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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-10-27 in Posts

  1. I assume we're just going to throw out the most vanilla offense and defense. Everyone gets reps. No new schemes, no new plays, no new wrinkles.
    9 points
  2. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Glad to see this...
    6 points
  3. Just. Go. Away. You're just a pest.
    6 points
  4. JCon

    Random News Items

    Tax the churches.
    5 points
  5. There are many on this board who want the riders to give CD one more chance, let CoFaj continue to start, etc. Count me as one of them...
    5 points
  6. Weird that Ford is starting at CB and there are no back up DBs. Is Lawrence nicked or does he not factor into their playoff plans?
    5 points
  7. Found a few more: Week 4: WPG at TOR (Jul-04-2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5-gWGG8nQw Week 5: WPG at BC (Jul-09-2022) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaGX4HMLzCk Week 10: MTL at WPG (Aug-11-2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tJBCSKS_CE Week 14 WPG at HAM (Sep-17-2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWzPU7_CVLw
    5 points
  8. to put into context that injury, and timeframe....17 professional soccer and rugby players were studied in recovery the time from injury to fixation ranged from 8 to 31 days, and hardware was removed at 16 weeks postoperatively. One athlete retired after a ligamentous injury; the remaining 16 players returned to training and full competition. Excluding the retired player, the mean time to return to training was 20.1 weeks (range, 18-24 weeks) and to full competition was 25.3 weeks (range, 21-31 weeks). There was a significant difference between the mean time to return to competition for rugby (27.8 weeks) and soccer players (24.1 weeks; P = .02) and for ligamentous (22.5 weeks) compared with bony injuries (26.9 weeks; P = .003). Three patients suffered deep peroneal nerve sensation loss, from which 1 patient did not fully recover. Conclusion: Return to competitive elite-level soccer and rugby is possible after surgically treated Lisfranc injuries. Return to training can take up to 24 weeks and return to playing up to 31 weeks, with bony injuries taking longer. Now do the math...Rourke had his surgery the week of Aug the 21st....thats what...10 weeks at most from initial surgery, and not including the hardware removal at 16 weeks post surgery....so how is he totally healed and at no risk for serious re-injure....do tell....so obviously the BC doctors are NOT adhering to the proper recovery time...let alone even taken out the hardware as it's not medically proven to be removeable until 16 weeks...which is around the 3rd..4th week of Nov at earliest....and before anyone even tries to dispute and say...yeah thats one study....that is different...blah blah blah....that is the timeline for this healing process in all studies, and occurrences so based on that either 1) Rourke is not human 2)B.C has a secret sports medicine program for faster healing or 3) they rolling the dice and being less than ethical 4) Rourke is just a dumb tool and signed a waiver to play...and likely ruining any NFL shot in the spring I think I will go with options 3 and 4...
    4 points
  9. Multiple people trying to argue with he who shall not be swayed concerning that which cannot be defined. For TBurg, best week since about 2015!
    4 points
    4 points
  11. I'm still not convinced Hodge isn't just Mike using an alias and pulling a troll job on everyone.....
    4 points
  12. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    He's not Murray, which is a start. But, yes, we're in for another 8 years of mediocrity and not revamping city hall. Mediocrity is better than anything Murray would have brought. And, god forbid, Klein. Empty suit, trash.
    4 points
  13. Looking forward to this game because it's going to be the only time this year that I've been able to attend. I don't even care that it's likely going to have a pre-season game vib. Go Bombers!
    4 points
  14. this line-up I assume is just for a quarter, then there's gonna be all sorts of mixing and matching out there, but I'm intrigues. That Biggie to WIL thing is really really interesting to me. Ford at Corner is just to get him some reps and see what the kid can do...got no problem with that.
    4 points
  15. What the hell is going on with Rutledge??
    4 points
  16. 4 points
  17. If the other teams had won more games...they could have made trouble for us.
    4 points
  18. iHeart

    Canadian Politics

    we are not going to hear the end of this for awhile are we? well this is going to age badly very soon, I didn't even vote for Gillingham
    4 points
  19. I'll never forget what team 'doctors' did for Tua. I'll never forget the image of his hand after the 2nd concussion.
    3 points
  20. Couldn't remember his name but Edwards was a legit reporter who gave that place credibility. Now it's just fanboi bloggers playing at being reporters
    3 points
  21. Drew Edwards, who started it, was good. Totally Ticat centrist but a quality reporter. And, he could edit. He took Dunk under his wing, who couldn't write but could get scoops. Now, it's just a fanzine, without an editor.
    3 points
  22. Yes, Calgary does present a bigger obstacle to us than BC.
    3 points
  23. You have not shown anything that suggests it can't happen. The only thing you have demonstrated is that the standard rookie contract is a 2+1. Nothing in there that states a player can't be extended in his option year. Only that if a team chooses to pick up the option on the 3rd without an extension that there are pay limits in effect. I would be shocked if a team couldn't extend a player in his option year. I can't see how the union would ever let that happen. It would make zero sense. I don't thing you understand the definition of letting a team hang around. Of course, it's not a conscious decision. Letting a team hang around simply means that you didn't play your best game and it allowed an inferior team opportunities they otherwise wouldn't have had.
    3 points
  24. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    I'm pretty familiar with him as he was my councilor, ran our mixed curling league for a number of years and also lives a couple blocks away and often walks down our street with his wife. When he first ran for councilor, I took his call and we talked for about 20-30 minutes. We had some agreements (impact fees on new developments) and disagreements (he was against opening Portage and Main). He is a very considerate conversationalist. He is the one Conservative that I know that isn't a full-blown idiot - probably not even quarter-blown. Our street rehabilitation went horribly wrong. We were under the understanding (due to his communications) that our 70 year old street would get the full treatment (dug up, new sewers, curb installs with curb drains), but all we got was a grind and refill which does not fix our street drainage problems. He took the complaints like a man, but did nothing to help. I'm kind of concerned that our street "renewal" is going to reflect his approach to the city - half-ass it so we can cut business taxes. He is after all a fiscal conservative first. Socially, he has changed his opinion on LGBT rights publicly and I believe him to be a genuine kind of guy. He's not my cup of tea politically, but I don't think he's going to break things. It will be more of the Brian Bowman approach: no vision - fix streets, and be polite to those that disagree with you.
    3 points
  25. I think they wanna get Ford some real reps and see what he has...I like that...bout time...The first team DB's in practice were Rose/Nichols/BA/Parker and Lawrence...and assume that what we gonna see in playoffs Biggie at Wil is intersting...tho I think just for this game....Like that we have both our lines starting at least...to keep acclimated ...and ready...
    3 points
  26. For the first time in 6,000 years, a bison is born in the wild in the U.K. ‘In a world that’s on fire, in this little corner of Kent, here’s this little ray of hope,’ said Paul Whitfield, director general of Wildwood Trust By Sydney Page October 27, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT Tom Gibbs was getting worried. He was deep in the remote woodland of South East England, anxiously searching for Female 2, a bison that had strayed from the herd. “You start to think of the worst-case scenario,” said Gibbs, a bison ranger at Kent Wildlife Trust, a British-based conservation charity. A few days later, he heard tiny hoofs ambling around and noticed a tail swishing in the distance. Relief washed over him — followed by disbelief and delight. “I didn’t even believe my own eyes,” he said. Gibbs discovered that Female 2’s days-long departure from the herd was actually the best-case scenario: She had secluded herself to give birth to the first wild bison born in Britain in more than six millennia. “It was such a magical moment, and so iconic what it represents for conservation and wilding in this country,” said Gibbs, who first spotted the baby bison on Sept. 9. “I saw this little face pop out from behind mom,” he said. Gibbs stood there for two hours, “just watching the calf and the mom,” he said, adding that bison naturally conceal signs of pregnancy to stave off predators, so the rangers had no clue she was expecting. “I wanted to scream it from the rooftops.” The birth was a happy surprise for the team of rangers working on the Wilder Blean project, which brings grazing animals to the West Blean and Thornden Woods in Kent as a way to address climate and biodiversity crises. “Bison are this amazing, versatile tool,” said Gibbs, adding that he hopes they will be one of the keys to help reverse troubling environmental trends in the area. Bison serve as ecosystem engineers — a term used to describe species that can alter and maintain a habitat. The shaggy-haired animals, which have been described as “woolly bulldozers,” are seen by scientists as climate heroes. “They are quite big and robust, so they can really shape and engineer the landscape around them,” said Gibbs explaining that their fur debarks trees, they mow grass with their mouths, their large bodies create pathways throughout the dense forest and their nutrient-rich manure helps other species flourish. “Everything they do has this positive impact and shapes the world around them.” The project is run by two local conservation charities — Kent Wildlife Trust and Wildwood Trust — and is the first of its kind in Britain, though similar initiatives are underway in other parts of Europe and North America. Three female bison were brought from wildlife parks in Scotland and Ireland to a 500-acre area in July and will eventually be joined by wild horses and pigs. While the goal is for the animals to fend for themselves in the wild, they are being closely monitored and slowly weaned off supplemental food — which is what they were fed previously in parks. “We want to remain as hands-off as possible, but their welfare is at the absolute heart of what we do,” Gibbs said. The team is paying close attention to the calf — who is the fourth member of the herd. The birth is a big deal for a number of reasons, including that bison were once on the brink of extinction. European bison were nearly driven to their demise in the early-20th century due to excessive hunting. Only a small number survived and were kept in wildlife parks and zoos. In fact, according to Paul Whitfield, the director general of Wildwood Trust, all 9,000 bison living in Europe are descended from only 12 zoo animals. The calf’s recent birth, he said, is a major step toward growing the population. Bison have a life span of about 15 to 20 years in the wild. “In the U.K., we’ve lost almost all our mammals,” said Whitfield, adding that it’s one of the most nature-depleted nations in the world. “We’ve just slowly eaten away at all the wild places. Over time, and through hundreds of years of hunting, we’ve basically just killed everything.” The Wilder Blean project, Whitfield said, is an effort to reverse that damage — and it’s already working. “It’s very much putting back in place the missing ecosystem processes,” he said. “We’ve been intensely farming and managing the land for hundreds of years. There isn’t really much wilderness or wild left.” Funds are being raised for Wilder Blean, all of which will go toward rewilding — a conservation effort intended to replenish land and restore it to its natural state. “To me, rewilding is about working with nature and using nature’s natural processes to regenerate wildlife,” Whitfield said, explaining that the bison will accomplish that task “just by living and moving through the woodland.” Traditional conservation methods managed by humans — such as woodland coppicing, a practice of cutting down trees to stimulate new growth — aren’t as effective, he said, “which is why we need rewilding approaches where we’re not trying to keep it as is, we’re trying to make it much, much better.” Unlike humans, bison naturally nurture the land and work intuitively to create “niches for other species to move in and thrive,” Whitfield said. “It creates a far more complicated, rich, diverse habitat.” (more) https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/10/27/baby-bison-uk-rewilding-wildlife/
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    Gillingham is a small c conservative, and a guy I wish would have run for the PC leadership. He will make a fine mayor. He is well spoken, not controversial, and isn't a whack a doodle.
    3 points
  29. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Well done Winnipeg
    3 points
  30. So it could be just like last year, or just like 2001. I’ve seen the “we’re untouchable” attitude before, didn’t care for the ending of that movie. No one is disputing the Bombers are the top dogs, but BC isn’t as over-rated as some would like to believe. If one win over them with Rourke is enough to convince us that they have little chance against us and their success is smoke and mirrors, then by that logic one “Molly-whopping” by the Tiger-Cats against us should have us worried. Let’s not judge based on one game, good or bad.
    3 points
  31. Liegghio got screwed IMO. Grant had some big ones but was not overly consistent this season, injured obviously for a good chunk.
    3 points
  32. BC's a good team who lost their starting Phenom QB in the middle of the season and still managed to make it to 2nd place overall. They're good enough that VAJ has a winning percentage at QB. Their offence is 2nd in points for, 2 ahead of us & number 1 in net offence, despite losing Rourke. Their defence is 2nd in points allowed, 20 behind us & number 1 in picks. The only team a Rourke led Lions, lost to was the Bombers. They beat Calgary twice, once with Rourke and once with VAJ. I wouldn't take them lightly.
    3 points
  33. interesting stuff from the #1 BC Lions fan:
    3 points
  34. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    Yeah there was an article about it this past week about some of his former views and how they changed over time (aka once he was running for office). Not saying he hasn't changed but the timing is mighty suspect. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/gillingham-mayor-pastor-pentecostal-distance-homophobia-1.6626840
    2 points
  35. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Out of all this the thing that concerns me most is "pentacostal minister"....
    2 points
  36. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    He's posted pictures of himself getting vaxxed and he spoke out against at least one anti-mask protest so he's, at the very least, not a complete moron.
    2 points
  37. I'd assume a young QB who *can* be hurt on every single play by massive dlinemen/lbers and who will be the face of the franchise and he alone can make or break a team is a bit different from an older receiver who may see real contact on 10 or so plays primarily by much smaller dbs tackling him from behind and who if he does go down the team has 5 suitable replacements.... is kind of a different situation.
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. Not in 2022....hey ooooooo!
    2 points
  40. christ...they lost to the damn Riders....nuff said
    2 points
  41. Don't matter to some. They just want to argue, even if their point is inconsistent with all the evidence. Save your breath.
    2 points
  42. if some of our losses had gone the other way, we'd be undefeated forever....
    2 points
  43. AND if your aunt had nuts shed be your uncle...fact of tha matter is CGY is the better all around team even tho record doesnt say so
    2 points
  44. I do think Rourke is very good, and will further develop into an elite QB… but Booch nailed it imo.
    2 points
  45. pretty much that....most of Rourkes success was an immediate quick hit.....or a deep toss and hope the receiver won the battle....when the good teams took away the quick first read he was average at best....tossed many a pick, and didnt have the big point totals. And some the games where he had the chuck it up plays they got some serious lenient reffing on a lot of Off PI calls. Also feasted on the basement dwellers early, and skewwed both offensive and defensive stats...had EDM...T.O (when they were in dissaray)...feasted...met us and god molly whopped at home...had a bye then got HAM...SASK...EDM...barely beat Ham who have a good defense, and didnt really paste the Lowly Riders, had a 40-41 win against CGY and also lost to said Riders anyway....not a complete team....all or nothing offense which in cold weather play off ball isnt a recipe for success, and both lines are suspect......in a nut shell....They are almost a smoke and mirror version of 2019 Sask...and will be 1 and done in playoffs
    2 points
  46. It seems to be a standard approach for some nowadays, because it works. Post their 'wisdom' and/or share links that are absurd drivel (NOT informed opinions or views) on the world wide web - receive appropriate responses (i.e., WTF) from sane well-intentioned people from all walks of life with diverse backgrounds, political and social opinions and views - then respond predictably with why all the hostility, calm down, I'm just a moderate seeking the truth, why can't we just have rational discussion s less the hate, wow I'm just trying to hear all sides, what an echo chamber we have going on here. Confirmation bias, open your world up sheep. Mission accomplished, get a rise out of people they truly dislike. Isn't this called passively aggressively gaslighting? The 'beauty' of social media and how one way its being used.
    2 points
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