to the lions?
    2 points
  25. 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝗕𝗮𝘂𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 @DarrinBauming · 4h Opening team session, offence drives down the field and out comes Marc Liegghio. Good from 42. Second drive, and out comes Tyler Crapigna. Miss from 42. Both just hit from 52. It’s clear to me Liegghio has the stronger leg — also haven’t seen him miss any of his roughly six kicks today.
    2 points
  26. Mark F

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    nfl getting tough on anti vaccinationers. "The NFL just informed clubs that if a game cannot be rescheduled during the 18-week season in 2021 due to a COVID outbreak among unvaccinated players, the team with the outbreak will FORFEIT and be credited with a loss for playoff seeding, per sources." there is a long twitter thread on this. Pelissero.
    2 points
  27. WildPath

    2019 Game Videos

    Not sure if I should create a new topic, so feel free to merge where appropriate. I am looking to complete my YouTube playlist of the games of the 2019 season and wondering if anyone can help, whether on YouTube or another source. Here's what I have: 1 - Wpg @ BC - Here 2 - BYE 3 - Edm @ Wpg - Here 4 - Wpg @ Ott - Here 5 - Tor @ Wpg - Here 6 - Ott @ Wpg - Here 7 - Wpg @ Ham - Here 8 - Wpg @ Tor - MISS Game in 40 9 - Cgy @ Wpg - Here 10 - BC @ Wpg -MISS 11 - Wpg @ Edm -MISS 12 - Wpg @ Ssk - MISS 13 - Ssk @ Wpg - MISS 14 - BYE 15 - Wpg @ Mtl - MISS Game in 40 16 - Ham @ Wpg - MISS 17 - Wpg @ Ssk - MISS 18 - Mtl @ Wpg - Here 19 - Wpg @ Cgy - Here 20 - Cgy @ Wpg - MISS WSF - Wpg @ Cgy - MISS - Game in 40 WF - Wpg @ Ssk - Here GC - Ham @ Wpg - Here (Thanks Bigblue204) I had more, but apparently they were taken down. Not really a fan of the CFL "Game in 40", but I may have to resort to including those. CFL really needs to capitalize on previous seasons/memorable moments. I'm sure there'd be people willing to pay for online access to full games/seasons. No spoilers, I hear the season finale has a surprise ending.
    1 point
  28. Noeller

    2019 Game Videos

    Yeah, Losses get immediately deleted from my PVR..........ain't nobody got time for that.
    1 point
  29. Watch for this kid McKnight.....he could be a big surprise addition....Agudosi ....big tall drink of water will also get a good long look...
    1 point
  30. BomberBall

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    According to Bauming, the team is still very high on him. But yeah, it would be nice to get him back into the practice field.
    1 point
  31. Practicing with an Achilles injury? Sounds risky
    1 point
  32. The Cleveland Guardians
    1 point
  33. SpeedFlex27


    Some people on social media re making this out to be a bigger deal than it is. Valerie Bertinelli, the widow of Eddie Van Halen described Clapton today as, "Once a ****, always a ****". He is being criticized by social media types but I doubt he cares. Clapton is 76 years of age & has physical ailments that affect his ability to play guitar. He said he had a bad reaction to the AZ vaccine & couldn't feel his hands for 2 weeks. So, he doesn't think it's right to exclude unvaccinated fans from his concerts so he's decided to cancel any show that won't let them attend. Clapton's concert schedule before Covid was severely curtailed. Gone are the months or years long world tours. He is more of a nostalgic act now. A few concerts here & there. Fans want to hear the old tunes & not any new ones. Young music fans have never heard of him. He's becoming irrelevant & so is his opinion. It's also his decision to not play to just the vaccinated. Clapton's career is like a private business & in reality he is a private contractor. He doesn't need the money or the adulation. I don't agree with him as he is wrong but really, who cares what he thinks?
    1 point
  34. I knew that had to come up.
    1 point
  35. Drew Willy would have loved playing behind the OL that Nichols had. He might still be playing. Nichols got hurt but the guys in front worked their asses off to protect him. Nichos started holding onto the ball too long missing opportunities to throw the ball. Every qb no matter how good his line is will take shots. Matty became scared. Willy had PTSD. Like the Bomber pilots in WWII flying low level daylight precision bombing over Germany at 9,000 feet instead of 19,000. There was never any end to it. They had to show "maximum effort". No relief crews. Just bombing & nearly being killed every mission. They became paralyzed with fear. Now, flying bombing missions is a thousand times more dangerous & stressful but it's the same thing. Willy was seeing guys coming at him in his sleep. Maybe even sensing in the pocket when they weren't actually there. Playing behind a horrible OL destroyed his career. He had no chance. We'll never know how good he may have become. Nichols had it very good & he stll struggled. He had some hellacious injuries so I can see how being hit hard affects him. My understanding is that his OL in Ottawa is below average so we'll see how long he lasts.
    1 point
  36. Tracker

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Winnipeg Police service is involved and have arrested the yahoo organizing this nonsense.
    1 point
  37. The longer a qb is in a system the better they will get at it but also the system and play calling will play to their strengths. Plop isn't a genius and Nichols was not a top tier qb. And the combination of the two accentuated their weaknesses. Willy got shell shocked from constant pressure and ruined. Nichols decay imo stems in part from his injury and playing hurt and was amplified by the play off hump and treatment when the offense struggled. The booing really seemed to mess with him and I think it was totally acceptable that if we won the performance was good enough.
    1 point
  38. The players can also lose their game cheque. I think it’s great. Get vaccinated and get on with it.
    1 point
  39. I will never understand the Nichols haters....just complete lunatics. Talk about his inability to stay healthy all you want, but when he was healthy, he was outstanding. He was our MOP last year till he went down. Was chucking the ball all over the field...making all the throws.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. I am looking forward to meeting him one day. My neighbour played for him in Toronto and says that he would have run through walls for the guy. So obviously that's way more important that being a media darling.
    1 point
  42. The Coach's Show itself is fine....as long as it's just Osh and Bob. The only problem comes when you put callers on the air. Physically painful.
    1 point
  43. I bumped into an old Winnipeg sports-writer one time and he told me this: "Mike Kelly was a sports-writers dream come true. Mike O'Shea is every sports-writer's nightmare". Those coaches' call in shows with Kelly were classics. I gave up listening to poor old Bob try and do call-in shows with O'Shea, as the two word grunts in response to a detailed question were just not really doing much for me. I love Osh of course and what he has done for the Bombers, but he's definitely not a talkative guy, and that's ok.
    1 point
  44. Coach O'Shea injury update guide: "Should be okay" - possible shoulder strain "He'll take some time and doesn't need to practice" - possible separated shoulder "We'll have Al and the doctors look at him and let us know" - possible arm amputation at shoulder
    1 point
  45. Patience, Grasshopper. all will be well. The Force is not disturbed.
    1 point
  46. I think it's almost certain that he will start on the ir at this point. Idk if borsa is ready to supplant augustine or will be this year. I think that really depends on if he can contribute on teams and catching the ball. It's probably most likely that assuming Harris is ok that when augustine gets healthy he would take borsas spot unless borsa is lighting it up. Man I hope Darvin Adams is ok. He's one of the most underrated under used vet wrs in the league.
    1 point
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