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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-11-18 in Posts

  1. Never in my lifetime (and I'd suppose pretty much all of yours) have we had this matchup in the Grey Cup. And if you, dear Bomberfan, could go back through your memory of all of your past teams and coaches and then select just one of them to be taking the field this Sunday for All The Marbles, I can't think that many of you would pick any other Bomber squad or Coach that you've ever personally witnessed above this one which you have. Conversely, we the Argo Faithful, would be stretching the truth if we were to say the same. Indeed, most of us wouldn't have this year's incarnation of the Boatmen in our top 10. Speaking for myself, I confess great sporting admiration for your current team, its coaches and its accomplishments. Having myself been spoiled by epic teams in the past, I remember well the great feeling it brings to have your spirits buoyed by witnessing a well-oiled machine, firing on all cylinders and sweeping all before them. It is a daunting prospect for any club to come up against such an animal - apologies for mixing metaphors - but as you well know, there's a reason why you don't just declare a winner before the ball gets kicked. Any Given Sunday. This time honored maxim is a cliche for a very good reason: the team that is supposed to win, doesn't always win. Game of inches and such. I go into this matchup once again prepared for the emotional wound which losing The Big Dance can bring... But then, I have made this preparation for each of the last 3 of these games we were in and the outcome wasn't what it ought to have been. We were solid underdogs in all of them. We should have lost each of them. But we once again had our glorious name etched of the Cup because for each of these games we had a gameplan that worked, made fewer (or no) mistakes, and we had that one intangible that others will scoff at, but we, the True Double Blue know from the bottom of our hearts is real: The Argo Bounce. It's a helluva thing, but time and again, year after year, decade after decade, The Argo Bounce has come from out of nowhere and given us Victory and Glory that just frankly and earnestly speaking should never have happened. Fumbles, Tips, Deflections, Slips, Bonehead Errors and yes, Bounces. They should not keep happening, and the younger Bomber supporters with less appreciation for the Storied History of a rival team may deride this as a bullshit thing that isn't real and that random acts of bounce happen for and against every team. Well, yes they do. But the grizzled veterans amongst you look back over the years and in some recessed corner of your memories do in fact recall a stupid amount of random events granting risibly improbable wins for the Toronto Argonaut Football Club. And you wonder, will The Argo Bounce show up? Can the nigh invincible Bombers be denied by The Football Gods showing their favour once again to the Mighty Scullers? Likely not. This is probably the year where The Law of Averages catches up to us. When Lady Luck looks past us because we have just had it so damn good for so damn long. Maybe the Argos show up and have their best Gameplan, best Effort, make no mistakes and do everything right but still fall short because their opposition was just too much for them to overcome. The Blue Bombers should win this game. I can't fathom that you'd find many Argo fans who, if forced to bet everything they own on this game, would take the Argos to win it. If Winnipeg shows up and plays their best, it probably won't matter if Toronto can show up with their best. Winnipeg wins that matchup nine times out of ten... Or... maybe Any Given Sunday and The Argo Bounce happen. Some of you have known me 20 years or close enough to it. You know that my wish of good luck to you is sincere and it is in the tradition of sporting competition that the better team on the day wins. I witnessed your years in the wilderness and the false dawns that ignited hope in you that never came to be. You are deserving of your time at the top spoke of fortune's wheel because you've known the bottom of it. Sincerely & Fraternally, It's Go Time. I will look for you on the field of honour.
    15 points
  2. Man collaros talking about how they all talked about wanting to win the west final to make sure the team is together for another week got me right in the feels. You know those guys really love playing together.
    15 points
  3. 12 points
  4. Noeller

    Grey Cup early chat

    Stan The Boy Bryant is now unquestionably the greatest OL in CFL history and that is one hell of a statement. I'm as big a Walby fan as you'll ever meet, but there's no longer any debate. Incredible.
    12 points
  5. 12 points
  6. Mike O'Shea Coach of the Year, as is proper
    11 points
  7. Stanley Bryant MOL: "See you next year"
    10 points
  8. You know what would be awesome? If a mod stripped all the Rourke contract talk out of this thread, put it in it's own thread, triple-locked it and then made it invisible. That would be awesome.
    9 points
  9. 9 points
  10. ZC practicing in full gear, as expected.https://twitter.com/dtonob/status/1593695771362492416?s=46&t=67BAwqf1lKyNJWU8_nEFVw
    8 points
  11. Respect to Argo fans who carry the flag in TO and anywhere else. But I hate your squad, and anyone who isn’t with us is against us and no friend of ours this week. You’re in our way - and Sunday is coming
    8 points
  12. Mike

    Grey Cup early chat

    Sorry, why? your last post was insanity. You’re talking about HIS life. Had he missed the awards to attend to something like a workout for an NFL team, who cares? The NFL is so cutthroat that you need to utilize every opportunity you’re given. this mentality some CFL fans have where they act as if the players owe them or the league anything is absolutely bananas. This kid played two years in the CFL, his dream is the NFL and you think he has some kind of obligation to show up for some award he probably couldn’t care less about because why?
    8 points
  13. Firekid

    Grey Cup early chat

    If you look close at the video, it sure looks like Buck in Zack's uniform running out onto that field.....😉😋
    7 points
  14. Mike

    Grey Cup early chat

    MOP Rasheed Bailey MOC Nathan Rourke for showing up in the stands with Farhan and JC Abbott
    7 points
  15. Bailey also brings that hatefulness/intensity on the field that I thought we might lose when Darvin left. He seems to have enough for 2.
    7 points
  16. Wideleft

    Grey Cup early chat

    From this morning's Free Press: When the Bombers landed in Regina on Tuesday, receiver Drew Wolitarsky stepped off the airplane with his guitar case. “Yeah, I play at night just as a way to relax and tone down the day. I’ve been trying to get with (safety Brandon Alexander) and do some stuff, but the schedule’s been tight,” Wolitarsky said. Alexander is an ideal duet partner as he released his own rap album last year. Which teammate would be Wolitarsky’s last choice? “(Offensive lineman) Geoff Gray. I don’t think he knows one song. I asked him this morning ‘A million dollars if you can answer this, which band sings We Are the Champions?’ He had no clue.” jeff.hamilton@freepress.mb.ca
    7 points
  17. Geebrr

    Grey Cup early chat

    I love this dude…that is all
    7 points
  18. We need more chatter in here or I might have to actually do work today. Already made my office off limits by ringing my cowbell at anyone that enters the doorway... If they dare sit down then the get the horn... **** the Riders!!! @bluto All the props in the world for supporting your team in a tough market but it is not your time. This is our time and we aren't ready to let anyone take our torch just yet.
    7 points
  19. so in some more sane news, Ambrosie's State of the League is on......
    7 points
  20. Booch

    Grey Cup early chat

    Nice Stan...and he has said he hasnt even considered retiring...bodes well for us... Sad part Stan should have been accepting his 5th...got totally robbed in 2019
    7 points
  21. Have I mentioned lately how much I ******* love this team.....?
    7 points
  22. JCon

    Grey Cup early chat

    Yes, we're talking about his artificial leg.
    6 points
  23. JCon

    Grey Cup early chat

    It's the g**dam* Canadian Mafia again!
    6 points
  24. ShyGuy

    Grey Cup early chat

    Imagine having 800 all-purpose yards and 9 TDs and you are 4th on the list of people to focus on
    6 points
  25. I like Saturdays better... opens up a better party atmosphere for the game (I know, tell that to the 31,000 strong in Winnipeg last Sunday).... but the biggest thing is if you want to try and get more eyeballs... why bother competing with the NFL??
    6 points
  26. Mike

    Grey Cup early chat

    And without Rourke, how do you think the Lions season goes? It works both ways.
    6 points
  27. I just love that he’s here having fun and is healthy. His body language is night and day different then it was he was going through his injuries. It’s crazy to think a singular move can change history so much. It’s not crazy to say ZC maybe hangs it up after 2019 if he isn’t playing.
    6 points
  28. Booch

    Grey Cup early chat

    Maudlin would make a good Bomber next yr
    6 points
  29. Geebrr

    Grey Cup early chat

    Scheon wins ROTY
    6 points
  30. Seems like you got your panties in a bunch over nothing. He’s in Regina.
    6 points
  31. The sexual tension in this thread is through the roof
    6 points
  32. 5 points
  33. 17to85

    Grey Cup early chat

    I don't do ups. I do downs. Sit down, lay down... gimme a cheeseburger I'll wolf it down...
    5 points
  34. 17to85

    Grey Cup Party Foods

    Beer. Serve chilled.
    5 points
  35. Noeller

    Grey Cup early chat

    I just rolled my eyes at the "step away from the panic button and exhale, Bombers Fans..." nonsense that was trotted out all week as some kind of manufactured storyline. I can't remember ever being less concerned about an injury. This is not 2007. We are not reliant on our QB for this game. Brown is a quality passer and our OL/DL are going to win this game anyhow.
    5 points
  36. Let's hope not, this is a family broadcast.
    5 points
  37. I’ll predict: Bombers 24 Argos 10 MOP Dalton Schoen MOC Brady Oliveira I see a 2019 repeat. Swarming defense, lots of Toronto turnovers, Brandon Banks crying.
    5 points
  38. Rich

    Grey Cup early chat

    Need a live video stream of this to help increase the chatter and commentary.
    5 points
  39. Arnold_Palmer

    Grey Cup early chat

    No disrespect to Eugene Lewis, but come on man. Wasn’t even close.
    5 points
  40. Booch

    Grey Cup early chat

    Rourke is limping more than ZC ever was...and his walking is very noticeably not right...hopefully coming back before he should have was worth it
    5 points
  41. When it’s all said and done I think Stanley has to be the greatest o-lineman in the history of the CFL. We’re witnessing a lot of history here; we just have to soak in these moments. We may never see it again.
    5 points
  42. Big Stan says: I'll see you next year. YES
    5 points
  43. This is Canada's biggest sporting event and it's filmed with the same quality as the Blair Witch Project
    5 points
  44. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Guaranteed his followers still blindly accept him as a financial genius and this has little impact on him. The benefits of pandering to idiots with no critical thinking skills is that you don't face the consequences of a blunder that exposes your incompetence. I shudder to think if he was the leader and went all-in on crypto similar to El-Salvador. Canada could be in the worst financial situation anyone has ever seen in this country.
    5 points
  45. johnzo

    Grey Cup early chat

    please does anyone have a picture of the Argos practicing in parkas? I think one could have some fun with that.
    5 points
  46. Me having to relive this debate from 3 weeks ago that still has settled nothing:
    5 points
  47. Have I mentioned recently how extremely grateful I am to have oshea as our head coach?
    4 points
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