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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-12-01 in Posts

  1. Maston hasn't played a game since the 2019 GC and Taylor will be 35 years old soon... unfortunately we may have already seen the last of those two guys
    7 points
  2. Thanks to Our Man Tait for the Cole's Notes version...
    6 points
  3. I think Matson and Taylor are likely both gone due to age and injuries combined with us having options such as Nichols, Alexander, Houston, Lawrence, Parker, Darby, Ford, Holm. Shocked that nobody in the NFL has inquired about Schoen. If he ends up back with us, I can see Riderfans finding a conspiracy of some sorts here and Dickenson adding it to his airing of grievences about the Canadian Mafia.
    5 points
  4. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Wherever progress peaks its head out, The Resistance is there to defeat it. Interesting how these clowns were billed as "Trudeau's worst nightmare" yet four years later and Trudeau remains while the majority of these guys are out. A few faces have changed, but I'd still say a net loss for Canada which is amazing with the low bar set below.
    5 points
  5. 4 points
  6. Maybe Buck doesn’t want to be a head coach. He’s a former player who’s a good X’s and O’s guy. Not every Great coordinator wants or becomes a great head coach. I could be wrong but sometimes if you’re in a good situation why leave it? Lapo proves the grass isn’t always greener.
    4 points
  7. I actually think it's a comment about Wade, who has been vocal about not wanting to be in his role too much longer (though I think he wants to put on the greatest GC of all time in '25 before he goes)...
    4 points
  8. The cover of that issue of McLean's has aged like milk.
    3 points
  9. Hate to rehash this discussion but if he plays in the CFL is he obligated to the Bombers for next season and is his contract locked in by the CBA?
    3 points
  10. Would be nice if he turned into a Stegall-lite. 😃
    3 points
  11. Bad link Shocking about Schoen
    3 points
  12. What's interesting about a team locking up key pieces to a group that's won more than anyone the last 6 years? Kyle walters will be here until he doesn't want to be here anymore or the team falls completely off a cliff. Which comes first.
    3 points
  13. Maas losing his mind on the sidelines every game would be pure entertainment for fans of the opposing team.
    3 points
  14. wrong thread.... **** me for being a moron.
    3 points
  15. Everything they are focusing on are things no one is asking for. No one wants a provincial police force, no one wants the albertan sovereignty act, no one wants an alberta pension plan, no one wants more private health care. Just stop trying to force things we don't want on us and call an election so you get the message.
    2 points
  16. In the middle of the season, I'm not surprised the NFL hasn't come calling yet. Once they get into their off-season, I have zero doubts Schoen will get workouts. His numbers this year were too good to not at least get a peek. Whether he sticks or not is another story, but he'll get a look in Feb/March, I'm sure...
    2 points
  17. no more than a 10% raise in that option year!
    2 points
  18. To that point where Mr. Stegall had a nice long career in the CFL all with the WBB's, a nice Christmas present would be hearing that Schoen wants to carve out a career in the CFL and wants to spend it with the WBB duly compensated of course.
    2 points
  19. NFL window doesn't close until Feb 8, so the fact he hasn't gotten a work out offer yet really means nothing. May just mean that no interested NFL team has any scouts available for the next week or so to conduct the workout. Until that Jan. 8 deadline passes...be worried about losing Shoen. The longer a player has to wait to get his workout does show how badly any team wants him though, so that's a bright spot I suppose.
    2 points
  20. Sorry but a spade is really a spade here. DS thinks she's way smarter than she really is. She's a kooky radio host with absurd thoughts that thinks will fly with the majority of Albertans (1 percent voted for her) by using her soft tone, her gentle smile, her good body posture and being well spoken with this absurdity like she knows what she is talking about spending like a drunken sailor to distract us. I still hold hope the majority of Albertans from many different backgrounds, with many differing views will see right thru this and ensure she is told loud and clear come election time to pound sand.
    2 points
  21. As long as we draft ol soo well and do such a great job scouting young imps we will enjoy great football for a long time. Not necessarily favourites but very competitive teams.
    2 points
  22. Goalie

    Game 21 : Avalanche

    Unfortunately they are from Manitoba. Alcohol is a problem for some. I've never understood getting **** faced after paying 120 a ticket personally
    2 points
  23. I'm thinking it's more of a case of he's in a good position with his whole career ahead of him and has the luxury of waiting for a good opportunity. No reason to rush to enter a tire fire. Thinking anything other than that is probably a case of some extra-thick blue and gold goggles.
    2 points
  24. Was going to say that. Needs more time but I think he is a future DC and HC.
    2 points
  25. A tie by Canada and a point would of been nice on the World stage, maybe in 4 years
    2 points
  26. nothing really noteworthy from the Walters presser on right now.... -MOS extension "a work in progress" -Not aware of any NFL teams that have asked for Bombers players to attend tryouts yet...
    2 points
  27. Most likely why he's not really interested in talking with any other club for the head honcho job....wants to stay within the organization....Besides he luv's the Peg
    2 points
  28. I'll add. I think the long term plan is Buck as head coach when MOS decides to stop coaching.
    2 points
  29. I agree. I could see the tag of Pres. going to Walters with a bump in pay and a dual role with one of our Asst GMs, or MOS becoming more active in the front office. To me this is the most likely scenario when Wade rides off into the sunset.
    2 points
  30. Yes, exactly. Farhan was also telling anyone who would listen that Walters was leaving us to take over his CIS school's athletic director position a couple years ago. He is, as always, throwing crap at the wall to see if it sticks. That could be. Wade has made it pretty public that he would like to step aside. Meh....President is a go between team management and the board of directors. Walters would likely be very good at it. It's about vision, and selling it to the bean counters on the board and then making sure it happens. Wally was very successful when he was in a dual role of Pres/GM of BC, I am sure that Walters could have equal success.
    2 points
  31. He's only 49,maybe Walters hangs around and becomes Ceo,Oshea moves up to GM and Buck becomes head coach...just a thought.
    2 points
  32. Wade needs to throw any amount at Walter's. Guy is the best GM in the league and has crushed it for us.
    2 points
  33. It means there’s a year left on his contract and Farhan wants to make up some garbage gossip.
    2 points
  34. As I said in another thread - Als were worried about discipline before.....good luck with this guy.
    2 points
  35. I bet they'll never gve it up.
    2 points
  36. JCon

    raptors / nba.

    Should have just called them the Park Bears 'cause they don't see the sea!
    2 points
  37. Tracker

    World Politics

    The EU will seize and use $330 billion of Russian money deposited in EU banks for rebuilding Ukraine
    2 points
  38. Not sure how much NFL people watch but Schoen would easily be the 4th best receiver on any NFL team and likely a 3rd/slot receiver on most. Teams need 6-7 receivers to get through a season and he'd be on a rookie scale deal with already solid pro experience. He's not a kid coming out of college now. He's got 20 games in as a pro which is like 3-4 years worth for a fringe NFL guy. Won't be surprised when he gets signed by the Chiefs or Bills. I'm sure the Chiefs are kicking themselves right now that they don't have him when they look at their current depth chart with Hardman down too. He'd probably be the X receiver on that team this week.
    1 point
  39. On top of that even when she uses the most misused term when she starts her sentence with ‘’Albertans want’, no it’s not what the majority of Albertans want, it’s want a kooky group of knuckle draggers want.
    1 point
  40. Yet Rourke, Kian Schaffer-Baker, Julian Good-Jones & Jevon Cottoy have all gotten NFL interest once their season was done. Why hasn't Schoen? I have no clue but I do agree that they'll call eventually. I'd be shocked (and delighted) if they didn't.
    1 point
  41. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    There was a convo on twitter yesterday suggesting that this may be the worst group of Premiers in Canadian History. Is it a mere coincidence that there are 7 provincial Conservative governments?
    1 point
  42. blue_gold_84

    Everything Soccer

    https://www.tsn.ca/fifa-world-cup/fifa-world-cup-2022-qatar-roberto-martinez-resigns-as-belgium-manager-1.1887041 Pretty disastrous showing for the Belgians considering the team's ranking going into the tournament.
    1 point
  43. I'm honestly not shocked about Schoen. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a fantastic receiver that could put up significant numbers in the CFL. But, he doesn't have a quick 1st step, and just isn't a prototypical NFL WR. He benefits from the waggle for sure. Add in his age and the typical NFL politics and it all equals him ******* the rest of the CFL for a few more years!!
    1 point
  44. I think we have a handful of guys who have shown themselves more than capable. Like Booch has been saying, his age may be working against him.
    1 point
  45. rebusrankin

    Everything Soccer

    It is nice we got our first two goals.
    1 point
  46. Anyone else thinking... "Sure that formation awesome... but one molotov cocktail is all it would take."
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. https://www.tsn.ca/nhl/tempe-city-council-approves-coyotes-proposed-arena-referendum-set-for-may-1.1886220 What a joke this franchise has become. Bettman doing everything in his power to keep hockey in a place where it doesn't work. I hope the citizens reject the arena deal and force the coyotes to move elsewhere.
    1 point
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