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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-05-07 in Posts

  1. Man I love going to training camp. I'll make it to a few time slots. Nothing like the quiet stadium with the sun beaming down and watching the competition. One of my favorite times of the year. So relaxing
    6 points
  2. https://www.semoball.com/story/2909875.html Jones is a 5 year starter which is rare though not against super high competition.
    5 points
  3. https://www.bluebombers.com/2023/05/07/blue-bombers-add-eight-to-roster/ All 2023 draft picks are under contract now.
    4 points
  4. 3 of the last 4 DMOPs were Bombers - so I’ll deal with it.
    4 points
  5. 6'3" 215lbs... Seems like a big solid kid. Now let's see how he handles a defense.
    3 points
  6. The Blue Bombers today announce the signing of American quarterbacks Cooper Callis and Josh Jones, American linebackers Christian Dixon and Barrington Wade, American defensive end Jadrian Taylor, and three 2023 CFL Draft choices; defensive lineman Tanner Schmekel (35th overall), running back Jonathan Rosery (62nd overall) and defensive lineman Collin Kornelson (44th overall).
    3 points
  7. He definitely didn't shank anything. I have watched the replay dozens and dozens of times (kept rewinding....) the kick was up enough, was starting left and would have drifted back right (it was windy) but Sayles missed a block and a guy got through pretty cleanly and got his hand on the ball as it was taking lift off...
    3 points
  8. I sure would love to see Jackson jeffcoat play a full season and put up monster sack numbers.
    3 points
  9. Last Bomber to lead the league in sacks was Hunt in 2010. A little disappointing..
    3 points
  10. Instead of actively trolling people in these political threads and further eroding the civility that remains and actually contribute to furthering the toxicity- wouldn't it be easier to just not visit the politics threads if it bothers you so much? Seriously, I mean you have a ignore option for posters who you see very little civility and who are not very respectful- you could just ignore those posters instead of trolling them. Just because you don't like it, I don't see why you need to advocate killing the threads that many people post in. You could honestly, just ignore the threads- unless you are trying to punish all those bullies and everyone else that post in those threads.
    3 points
  11. Man we used to love going to the all you could eat deep fried shrimp days on weekends. The servers would just walk around with baskets of deep fried shrimp and we would just have them dump out the baskets onto our plates. But we had to make sure we left room for the all you could eat soft serve ice cream. Never be a place like that again.
    3 points
  12. Barrington Wade was justed signed yesterday. 6 foot 1, 232 pounds. Was on the Bombers' neg list for awhile. Spent time on the Broncos' practice roster and got into 4 games in 2021. Was released by Denver at the end of Aug last year.
    3 points
  13. Jaidrian Taylor looks like an exciting prospect, although I fear that by saying this I have cursed his chances.
    2 points
  14. I think they are looking for a short yardage qb more than anything.
    2 points
  15. That’s awesome and a couple more imp arms! Fantastic!
    2 points
  16. Colin Unger

    Canadian Politics

    I'm still here. Steinbach is alot more diverse than it used to be. Lots of immigration to this area. Filipino is the fastest growing population here. So there's that and also many current generation mennonites are becoming progressive. For example the movie based on Miriam Toews book "Women Talking" sold out the theatre here which surprised Miriam who's left Steinbach a long time ago.
    2 points
  17. It doesn't need to be one or the other...they are not mutually exclusive.
    2 points
  18. Fatty Liver

    Canadian Politics

    I don't know how much you're paying attention, but Smith isn't really a conservative, she's a free wheeling libertarian with ties to many far right wacko groups that would be happy to tear down all vestiges of the equalitarian society we've built in Canada. If you can't bother to do your homework, maybe don't bother to vote either. Here are a few links to organizations she has direct ties to, it'll give you a pretty good sense of the their true political agenda, and clearly outlines their full intention of establishing Alberta sovereignty. Are you good with that? https://www.freealbertastrategy.com/ https://www.takingbackalberta.ca/ Notice the tattoo on her forearm? It appears to be a recent addition, it is the Ama-gi symbol, which represents freedom and liberty, but it is also well known as a symbol that brands a libertarian as a member of the tribe. It's also the logo of this right wing think tank. https://www.libertyfund.org/ She has also proudly displayed a "Don't Tread on Me" sign in multiple videos, perhaps there's a rebel flag on the opposite wall??? A few days ago she made the following announcement, by no means is she finished with these ideas, she's just hiding them in her back pocket until after the vote. "United Conservative Leader Danielle Smith says she won’t be campaigning on some of her party’s more contentious ideas – sovereignty legislation, a provincial police force and an Alberta pension plan – ahead of the May 29 election." https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2023/05/05/smith-sovereignty-act/
    2 points
  19. Fatty Liver

    Random News Items

    No doubt, nothing good can come of it when the land is controlled by a few, we seem to be moving backwards in time in a negative direction.
    2 points
  20. That's not what I'm arguing. Someone was complaining about legs missed converts throughout the year while saying Castillo is better. Statistically speaking that isn't the case. There's no manipulation needed. They are close, but Legs was better as hard as that is to believe. Wrong
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. I'll be voting NDP in the next provincial election.
    2 points
  23. No, because our kicker had the yips & shanked a FG line drive which was blocked.
    2 points
  24. I was bussing tables on a very busy Saturday night. I did one table too many & my tub was overflowing & really heavy. My hands were a little greasy from all the work. I started for the kitchen but I knew I'd never make it. I dropped that heavy bus tub right in the middle of the dining area. The restaurant was loud with people eating & carrying on. The whole place went quiet & then people started talking again. I cleaned up the mess absolutely mortified. Then I got hauled into the manager's office where he tore a strip off me for breaking dishes. What a bad night that was. Never did that again.
    2 points
  25. JCon

    Random Jets News

    Anything is better than the Jets 2.0 jerseys but you would think they could come up with something better? And, it's time for the home team to wear white again.
    2 points
  26. Stove is finished. We might have the new one in camp with OBG.
    2 points
  27. 17to85

    US Politics

    Trump occasionally tells the truth though... like when he said he loved the poorly educated... or when he said his personality stopped developing at 6 years old.
    2 points
  28. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    This is a thorny issue. Progressive values tend to be absolute- like allowing women to be equals, vote etc., and even the right of women to control their own bodies. This is where true progressives and convenience progressives diverge. If your values are rooted in a particular interpretation of a scripture, this tends to take you into troubled waters. Those who profess to be Xian are not alone in this. My spirituality guides my personal conduct with the Golden Rule as a foundational tenet, and my belief in a survival of consciousness after physical death and reincarnation are anathema to many. None of this gives me the authority to rule over the behaviour of others, providing their actions are consistent with that Golden Rule.
    1 point
  29. Not surprised we are signing alot of prospects on the eve of training camp. The CFL is now kind of the final opportunity for some players to play this season who were holding out for an NFL contract. If they don't sign now and an NFL deal doesn't come through they'll be sitting out until January at the earliest without money coming in. I would expect there to be a trend that many cfl recruits sign closer to the start of camp then before the xfl usfl.
    1 point
  30. And 6’3 220 and mobile. Both seem like camp arms tbh. Not that they don’t have arm talent or up side. Neither looks like a blue chip prospect. Under rated qbs tend to over achieve but if one of our nl qbs comes available I expect any of our 3 rookie imp qbs to be given an apple and a road map.
    1 point
  31. and a 47 yarder is by no means automatic for any kicker. our d should’ve been able to stop the Kelly drive. Two big runs easy pass completions. The whole game was a big under performance from us in all aspects. We should’ve smashed the argos.
    1 point
  32. JCon

    US Politics

    It's always the imaginary friend's fault.
    1 point
  33. I'm so jealous of you who can attend. **** me, I really need to find a job closer to home. It is exactly this time of year when I wanna be there most....
    1 point
  34. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Ya, Mark, I understand what you're trying to say, but in my experience, a deeply rooted faith is antithetical to progress. Also, I think there's different interpretations of "progressive" depending on how deeply rooted the regressive faith is.
    1 point
  35. I think you may be in the minority with that opinion.
    1 point
  36. for nearly 15 years i took the first week of camp off(used to always be the first week of june) and just sat in the stands soaking it all in chatting with the old timers. miss it. sun was usually beaming down but there were some years where the weather was pretty gnarly! i remember one year it was actually sleeting lol
    1 point
  37. on the defensive front he had a good game lol. On teams well least he’s got legs to take the fall for him.
    1 point
  38. man if we could only get Stove back...
    1 point
  39. bustamente

    US Politics

    Another day that ends in Y so here's another mass shooting in Texas. The next time a politician fighting back crocodile tears and offers thoughts and prayers people need to yell out liars and frauds.
    1 point
  40. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    to me the tone of the discussion here is not different from that of the football, and hockey discussions. football forum, posters are referred to as some version of stupid, regularly, and vehemently. sneering, angry insulting comments are seen quite regularly. and often the discussions are not informative, or based on much in the way of facts. If we want to be consistent, may as well shut them down too, if insults and stupid, fact free posts are the issue. I dont have any problem with any of the posts, or posters, I just ignore the ones that seem to be simply arguing, to "win",or to annoy. and, while there is some silly back and forth stuff, there are also many worthwhile informed comments, that are quite good
    1 point
  41. Leggs ****ing sucks and will get cut by the end of TC. The team has no confidence in him and rightly so.
    1 point
  42. What Paul doesn't tell you is he allowed that culture to exist in the room. Lots of fun quotes from Paul in the media like I can make them cry in there but it was just for show. Maurice allowed the room problems to fester. It's not all on him but the dressing room problems started with him. Accountability was never a thing with Maurice.
    1 point
  43. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    What you say is fact and well documented since he was born basically. What fascinates me is how his approach has trickled down into forums like this on the world wide web. Outright lying, distorting information to seed doubt and gaslighting to get a charge out of well meaning regular folk from all walks of life coming from many different types of political ideologies does not mean you're playing Devils advocate and not to be taken seriously. Responding to these the outlandish claims that have no evidence to back it up is not being tired and embarrassing. But here we are with a few who cryptically cast everyone as embarrassing and all equally bad because someone comes in hot with drivel. That makes me sad and that's what I'm seeing from my perch. You want to talk about being tired and embarrassed in what we now tolerate and what we don't tolerate, that's where I'm at.
    1 point
  44. Barrington Wade is one name off our neg list I’m very happy to see us sign I didn’t say I would cut Rose. I said I wonder if they’ll consider getting younger. Darby is an option too. They’ve always got huge competition in camp for DBs, so you never know.
    1 point
  45. The problem with the “Liegghio did not cost us because he is not responsible for the blocked kick” it that it creates a misleading narrative by conveniently forgetting his missed convert. Unless the snap was fumbled on that kick (and it wasn’t), that PAT miss is on him. One point lost there. We lost the game by one point. So to wash that away and focus only on the block feels as disingenuous an argument for his defenders as blaming him for the blocked FG is for his detractors. He missed more PATs than any other kicker all season long (and also the previous year) so THAT was the concern going into the Grey Cup, and lo and behold when the chips were down he missed again (like he did twice the week before in the West Final, which cost us a net 4 points). It is a 32 yard kick, which for today’s kicker should be close to automatic, maybe one or two misses a year over the course of 50 kicks. THAT should be the discussion about his fault or not in losing the game. Not the block which seems like a red herring in trying to defend him.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Nobody said that Legs shouldn't be challenged for a job. A more accurate take would be that we shouldn't immediately throw him in the dumpster and instead allow him a chance to earn a role. I'm all for giving him a fair chance to earn a kicking role and I am certainly no expert on kicking (or football for that matter) - but the thing that scares me most about Legs is my eyes don't like his place-kicking mechanics. I don't know if it's his build or something else - he just doesn't look smooth ever. His form is closer to a Tim Horton's kick for a million contestant than a pro (to my eyes). Again, I remind you I have no idea what I'm talking about here in any technical sense. I do like him as a punter, though.
    1 point
  48. I wouldn't even place a bet on who called who first. They probably got each other's voice mails as they dialed numbers simultaneously. I had just sent my buddies a message pointing out his release when I saw the "SIGNED" image. Whole thing was wrapped up in 20 minutes.
    1 point
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