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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-09-22 in Posts

  1. "starts" sending? What do you think filled up my inbox in the first place??
    4 points
  2. Just remember this is your own fault when Al starts sending you the nudes....
    4 points
  3. WildPath

    World Politics

    This brought back memories I didn't realize I had. Having to guard phones to make sure a download finishes....
    4 points
  4. bustamente

    US Politics

    Says more about the people that support him that he has been able to con so many
    3 points
  5. bearpants

    Playoff Update

    The two games between Wpg and BC could end up making a difference… if the bombers go 1-3 (unlikely as that is) and BC goes 4-2 with two wins against the bombers… BC will be first. I honestly don’t think it’s a bad thing if the first game against BC is still meaningful… even if we lock up first in that game then we go bye, meaningless game, bye, west final… that’s a month between meaningful games… Bombers survived a long lull last year but didn’t look quite like the same team in the WF and the first three quarters of the GC.
    3 points
  6. johnzo

    US Politics

    Don't blame the FBI for this. They're just following the instructions from the DemocratMasterPlan2022.pdf file they found on Hunter Biden's laptop.
    3 points
  7. No but in a perfect world I’d bring him in and a nose. You could ensure every snap the ol was given fits and every one was kept well rested. We went from getting pressure with every dl on the roster to struggling to get pressure with our stars. This is the repercussions from being too good in the cfl. It’ll take time to re establish the depth long term. But right now we need some plug n play guys.
    3 points
  8. actually think he may be a more than serviceable QB..as the tools...needs the reps, and some stability around him...betting on him, and doing the in house developing could pay off
    3 points
  9. he is...but doubt we look receiver, as I fully expect Ellingson back after the bye and in time to wax the Riders ad their circus. I can see them making a hard push on Drew now to finish out the yr with provisos of a release immediately after season, but have a 2023 contract in the drawer if nothing pans out for him. Now regarding Houston's status, if the coaches figure him back before season close then I dont see us going after another possible pricey DB...we now have some big upside DB's here now, as well as a receiver (Heiligh) and also who knows ..maybe Agudosi may be available...the fact he is still here, and walking around albeit with a boot still at last sighting tells me he could be back Same with Wilson...the fact he roaming around with no issues, hasnt been in a boot or cast of any type in quite some time leaves me optimistic there as well. Mentioned it before, but bringing in Vaughters who is available would be a huge score...heavy rotation of him and the Jeffs would be crazy good, and would be that extra lil someting we need, especially if we in lieu of DB's now bring in a real gap cancelling DT/Nose....
    3 points
  10. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2022/09/22/city-police-use-decoy-bikes-to-arrest-four-thieves
    2 points
  11. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    This is what we are dealing with. The contingent of people out there saying ‘both sides I’m a moderate’ do sanity no favours.
    2 points
  12. ehhhh but if you're the Bombers do you want to do that? Bring him up here, get him adjusted to the team/league again, and then he bolts back south? I think if you're going to bring him back up here, you want him to commit for the rest of the season.
    2 points
  13. Booch

    Playoff Update

    YUP...barring an 0-fer to close out the season, I am pretty much saying we get the West Final...I don't see an epic collapse here...no way...no how....and can bet my left nut come gametime against the Riders here at home....it will be an ornery bunch looking to make a statement....poor Riders hahahaha
    2 points
  14. YEAH....Agreed and figured Jones would be all over that...my guess is we didnt even make an offer, unless we did and Jones just threw stupid money at him...with no regard for anything...which I suspect
    2 points
  15. Bigblue204

    The TV Thread

    Hitler's American Model by James Q Whitman is really interesting and goes deep into this topic.
    2 points
  16. Jpan85

    The TV Thread

    Learned how much of Nazi policy was based on American Jim Crow laws.
    2 points
  17. Jesse

    Playoff Update

    We are 3 games ahead of BC. We would have to go 0-4 and they would have to go 4-2 to get ahead of us. I understand there are still a few combinations involving ties and the season series. But we have 4 games left and an extra win basically seals it.
    2 points
  18. do or die

    US Politics

    Trump Tells Stunned Hannity FBI Were Looking for Hillary’s Deleted Emails in Mar-a-Lago Raid https://www.mediaite.com/trump/watch-trump-tells-stunned-hannity-fbi-were-looking-for-hillarys-deleted-emails-in-mar-a-lago-raid/ Ultimate "But Hillary" moment. Yup, the talk and walk, are two different things...........
    2 points
  19. FrostyWinnipeg

    The TV Thread

    As I always like to bring up...nice of the USA to join WW1 and WW2 as soon as they started and save millions of lives.
    2 points
  20. If you go to the top right corner of the forum there are 3 lines (next to the MBB banner). Click on that and you will see the bell (notifications) and envelope (PM’s). Click on the envelope to open your messages. At the bottom of the messages is “go to inbox”. Click that and you will get a list of all your message threads. Click on the box next to the message to “highlight it” (a check mark will appear) and at the bottom of the screen there will be a trash can option to delete the secret message thread. This is how you delete the PM’s. Or you could just meme this to Speedflex and maybe he’ll get the hint: I kid, I kid! 🤣
    2 points
  21. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    It used to be that terrorists were shunned. Now they are legislators. Ef them and all their ilk. Disgusting alt-right trash.
    2 points
  22. Desjaarlais will try to find another NFL practice roster position. I doubt we see him back here this season.
    2 points
  23. Jpan85

    The TV Thread

    Watched first episode was very good. Anything Ken Burns does I watch I am sucker for his style of documentary.
    2 points
  24. No...but we sorely missing a rotational end ..heck any dlineman to offset loss of Hansen and Kongbo...that rotation of ends is really hampering us..especially when we had lots of sets with de's in the middle...and we were very good against run...we need a few pieces and an experienced one in CFL game..and in CFL game shape would be huge
    2 points
  25. Mark F

    US Politics

    75 million, to 750 million? merely a slip of the sharpie! some advice for Mr. Weisman. move into your basement, stay there till Putin is dead. The Trump\Republican\Russian mob ties are the thing I would like investigated. probably too many American bigwigs involved for that.
    2 points
  26. 1. He throws heavy balls. 2. He runs like a giant gazelle, 1 stride=3 DB strides. 3. Super calm demeanor, does not get rattled and shows signs of intelligence. 4. Re-watch the last Rider game, enough evidence presented, with time he could be good.
    2 points
  27. Six months ago, you said Prukop was, and I quote, “terrible”. Now that he’s wearing our uniform, he’s suddenly a better version of a young developing QB on another team? Which one of the two passes he’s thrown this year was the one that changed your opinion on him entirely? I don’t think Cornelius is ever going to be elite, but he’s certainly proving to be capable enough to win football games if you put some talent around him.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. rebusrankin

    US Politics

    I just want to know if OJ's long sought real killer was also hiding out at Mars Lago, planted their by the FBI.
    1 point
  30. do or die

    US Politics

    Fun Fact: Trump’s lawyers are working Pro Bono . . . they just don’t know it yet.
    1 point
  31. iHeart

    US Politics

    It's a joke JCon
    1 point
  32. iHeart

    US Politics

    oh please if the simpsons were accurate I would be sitting on a toilet recliner on game day instead of going upstairs
    1 point
  33. And no NFL team will touch him if he is under contract to another team. He comes here and he is off the NFL radar until their next off-season, if at all.
    1 point
  34. If I'm 25, I'm going for it now tho cuz reality Is if I don't make it now they won't give me another chance. This is my shot to live my dream. I'd be happy to come back to the CFL but I wouldn't come until I've exhausted all My nfl options first.
    1 point
  35. If the back to back champs, and still favourite to win again this year, had called him, he would have come here....unless maybe he didn't want to be part of a rotation, and Jones told him he could have full time reps........ but there's no other reason why a player would chose that tire fire over Winnipeg right now.
    1 point
  36. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    It’s not about stupidity in that sense. It’s really more about gullibility, and it’s not really a Trump thing. It’s more about “owning the Libs”, Trump is just the convenient figurehead at the moment and can be replaced by DeSantis, just like Trump replaced McConnell. And the Democrats have joined the fray. It isn’t about what your side’s policies are, it’s about what you believe the other side’s agenda is and labelling it “the boogeyman”. Elections now are really pretty much one-issue votes: “How do you keep the other side out of power?” Whatever their platform is. For Dems, you attach women’s reproductive rights, vote-rigging, fascism, destroying democracy, and unfair lying politics to the other side and say “bad” without offering an agenda other than “we can’t allow that to happen”. Republicans scream “socialist communism”, “crime ridden cities” and “border crisis” and attach it to Dems, and say “bad” without offering an agenda other than “we can’t allow this to happen”. And gullible people, without really believing the mouthpieces that spew this, buy into the concept of the rhetoric to support their fear of “other” and find a scapegoat for their own failings.
    1 point
  37. I went to Polo this morning
    1 point
  38. captaincanuck12

    Playoff Update

    The key is to win 1 of the games against BC. That gives us the tiebreaker. BC pulled that miracle win against Calgary, and we laid an egg in Hamilton. so it keeps things interesting for another week.
    1 point
  39. MrFreakzilla

    Random Jets News

    Have you seen Myers play in Vancouver? It's a positive he signed that ridiculous contract. Trouba should have been traded the first time he held out, since there was a zero percent chance he'd stay. If Laine hadn't have been such a baby he'd still be here. That or more coddling was required to keep him happy.
    1 point
  40. Tracker

    US Politics

    This is only the beginning of the end for Trump and his rickety empire which has been held together with lies and bravado.
    1 point
  41. Tracker

    The TV Thread

    Disturbingly accurate.
    1 point
  42. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    Bivalent Covid booster now open to +18 years of age. Registration begins tomorrow:
    1 point
  43. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    kudeta...."Kudeta is the customer experience-driven incubator for the horological industry. We seek to identify, enable and support disruptive innovation." very timely post by 1785.
    1 point
  44. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Isn’t fraud criminal? Yea I know I’m having a hard time keeping up.
    1 point
  45. Haha. Gotta love those garbage time tudders. Alright, let's try something new. Rasheed Bailey.
    1 point
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