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Montreal Fires Higgins, Popp to be Interim HC


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Man, some of you guys and your agendas...

What a surprise tho, a topic about Tom Higgins being fired has people wanting him to replace MOS..

Ridiculous.. The circus has moved on to Montreal, why do some of you try so hard to bring it back here?

Uh we are 3-5 when did it leave?


IT never has or NEVER WILL... BOD members come and go, Presidents come and go, GM's come and go, coaches come and go, players come and go but the CIRCUS will never EVER fully leave because people like yourself WON'T LET IT. 


Case in point, in a topic that has nothing to do with the bombers or anything of that sort... Fire MOS, bring in Higgins... ALL THIS CRAP really... it's a joke. A huge joke. Fans like you are part of the problem really. 

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What did Higgins do to deserve that? Oh yeah, the Als beat BC in Vancouver for the first time since 2001 last night. Popp wanted to be the HC. Remember he almost quit on Wettenhall 2 years ago when he hired Higgins as he was actively searching for an NFL gig. Popp has become a joke. 

Popp's lucky that he had trestman and ac for all those years. Now lets see what he can do as a head coach again i don't think it will be any better than the first go around. As for Higgins look what he was working with not a lot of talent and a few key injuries makes the move look bush league 

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Three straight years of chaos in Montreal.

2103: Dan Hawkins and AC publicly spar, Hawkins fired after five games, Popp takes over.

2014: Worman / Dinwiddie / Garcia / who's the OC?

2015: Michael Sam / John Bowman / Higgins / Popp

Very glad to see they're still pulling 20K+ fans because man they are starting to look like a clown show.

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Man, some of you guys and your agendas...

What a surprise tho, a topic about Tom Higgins being fired has people wanting him to replace MOS..

Ridiculous.. The circus has moved on to Montreal, why do some of you try so hard to bring it back here?

Uh we are 3-5 when did it leave?

IT never has or NEVER WILL... BOD members come and go, Presidents come and go, GM's come and go, coaches come and go, players come and go but the CIRCUS will never EVER fully leave because people like yourself WON'T LET IT.

Case in point, in a topic that has nothing to do with the bombers or anything of that sort... Fire MOS, bring in Higgins... ALL THIS CRAP really... it's a joke. A huge joke. Fans like you are part of the problem really.

Yeah that true I hired these clowns you got me there.
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Man, some of you guys and your agendas...

What a surprise tho, a topic about Tom Higgins being fired has people wanting him to replace MOS..

Ridiculous.. The circus has moved on to Montreal, why do some of you try so hard to bring it back here?

Uh we are 3-5 when did it leave?
IT never has or NEVER WILL... BOD members come and go, Presidents come and go, GM's come and go, coaches come and go, players come and go but the CIRCUS will never EVER fully leave because people like yourself WON'T LET IT.

Case in point, in a topic that has nothing to do with the bombers or anything of that sort... Fire MOS, bring in Higgins... ALL THIS CRAP really... it's a joke. A huge joke. Fans like you are part of the problem really.

Yeah that true I hired these clowns you got me there.


You don't really get it do you? The people running the team ain't the clowns... 

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Man, some of you guys and your agendas...

What a surprise tho, a topic about Tom Higgins being fired has people wanting him to replace MOS..

Ridiculous.. The circus has moved on to Montreal, why do some of you try so hard to bring it back here?

Uh we are 3-5 when did it leave?
IT never has or NEVER WILL... BOD members come and go, Presidents come and go, GM's come and go, coaches come and go, players come and go but the CIRCUS will never EVER fully leave because people like yourself WON'T LET IT.

Case in point, in a topic that has nothing to do with the bombers or anything of that sort... Fire MOS, bring in Higgins... ALL THIS CRAP really... it's a joke. A huge joke. Fans like you are part of the problem really.

Yeah that true I hired these clowns you got me there.

You don't really get it do you? The people running the team ain't the clowns...
Don't be to hard on yourself.
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Popp saying this is Wettenall's decision and the decision to fire Higgins was made prior to last nights game in BC. Popp feels the Als are a 6-2 team and not a 3-5 team.

With a rookie Qb? Wow but Popp never wanted Higgins in the first place so really this does make sense.Good thing we have a stable 3-5 team here though
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I don't think Higgins does anything for us,  plus I'm sure he will collect his cheque and sign with the Green next season.


Poor firing IMO,   Montreal is not a 6-2 team....


Let's hope.  More likely scenario is that he spends the next decade whining in the CFL media about how he doesn't get consideration for any open head coach or GM job, and then he can retire from groveling.

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I find it hard to believe Higgins had anything to do with the Michael Sam sideshow.  Sam should have been released outright the first time he walked away, mental problems or not.  Allowing him to come back for another episode made no sense especially since it now looks to be at least partially responsible for causing a  rift in the organization.

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I'm not saying to bring Higgins here, but how was he "garbage"?  This year and 2007 were his only 2 losing seasons out of 9 along with a Grey Cup ring.  I wouldn't call that garbage.  Some of you are off your rocker.

He went 9-9 last year and he didn't even really have a starting QB until mid-season.

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Just to clarify, I didn't say I wanted Higgins as head coach. I said to get him on a plane to Winnipeg. I hear the Forks is a great place to hang out this time of year. :)

Seriously though, could a young HC like MOS use an old warhorse like Higgins in a consulting capacity? Shrugs..

No no we don't need any experienced coaches here in any capacity, we are only 3-5 and we got still have our awesome OC and Special teams coaches it's all good.
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I'm not saying to bring Higgins here, but how was he "garbage"? This year and 2007 were his only 2 losing seasons out of 9 along with a Grey Cup ring. I wouldn't call that garbage. Some of you are off your rocker.

He went 9-9 last year and he didn't even really have a starting QB until mid-season.

Hey let's not start throwing facts around here.
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