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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-03-17 in Posts

  1. Stop pretending there is a quick fix to grab fans. Changing rules won't win fans. Boots on the ground grass roots long term thinking is the only way to foster new long term fans.
    7 points
  2. Fred C Dobbs

    World Politics

    In plain words:
    6 points
  3. Wow. It’s like if any of us at work were in the boardroom, meeting room, lunchroom whatever and someone asked us to say a few words to help comfort a colleague who lost a child and we start off by celebrating our sons football championship win or daughters hockey championship win. What in actual f. Show some class, some empathy. Your timing to share a proud parent moment sucked royally.
    6 points
  4. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    I'll state the obvious here. In reality, for this to be not shut down automatically after coming out of some imbecile's mouth for the first time tells us the whole system is corrupt and run by extremely bad people who have rationalized to themselves and others that they are good people and of high character. Examples like this are proving that not all issues have 'both sides have good points'.
    5 points
  5. Wideleft

    World Politics

    How we used to do things or even how we do things now should never dictate that we simply accept the status quo. We don't use whale oil for lamps anymore and New York hasn't used natural gas street lights for more than 100 years. There is no magic switch that's going to change everything at once - that's why it's called transition.
    5 points
  6. She has always been over her head in all her portfolio's and this time she failed up the ranks, she knows the next election will not be kind to her and her party
    3 points
  7. Automatic ban to anyone that posts a pic of a player wearing #85 pre-Milt era...
    2 points
  8. Where did you hear those comments? All I have ever heard from the media is that he is set on trying free agency and unlikely to return. If he wanted more than $5 million a year, I’d pass on him. If it was $4 million or less, I’d take a good look. In between that, would need to be dependent on the rest of the team cap room. And right now the team is up against the cap with few salaries coming off the books. People just need to stop with all the “trade Wheeler and Scheifele” nonsense, and it is complete nonsense. Wheeler is not going anywhere, plain and simple. He has a no-move clause, and even if he did not, no one is taking on an $8.5 million contract for a 35 year old with 2 full years remaining. Putting everything else aside, no team has that kind of room in their cap to take him on. Luckily, even as an overpay he is still producing at a point a game rate. Mounting injuries are becoming a concern. And a buyout would cripple the team for two years with nothing in return. Why would any team give up 60-70 points a year to get nothing back and still pay $4.25 million towards your cap. As for Scheifele, even in a down year with fans manufacturing attitude issues, he still remains one of the best value contracts in the league for his ability, so you don’t move him from a point of weakness to appease a grumpy fan base. If he is to be moved, it is more likely to come at draft time, not a rush deal at the trade deadline. And you get proper value for a #1 centre, not just a dump move with the team still 2 points out of the playoffs. I not not against trading him, also not against finding a coach who can work on his defensive game. But wishing a trade of 26 and 55 to “change the culture” is abject stupidity driven by a scapegoating fan base that will turn us into the new Edmonton Oilers who tried the same stunt when they moved Eberle, Hall, Yakupov etc all to re-blend a failing team, IMO. The biggest problem contributing to the Jets’ slide has been the unexpected loss of Byfuglien and the inability to re-rebuild the defence since then. The next biggest is not having a good third scoring line or an even average 4th depth line. Getting rid of two of your top 3 scorers out of spite is not the way to remedy that.
    2 points
  9. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-will-put-its-enemies-such-united-states-their-place-medvedev-says-2022-03-17/ No accountability whatsoever from Russia's so-called leaders. Nothing but delusional assclowns in the Kremlin.
    2 points
  10. JCon

    Trade deadline thread.

    I think it's a cap issue. Where do you fit him in for what he's worth? If they traded "C" and/or "A", then I could see some room.
    2 points
  11. -25 yr Bombers stadium announcer, The Maestro, Bob McGregor on his radio/media journey, nuances of being the IG Field conductor, origin of "That is another Winnipeg First Down," and his passion for the Bombers and the community -Peak of the Market CEO Pamela Kolochuk details Peak's new partnership w/ the Bombers, Biggie and AJ's role in the packing party & how Peak supports local farmers -What's the big whoop about Whop? Why Sergio Why? Victor Cui, and are we talking enough about how dominant the 2021 Bombers were? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-go-bombers-podcast/id1585525041 https://open.spotify.com/show/0EmHG7FPmOSQOC8OsW8IMw Zach
    2 points
  12. *edit* My apologies, I misread the original post.....sorry GCn20, I thought you were asking the dumb question of why they want to improve their OL (which is trash) and this makes way more sense now.....
    2 points
  13. do or die

    World Politics

    After some analysis.....have figured out what the 3 main sources of pro-Putin propaganda are: Channel 1(RUS) Rossiya-1 (RUS) Fox News (USA)
    2 points
  14. Tracker

    US Politics

    Not allowed in most US states, and I would bet that the states with the most restrictive abortion laws all have banned it. America has not been a sane place for several decades now.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    Just another woulda shoulda coulda moment for her. The next election cannot come soon enough.
    2 points
  17. bb1

    Trade deadline thread.

    Wow massive overpay for Chiarot...
    2 points
  18. Time for Wade and the Canadian Mafia to flex their muscle.
    2 points
  19. the watcher


    I think it's competence level deteriorated since Pallister left........Whoda think it ? Basicly when he baled out the rest just quit trying. Which borders on criminal given the situation.
    2 points
  20. Coaching also depends on what happens with other teams. I'd hate to make a commitment to Lowry and then all of a sudden the Isles toss Trotz after this season (they've been awful, but we know Trotz isn't the issue...)
    2 points
  21. Because they are fans, not GMs
    1 point
  22. It was on Twitter today some scribe was chatting with him at the scheduled meets with Jet Players.
    1 point
  23. Exactly that's why they are both staying
    1 point
  24. Tracker

    US Politics

    "Christianity" as it is practiced in many places all around the world bears little to no resemblance to what it started out as. There is only one gospel book the gospel of Thomas which has not gone through multiple translations and editing. Thomas was the disciple whom Jesus who became the Christ spoke often with in private and so often that several of the other disciples were jealous. The book, "Beyond Belief- The Gospel of Thomas" was translated directly from Aramaic after it was found in a Coptic Church in Egypt in 1948. The theologian who wrote it was motivated by the pain and grief following the loss of her son and sought comfort from scripture that was not shaped by rich angry old men. It is a wonderful, enlightening read and paints a dramatically different picture of the teachings of the Christ.
    1 point
  25. JCon

    Trade deadline thread.

    They weren't going to trade him going into the playoffs. But, they should be dealing Copp and Stastny.
    1 point
  26. BomberBall

    Trade deadline thread.

    That. Is. Bananas.
    1 point
  27. Yeah, a deal where MTL retains salary.
    1 point
  28. JCon

    Trade deadline thread.

    Perreault clears. I expect him dealt in the next few days.
    1 point
  29. Mark F

    World Politics

    Sometimes something happens, and things are changed unexpectedly, and very rapidly. current example..... rapid, massive Response to the putin invasion. Who honestly thought this would happen. Not me. the transition would be well underway, but fossil fuel is fighting it every way it can. eg: Texas law now in effect: "Essentially, the bill said the state of Texas cannot do business with financial groups that divest from fossil fuels. Issac says the goal is to get these banks and investment firms to change their policies. He calls it "a responsible way to push back that says, 'Look, if you're going to be anti-Texas, then you're not going to get to do business with Texas.'" The bill was signed into law last year. Now the Texas comptroller's office is creating a list of companies that could face a state boycott. On Wednesday, Comptroller Glenn Hegar sent a letter to 19 financial companies asking for a list of any mutual funds or exchange-traded funds in their portfolios that "prohibit or limit investment in fossil fuels." He said another round of letters will go out soon to 100 other companies, and any that fails to respond within 60 days "will be presumed to be boycotting energy companies." "free market" 😂
    1 point
  30. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Imagine this. My son rapes a woman. Woman completely broken, scared, scarred for life with no social support networks in place impeding her ability to file a police report and seek any sort of help. I catch wind of this happening, lets say 1 to 2 weeks after the rape and also have been informed the victim, because of my son's illegal actions, had to go thru an intrusive medical procedure to abort the fetus. Instead of me automatically/instantly hauling my son down to the police station as well as providing as much support I could for this victim and her family, I instead contact a lawyer to begin the proceedings of a lawsuit against her and her family. Yea sure there's lots of sides to this issue all making good points ffs.
    1 point
  31. Mark H.

    World Politics

    The electric engine has never been the issue. The issue is...how is the electricity to power the engine being generated? Most of the world's electricity...still comes from fossil fuels.
    1 point
  32. JCon


    It's a s*** show. Can't believe this govt can't sort out their backroom and get some people in place. They've been in govt for 6 years now and still can't get good staff??? At least Costa Rica Brian had a crew in place.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. I was diagnosed Celiac about 6 weeks after my last visit there so it wouldn’t be the same for me anyway but my wife is crying after seeing those pics. Her heart aches for a “Special”.
    1 point
  35. Anyone follow Max Bernier on twitter? His posts are becoming more unhinged. The Ukraine should be left to the Russians. The War isn't real. Everything is a conspiracy. Every politician in Canada but him is a member of the World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab is Enemy Number 1. The man is dangerous & I see more & more people seemingly agreeing with his hatred & rhetoric everyday on Twitter. The man to me, is a threat to our security as a nation. He's also a nutbar. A dangerous nutbar. His wwords are working up his base into a frenzy as far as I can see. To think this guy was Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister & then wanted to be leader of the CPC is chilling. He's becoming more & more radicalized.
    1 point
  36. Like A&W but pricier than others for what you get. Wendy’s Baconator and the double quarter pounder from Mickey D’s are both disgustingly calorific. Love them. But honestly the “mom and pop” store burgers are better.
    1 point
  37. Teen Burger for me. Always liked A & W. Stay away from that plant thing they're selling.
    1 point
  38. I'm never watching a down of the CFL again if this happens. I can't see them being dumb enough to actually do this.
    1 point
  39. I’m a pretty open guy when it comes to change, but this would absolutely undoubtedly kill what the CFL represents and I would NOT be in favour of supporting it. In fact if that happened I would no longer support the CFL. The league may have its issues but having three downs is not one of them.
    1 point
  40. Time for social media backlash from cfl fans. If they aren't stopped now we won't have a cfl in 5 years.
    1 point
  41. Agreed, no replacement. "Two Bacon Cheeseboorgers for you." All those personally written sings posted everywhere...
    1 point
  42. Writing was on the wall for Bowman when Castillo signed.
    1 point
  43. 17to85

    World Politics

    Fun fact! you can reclaim oil sands mining back to the way it was before quite easily and the tailings aren't nearly as toxic and can be much more easily dealt with. (the assumption of course being that governments hold companies accountable for actually doing the reclamation) I know everyone wants to bang hard on the "oil and gas is the worst thing ever!" drum, but it's really not as bad as people make it seem. Heavy metal extraction is a much bigger issue environmentally but everything now is greenhouse gasses this or climate change that.
    1 point
  44. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    The biggest concern is quality of care. Private clinics would likely have the opportunity to pay their employees (doctors/nurses etc) more than a publicly funded one. Meaning the best doctors etc would only be available to those who could afford to pay for them...and if it starts snowballing eventually you're left with a public system that is over worked, understaffed and under qualified. Even if the public system is well funded it likely won't be able to compete with a free market. I had a family friend who moved south a few decades ago because she got a job offer from a hospital in chicago to do the same job but doubled her salary (I actually believe it was a bit more than doubled) and payed for the moving expenses including their rent until they found a house they liked. Now obviously that anecdotal but it's the premise people worry about.
    1 point
  45. Mark F

    World Politics

    Lol that is a good one. plasticseurope says "Plastics are derived from natural, organic materials such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil. The production of plastics begins with the distillation of crude oil in an oil refinery. ....... One of these fractions, naphtha, is the crucial compound for the production of plastics." so ... sure lets talk about plastics.
    1 point
  46. Personal faves nostalgia-wise are VJs, Super Boy's, The Burger Place, and Dairi-Wip. Contemporary faves are OGC, Rae's Bistro, and Junction 59. Not in Winnipeg but I gotta mention Nite Hawk Cafe out at West Hawk. The scene here in the city (and within the province) is simply awesome, with plenty of variety to suit almost any preference as far as burgers go.
    1 point
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