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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-06-09 in Posts

  1. I'm figuratively on my knees begging you to regularly post as you do this so we can guess the progression of beer intake based on your posts. 🙂
    7 points
  2. yeah that Ottawa O-line doesnt seem too stout and this is perfect game for us to rest Jeffcoat, and let new guys get feet wet while the Ottawa O-line takes time to gel...wouldn't be surprised if we rest him next week too if the newbies get pressure
    7 points
  3. I’m knocking ‘em back already waiting for game time. There are 3 number 80’s on the bombers and they’re all named Grant. I’m gonna be so drunk I won’t know the difference.
    6 points
  4. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    One of the things I hate most about politics is the need to constantly applaud whenever your side says something and boo and hiss whenever another side says something. I was absolutely disgusted when an NDP MLA was asking a question about personal care homes during a Covid wave and she was drowned out by the PCs cheering and applauding when she mentioned the health minister. I emailed a few PC MLAs to ask if they were part of the applause. I got one response and they said they would look into it and get back to me. He obviously never did respond. Political theatre is so annoying and sometimes goes overboard. Our political system would be so much better for citizens if there was more reaching across the lines and actual consideration for what policies would do best for the people. Way too much tribalism from all sides.
    5 points
  5. Masoli spends a few years looking over his shoulder at Evans, who is trying to take his spot, only to move to Ottawa and have Evans looking over his shoulder at the starting spot.
    5 points
  6. I was at that game. Every time Tyrone Jones put Dieter on his arse the Brockbusters song would come on. Tyrone sacked Dieter a lot that game. We were hoarse by the 4th quarter.
    5 points
  7. 5 points
  8. His name was Turnstile Thomas
    4 points
  9. By the time he gets good and truly drunk the old man will probably be ready for a nap.
    4 points
  10. Why don't I see any flankers listed on the depth chart?
    4 points
  11. I did not know that we could dress a 3rd QB designated as a QB. I don't think it says that on the CFL website. I'm once again confused by the CFL roster rules.
    4 points
  12. No scratch teams can dress 45 players if the 45th player is a 3rd QB
    4 points
  13. Hoping Mack can bring some pressure, cause Willie is going to see non-stop double/triple teams with Jeffcoat out of the lineup.
    4 points
  14. I would think Prukop does the short yardage, but if god forbid ZC gets nicked..Brown slots in...and to me that works just about right
    4 points
  15. No, no. Toronto ownership knows what to do.You switch to NFL rules, join a half assed league that has failed multiple times and the stands will magicly fill and money rains down on you.
    4 points
  16. I was in St. Vital Earls the day after the BC game in 2019 where Matt Nichols wrecked his shoulder/arm. I saw Andrew Harris having a drink with some friends and decided to ask him for a photo/selfie. He didn't hesitate, he immediately said "yes" and that pic has been my background on my computer now for 3 years. Same goes for Buck Pierce back in the day, when I saw him at Danny's having lunch one day. Great guys!
    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. LaPolice will have to call Flanders out of retirement for the second time.
    4 points
  19. Hello all, I know TSN is not the absolute greatest fantasy experience but it's probably the best free fantasy experience and there are prizes to be won. Members off this forum have finished atop the weekly leaderboards before and I think we can do it again. https://fantasy-api.cfl.ca/en/league_invitation?league_id=6786&code=473d280f-c3b9-415f-82e2-acfabdee92d9 Click this link to join the 'MBB 2022' league and compare your results against other members of this forum. Feel free to share this link with anyone you like. LFG!!!!!!
    3 points
  20. Sard

    Week One Ottawa Vs Winnipeg

    From the 2022 rule book (https://d3ham790trbkqy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/2022-Rule-Book.pdf): Article 5 – Designated Quarterback Prior to the game, each team is required to designate two or three Designated Quarterbacks. These players can substitute freely for each other during the game at the Quarterback position. A maximum of two of these players may be in the game at the same time. No Designated Quarterback can enter the game as a member of Team B.
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. +1,000 internets for you sir. Well done.
    3 points
  23. Turnstile has to be one of the best all time names to describe an offensive lineman. Still makes me chuckle whenever I see it. I think the Riders had a guy back in the early 2000's that they always referred to as Turnstile Thomas, but I forget his first name.
    3 points
  24. Bighill’s Big Hits.
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. So when do we play The Las Vegas team Oh Christmas Tree...
    3 points
  27. You along with everyone else. The roster rules in the CFL are so needlessly confusing, especially when it changes every time you finally get used to them. I thought that was two years ago lol
    3 points
  28. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    According to Jacobson and Wallace, Alan Hallman was also on the Zoom call, a notorious fixer for former Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, Rodney Diplock, a high-ranking leader inside the PPBC, Brad Mitchell, another PBCC member, and Gerald Chipeur, a well-known attorney who was once the general counsel to the Conservative Party of Canada, now count the PBCC as a client. “Chipeur is the key bagman for the Conservative Party in Alberta,” Jacobson said. “I would say he’s probably one of the principal bagmen and behind-the-scene influencers federal in the Conservative Party that represents the extreme right, religious fringe.” Video: We Interviewed The Doug Ford/Russia “Whistleblower,” David Wallace, And It Was BANANAS https://t.co/PtJOGXUrYD The startling claim is part of a massive dossier called the Klondike Papers, which Blackball Media obtained after a story broke earlier this week that appeared to show Premier Doug Ford’s office was actively engaging in backchannel discussions with Kirill Mikhaylov, the Russian Consul General of Toronto. The details of how Jacobson got wrapped up in this story stem from Wallace’s claim that Chipeur and Hallman retained his services to help track down a former member of the PBCC, Richard Marsh, a whistleblower. The latter blew the lid off an alleged PBCC scam that fraudulently siphoned millions of dollars from the UK’s National Health Service. According to both Jacobson and Wallace, the PBCC told them Marsh had warrants for his arrest, but they discovered Marsh did not have any outstanding arrest warrants after some due diligence. When Wallace and Jacobson informed Chipeur, Hallman, and the PBCC that no such warrants existed, Hallman allegedly requested that they “grab Marsh and turn him over to us.” “You got the wrong person,” Jacobson told them. He also said that when he was on the same call, he informed them that because of the attempted manipulation and what sounded to Jacobson like a request to help the PBCC kidnap Marsh, he would now do whatever it takes to protect Marsh from the PBCC. Jacobson’s motivation for speaking out appears to be his longtime friendship with Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, who he says is in bed with radical Christian groups like the PBCC. He says he still considers Kenney, a friend. Jacobson took Kenney to Israel several times and said he appreciated Kenney’s steadfast support of the state of Israel. Jacobson added that he is intimately familiar with how politics works in various countries and stressed the importance of having access to both bagmen and money. *We can’t confirm any of what Mr. Jacobson told James Di Fiore, nor do we endorse it as truth. These are Mr. Wallace’s and Mr. Jacobson’s accounts of what they say are/were their experiences. https://deanblundell.com/news/nathan-jacobson-plymouth-brethren-church-asked-me-to-take-out-justin-trudeau/ I hope the RCMP has launched an investigation on this with an eye to laying charges and extradition.
    3 points
  29. Steward and Ruby at guard for Ottawa don't impress me much.
    3 points
  30. This is getting real freaky man! Love it!
    3 points
  31. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    And what's frustrating even more is some of these people struggling with food security vote for the same people who are laughing at them.
    3 points
  32. Of course! THE most fun to watch!
    3 points
  33. B.C. Lions welcome The Breaux Show back to the CFL | Brockville Recorder & Times A relative got me his book for my birthday. Reading it now, only because of his time in the CFL. I disagree. Dieter Brock was hated when he left Winnipeg but after the years passed everyone got over it and we recognize him now for all the great memories he gave us in a Bomber uni. Same goes for Harris. That guy left it out on the field every game. I love that.
    3 points
  34. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Where is the shocked button when I need it...
    2 points
  35. Oh ok I get it - we don’t have one. There’s only 45 guys listed. I knew it didn’t make sense because we have 5 American backups, which is the number you should have with 8 Canadian starters. Ottawa only has 45 guys listed too so I guess the scratch is a thing of the past?
    2 points
  36. I bet it’s a high ankle sprain.
    2 points
  37. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    This is so crazy it's hard to believe, but knowing about orgs like "The Family" it bears keeping an eye on. NATHAN JACOBSON: PLYMOUTH BRETHREN CHURCH ASKED ME TO ‘TAKE OUT’ JUSTIN TRUDEAU James Di Fiore News Jun 03, 2022 He was once a political asset for former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He calls Benjamin Netanyahu a personal friend. Yesterday, business mogul Nathan Jacobson dropped a bomb on Blackballed when he, along with self-professed political fixer David Wallace, claimed they were asked by a member of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC) to do ‘whatever it takes to ‘take out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.’ Jacobson said they punctuated their somewhat ambiguous request by saying, “name your price. ” According to Jacobson and Wallace, Alan Hallman was also on the Zoom call, a notorious fixer for former Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, Rodney Diplock, a high-ranking leader inside the PPBC, Brad Mitchell, another PBCC member, and Gerald Chipeur, a well-known attorney who was once the general counsel to the Conservative Party of Canada, now count the PBCC as a client. “Chipeur is the key bagman for the Conservative Party in Alberta,” Jacobson said. “I would say he’s probably one of the principal bagmen and behind-the-scene influencers federal in the Conservative Party that represents the extreme right, religious fringe.” Video: We Interviewed The Doug Ford/Russia “Whistleblower,” David Wallace, And It Was BANANAS https://t.co/PtJOGXUrYD The startling claim is part of a massive dossier called the Klondike Papers, which Blackball Media obtained after a story broke earlier this week that appeared to show Premier Doug Ford’s office was actively engaging in backchannel discussions with Kirill Mikhaylov, the Russian Consul General of Toronto. The details of how Jacobson got wrapped up in this story stem from Wallace’s claim that Chipeur and Hallman retained his services to help track down a former member of the PBCC, Richard Marsh, a whistleblower. The latter blew the lid off an alleged PBCC scam that fraudulently siphoned millions of dollars from the UK’s National Health Service. According to both Jacobson and Wallace, the PBCC told them Marsh had warrants for his arrest, but they discovered Marsh did not have any outstanding arrest warrants after some due diligence. When Wallace and Jacobson informed Chipeur, Hallman, and the PBCC that no such warrants existed, Hallman allegedly requested that they “grab Marsh and turn him over to us.” “You got the wrong person,” Jacobson told them. He also said that when he was on the same call, he informed them that because of the attempted manipulation and what sounded to Jacobson like a request to help the PBCC kidnap Marsh, he would now do whatever it takes to protect Marsh from the PBCC. Jacobson’s motivation for speaking out appears to be his longtime friendship with Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, who he says is in bed with radical Christian groups like the PBCC. He says he still considers Kenney, a friend. Jacobson took Kenney to Israel several times and said he appreciated Kenney’s steadfast support of the state of Israel. Jacobson added that he is intimately familiar with how politics works in various countries and stressed the importance of having access to both bagmen and money. *We can’t confirm any of what Mr. Jacobson told James Di Fiore, nor do we endorse it as truth. These are Mr. Wallace’s and Mr. Jacobson’s accounts of what they say are/were their experiences. https://deanblundell.com/news/nathan-jacobson-plymouth-brethren-church-asked-me-to-take-out-justin-trudeau/
    2 points
  38. So I guess Dru Brown is "officially" the back up
    2 points
  39. The numbers for are MLB a bit odd too. 2 different numbers between 4 players - Bighill and Gauthier have 4 covered while Clements & Maruo got 0. I don't think I have ever seen both 0 & 00 used at the same time before.
    2 points
  40. Ruby right guard.... think might be some " opportunities " for Bombers there. Also.... Pruneau, seemed a bit light,and slow to me. Mbb Lapo discussion continues. Tattered remnants of lapobad will regroup and strengthen tomorrow tonight. Bighill.... sack, int, fumble recovery. hope marc has a good game. ftw
    2 points
  41. bustamente

    Canadian Politics

    Once politicians get a taste at the trough peasants are no longer a concern for them
    2 points
  42. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Surprised this flew under the radar: https://globalnews.ca/video/8903556/singh-chides-mps-for-laughing-during-question-about-grocery-prices You have to be a real piece of human excrement to laugh at the fact Canadians are struggling with food insecurity.
    2 points
  43. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Uniting the people who hate truedeau and the people who ******* hate trudeau
    2 points
  44. FrostyWinnipeg


    Moderna says experimental combination COVID-19 vaccine appears to work against Omicron.
    2 points
  45. bring back Fantaseh!!! but yes I will play your game...let's go!!
    2 points
  46. The rhetoric from the MPs supporting PP that he is some great uniter of the CPC or even all of Canada 😄 I'm sure there's some positive ways to describe him, but you absolutely can't paint him as a someone that unites people.
    2 points
  47. Two days left. And today’s choice is non-negotiable. From Notre Dame and SI to one of the greatest Grey Cup finishes ever in Ottawa, and ending the first great Bomber Cup drought, here is my favourite Bomber QB ever.
    2 points
  48. First game of the year is always a bit of a dog's breakfast, as everyone tries to get in sync. Just give me a check mark in the W column and the 2pts and I'm good. Doesn't have to be pretty.
    2 points
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