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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-05-08 in Posts

  1. The off-season is officially over. I thought I would make a new thread to start off the season. Looking forward to some camp reports starting with Rookie camp today.
    12 points
  2. Can we all just agree that Kelly is a wiener and the league is better off without him? TSN (and the league to some degree) both look like idiots for forcing him on us as the new face of the league, when everybody could tell something like this was the inevitable conclusion.
    10 points
  3. Was able to stop in for about 45 min to rookie camp today, was curious just to see Stegall out there - A lot of stretching - Receivers / QBs running drills with the QB taking the football, receivers running routes, QBs making reads, no balls being actually thrown - Milt getting a lot of cheers just for running a route - More stretching - Receivers doing ladder drills with other positions doing their own drills (was focused on receivers) - Then I had to leave Based on only seeing Milt running routes without lining up against defence and without any balls being thrown to him, he is ready to make the team and finally get that Grey Cup ring.
    9 points
  4. Did it? I dunno man it’s the first day of training camp I’m blacking out from excitement
    9 points
  5. Generally where there is smoke...there is fire....Kelly being an known arsonist basically as well.....it all adds up in my opinion to lean in the former trainers way....also if independant investigators , whom talked to anyone who witnessed what went on, and it has been on record already there were several incidents that others witnessed...and they went back with their findings to the CFL which prompted them to suspend....me thinks its all legit. Also the fact that for yrs now the CFL has been pretty lacksidasical, and overly lenient with other punishments, and they came out with the biggest non-violent suspension...ever.....obviously what Kelly did warranted it...The dude is a stain and I doubt he will ever change, so hopefully this is the last we see of him....and on his way out revoke his MOP and give it to the rightful player as well
    9 points
  6. Milt Stegall looks pretty good
    7 points
  7. The answer is obvious on who they should market for the face of the league....
    7 points
  8. The answer is treating other violations more seriously not treating this one less seriously, imo.
    7 points
  9. Interesting that according to 3DN, 50k of Brady’s money is the not against the cap, promo stuff
    7 points
  10. Both sides (at least according to her lawsuit and the Argos statement of defense), say at least some of the incidents happened in front of others. If the investigation got confirmation of what happened (one way or the other), it's no longer a he said/she said situation.
    7 points
  11. He harassed a team employee.
    7 points
  12. The idea that it's always the victim's fault to change is disgusting. Change the way you dress because this man can't control himself. Change the way you speak because you're upsetting this man. Change your job because this player is trash and can't control himself. It's not a surprise that the usual chauvinists are gaslighting.
    6 points
  13. He-said, she-said (backed up by a detailed independent investigation with witnesses). You're talking out of your ass man
    6 points
  14. Did I accidently walk into a Chappelle show sketch or something The complaint contains references to events that was witnessed by numerous people. What do you think is contained in the 87 page report that was generated? What everyone was having for breakfast that day? There is no legal hurdle the league has to clear here. By his actions they've determined he's violated their Violence against Women policy and has been disciplined as such. The CFLPA will have something to say about it, but it probably won't be in regards to the minimum length of it... more to the fact that as it's written it can be interpreted as an indefinite suspension... although there is precedent for such suspensions in sports leagues now thanks to Draymond Green in the NBA.
    6 points
  15. Why do we always expect the victim to leave?
    5 points
  16. I hear there's one guy we need to keep our eyes on, I believe he's wearing #85....
    5 points
  17. Predictable reaction.
    5 points
  18. Moses I like...was a top 15 in us recruit out of high-school and could be a legit guy on our roster. He had basically 1 real injury and came back and had a slight cartelidge issue he played thru...prob should have got it fixed and sat 6 weeks but soldiered on. He's 4 yrs removed now from injury...and I been told by some people who have trained with him he is 100 percent looks real good..and has the urge to get back to football...could be a real score for us and man o man I hope we go Cole at SAM and have him as the DI Cole played last year and rotates reps at will and Mac and plays teams as he cuts his teeth.
    5 points
  19. Man, we let just anybody in. What happened to standards?
    5 points
  20. so just to be clear... your stance on this specific part of the scenario is.... if someone was harassed at work, that person should be to the one to leave and give up on their dreams... with no onus on the organization to create a harassment-free work place.... if that is not what you believe, it doesn't show in your posts.
    4 points
  21. Those new ribbon scoreboards look cool.
    3 points
  22. You've never been in a job where you kept working there despite abuse from people above you? You've never known someone in the same situation? Sometimes people don't want to be driven from a job they like because of another person and they try and stick it out.
    3 points
  23. I think a lot of it has to do with 2 things. 1- sign of the times. SA/SH is being taken Uber seriously which is appropriate IMO by today's business world(well the good ones anyway) and 2-violence, while being limited, is still very much a part of today's game. Harrassment is not at all part of the sport especially with staff that doesn't play. It's embarrassing at this point.
    3 points
  24. Brand new turf, brand new team, brand new game for a lot of these guys, I would assume the coaching staff isn’t asking them to go 0 to 100 and risk injury on day one. We know our staff looks at so much more than their on-field stuff, these guys are going to make an impression or get a chance to for sure, but I doubt it’s balls to the wall right out of the gate.
    3 points
  25. Not sure what else you’re going to expect from rookie camp day one, I would assume it’s mostly conditioning drills and very half effort reps
    3 points
  26. Imagine giving perpetual **** up Chad Kelly the benefit of the doubt. Clearly the league found enough to validate a violation of their Code of Conduct, which I have to imagine goes through a lawyer first (or should).
    3 points
  27. When Darian Durant retired from the Bombers before the season started, his bonus money that had been paid counted against the SMS, so a precedent has been set there. There is no way that the Argos should ever be let off the hook for that $300K, but it is the Argos, so you never know what the league will do for them.
    3 points
  28. I thought his time was up when he embarrassed himself fighting fans. That’s gotta be it for him now though no?
    3 points
  29. Personally, I would be willing to throw my career away for 100k. That's life changing money. Hello retirement!!!!!
    3 points
  30. The league investigated and obviously found what she said to have merit or they wouldn't have suspended the guy they tried to make the new face of the league. You say you neither believe nor disbelieve but are clearly lying.
    3 points
  31. Eric Barriere may have something to say about THAT!!!!
    3 points
  32. Pinball is constantly adjacent to scum bags. Brings in Murphy. Had a whole crew of NFL criminal losers there when he was the coach in the 00's. Chad Kelly.
    3 points
  33. Murphy had an obligation to report the incident to the league and failed to do so. Regardless of Kelly’s guilt or innocence, Murphy failed to adhere to league policy.
    3 points
  34. Siegel is a legit ball hawk. Super aggressive type of corner, played a lot in the slot too. Saw him play quite a bit for UND. He didn't return punts there but I wonder if he might get a look up here.
    3 points
  35. Again, with the league handing down this large of suspension there 100% needs to be lots of evidence against Kelly. Just because you're not privy to it doesn't mean there's nothing there. It's a ridiculous claim to suggest the league is just handing suspensions out on rumours especially after an independent investigation.
    2 points
  36. They (witnesses) said, They (don't like what the witnesses) said.
    2 points
  37. I meant the organization. Yes, they bring in slimy players, but every team has those. Although, they do seem to attract the worst of the lot. I meant primarily the leadership, the ownership and the fans.
    2 points
  38. The League said the ops would be dealt with shortly.
    2 points
  39. I'd have thought that the League would've gone for any party which they thought were involved. As Murphy seems to have been named by the complainant in the suit, you'd expect he'd have taken a pinch too.
    2 points
  40. Always and forever Pinball gets a pass. And, God forbid you criticize him. TSN carries a lot of water for him. That whole organization is slimy from top to bottom.
    2 points
  41. His CV is good enough that he is definitely worth a looksee.
    2 points
  42. Streveler may have something to say about THAT
    2 points
  43. Dru Brown may have something to say about that
    2 points
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