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  1. Jeffcoat was the best player on the field and it wasn't close.
    6 points
  2. JCon


    We're more than two weeks on from the Bombers opening game and the TP rate for Winnipeg remains 1.4% and cases remain low. Great news! Vaccines work!
    6 points
  3. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    No that is such bullshit. It's not indoctrination, it's that people who are educated see through the bullshit of conservatism. Education is bad for the current form of conservatism not because of indoctrination but because a lot of the things that conservatives push for are bad for society as a whole.
    5 points
  4. For the life of me, I can't understand why any team, the CFLPA, or the league would let its players go unvaccinated. All it takes is one careless plague rat to ruin an already precarious season.
    5 points
  5. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    I'm going to suggest that you haven't been on many campuses and are getting this drivel from alt-right sites and blogs. It isn't happening.
    5 points
  6. 4 points
  7. The Flames just announced a few minutes ago that they will require proof of vaccination to get into Flames, Hitmen, Roughnecks & Stampeder games. I'd have liked to have seen that for the LD game vs Edmonton but a lot of people have bought tickets, I guess. If anyone remembers the post I made about a month ago where I spoke with the Stamps ticket manager saying I didn't feel safe going to games not knowing if the guy next, above or beside me was vaccinated & he just sloughed it off like it was no big deal. Well, I think they took a look at their attendance figures & saw fans are staying away in droves. That they didn't feel safe going. All of a sudden seeing other teams making decisions to have proof of vaccinations they did an about face. Boggles the mind that such a stupid decision was made in the first place.
    4 points
  8. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Not just an opinion. I have heard Jason kenney use the same talking point about leftist indoctrination in the education system, and look at the curriculum he is trying to force down Alberta's throats... no critical thinking, only rote memorization and spitting up memorized facts. You know why? Because I'd people start to question things and think about things for themselves they will reject the grift that conservatives love to push on people. He wants blindly obedient voters who only remember what they are told.
    4 points
  9. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    One of the truest things that Trump said (and maybe the only one) was that he loved the uneducated. He knew who was gullible and stupid enough to vote for him.
    4 points
  10. Tracker


    But the microchips in the vaccine and how it lowers and pollutes sperm remains.
    4 points
  11. JCon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    It was all negotiated with the CFLPA. If your team is under 85% vaccination and there is an outbreak, you lose the game and it is cancelled. Not all Bombers are vaccinated but they've really pushed it. Fit in or f... off.
    4 points
  12. JCon

    US Politics

    Why is it that every time there is "leftist" violence, we find out it was actually the right? I wonder.
    3 points
  13. Jpan85

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Bombers Yes and Please
    3 points
  14. We miss Tank Richardson at DT. We miss Grant on KR. We missed Harris and Demski in the backfield. At least some health would solve some of these problems...
    3 points
  15. The screws are really being put on anti vaxers & I love it. These people are trash.
    3 points
  16. Jpan85

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Just saw that Hamilton just became first team to 85%.
    3 points
  17. FrostyWinnipeg


    Surprised but pleasantly surprised!
    3 points
  18. I'm not 100% convinced it was premeditated, but I'm 100% convinced it was dangerous, enough to knock a player out of a game. That's a penalty, and maybe a fine. I coach youth, high school. Son plays USports football. Players are taught to be aggressive, strong tacklers. Not to take head shots. First, because it's dangerous to the player being hit, and often the hitter. Second, no coach wants a bunch of 15 yard penalties, or worse a player being suspended. Teams that get a lot of those type of penalties are poorly coached. Actually, you try to teach players the technique in the Seahawks video - strong, aggressive, wrap up tackles. Not this dive at the knees, or lining up a player with some kind of big shoulder hockey-body-check bull$hit tackles. Those are ineffective. And if you try it on Derrick Henry, he's running right over you. Wrap up, take the player to the ground. Watch some high end rugby.
    3 points
  19. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Is it a negative thing that people who have completed advanced degrees are often more liberally-minded? Those who have studied many different aspects of our society tend to come to more liberal conclusions. To me that's more an indication that conservative beliefs generally don't hold up to intense study by those with advanced degrees. There is obviously some selection bias (some conservatives are really scared of advanced learning and cast negative light on those with degrees), so they would also be less likely to go to university.
    3 points
  20. Tracker


    FDA Grants Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Full Approval The Food and Drug Administration on Monday gave the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine its full approval ― the first to reach that status in the United States. The FDA has resisted letting the public know precisely when to expect full approval for the coronavirus vaccines, saying in statements that it was working “as quickly as possible” and it would complete the process by January. Reports indicated that a Labor Day deadline had been set internally. The agency has been allowing doctors and nurses to distribute the vaccine under an emergency use authorization since early December, but required more data from the manufacturer to issue full approval. The announcement may encourage some people to get vaccinated who had been hesitant. “While millions of people have already safely received COVID-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval of a vaccine may now instill additional confidence to get vaccinated,” acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock said in the agency’s statement. The FDA said Monday that the vaccine will be marketed under the name Comirnaty for people 16 and older. As the agency continues to study the vaccine, the shots will continue to be under an emergency use authorization for people ages 12 to 15, as well as for the administration of a third dose in immunocompromised people. FDA Grants Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Full Approval | HuffPost
    3 points
  21. Mark F

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    are there unvaccinated players on rosters? if yes, I dont understand it. this makes no sense. league is in a precarious state, dont need to be letting stupid people decide about this. not vaccinated, off the team. if your an American, leave the country. talk about politically correct.
    3 points
  22. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    That link has absolutely nothing to do with university campuses in Canada. Nor does it further substantiate whatever feeble arguments are being made in an opinion piece from G&M dating back nearly five years.
    3 points
  23. Kyrie Rocquemore stove and Darby would take our defence to an even higher level. No one In the media will talk about it but we are the most banged up team right now. Darvin looked rusty af Harris is the best back and half our offense last year. Last year with Grant we had one of the best return games and this year we have one of the worst. 3 starting dbs 2 starting wils our starting dt. Demski who has been the lynch pin in our offense. Plus all the walking wounded that played like woli and willy. Getting through this early will give back ups like Sayles a chance to get reps and be sharp when needed late. When this team is healthy be afraid league.
    2 points
  24. First series for example, pressure gets to collaros because the lb wasn't picked up. Harris doesn't miss that assignment, I guarantee it. Just one example
    2 points
  25. JCon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    We need whatever the Argos use to fit all those salaries into their "salary cap" roster.
    2 points
  26. You may recall that when the Mulroney regime had so disgraced itself that the polls showed that they had no chance of being re-elected, they trotted out Kim Campbell as their sacrificial offering, and tried show that they were not a bunch of misogynistic miscreants by appointing her the new captain of the Titanic. This is probably the thinking in the inner circle of the provincial PC party.
    2 points
  27. Duke Williams was a fantasy cheat code. I'll take one, please
    2 points
  28. JCon

    2021 (??) CFL Season

    Just came here to say this. He better be in blue and gold by the end of the week or we need to fire everyone.
    2 points
  29. Might not. But, he would provide more leadership and give Zach an additional outlet. He's just so good in virtually every aspect of his game.
    2 points
  30. A play like that last maybe 5 seconds tops from the snap of the ball. Defense doesn't know where the ball is going & you call it premeditated? What is Alexander, a serial killer as well? A hit man for the Mafia? Give your head a shake. All you do is ***** & complain.
    2 points
  31. JCon

    US Politics

    The peace-loving right were attacked yesterday by a handicap van. Nah, just kidding. Just the usual right wing news lying.
    2 points
  32. You been waiting 2 years for this haven't you. Like a pig in **** right now
    2 points
  33. Yeah that was my other comment. Not nearly enough run game or first down production in general. Hard to play the game from 2nd and long.
    2 points
  34. O-line has really played one half up their standards this year. Going to have to be better going forward.
    2 points
  35. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    "WASHINGTON — Attorney General Merrick Garland told Congress on Wednesday that violence incited by white supremacists poses “the most dangerous threat to our democracy.” That assertion reflects near-universal consensus among national security experts, including those who worked for the Trump administration." please post articles showing blm and antifa invading the US legislature, hunting for Mike Pence, and Pelosi, and plotting to kidnap and put on trial and execute the governor of Michigan. or blm driving car into a peacefulmprotester, and murdering her. this is stupid, and I am out.
    2 points
  36. "left extremism." -universal healthcare - environmental concerns - living wage concern - minority rights concern - womens rights concerns right to form a union concern these, in some circles, would be extreme left wing. last time there were violent left winger..... black,panthers, they ere all shot, killed, and jailed
    2 points
  37. Bull$hit......I don't expect any fine BUT if that happens there better be fines issued in every game played for playing the game the way players are taught....to hit and hit hard...
    2 points
  38. I have decided to use my superhero power of completely whiffing on the Lock of the Week for good. Josh Huff
    2 points
  39. It was premeditated. It was dangerous. It was dirty. It was penalized. I suspect that Alexander will be fined this week.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. I doubt you're able to cut players based on vaccination status, but having them unvaccinated is risking the health of the rest of your team and legitimately putting your team in risk of losing via forfeit. You'd have to imagine that would create tension at an interpersonal level amongst the players, especially on teams below 85%. FIFO - go ask The Rock if the XFL is hiring.
    2 points
  42. I was very disappointed with the call against BA. "Watch out for the safety!" But the thing I was most disappointed in was that the on-field refs didn't call that, the command centre did. The constant weakening of the authority of the onfield guys is awful. I really don't think it was the refs that cost us this game. Drops, poor tackling, inability to adjust and counter the Argo D.
    2 points
  43. rebusrankin


    The New England states have fairly good vaccination rates and seem to be handling the 4th wave better as an example. Florida has had over 150,000 cases each of the past two weeks. Adjusting for population that is like Manitoba having over 1300 cases a day for 14 straight days. I believe our record so far is 600 for one day. Florida's hospitals are also facing being completely full. Its similar in other southern states such as Louisiana and Mississippi but with Florida DeSantis has made himself a lightning rod with his open the state up, no mask mandates, threatening school boards and what seems to be posturing for the 2024 election. Oh and he's done all this, while touting Regeneron, the largest shareholder of that company also being his largest donor
    2 points
  44. Well that PI call directly led to 6 points where the margin was 7. So if you think that’s not PI it alone had a huge effect on the outcome. Yes if the Bombers played more than 5 minutes of that game it wouldn’t have been a loss. It comes down to a choice by the receiver to not make an attempt at the ball to protect his ribs. The ball was within his catch radius he just knew the safety was waiting. I suppose DBs are supposed to guess in a split second as to what the receiver is going to choose to do, but you have to wonder how it can be expected that they should guess the receiver will choose not to attack the ball when that is the entire point of the game.
    2 points
  45. bustamente

    US Politics

    Just in case any one was worried straight jacket pillow guy has told the brainless that Trump will be reinstated by the end of 2021, being brain dead the minions will not question this
    2 points
  46. Mark H.


    I'm double-vaxxed myself, as are many other Hutterites that I know, but you are absolutely right about a good number of Hutterite colonies. But there only 10 000 Hutterites in Manitoba, quite widely dispersed. I don't know if we'd make a significant statistical difference in any municipality. For example, Cartier has far more Hutterite colonies than North Norfolk, and it is not on the low vax rate list.
    2 points
  47. Was the question “Can you name one of the 8 offensive coordinators who did not win a Grey Cup in 2019?”
    2 points
  48. I had to watch this game in the tiniest Saskatchewan small town bar in among some of the biggest rednecks.... Like Corner Gas crossed with LetterKenny.... Not the best day ever. Ha ha. But... I'm already looking forward to Calgary next Sunday. Let's beat the piss outta those assholes....
    2 points
  49. TrueBlue4ever


    Not every joke will land, especially in black and white type. But I always appreciate the effort of those who try, and doubly appreciate those who re-think to craft a good one and make it better. Keeps this place entertaining.
    1 point
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