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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-07-27 in Posts

  1. he needs to stop easing into gams
    5 points
  2. Anyone is interested all Canadians or players with CFL connections in NFL training camps https://twitter.com/JohnDHodge/status/1684549898408976384?s=20
    4 points
  3. Does this mean the Bombers kinda know what they are doing??? I'm shocked!😆
    3 points
  4. the guy is absolutely done and fleecing the ticats
    3 points
  5. Mark H.

    The Environment Thread

    3 points
  6. Man, I hope we win the 2025 Grey Cup. (Oh and 2023 and 2024)
    3 points
  7. https://www.tsn.ca/cfl/trade-between-stampeders-and-tiger-cats-voided-ja-gared-davis-1.1989264
    2 points
  8. https://www.tsn.ca/cfl/ja-gared-davis-trade-on-hold-amid-complication-with-physical-calgary-stampeders-1.1989184
    2 points
  9. My post ranking the Bombers DL mid range in the CFL was taking into consideration the entire rotation - 7 players, some teams run 9. No point ranking just the starting 4 because in today's game you need a rotation to be successful. As many of have said, our starting 4 gets gassed. The diddly behind them is the issue. And the sacks stat - touche. It's not always the D-line impacting in terms of overall sack stats though. Scheme, blitzing frequency ... I think we can agree that if we don't get better depth, or better play from our current depth, it does not bode well for the remaining 11 games and playoffs. Overworking and over relying on the Jeff's, with minimal impact from the DT position, isn't a Grey Cup winning recipe. And I still stand by my statement that I'd choose at least 4 other teams' to ours D-line rotation, while still acknowledging that Jeff's are elite.
    2 points
  10. Best running game of the year so far was in Mtl., rain seems to force them to use all of their running weapons more effectively. Hopefully they start to rely on Bailey, McCrae, Demski and even Augustine a little bit more to diversify their running attack and take some focus off of Brady.
    2 points
  11. redblacks reloading as they heat up
    2 points
  12. Our starters are still the best across the board. I think most of our complaints have to do with depth and rotational players. PR misusage, etc.
    2 points
  13. nope...but seen several with average to almost below average offenses tho
    2 points
  14. yeah...we choked a bit in the Ottawa game at the end...but had multiple things go wrong to contribute to that..Castillo missing his first FG and convert...the BO fumble....the pick six..Schoen drop....for most part all very uncharacteristic things.....and yes...you still have to make the plays to win, and the other team is trying too...but all those things lined up just right that particular day to allow that...Ottawa had done nothing all game pretty much until that last 2+ minutes Those things, the easing up on the gas... and that weak roster we put out with minimal defense depth (which several of us moaned about and could be the demise that game) came to fruition and caused the collapse....lesson learned....move on....well I hope it was learned
    2 points
  15. That's not how it's trending right now, from all appearances they've already peaked and are on their way down. If we see a strong renewal of personnel next season that may change, but O'Shea has decided to ride players past their peak and this season it appears they've already been surpassed by 2 teams in terms of performance and have fallen off their high mark. If the Bombers want to remain on top another 2 years O'Shea needs to embrace the reset function as enthusiastically as Wally ever did.
    2 points
  16. rebusrankin

    US Politics

    Different system but in Canada, Senators have to step down at 75, which seems about right.
    2 points
  17. Only counts if he gets most of it in the 1st quarter
    2 points
  18. He'll retire in late November 2025, after hoisting the Grey Cup, at home.
    2 points
  19. Yeah, he wasn't cheap. https://3downnation.com/2023/07/27/trade-to-stampeders-voided-after-ticats-dl-jagared-davis-fails-physical/ The SMU product got a $15,000 signing bonus to rejoin the Ticats in February and is due $132,500 in hard money with a maximum value of $173,000 in 2023. He also received a $5,000 bonus for reporting to training camp in Steeltown and passing his physical.
    1 point
  20. Take that to the folks bemoaning not getting him.
    1 point
  21. You admit that we wouldn't win with a rookie QB starting, but foolishly won't admit that Collaros was the difference maker. Riddle me this... Why did the defence which had won 1 of the last 5 games of the year without Collaros, suddenly went on a 4 game winning streak as we started Collaros?
    1 point
  22. adding quality and practical players on the PR is easy...there is a lot out there....a couple lineup tweaks here and there is also easy, as we have guys in house in a few spots to plug in and to if anything...see if it makes a difference.....Roster make-up is the tricky one as a) as it sits we have no real options outside the starters and a few guys on IR and b) have no real faith that Osh will actually do the required moves in a few instances....
    1 point
  23. yeah....lean depth there....hopefully he stays upright but the way he plays...I see him getting dinged up....then........gonna be trouble on offense. Kelly needs to learn touch tho as well...he howitzers everything and doesn't need to, and will be interesting now in the 2nd 3rd of season if he gets figured out somewhat.....only time in recent memory I didnt see it happen during that first yr is whn Ricky Ray came in...and just kept getting it done....I dont think Kelly has between the ears what Ray had...so as season goes...I expect him to make forced errors....and have certain things taken away from him by defense's to see if he can figure it out
    1 point
  24. Your front 7 depth and talent makes me envious. So many good players.
    1 point
  25. Feel free to keep making a fool of yourself. I'm enjoying it. Collaros IS the best qb in the league. He wasn't in those playoff games. Again....look at what actually happened. Not how you feel.
    1 point
  26. we can prob sustain a QB injury a bit better as Brown has some experience...and lots with his teamates....who even are the ARGO BACKUPS??....
    1 point
  27. The big issue we have at DL is that I'm sure how the ratio management is going to allow everyone to get enough games. Oak is practicing full now but Brinkman's play has been so good. Henoc still hasn't played. Jordan Williams is practicing full. By and large, we're still healthy. But, like Winnipeg, we're a QB injury away from beingin a crisis.
    1 point
  28. Argos are definitely the class of the East. Are they the best team in the CFL? Hard to say. Other than the Lions, they haven't really played anyone good. Was a good victory against the Leos though despite Adams completely handing them the game. Might as well hand us the Grey Cup now then.
    1 point
  29. Bull stuff. The CFL is a QB driven league and Collaros is the best QB in the league. Without Collaros the Bomber O doesn't put up 20 points and the defense is on the field a lot longer & we don't win any games.
    1 point
  30. It may not end up as a cakewalk, but I've seen the other teams in the East enough. They aren't on the Argonauts' level. It's down to injuries and luck now.
    1 point
  31. Thank goodness, I want someone in the east challenging Argos for first- i am done with the east always having a cake walk.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. crum and powell both looked pretty cool, calm, looking downfield for a play. not panicking.
    1 point
  34. I think it had more to do with Crum that the light switch at Qb came on. I am not saying he is a star yet. He definitely has all the tools especially the intelligence part imo though.
    1 point
  35. bigg jay

    Lock of the Week 8

    Might as well take Ouellette too since there aren't very many great options (bye weeks suck!).
    1 point
  36. Teams know they can't let us run in the 1st Q or it will get ugly fast. If we can run on them throughout the whole game we are gonna be hanging 50 on them. They game plan to shut down our run and force us into 2nd and longs and hope their secondary can hold. By the 2nd half they just can't stay with the physical punishment of doing that and Brady goes off. It's a pick your poison kind of thing and that is a sign of a well constructed offence. The only chance teams have against us is to eliminate our run game early and get a ton of pressure on Zac. So far BC is the only team able to do that. Ottawa game was just a snowball of momentum and some good bounces going Ottawa's way late in the game.
    1 point
  37. Luv Brady O .....he's very effective....It would be nice to have him punish the opposition d right off the bat BUT I believe he's more effective in the latter part of the game, when he can destroy defences when they're bagged and gasping for air....In the end I think it's a saw off early or latter stages, when he unleashes his game, just as long as we come away with points and are on the winning end
    1 point
  38. Wideleft

    The TV Thread

    In your own words "These roles would have come easy to them". That is minimizing their talents. If it was so easy for First Nations actors to fill those roles, 3 of the 4 leads wouldn't be Canadian for an Oklahoma-shot series. It takes real acting talent, great writing, great direction and great editing to make a great show - if any of those elements are missing, it all falls apart.
    1 point
  39. Bullshit, he put the hard miles on his busted ankle and kept going because he was that kind of warrior.
    1 point
  40. I still open up the 2019 Grey Cup once in awhile to watch Dane Evans walking off the field crying at half time. That game had some of the best Defence I've ever seen. The DL played like starving dogs and Evans was a flat-iron steak.
    1 point
  41. Im not the sixty year stalwart. I am a rookie. sixty year guy is an amazing, outstanding person.
    1 point
  42. I'm not arguing either side of this, but the straight facts from that time were that they reached out to Toronto about Collaros first and were rebuffed, so they went to both Drew Willy and Kevin Glenn, and both said no.... then at the "11th hour", after Toronto cleaned house, they doubled back to see if a deal could be done for Collaros. Toronto said yes, fully expecting to get him back in the off-season........ and the rest is history.
    1 point
  43. it's what the whole Trinity Era has been building toward....
    1 point
  44. You have to make some sacrifices (Evans, BLM, Faj) in order to bring someone back from the other side (Collaros).
    1 point
  45. Streveler played and played well significant portions of the playoffs including that game in Regina. It wasn't all collaros. You said initially he was the big difference maker, I disagree, it was the changes to the D that were the big difference maker because those guys were straight up dominant in that 2019 run. They ruined Dane Evans career they were so good.
    1 point
  46. The amazing stuff is Brady Olivera is on pace for 1350 yards
    1 point
  47. I'm not sure how anyone could have watched the first half of that Edmonton game and tell me that we don't have protection issues right now.... serious issues.
    1 point
  48. Not sure where to put this, but the implications are huge (not hyperbole).
    1 point
  49. Semi fic*ed "So that brings us back to where we started. Yes, we have failed to prevent dangerous climate change. It is here. What remains to be seen is just how bad we’re willing to let it get. A window of opportunity remains for averting a catastrophic 1.5C/2.7F warming of the planet, beyond which we’ll see far worse consequences than anything we’ve seen so far. But that window is closing and we’re not making enough progress. We cannot afford to give in to despair. Better to channel our energy into action, as there’s so much work to be done to prevent this crisis from escalating into a catastrophe. If the extremes of this summer fill you with fears of imminent and inevitable climate collapse, remember, it’s not game over. It’s game on." Michael Mann, eminent climate scientist. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/19/heatwave-climate-omen-change-course-weather-models I volunteered all winter feeding at a salmon hatchery, van. island. there are people there who have spent sixty years working on this project. we released the fish into a few streams. yesterday we were asked to get ready to move them, by buckets, cause the one of the streams has dried up, due to record low rainfall. very disturbing. how awful to see your life work, selflessly spent helping others, destroyed for the sake of billionaire oil company owners like the kochs. who are investors in Alberta I think.
    1 point
  50. Again, a lot of these issues are far overblown. We don't have a nose... is that a coach issue or a gm issue? Collaros is getting hit and the OL are struggling... well we got pieces on the roster to try and change that up, coaching to not make the switch, but also patience is part of what makes the coaches here good so, as fans we should have some patience. We lost some depth to the NFL, to other teams and to the salary cap, that hurts, so we can't blame the coaches entirely on that. As I said, it's not as bad as some of you guys want to make it seem. A lot of it simply boils down to oshea has more patience.
    1 point
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