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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-02-15 in Posts

  1. This line from Lawler yesterday: What a great presser with him yesterday. Is it just me or has he grown a ton in the last year or so? He seems so centered, so determined, and prepared to be a leader on this team. This 2023 offense is going to be ******* wild.
    16 points
  2. 14 points
  3. Is that really what I said? Because I don’t think that’s really what I said. This is the exact kind of dumb **** I’m talking about. For some reason, a handful of people here have started to drink this weird kool-aid that the Bombers can do no wrong. Any loss is a fluke. Any Bomber is better than literally any other football player. Any guy we don’t want isn’t “FIFO” enough. Any guy we do want has a high enough FIFO score for us to allow him the highly esteemed privilege of wearing our team colours. Any critical thought directed at the front office or players is grounds for being publicly berated. The part I don’t like about it is not that we’re winning or that we’re become a confident fanbase with high expectations. That part is awesome and I’m glad we’re all getting to experience it, especially knowing what we all have gone through in those dark years. The part I don’t like is that the way some of you are acting about it now is literally textbook Rider fan behaviour and it’s gross. This is the stuff that made everyone hate them. Not because they were good for a brief period of time, but because they were oblivious, borderline delusional weirdos about it.
    11 points
  4. Sheed is a guy that is very easy to cheer for.
    11 points
  5. Amen to this lol this golden age of Bomber football has created some weird complexes up in here
    10 points
  6. Britton Gray @BrittonGray Trevor Harris says he told his wife back in 2015 he would love to be the quarterback of the #Riders. "This is a dream come true." #CFL Dream? More like a nightmare.
    8 points
  7. Dudes been visiting the bomber fan forum since christ was a carpenter lol Some people take this **** too seriously and personally sometimes. Who cares lol Welcome anytime bluto
    8 points
  8. I thought we would miss Adams more than we did last year and I believe it's because Bailey took on his role.
    7 points
  9. What I greatly appreciate with Bailey’s play is he doesn’t F around on the field. He’s all business and straddles that line (mostly successful) that separates being a fierce competitor to being a **** head (see Rider players for examples). He plays like he’s constantly trying to prove himself.
    6 points
  10. Flags will be flown at half-mast right across Saskatchewan today followed by fist-fights as GMs duke it out on Dan Clark's front lawn for the rights to sign him.
    6 points
  11. The fluke was how the Bombers played, not the Argos. The Bombers played a crappy game all over the field and lost.
    6 points
  12. Your regular reminder that blocking posters is free and easy. Makes the site much more enjoyable.
    6 points
  13. Bluto is a class act. Don't get the hate. Show some class back . He's just supporting his team ,as we are.
    6 points
  14. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    Here's the issue as I see it. Someone expresses their hate, their lunacy, their absurdness, their drivel void of any factual information and critical thinking. This someone is anyone. It happens with all types of people depending on the issue at hand. They then are rightfully called on it. Over my life time, I've been called on my absurdness and I've deserved it. If anyone says they've never expressed drivel and been rightfully called on it they are fooling themselves. Nowadays there's a huge shift in how we deal with absurdity. Something remarkably happens now. Others come in hot saying the people who are calling out this lunacy aren't showing civility and aren't willing to hear other perspectives. The problem isn't the absurdness being expressed. The problem is calling out the absurdness. That to date is our current landscape.
    6 points
  15. I know there could be some confusion as the Bombers didn't announce his re-signing along with all the others at the end of the season. But I trust the CFL transactions page over the Bombers' website. As well, our man Ed Tait has him listed on the roster; Running backs/Fullbacks Under contract: RB Brady Oliveira*, RB/SB Greg McCrae, RB Johnny Augustine*, FB Mike Miller*, FB Konner Burtenshaw* Pending Blue Bomber free agents: none https://www.bluebombers.com/2023/02/10/first-10-free-agency-preview/
    5 points
  16. Courtesy @WinnipegGordo: Greg McCrae (A) – re-signed Nov 22
    5 points
  17. Khari Jones being fired from Montreal is turning out to be a blessing in disguise for him personally. We obviously need Montreal to right their ship for the health of this league.
    5 points
  18. I also think last season the defense was not what it could have been because of the sheer amount of injuries... secondary was beat the **** up, we lost maston before the season started, we lost Wilson and then his backup... Jeffcoat barely played... that's a lot and this team was still able to overcome it and win 15 games. Not worried about them at all. Scouts do their jobs and someone will show up on the DL to help (not to mention Hansen as well right?)
    5 points
  19. People say we aging an old...but if you look at DB's for example....Darby is just 30...Rose and BA are 29....Nichols and Lawrence 28 and rest are 26 and under....lot of tread left right across the board...Not concerned at all, as for the 2020 era football player they are smack dab right in their prime years, or just entering them Same with receiver...3 guys as it stands at 29...rest are in mid 20's....not an issue at all as for oline...most dont hit their prime/best until 30....and we all know Bryant is still tops....as has the 2 other "old guys" Neuf and Hardrick at 34 and 32....save for Kolo rest are mid 20 somethings....perfect for an oline
    5 points
  20. Just like to point out we haven’t even hit mini camp yet so the possibility that the roster isn’t exactly as we see it today. Much like Alford and Nichols taking 2 starting spots as rookies in 2021
    5 points
  21. I don't see how though.... I mean OK let's say you like the Argos front 7 more (highly debatable since I think you are reading too much into age of these guys and some unfortunate injuries last season)... the Bombers offense is very clearly head and shoulders above the argos on paper and special teams who can really say but the argos biggest issue on teams is a kicker who sometimes goes on a mental walk about same as here. Overall the argos are not at winnipegs level.
    5 points
  22. I didn't infer it. I implied it. But more correctly, I only stated that on the day of November 20, 2022, that Ryan Dinwiddie outcoached and out adjusted Michael MF'ing O'Shea. Because it is true. It happened and we all watched it. But like I also said, I'd far rather have Osh than Dinwiddie. And I was very critical of RD and frankly didn't think that he had it in him. Respectfully, I never did that. And I take a lot of **** here and generally don't rise to it. Hell... I had months of opportunities to stick it right back at a few Richards who have taken every chance they've had to vent their Toronto hatred on me... never did it once. You ought to see my block list. But the "Fluke" narrative had to die. And I've spoken my piece on that now, so I'll drop it.
    5 points
  23. You don't go on another team's board and start talking about how you beat them in the most recent 'Ship. I respect Bluto's contributions to the CFL online community as much as anyone, but his comments did not follow proper etiquette. They were cocky and uncalled for. The one Gapper poster that comes around here shows the right respect, surprisingly. This is a Bombers-specific fan site......cater your posts accordingly.
    5 points
  24. His team won. I don't understand how we're supposed to increase membership here if we can't collectively take a little bit of rivalry building - especially in the non-Bombers thread.
    5 points
  25. Also he's not wrong. The argos should have beat us early in the season. They have had our number ( as much as you can have ones number against a dominate bomber team ) for the last couple of years. We played poorly and we lost to an Argo team that's given us a hard time The Oshea getting schooled is kind of a stretch though
    5 points
  26. Farhan declares the Ticats off-season champions.
    5 points
  27. Yeah, Bluto’s no troll. Guy knows his football.
    5 points
  28. yeah...agreed....and you wont be rotating guys, and the potential with big dude Agudosi outside with that trio....makes ones mouth water...he's been kept here 3 yrs now for a reason...and we saw it in that brief game and a quarter
    4 points
  29. McCrea is under contract for 2023.
    4 points
  30. Having Wilson and Darby for a full season is a pretty huge ******* upgrade at linebacker too IMO compared to last year anyway. And the experience some guys got in the secondary last season will help solidify that as we start the season too. I just don't see the weaknesses others do.
    4 points
  31. did this get posted yet? Everyone so busy fighting, not sure if it got lost in the shuffle:
    4 points
  32. Which is exactly what a canny shopper says to the shopkeeper.
    4 points
  33. I like Sheed a lot, but at this point I'd rather we spend that money on the interior DL.
    4 points
  34. I have no problem with Agudosi or another rookie taking the Sheed spot (though I really love Sheed) as long as they can stay healthy. As SF27 mentioned, Sheed never misses games and is the heart and soul of the receiving corps.
    4 points
  35. I’d love to have him back but where does he play? Wolitarski is another under appreciated guy and I’m not sure how much he is going to get the ball either.
    4 points
  36. Take a look at the entire discussion. He didn't start really sticking up for his squad until AFTER posters were going on and on about it being a fluke and how much more superior the losing team was. Eventually people are going to push back. The Bombers were far and away the better team during the regular season. But this idea that they were some how the better team in the GC and lost doesn't sit with me. Better teams don't lose, the circumstance rarely matters. It certainly didn't in the GC. Bombers shat the bed Argos out played them and the results showed. Did I miss something? Lol. I'm assuming you missed his posts about how they're still going to be a top 2 team? I'm not trying to play hero, but your recollection of what he posted is bizarrely off.
    4 points
  37. Yup, likes to throw into coverage as well. Prukop is dead to me. Kidding, thanks for your contributions, good luck in your future endeavours. Next man up please.
    4 points
  38. There is a difference between guys like Bluto and some of the Gapper fans we get over here.
    3 points
  39. Just to be clear, You are happy?
    3 points
  40. And to break that down further, identifying areas where the Argos play was the reason we played crappy and identifying areas where it had nothing to do with the Argos play, it was purely self-inflicted.
    3 points
  41. If Bailey is back I am happy. If we go with a younger receiver for that 5th spot, I am happy.
    3 points
  42. Reasonably certain that never happened. And if anyone feels like it did, they may be a bit fragile for online sports discussion. Coddled? lol
    3 points
  43. Some kind of psycho. The only time cutting a box like that is okay:
    3 points
  44. I have no problem with other teams fans posting on our sight, just dont come in here chest all puffed up talking s**t about how your team was/is so much better than ours, and rubbing the Grey Cup in our faces. If you do that expect to get s**t talked back. Not sure why people feel a need to coddle him. He's a big boy. Come in to enemy territory guns a blazin', expect to receive return fire bro.
    3 points
  45. Definitely get "No Gurls Allowed" vibes from this board sometimes.
    3 points
  46. Bluto was on the old forum & as I remember he encouraged a lot of us to join this forum when it first opened. I remember he told me about MBB. He's the reason I joined so I don't feel the way you do about him.
    3 points
  47. Is it coaching when people aren't executing?
    3 points
  48. I like having posters from other teams. I don't get why some of you get so butt hurt over it. Other teams have good players/seasons. It's ok to acknowledge it. DOesn't take anything away from our team.
    3 points
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