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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-09-29 in Posts

  1. Proceeds go to youth indigenous sport programs. They have a few different styles in.
    9 points
  2. I don't want to comment on a lack of moves until....the trade deadline....when is that again?
    8 points
  3. many posters myself included have said this stuff about what you mentioned for some time now....even last yr....its not just after this one loss....and if u can't see how poorly the roster has been structured at times..and the waste of roster space for 3...4 guys to just stand there all game then you aint looking
    5 points
  4. You're literally the only one judging anyone.
    5 points
  5. We rostered 3 Americans on D last week who didn't even play a snap. If this guy could play 5 snaps on our 2nd and 20 package he'd be an improvement.
    5 points
  6. wow... closing in on a sellout at the end of September, coming off a brutal loss to arguably the worst team in the league? Unreal fan base.
    4 points
  7. This season is 18 games. It is an eternity. Every game isn’t going to be a breeze, last year was a historically dominant team. We played like **** for a month in 2019 and then went on a historically dominant defensive playoff run. Other teams may play better than us a week here or there. People need to take a breath.
    4 points
  8. absolutely this. You can talk about 12-2 all you want, but if you don't see problems with our roster/depth chart right now, then you're not paying attention
    4 points
  9. Just dropping by to say 12-2 two-time defending Grey Cup champions. Not quite ready to trash the Coach of the Year for his inexcusable piss poor roster management just yet after one road loss, given the injuries to starters, back-ups, and back-ups to back-ups in certain positions so far. Hopelessly naive or too optimistic? Maybe, maybe not, but they are better coaches and GMs on the field than I am behind a keyboard, so who am I to judge?
    4 points
  10. piss poor PR and game day roster management this yr...inexcusable too
    4 points
  11. again...not liking that depth chart...right side of secondary is weak sauce...again...no real DE to rotate...same guy as last game and he never even saw the field...and is he even a true d-end?...weak inexperienced right side of the db back field...Wil is a total joke....and dressing an extra OL again...of whom will not even really make an impact, let alone even see the field...like whats the point...for all Osh's good things...his use of the roster/ratio and who he dresses more times than not is garbage...almost surprising we been as successful as we have been
    4 points
  12. JCon

    The Winnipeg Thread

    No worries, I'm sure there is another grant with his name on it.
    3 points
  13. so much this. Having never played organized football at any point in my life, I come here for Booch posts (and JBR and some others who have coached and played and clearly understand minutiae)
    3 points
  14. Yeah it's fair to question how they use the roster. Injuries have hampered the roster right now and some of the decisions and player usage are puzzling. We are coming off an abysmal defensive showing against a previously useless offense... so yes the Bombers aren't above being questioned.
    3 points
  15. Spin, spin again, toss ball, fall down, grab knee, look at ref.
    3 points
  16. https://www.bluebombers.com/2021/09/30/wfc-gifted-star-blanket-october-8th/ Dene Sinclair did a masterful job designing the star logo.
    3 points
  17. Everyone looks trash in green. This is going to be a grind-it-out sort of game, I believe, like the LDC.
    3 points
  18. this game definitely isn't going to be a cake walk like BB was.....until we start getting some bodies back, we're going to really be in tough.
    3 points
  19. The consensus on Riderfans....is that Adams is garbage. Which of course, means that he might be useful.....
    3 points
  20. Not saying he’s a stud or any sort of saviour simply that he hasn’t been the worst guy we’ve trotted out there .. first game, limited practice reps, he faired better than some of the players we put on the field. I’ve been saying for weeks on end that that side of the defence is a disaster. Gauthier has no business being an every down player and it seems we’re just plugging in warm bodies at this point.
    3 points
  21. I have no problem with it at all. They are exactly what he said. Selfish and undisciplined
    3 points
  22. They’ll just put him at DT if it doesn’t work at QB
    3 points
  23. Sure their coach said they weren't a very good football team...but you misunderstood him....or the words were taken out of context...or that's not really what he was trying to say...or something like that...
    2 points
  24. I agree. If they aren't fired up already at their coach, there is nothing left to do but fold the tent over there.
    2 points
  25. There’s a few things Willie does that wouldn’t be acceptable from any other player, lol
    2 points
  26. Brandon

    The Winnipeg Thread

    Last time he was polling at 40% and this news article didn't get out. I remember when Bowman swooped in and won his first election. I assume most people are leaning towards Murray because he's a familiar name and the fact that the pool has 11 candidates really murks it up.
    2 points
  27. we really dropped the ball with or PR and who/what we had on it...even when early in season some DB's got let go by their teams in the CFL we didnt pick one up....who already had CFL experience and was game ready....we only started when we got hit with injuries...and by that time we were kinda hooped...same can be said D-line wise too...we let Mack go for whatever reason, and actually stopped dressing that extra DE even after Hansen went down...and it bit us in the ass in Ham game...and could again, as we are woefully weak depth wise now...especially when we sign and dress guys who see no reps whatsoever...(hello Cole...Cooper...Hassell...even Ford who has experince in Canadian game, then guys like Harrison..Dobson last game on the offensive side)
    2 points
  28. Lol that some Riderfan comes on here and tries to tell the one MBB member who's actually been in a Bombers camp about the game.....awesome.
    2 points
  29. Holm didn’t look out of place last game in the sense that he didn’t stand out in a negative way and the one play he did give up, he was right there in coverage - it was simply a great play by the offence. Parker on the other hand has been a liability since he stepped on the field.
    2 points
  30. I'm with @Booch and @JuranBoldenRules in terms of our roster management. Don't like only 2 DEs unless Cooper actually plays as one and don't like us dressing guys like Cooper and Cole on D and them then not getting any reps there. Oh and hate that Holm/Parker pairing.
    2 points
  31. I knew you meant Hodge with the putz comment. Just don't like players on social media lighting up their dressing rooms, even if they are out the door. That's learned behavior from a broken locker room and along with the content of his tweet it illustrates the lack of class that permeates that organization.
    2 points
  32. There is a black market Bonanza just outside Estevan at Jedediah's barn. Don't ask what kind of meat you are eating....you don't want to know.
    2 points
  33. If this makes them play better then the Gapper management team should be fired immediately top to bottom. They are who they are No Jeffcoat
    2 points
  34. So, Willie out in the Free Press this morning giving the Riders some Bulletin board material: This is in the context of being asked about Dickenson's "we're not a good football team" comments: “Any chance they get to make a mistake, every week, they pretty much do it. There are some good guys on their team, it’s just the lack of leadership. Like I said, there’s some good guys on the team, but the guys that are out there making mistakes seem to not care,” Bombers defensive end Willie Jefferson told the Free Press after Tuesday’s practice. “They’re just out there to play for themselves, not trying to play for the team, not trying to play for the organization or the city. That is a city driven team, you know what I’m saying? For you to not have that on your mind going out there to play, it’s hard to be disciplined. So, that’s something that we preach over here. We want to play together, we want to be disciplined, and we want to play a clean game, but that’s something that they don’t do over there.” Neufeld and MOS asked the same question but gave the usual respect your opponent themed answers.
    2 points
  35. Goalie

    The MLB/Goldeyes Thread

    Against the Jays too. Nice
    2 points
  36. I expect him rostered this friday...and next week at latest
    2 points
  37. Wild that these are the first guys to be guaranteed money.
    2 points
  38. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    I've unfortunately come to expect stuff like this from MTG or Boebert, but it is really disappointing to see here. Surprised she used the term perplexed properly, but I'm guessing she's heard that term an awful lot in her life.
    2 points
  39. Great deal for Cornelius. Get money for suckling enough to get cut.
    2 points
  40. what did that putz say?...I missed it and he could have asked for his release...why they would cut him makes no sense given all the injuries they have on the dline, and it depletes their depth...I sure he didnt say "hey release me so I can sign with....." But his addition to us makes us stronger and deeper, and them weaker and thinner....and looking at some his tweets...he definately wasnt happy there, or liked how things are going....that part can't be disputed
    2 points
  41. We have absolutely no clue what went down......but based on his tweets, it sure sounds like he wanted out of there. He really didn't like the culture in the room.
    2 points
  42. Where did I say he asked for his release to sign with us? Fail
    2 points
  43. amen. We HAD been planning on going, but just impossible to find a place to stay, so we said "**** it" and we're going to fly home for the West Final (if the boys can get their **** figured out soon) and make a whole weekend of that, and then just have a big GC party at the house the week after. **** staying in that smelly rectangle any longer than one needs to....
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. I think it's going to be a WAY tougher game than that. We're severely depleted right now and think it's going to take a complete team effort to win this one. I'm actually scared of the last 4 games of the year, with our roster the way it is...
    2 points
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