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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-03-30 in Posts

  1. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    That's not true at all.
    5 points
  2. I'd rather the CFL try bumping the season up a month over adding an extra down. Maybe attendance might be a tad higher towards the end of the season if that was the case.
    5 points
  3. If we’re going to start grammar and spellchecking these guy’s tweets…. We might be here for awhile.
    4 points
  4. do or die

    US Politics

    Committee member : "Please state your full name" Jared Kushner: "5th"
    4 points
  5. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Not even close.
    4 points
  6. Just go to playoffs is the cold. I have sat through some absolutely frigid temperatures. Just dress appropriately. We're all Canadians here, we know how to dress for the elements... course I see people show up in a light jacket and jeans to cold weather games and they're miserable... guess some people refuse to put on the winter outfit.
    4 points
  7. If we're going to change the field size it should be to 100 Meters. Uniquely Canadian. Still 110 yards. My personal rule change never gets brought up: Missed FG that goes through the endzone without being touched = zero points. Allows for missed FG's to be run back, but doesn't reward misses with a single point unless you can tackle the returner in the endzone. IMO the CFL is going about this all wrong. The rules are great as is. Changing rules won't get more fans in the stands or more fans watching on TV & that's what the CFL needs.
    4 points
  8. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    Any thought on Ole Pierre P aka PP wanting to make Canada the cypto capital of the world?
    3 points
  9. How do you figure? What data, metric or policy changes are you using to come to this conclusion? Genuinely curious, because I am often a victim of my own confirmation bias.
    3 points
  10. I still think there's merit to the idea that the CFL (and TSN) don't want to compete with NHL playoffs in the spring/early summer, so they don't want to bump it up too far....
    3 points
  11. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    The entire country has shifted right. Remember "red tories" ? there is no such thing now. People here are saying jason kenney is the normal person in that party. Good god. The Conservatives are now john birch /Alex Jones right wing crackpots, the NDP now would have been centre right in the past. The NDP in British Columbia is promoting LNG gas, logging old growth, beating up, pepper spraying protesters, and "RE: Call to action to call BC Timber Sales at 604-702-5700 and call for 60-day extension of consultation for a five-year Pest Management Plan including herbicide spraying in the South Coast forestry covering Squamish to Hope We find it unbelievable in this day and age of carbon credits, environmental toxin awareness, greenhouse emissions, air quality indexes, and awareness of the historical effects of herbicide spraying both to the ecosystem and humans, that a government is planning a mass forestry herbicide spraying against native plants.." Probably not as bad as what came before them, but hardly what once was left wing. really, everything is going the wrong way, world wide.
    3 points
  12. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    The left CAMPAIGNS on the left, but then governs very much towards the centre, and even on the right I would argue that the Mulroney Conservatives, with their introduction of new taxes, were more to the left than most Liberal governments have been
    3 points
  13. Sure. But overall, attendance does drop for playoff games, including in Winnipeg Winnipeg, with one of the GOAT teams, is not a good barometer for the overall situation.
    3 points
  14. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    I agree to some extent, but I also think they influence beliefs of people rather than just reflect the beliefs of people. When people see our official opposition saying things like 'dictator' I'm worried more people will think that is a credible belief. I'd like nothing more to see the party crash and burn, but I think they are doing a lot of damage along the way. Trumpism in the United States made anti-democracy and racism acceptable, I'm worried we may be going down that path thanks to a spineless CPC party and populists like Pollievre.
    3 points
  15. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    *sarcasm alert* To be fair, she never said specifically children don't deserve free food because that's communism. Fake news all around that's why there's so much division. See comment above with their 'interpretation' of what Trump said and how other interpretations that don't align with theirs are fake and is the reason why there is so much division in our society right now.
    3 points
  16. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Funny (??) story: They (UCP) actually got rid of an NDP tax credit to entice tech companies to move there. I've read stories of at least 2 different companies that were going to set up shop in Calgary (and help a downtown that is a ghost town, thanks to O/G companies taking money and then moving their office to Houston) and decided not to, because they felt the government was against new tech. It's just wild....they really think oil is going to be around forever and there is zero back up plan for when it's not.
    3 points
  17. Whatever, it's up to the party to realize their problems and correct them, if they don't they'll continue to kick the can down the road and will never get elected. At some point a strong conservative group in the East will get nostalgic for the old PC brand and divorce themselves from the Western crackpots who stole the banner in 1993 when Preston Manning ejaculated upon Canada. As far as this **** goes, the finger always points back to origins in Alberta, the home of dumb politics.
    3 points
  18. I agree that perhaps taking out one bye week and ending the season mid November would work.
    3 points
  19. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    That party needs to publicly denounce stuff like this for any hope of credibility. They've gone so far off the deep end and I'm concerned they're dragging down a section of people who vote conservative no matter what with them. There's people who believe this garbage BECAUSE they hear it from the politicians. Unfortunately they won't denounce it, at least not as strongly as they should. For god sakes, they've embraced Bergen of all people as their interim leader and Pollievre is a front-runner for next leader. I saw this tweet recently which sums up how I feel right now: The very sad state of conservativism in Canada 2022. Jason Kenney, Scott Moe, Doug Ford, Pierre Poilievre, Candice Bergen: This is their best. Their very best.
    3 points
  20. Tracker

    US Politics

    There seems to be no outrage at this, which dwarfed Nixon's secretary's 18 minutes of "accidently" erased White House tapes. The GOP's tactics of overt, massive violations of the law and deadening public reactions seems to be working. Merrick Garland's glacial, timid investigations into the attempted Coup is playing perfectly into that.
    3 points
  21. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    CPCs sink, again, to a new low.
    3 points
  22. A judge says Infowars host Alex Jones will be fined $25,000 to $50,000 per weekday until he appears for a deposition in a lawsuit brought by relatives of some victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. http://apne.ws/TpvuJEM
    2 points
  23. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Side note - Strong recommendation for 'Finding the Mother Tree' by Suzanne Simard for insight into how forests should be managed and some fascinating info on trees communicating with one another. Sounds out there, but I am somewhat in the field and its not. But it is a compelling read. Also, the left in Canada becoming the radical left was my laugh of the day. Another example of how beliefs espoused by politicians can become accepted as fact.
    2 points
  24. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    The issue is that there is no more moderation in politics and it alienates a lot of people. The right has swung strongly to the right, the left has swung strongly to the left, and neither of these are good scenarios so it all becomes a toss up of who can win the war of words. Neither side is particularly strong on policy that makes much sense so sensationalism, finger pointing, and dog whistle politics is all we get now.
    2 points
  25. Goalie

    Random Jets News

    Kc was the only jet who didn't have covid. Schmidt like 3rd time now So is Schmidt as he and ville were excellent together last game They both will miss the next 3 games now.
    2 points
  26. If the the third bye week provides measurably greater safety for players, I am all for it. A 10th team, to me, would even out the schedule and provide fewer weeks where teams play twice or on a Tuesday. We could go back to a predictable schedule of two games on Friday night and two on Saturday night. You would need to have a third on Saturday or Thursday night, when all ten teams played. I wonder if the Schooners would have been a go, if not for Covid? I thought the momentum died for it before the pandemic?
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    Sure...it's helping but gone are the hay days of the boom and that is unlikely to happen again. Alberta's in a real tough spot too. Without the oil industry there isn't a ton going on there.
    2 points
  29. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    Alberta has been in sharp decline for a number of years now.
    2 points
  30. Yeah, they made the start of the season earlier, but inserted more by weeks rather than moving the playoffs up a couple of weeks IMO, that was a missed opportunity to improve late fall attendance
    2 points
  31. So bump the season up a month and start in May? Training camp in April? Don't agree with this. Pontentially dealing with weather in April (see Winnipeg this year). You'd have to move up the CFL draft and there is a reason its held after the NFL draft. We have our first game on June 10th this year which seems about right.
    2 points
  32. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    Nationally They had Robert Stanfield, Joe Clark. Even Mulroney, flawed, but much better than the current fools. The collapse of Alberta is going to be ugly. Sometime in the next ten years.
    2 points
  33. bustamente

    US Politics

    Holy Crap Perlman is burning it all down
    2 points
  34. More nis. I don't think any one went 3 imps for the year. If I had to hide bad ni talent levels I'd start 3 ni wrs before 3 Ni ol. Run ni dt an ni wil 2 ni ol c and guard 3 wrs or 1 rb 2 wrs. Lots of guys around the league not getting the reps to develop at wr rb and lber.
    2 points
  35. He's an excellent prospect but really? Those people gotta put the koolaid down. The elk do have a crowded QB back field. Tate, corny, JT, and arbuckle is a pretty good bit of depth. I'm not surprised they'd like to move some one, but the smart way to do it would be slowly and in pieces. None of those guys are going to bring a premium before TC cuts. They'd be best of bringing them all to camp, letting the position play it self out, then hiding guys and waiting as long as possible to trade them. If tate, or JT see serious reps this year the elk are going to be in horrible shape. Corny and arbuckle dont assure any level of success, but they give you a chance.
    1 point
  36. 17to85

    World Politics

    And worked tirelessly to undermine western alliances on Putins behalf, and to ease sanctions on Russia. Yeah the entire GOP is the pro-russia party.
    1 point
  37. Its you're as in you are, your indicates ownership of something. As in You are or You're jealous of Winnipeg, Reggie and your premise is incorrect, Reggie.
    1 point
  38. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    mycelium is an extremely interesting subject.
    1 point
  39. Fatty Liver

    Canadian Politics

    The colour of a governing parties flag matters not, once elected they are all beholden to the large corporate stakeholders that sustain industry and create employment within their jurisdiction. For the most part the Horgan NDP govt. has done a good job over the last few years, managing the economy, handling Covid and avoiding scandals. If Horgan ever decided not to do the biding of the forestry industry in BC, he would chance being found dead in a ditch shortly afterward.
    1 point
  40. I really don't want to watch football in May. I like it the way it is mid June start mid November finish.
    1 point
  41. JCon

    World Politics

    He has laundered their money for years.
    1 point
  42. SOme very interesting information on the logistics of the failed attempt to take Kyiv in 2 days and what scenarios might playout:
    1 point
  43. Tracker

    US Politics

    The face of American conservative "Christianity":
    1 point
  44. Mark F

    US Politics

    Hard to say, but maybe we are watching the implosion of the two countries that ran the world since WW2. The lawyer handling the trump prosecution in New York state, pomerantz, a really big time lawyer, says that without question, Trump committed crimes. Yet the ag of new york state is not going to proceed. so pomerantz quit and went public. No explanation will be given for this decision not to proceed. Dont know when the limitation on stormy daniels expired, but trump was slam dunk guilty there. Cohen did time for it. there are so many backroom, billion dollar, dirty deals at play in the states.... chances are many of the leading figures are compromised. who would imagine trump, as president, with unlimited access, not getting whatever dirt he could find, on anyone and everyone. So completely depressing.
    1 point
  45. Fatty Liver

    World Politics

    Yah, not too likely. "Almost 3.9 million refugees have left Ukraine (as of 28 March 2022), while an estimated 6.5 million people have been displaced within the country (as of 18 March 2022). In total, more than ten million people – almost a quarter of the population – had left their homes in Ukraine by 20 March." That many less Ukrainians for Putin to deal with, it shouldn't be too difficult finding ethnic Russians to fill the gaps left by the Ukrainians who have fled once the infrastructure is restored. Weather-wise Ukraine is like comparing BC to the prairies, a much more temperate and comfortable place to live compared to the frigid steppes of Russia. The process may take a longtime if the Ukrainians continue to fight, but eventually I think his plan is to erase the Ukraine nation from all maps and absorb the territory into Russia.
    1 point
  46. I'm not AS averse to 100yd field as I am to reducing the number of Canadian players, but I'd still prefer 110. There's something special about the fact that our field is so much bigger (length and width) than the NFL field that makes it seem "tougher" to me.... like our game is tougher to play. I dig that and don't want to change it.
    1 point
  47. I would say that moving 2nd base is equivalent to moving the hashmarks. Going to 4 downs would be like going to 4 outs, or 4 strikes. If those changes were being proposed for baseball, you can sure as hell expect fans to be up in arms about it.
    1 point
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