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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-07-09 in Posts

  1. Found video of the drill:
    7 points
  2. Super Duper Negatron


    In other news, got my QR code today. Anyone know a good tattoo artist?
    6 points
  3. I am coming to suspect that players get a load of Regina in their first day and decide that they want out at all costs.
    6 points
  4. This just seems childish. You won't play the way I want so I'm leaving and starting my own game. If you can't draw 5000 people to games in a legitimate league with over 100 years of history, an exciting structure of game, Canadian rivalry and known players, how many will you draw to games in a league that is just another reincarnation of a league that is a serial failure. Its the same old Toronto is to big for the CFL mindset. It just pisses me off to tell the truth. Other than the TV money I'd like to help them through the door with a boot in the butt. In what way will any of this BS help them get more cheeks on the seats right now ? And I would suggest that's the desired effect of the storey. Good. Leave.
    5 points
  5. The Riders better pay the 4 players their season salary & cover their surgery, medical expenses & rehab..
    5 points
  6. 4 points
  7. Good thing we added some DBs to the roster, I was worried that they wouldn't have enough.
    4 points
  8. Sard


    Take a screenshot of each so you just have to bring up the pictures, rather than logging in to each account when you need it.
    4 points
  9. A person has, in one hand: a paper bag with something in it that doesn't smell, isn't damp nor is it squishy. In the other, a steaming pile of ****... "Yeah, let's go with the big pile o'****- at least I know what it is and what it is capable of." - said no one ever.
    4 points
  10. It's almost satire at this point.
    4 points
  11. Jersey yes....cross bar no....all the crossbar did was save Fajardo from throwing a season ending interception.
    4 points
  12. They should have filled in the gopher holes at Mosaic !
    4 points
  13. The Bombers just made the best business decision of their lives. Somehow my buddy was able to swing 6 season tickets for $1200. Sounds like we ripped them off, right? Nuh-uh. I guarantee all 6 of us will spend $200/game per person (this figure does not include merch) at absolute minimum on beer and 50/50. I don't need Sportsnet to tell me that I'm not spending enough!
    4 points
  14. welcome to the internet and social media...lol... Is the ghost of Manase Foketi showing up again to TC this year?
    3 points
  15. JCon


    3 points
  16. Always moving the goal posts, trying desperately to find the dark corner to say, I told you so. It won't ever end.
    3 points
  17. Naylor now talking about how the XFL might just put a franchise in Canada. lol He just can't let go.
    3 points
  18. JCon


    The thing about the Manitoba vaxx card is that it's so simple. It's not trying to do a million things. Just name and confirmation. It should be the model for all other provinces. Yes, it needs a bit of work but they're fixing it.
    3 points
  19. JCon


    Can't even download the app right now for Android. I just set up a bookmark on my phone to get to the QR code. I should order a t-shirt with the QR code right on it. "Scan Me, I'm Vaxxed!"
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. Every time I see riders with any reference to the 13th man... I am INSTANTLY transported back to this memory: And it warms my cold black heart.
    3 points
  22. But then what would they use as latrines?
    3 points
  23. Not sure what u are watching..Augustine was and always has been on kick off team..I believe kick return as well...he had lots of experience on teams..that's how he managed to get on and stay on roster as well..we lucky to have him..and he can catch our of backfield too...comparing him or any back to Harris in that regard is stupid
    3 points
  24. SpeedFlex27


    Great news but... the majority of the world is unvaccinated meaning more variants will appear. Until we get poor countries vaccinated properly we'll never get a handle on the new variants. Yes, we'll need a booster shot in 6-12 months but wiil we run into "vaccine fatigue" where people will just say **** it not get a third shot? Certainly, the anti vaxxers will be out in full force claiming governments are indeed trying to change our DNA or some other ridiculous claims. People who are unvaccinated will be more at risk of being targets of Covid 19. Billions more vaccine shots need to get into poor third world countries to stop this pandemic. Waiving patents has to be done so more vaccines can be reproduced.
    3 points
  25. Nah. Call them out. Leave them behind snd exclude them form social /work / fun events. It’s their right to choose what medication/vaccines they take. We shouldnt force then to take it. They should also fully accept and agree that it’s the vaccinated’s right to not want to be around them and be at greater risk of infection and prevent them from attending these events. If they want social events they can through them themselves if public health allows and restrict it to unvaccinated or both groups.
    3 points
  26. wbbfan

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    It can be a lot of things for sure. I have never heard or seen 4 in one day though. Not in any size camp. It could be some thing with causation too. Time will really tell. Its going to be really interesting to see how a lot of vets play and come to camp across the league. I missed most of my soph year and was out of cleats and didnt train with cleats on in the off season, as soon as I put them on and made a cut I tweaked my knee. I also injured my calf once post 30 and have had calf, high ankle, plantar problems a plenty since then.
    3 points
  27. I'm driving out to Edmonton on Saturday, unfortunately,a large deserted piece of land is in between Winnipeg and my destination. I should rock the Jersey,maybe a sign thanking the cross bar too?
    3 points
  28. Bubba Zanetti


    Whats old shall be new again! I just kept mine until it went back in style lol. But in reality when someone sends me emojis i just get a bunch of ]]]]] lol
    2 points
  29. A reminder that we're going into the season with the defending GC champion QB behind centre. And, are grooming his eventual replacement, like every other team does.
    2 points
  30. It's one of my pet peeves that some people just try to make anything and everything political... Dave Naylor was wrong about the CFL/XFL merger... what does that have anything to do with his political stance?... how does one even know Dave Naylor's political stance? (I suppose it could be obvious if you follow him on social)...
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. MBT isn't better than Arbuckle or Nichols. Period.
    2 points
  33. JCon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Have you seen the size of their rodents?
    2 points
  34. For the amount of **** that come out of riderfans... gopher holes ain't going to cut it.
    2 points
  35. Tracker

    The Winnipeg Thread

    There is no punishment I can think of that would be too harsh for anyone who kills a child.
    2 points
  36. Tracker

    US Politics

    'Unhinged' GOP congressman claims Google 'absolutely' changed its algorithm to 'move 15 million votes' to Biden U.S. Rep Ken Buck (R-CO) says Google flipped 15 million votes away from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Buck last year, on tape, as the chair of the Colorado GOP, allegedly tried "pressuring an El Paso County GOP official to falsify election results in the State Senate District 10 race." "Google, by the way, changed its algorithm, in May of 2020 to disadvantage Donald Trump and to advantage Joe Biden," said Buck in a secret recording (below) made by Lauren Windsor, who was posing as a Trump supporter. "Changed its algorithm. And when you ask them about this, I know people that, that own newspapers and asked them about it. They say, 'Oh, well it's just a technical thing we don't know what the result was we just know that we did that a technical person did this.' Nonsense. They chose the winner. They can move, the estimates are, they can move 15 million votes, because every time you ask for an article on Donald Trump or every time you Google 'Donald Trump,' and people here, obviously Google in a more sophisticated way, but, but people out there. They're hearing about Donald Trump and they're wondering, you know, Donald Trump/Hunter Biden?" "I heard what you said about Google, that they changed the algorithm and penalized President Trump. Can you talk more about that, like, they flipped 15 million votes to Biden?" Windsor asks Buck. "What I've heard from some of the academics on this issue is that by, by changing the algorithm, you can flip 15 million votes, you can influence 15 million people to move one direction or another, in that situation," Buck claimed. (How can anyone who is elected to office in the US think that Google affects votes? Amazing!)
    2 points
  37. 17to85


    As long as it's not lambda lambda lambda
    2 points
  38. Adrenaline_x

    Introduce Yourself

    I’ve been away since novemeber 2019 so I thought I would reintroduce myself. I have lived in Winnipeg for all my life outside of 9 months in Edmonton before age 4 I have loved cfl football since as far back as I can remember and have been more passionate about them since the jets left. I’m not nearly as attached to the jets or watch their games. I haven’t missed listening or watching to a bomber game in years. I have zero interest in the nfl and find the games slow and boring. Even the super bowl which I will watch while doing something else. I work in It infrastructure and now cyber security for a very large international company in Winnipeg and I’m opinionated, confident (overly?) and can be an *******. I can hate what you are saying and disagree with you but it won’t really effect how I feel about you. I can hate one post and fight with you and laugh and support something else you say. anyhow. I’m back
    2 points
  39. 17to85


    I mean gotta give credit to AHS for being pretty effective at delivering the vaccines. But yeah too many people here don't want a shot.
    2 points
  40. Achilles can be a variety thing, it can be related to over work or being tired, a calf injury that is not healed ei Kevin Durant in the 2019 finals, taking steriods or being out of shape. Lots of these non contact injuries are freak so as injuries happen in camp don't assume it is because someone is out of shape.
    2 points
  41. As I understand, the Bombers athletic department had given the players routine workouts for the past few months and they (and the coaches) are monitoring each player. Also, Neufeld mentioned that some of the players are collaborating and monitoring/timing each other. But yup, hoping we don't suffer any injuries.
    2 points
  42. Jesus...that was definitely the worry for a lot of teams. Guys not having done any real football stuff for a couple years. Easy to tweak something. Knock on wood we escape this relatively unscathed...
    2 points
  43. JCon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    They might not go 16 and 0 this year.
    2 points
  44. Michael Avenatti who many including myself thought was a stand up guy and a straight shooter is going to jail, he sure fooled a lot of people but in the end he is just another POS, well I'm sure he enjoyed his 15 minutes
    2 points
  45. GCn20

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Sportsnet has absolutely no right to talk about anything CFL. PERIOD. They are much more of the problem with the CFL then the fans ever will be. If anyone needs to put up or shut up when it comes to the CFL it's Sportsnet.
    2 points
  46. I know this off season feels like it’s been 600 days long! 😉
    2 points
  47. Sports Net (and some TSN employees) are challenging fans who complained about the XFL talks to "put their money where their mouth is". And honestly that straight up pisses me off. I've spent a damn fortune on this team, but my spending habits are the problem? **** right off. Sure they're mostly talking about the major markets that are lacking....but the logic bending that needs to happen, to assume fans who took the time to care/complain about those issues are also the fans that dont spend enough is ******* insulting. Tim from sports net even talked about how successful other domestic leagues are...well (I'm assuming) completely ignoring the way their media/social media accounts treat those leagues. I'm so sick of TSN/SN and the CFL blaming the fans for the ******* mess they're in. Fans have been complaining for years about lack of innovation from the league and the lack of actual support from the media, but noooo it's all on us? **** you! Ok rant over...
    2 points
  48. Not fair- there are many reasons why people don't get the vaccine:
    2 points
  49. Any one on the fence about vaccines is an idiot full stop.
    2 points
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