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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-08-18 in Posts

  1. Hi friends, this is a 3Down article I wrote about how my late father taught me to love the CFL and the Bombers. He died of kidney disease over five years ago. I thought it might resonate with some folks here. https://3downnation.com/2022/08/17/no-lead-is-safe-remembering-the-man/
    17 points
  2. Jeeze that's horrible news for JWJ. As with Harris, you might not love the guy, but nobody wishes this kind of injury on anyone. Here's hoping he finds a way back. This is exactly why guys like Lawler should absolutely be trying to get every penny they can out of every contract. You just never know when it's all going to end.
    12 points
  3. bearpants

    Kicking Discussion

    Some people are waaaay over-analyzing how this game ended... the Bombers did everything right and Liegghio just missed the kick... that's all... hopefully he gets another shot at a game winning kick in the regular season... that way, either he redeems himself or we know we need kicking insurance for the playoffs.
    6 points
  4. Imagine making a really stupid comment and then doubling down by making even stupider ones.
    6 points
  5. Thanks for that story. A great read about your Dad. Something tells me that you needed to tell that story as a way of still grieving your Father's loss & to get it all out. So, it was therapeutic to do so & good for your soul. My condolences on the loss of your hero. I grew up in a totally different era. The 1960's. An era of no social media, 3 channel television, No NHL. No NFL. No Blue Jays, Expos or Raptors. No nothing. Winnipeg was less than 500,000 people. The only thing we had were the Bombers. For me, they were the Bombers of the Bud Grant era. Big, tough, talented & winners. Six Grey Cup appearances & 4 Championships. All against those sad sack Jim Trimble led Tiger Cats. My Dad was just a casual fan. He liked the Bombers but his life was his family, his successful auto body business, hunting & fishing. We never went to a Bomber game together until I was in my 20's & I had season tickets. It was my neighbour Mr McGibney who used to tell me stories about all the Bomber heroes going back to 1935 at Osborne Stadium. He saw all the lefendary Bomber players perform on the field. Guys like Fritz Hanson, Bob Fritz, Jack Jacobs, Tom Casey, Neil Armstrong, D ic k Huff, the Grant era players all the way into the mid 60's. When he regaled about the team back then, I could see those players come alive in my head & it was fantastic. His love for the Bombers transferred to me & even though guys like Butch Pressley, Paul Desjardins, Phil Minnick, Ken Nielsen, Amos Van Pelt, Mitch Zalnasky. Glenn Schapansky, John Schneider, Glenn Orris, Ron Johnson, John Senst, Lou Andrus, Ed Breding, Chip Barrett, Wally Gabler & others only won a couple of games a year for 5 straight years in the second half of the 1960's, I became a fan. I didn't care if they won two games or 20 as they were my team, The Bombers have always been my team for nearly 60 years. They always will be.
    6 points
  6. The drought in the U.S. Southwest is now considered a once in 1200 year event. It has lasted 23 years. *I have learned that as a subscriber, I can gift 10 Washington Post articles per month. This means I can link them here and you can read them in their entirety. I'm going to try to use them judiciously. U.S. announces more water cuts as Colorado River hits dire lows The new shortage triggered by low reservoir levels comes comes as states negotiate how to make major reductions in water use https://wapo.st/3PBbGpL
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. From a “which team do I dislike more” standpoint, if I have no favourite I just watch it unfold without cheering one way or the other. I always approach this type of game in terms of “what is best for the Bombers”. Right now, a Lion loss helps us more, so even if I am not openly rooting for them, a Rider win is the preferred outcome. As for Rourke, the media should absolutely be singing his praises. He is putting up numbers not seen since Doug Flutie, and a home-grown phenom at the sport’s most important position who is articulate and clean-cut and resurrecting a franchise who have struggled for a while is nothing but great for Canadian football. What’s not to like about it?
    3 points
  9. **** the riders. I love watching them implode. Bombers will take top seed on their merit and beat out BC. Rourke getting hyped is fine. Good for the league to have a star. I'd like to see him get knocked back to earth but after he crushes the riders and their "unstoppable" defence
    3 points
  10. Because they legitimately think a grown man forgot how to pee.
    3 points
  11. Mark F

    The Environment Thread

    this will be bad: Canadian glaciers. melting. "What does all this mean for our water supply? Kavanaugh says glaciers keep our rivers flowing when other water sources dry up, like late summer when the snowmelt is gone and rainfall is at its weakest. “They carry us through the hottest months into the winter.” During particularly hot and dry years — like last summer, for example — glacier-fed rivers can actually see higher-than-normal flow. “Though the streams that relied on the snowpack and groundwater dropped to very, very low levels, the streams that were fed by glaciers — like the Athabasca River or the North Saskatchewan — had very high flows,” Pomeroy says The next few decades could be marked by high flows in our glacial rivers, which will continue as long as the glaciers are voluminous enough to contribute a lot of water, Kavanaugh says. We might have a 20-year window of this much water and then it will start to fall off a cliff,” he says. “How much water is flowing through the river as a function of that time of year is going to start changing remarkably.” cbc https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/features/glacier-melt-is-past-the-tipping-point-in-the-canadian-rockies-and-thats-a-big-problem remember when people said the glaciers are not melting? joe paidoff from crockofshyt climate blog said so. probably a few such posts here. I read somewhere that the last several hundred years maybe five hundred, , have been characterized by reliable , predictable, climate. This never counts on the balance sheet.
    3 points
  12. JCon

    The Environment Thread

    And, even if the world starts taking climate change seriously, it will be ages before we get carbon levels back down. We're screwed. More war, more famine.
    3 points
  13. I want players to lose their jobs like people lose their spouses... Younger, cheaper alternative.
    3 points
  14. I’m not going back to read your posts after you post an idiotic and embarrassing post celebrating an injury because you got your feelings hurt. Then make some ridiculous unsubstantiated claim that people are doing 180s. Thanks, but nah. He didn’t. Just a dumb justification to celebrate an injury. Gross. Not good. Hopefully he thinks long term.
    3 points
  15. Saying that a player suffering a season ending and potentially career ending injury is karma is ignorant and demonstrates a lack of class but that's just my opinion.
    3 points
  16. I don’t know what he said that’s so nasty.
    3 points
  17. Great article! I read it this afternoon. Started getting some tears in my eyes as I have a similar story about my grandfather who was a huge bomber fan who passed away from a long battle with lung cancer in 2016.
    3 points
  18. **** sakes....feel terrible for the guy. I mean, **** the Argos, but man I feel bad for Harris. If this is the end of the road, here's to a 1-day contract signing (with Matty Ice, please...) and well deserved retirement in Blue and Gold.
    3 points
  19. Sounds like the Riders are getting Leonard, Robertson, and Marino all back this week... hate on the Riders all you want... but having those two DEs back will definitely help them against BC... Marino is still **** though...
    2 points
  20. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    Ya love to see it. **** Russia.
    2 points
  21. Locally, the effects are becoming more and more apparent with each passing season.
    2 points
  22. I'm a little doubtful we ever see Agudosi again. Sounded like a season ender to me and do we bring him back for a third attempt?
    2 points
  23. I'd be happy with Thompson back at safety, wonder if Agudosi comes back around BAs time but I have no clue how bad his leg injury was.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Tracker

    World Politics

    Had Trump remained in power, I have no doubt that would have been the case. The European nations, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would have sent aid but without the US contributions and leadership, Ukraine would have still put up a valiant fight but would have been doomed.
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Rich


    2 points
  28. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/freedom-convoy-protest-trudeau-emergencies-act-1.6552820 Well, it's safe to say Dean French is a ******* moron. And Lich played him like a fiddle.
    2 points
  29. Does anybody care that you defended Collaros when he was an Argo? No. I think you stepped into a big puddle of poop & are trying to find something to wash your shoe off with as it stinks. Harris gets injured badly. You call it Karma? I call it wrong.
    2 points
  30. No, a lot of us weren't happy how he left & some of the things he said but that doesn't mean that we wanted him to get injured & suffer. Karma or no karrma.
    2 points
  31. I'm pretty sure a poster above put it best. Something in regards that the whole thing left a bad taste in everyone's mouths, but who are we kidding down the line none of that will matter. Dudes a legend. A major part of carrying the Bombers back to relevancy and 1000% will end up in the rafters. I'm not even a huge fan of the guy "personally" but what he did for the organization and city of Winnipeg can't be denied. Bummed out his career has likely come to a close because of this. I think he could play as a change of pace, situation, ratio changer etc etc type player
    2 points
  32. Mark F

    Random News Items

    Bono, Bob Geldoff, Billy Joel 😂🤣😩 bono, hanging out with rupert, and jared on a yacht. 🤮 money corrupts.
    2 points
  33. Goldkobra

    US Politics

    How do you confess to espionage without confessing to espionage? "Maybe... we should make espionage legal??"
    2 points
  34. Wideleft

    Random News Items

    NY Times review of Jared Kushner's new "memoir". "Reading this book reminded me of watching a cat lick a dog’s eye goo." https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/17/books/review-breaking-history-jared-kushner.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuomT1JKd6J17Vw1cRCfTTMQmqxCdw_PIxftm3iWka3DFDm8diO4SBIubvF3Ae6tueJ45xTmSR95HP_ovReduyfVOek5kUQSk55iZg5QDLj9zqZ62Wil--aPxao0C0G2gaHileqA4zaejvhmCPX-8UfGJhXYrIRJgoJY1aV2o3XMXlf-VG_p_39R43q1wU8srR2sQdWLd6amTfhZ9OdqAaRnX4hBnGL0KHGGOwqPPru4IYw5QClnZTXJg4Wha6NNUONsfOamXPAd3MYOlwu1XUjo0Wd_vU54hRIHUlKFouarOrnGPwMm1x_YwE8ZErW_Zctk6MQM6JjS6XGzE91o&smid=url-share
    2 points
  35. This discussion just proves one thing... We've all said something stupid here. All of us. Even 17to85 who is almost damned near perfect.
    2 points
  36. Montreal also waxed them 37-13 The Riders have done nothing to show they are better than Montreal or Toronto
    2 points
  37. bustamente

    US Politics

    So American politicians can now threaten the AG of the United States, truly that country is headed to **** hole status and all because of a buffoon with the intellect of a 5 year old
    2 points
  38. I recognize that I personally need some time and space before I feel the same way about Andrew as I did - but I know these feelings will pass and I’m just gonna remember what he did for the organization as opposed to how he left it. Absolute dog **** way to end a career - but for a guy like Andrew, I doubt he was gonna leave the game before he was forced to. Wish him the best.
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. exactly. add in corruption, and it could be very ugly.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. " collapse of the system. " Its a bit unnerving after seeing the response to the pandemic. From unneeded panic hoarding at the start , over reaction to mild restrictions , to ridiculous reactions to life saving vaccines, our society didn't handle the whole thing very well. I can't imagine the response to actual food and water shortages.
    2 points
  43. ....and Father TIme remains undefeated. Andrew took him to the 10th round though.
    2 points
  44. Better to have moved on a year too early than a year too late. As per usual, Walters and co got it right.
    2 points
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