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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-06-03 in Posts

  1. I haven't been spitballin' mad here for years now. I've worked hard to calm down & reign it in a lot as I know that I can be a difficult poster to deal with & have been in the past. I'm not perfect as I still have my moments but I try everyday to be better as well as gain people's trust here. Not that I want anyone to feel sorry for me but a lot of the anger I have/had was from anxiety & depression which I've suffered from for years all the way back to Grade 10 when I first had suicidal thoughts as school for me that year was an abysmal failure. Or just suck it up!! It went undiagnosed for decades. It was always, "He has a bad temper." Well, yes & no as it was more than that. But when you feel some days like you're going to die if you leave the house, it's a tough life not knowing why. I was so angry, nervous & sad all the time. I've sought professional help & it is helping. Anyway, enough! I don't want to be the person here I used to be.
    18 points
  2. this is exactly why you never fault a football player (any athlete, really) for making as much money as they can, while they can. You just never know when it's all gone just like that.
    9 points
  3. Many men suffer from depression and others mental stressors and are expected to suck it up because we are supposed to weather everything life throws at us without complaint or pause. There is a good reason that men are three times more likely to make suicidal gestures than women because of this macho image crap. When my wife, the light of my life died, I really struggled. It was the worst time of my life and the one person I would have wanted most to have with me was absent and beyond my reach. Even with all my training and experience I spiraled down into an abyss. I was more fortunate than many- I had concerned, loving friends and family, professional connections and despite all these, I was afraid to fill out a prescription for the Triazolam my doctor friend and colleague wrote for me. Depression is a lonely journey at the best of times and if we are afraid of admitting we cannot handle things and reach out, it is a lot worse.
    9 points
  4. Final day of TC today.... DT says Rose is back out in 12 v 12 this morning.
    7 points
  5. John Murphy last year was generous giving us Alan Darby for a Olineman he cut a month later
    6 points
  6. Maybe not as big as the Ray trade, but Pinball's generosity in trading Collaros to the Bombers on the last day of the 2019 tradeline certainly has had a huge ongoing effect pushing them up over the hump. Without the miraculous delivery of Collaros, is O'Shea still H.C. with no cups in 7 years? Maybe not.
    5 points
  7. I hear you guys. Mental health is something I’ve struggled with all my life. Even to this day it’s always an uphill battle even though I have methods of dealing with it. Two things that really changed my life around was working out and sports, particularly my connection with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Nothing gives me more joy in life then watching a Bomber game, and as I get older I find myself on here talking with you fine people. It’s hard to find a connection to people who love this team as much as I do so I enjoy sharing my time talking about this team with you guys.
    5 points
  8. When it comes to Don Jonas, I was, still am & always will be an unabashed fan boy & I'm proud of it.
    5 points
  9. Support bro. Mental health ain't no joke. Been there, took over two years off work on WCB for mental health reasons. My **** will always be there but got some skills through that process and therapy to work through it moving forward. Dont ever apologize for being injured.
    5 points
  10. Like others I liked what Clements was doing out there, flew around and had good instincts. "Looked" like a LB. Was worried bout the American DL with stove leaving but like the push and motor from Randle. Was hoping to see the big yank corner, Rene? I didnt see him. Elillingson would be wise to make some noise early, a few young guys behind him that look like players...plus they are at a fraction of his salary. Borsa, let's keep him. Drew B looked poised and confident. Prokup threw some dimes late in the game. Just another IG west win.
    5 points
  11. I’ve heard there’s lots of internal hype about Rutledge Glad it seems like we are trending away from the Janarion in the starting receivers idea. Excited to see Schoen. Wonder who ends up staying between TJ Simmons, the Jackson’s and Tavaris Harrison. Simmons was a guy I was really excited about pre-camp who I haven’t heard much about, Blake/Lucky both seem solid and just stuck behind a deep group and … don’t really know much about Harrison except he can’t handle a little cold but I think it’s great that we seem to have some legit options. I’d personally love to see us move on from a guy like McKnight who has just completely underwhelmed me the entire time he’s been here, but I get he’s also hurt now. Agudosi still in the mix as well and I feel like he’s going to be a problem for defenses if he ever gets in a game.
    4 points
  12. Fatty Liver

    The TV Thread

    "We Own This City", Baltimore, David Simon, corrupt police and politicians, drugs, money and guns, a few familiar faces from the Wire, well done and well worth watching.
    4 points
  13. the Ray trade was a rig, and I'll fight that fight till the day I die. I have absolutely zero doubts in my mind.
    4 points
  14. This is good news! We need him healthy for the season opener.
    4 points
  15. JCon

    Around The NHL 2021/22

    It's been almost 30 years.
    4 points
  16. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/tempe-city-council-votes-to-continue-negotiating-arena-deal-with-coyotes/ Baffling how much ******* leeway this franchise continues to get despite its continued lack of profitability over nearly three decades.
    4 points
  17. Totally orchestrated to prop up Toronto. Such bullshit. Though to be fair there were rumors that Edmonton was going to go full ***** and trade Ray. Speculation that Mike Kelly was going to try and trade Doug Brown as part of a deal for Ray if I remember right.
    4 points
  18. I recall some people online even suggesting that the CFL had a hand in making the trade happen because they wanted Toronto to be in their 100th Grey Cup game. It was a trade so dumb that nobody could believe that it could have happened without some shadiness somewhere in the background of it all.
    4 points
  19. I really hope that guy gets arrested and at least exposed / publically humiliated for such an insane reaction over nothing.
    4 points
  20. Wideleft

    US Politics

    FYI (I'm referring to the second tweet)
    3 points
  21. Ppl ***** about bettman but if his bosses didn't want Arizona around they wouldn't be. His bosses include Mark Chipman btw. Gary works for the owners. If the 31 nhl team owners(not including the Arizona owner)didn't want Arizona to stay they would be In Houston tomorrow.
    3 points
  22. Collaros was broken. He wasn't even dressing. Argos were lucky to find someone to take the salary off their hands for 2019. Pinball is not playing 4D chess. He also traded Arbuckle in-year.
    3 points
  23. I found out that grief is not restricted to losing someone out of your life. It also occurs when our childhood is stolen from us, betrayals, and losing the vitality that comes from aging. I am not the same person I was before Mo died. I think and hope that I am now more empathic and gentle with people I see who have been deeply bruised by life's traumas. And there is scar tissue but life carries us onward. The pain has passed, but I still am grateful for having had and miss her presence. We are given memory that we might have roses in winter. I have been fortunate in finding a wonderful woman who is willing to put up with me. It is not the same relationships as we had with our deceased spouses, but we care about and for each other.
    3 points
  24. JCon

    Around The NHL 2021/22

    There are a lot of owners, like in Seattle, who are probably quite upset. This team should be in Houston, making money and contributing to the revenue sharing.
    3 points
  25. I think Don Jonas was the most popular player the Bombers ever had, Jack Jacobs may have built the House (Winnipeg Stadium). Ken Ploen may have been the winner of 4 Grey Cups. However, Jonas was a sociable guy who people immediately liked as he connected with them. His play as a qb brought the Bombers back from the financially dead. They went from averaging around 10,000 fans a game in 1970 to 25,000 by 1972 at Winnipeg Stadium. Bomber home game tickets became a hot item. When they went on sale, the games would sell out in two or 3 days. Jonas did public service announcements, local commercials, was a spokesperson for different charities in Winnipeg, a sought after keynote speaker at banquets during the off season, curled in the media league which endeared him to Jack Matheson & even acted in a play at MTC. He could have ran for Mayor & won. Incumbent Mayor at the time Steve Juba certainly was glad he didn't. People loved the guy. There's been no one like him since.
    3 points
  26. Speedflex and Tracker hope you are doing alright, i love pretending to know what I am talking about for football with both of you.
    3 points
  27. Best wishes to you Speed. The work doesnt end but it does get better.
    3 points
  28. I signed a life time, no cut contract with a no trade clause years ago. I don't make any $ but they can't cut me or trade me to another fansite.
    3 points
  29. It was always WHERE are the hashmarks and never HOW are the hashmarks
    3 points
  30. You guys open the door for Dave to rant about Lapo, you pay the price.....
    3 points
  31. yeah...everyone and their dog had him going back to T.O.....saying no way he staying here...etc...etc.....guess that was a bit of an oversite....get a guy in this locker room, and environment....u got them hooked
    2 points
  32. Pinball was also fairly open about thinking he could re-sign Collaros as an FA in the off-season. He wasn't being generous, he thought he was being slick.
    2 points
  33. JCon

    The TV Thread

    As someone who has watched The Wire four times through, I can't wait to watch We Own This City. I was waiting until all the episodes were out.
    2 points
  34. the biggest thing that makes you realize it was rigged, is just how Toronto was so far in the shitter, and they were hosting the GC right away, so it was VERY CLEARLY meant to prop them up and make them "legitimate" in the eyes of a fan base that does not care. Infuriating.
    2 points
  35. Having spent time in Phoenix, nobody there cares about that team. Cardinals, yes/ Suns, yes. ASU, yes. Hockey, nope.
    2 points
  36. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    He got re-elected because he ran an effective campaign and the other two didn't. Neither opposition party gave a valid reason as to why they should be trusted over Ford.
    2 points
  37. Of course you had to like the guy. Who wouldn’t when he’s a twin for Fred Flintstone. 1971 CFL Most Outstanding Player!
    2 points
  38. bustamente

    US Politics

    We have come to the time of American politics when a member of Congress talks and plays with his guns while talking to other members of Congress. It's a race to the bottom folks
    2 points
  39. He knows several guys though...so be careful. We'll handle it internally...bring your database.
    2 points
  40. I am done now that they cut Whop I’m not young anymore, otherwise nailed it
    2 points
  41. Urgent need for New yachts , 12th home, New jet. stuff like that. Some people think the end is nigh for bitumen. So......Need to extract the last few billion, then hand the whole mess over to we the people, and sidle away. "CNN — Sales of non-plug-in internal combustion-powered vehicles peaked in 2017, according to a report by industry analysts at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, and have been in “permanent decline” since then as sales of plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles increase. Sales of plug-in vehicles are also expected to triple their current levels by 2025, according to the report. “Most importantly, the market is shifting from being driven primarily by policy, to one where organic consumer demand is the most important factor,” lead authors Colin McKerracher and Aleksandra O’Donovan wrote in the BloombergNEF report. In 2025, the global auto industry will sell 20.6 million plug-in vehicles, according the report, compared to 6.6 million this year. "
    2 points
  42. Lapo with Nichols... conservative and uninspired. Lapo with Collaros... unbeaten and a Grey Cup win. Buck with Collaros.... Grey Cup win. It's not the OC folks... It's the QB.
    2 points
  43. I hope Liegghio has won both kicking jobs. Not sure why Mourtada is still here. Even if we're going import/global for either spot we need to find much better than Mourtada.
    2 points
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