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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-03-14 in Posts

  1. Article flat out says he's just pulling numbers out of his ass.
    8 points
  2. Fan with no access to any CFL team's salary commitments pulls a random set of numbers out of his behind is too long a title.
    6 points
  3. iHeart


    more like Woulda, coulda, shoulda
    6 points
  4. I'm not pointing fingers, but man it has gotta be exhausting being sour/angry/negative all the time about seemingly everything. I have faith in this regime because they haven't steered me wrong yet. I have faith in a raw kid who kicked 92% in CIS. I have faith in an American guy whose only real issue (apparently) was the angles of a much larger field. We have a whole camp to get it figured out and if they don't have someone they like, there are dozens and dozens of kickers out there that can be brought in.
    5 points
  5. JCon


    Obviously, they didn't get the memo that the pandemic was over.
    4 points
  6. A couple lines in the 1st two paragraphs sum up the whole thing: When it comes to the Bombers specifically, he admits the he is going off of inconsistent information so his words don't hold much weight.
    4 points
  7. Right now it's actually not a problem. Both kickers lead the league in field goal percentage and lead the league in punting average. It won't be a problem until the kickers come out and show that it's a problem. All it is right NOW is fodder for forums.
    4 points
  8. Wideleft

    World Politics

    Squatters break into London mansion reportedly owned by Russian oligarch Return to menu By Karla Adam9:46 a.m. LONDON — Squatters early Monday broke into a mansion reportedly owned by a Russian oligarch, unfurled a Ukrainian flag and declared the property “liberated” and ready for refugees. The home is said to belong to Oleg Deripaska, an oil tycoon and metals billionaire who the British government says is worth $2.6 billion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/14/russia-ukraine-war-putin-news-live-updates/#link-L7RCPG7WZVGVJDYCLLPVOTBDBQ
    4 points
  9. I look outside and see mountains of snow in the distance. Lots of time for kickers and returners still. If Sergio was Canadian... this would sting more
    4 points
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. JCon


    I guess that's where you can find the premier. Certainly won't find her out leading.
    3 points
  13. I can see why the have an issue with this, especially when they are tying it to Reeves.
    3 points
  14. What a ******* joke that non call on scheifs was. But PLD wins it!!
    3 points
  15. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Hence suppress the vote strategies are and will be in full force.
    3 points
  16. CFL contracts aren’t guaranteed and a dude who hasn’t played since 2018 and was in a serious car accident isn’t going to command a large sum of guaranteed dollars. I would love to see Saunders in camp.
    3 points
  17. With spring just around the corner Frosty comes out of hibernation to post another game day thread and this is a big one! Time: Tuesday 7, TSN3 Stats: 32-25-4 @ 27-23-10 Streaks: L4 @ W1 Storyline: With VGK without their #1 goalie(and Mark Stone) there is no better time to close the 4 point gap with the team holding down the last playoff spot.
    2 points
  18. Qft. Jackson Simmons and whop is a whole lot to be excited about. Looks like the best crop of young Imp wrs we've had in a while. Sure would like to see Meredith come back for camp and maybe draft another ni wr but the qbs are gonna have a great time in camp with all these guys.
    2 points
  19. Right? And how could they not at least trade him for a draft pick? He's 28 and would start for a couple cfl teams, (cough cough riders) He'd be a real good get for ott or bc too actually.
    2 points
  20. Wow, what an organization. Cut him now when there's far less money out there.
    2 points
  21. https://3downnation.com/2022/03/14/argos-release-ratio-breaking-offensive-tackle-jamal-campbell-ahead-of-off-season-bonus/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook Argos cut their NI tackle to save 7500$ of roster bonus. Which im betting is because they spent their entire seasons worth of bonus money.
    2 points
  22. Another day another 3dn $ - hit piece on the bombers. https://3downnation.com/2022/03/14/cap-crunch-breaking-down-the-salary-cap-situation-of-every-cfl-team-for-2022/ This alleges that we have the 2nd highest cap commitment currently. Being a shade over what the project the cap to be once the season begins. Given the fact we didn't hand out huge raises, and that we lost vets like Harris, Lawler, Adams, Kongbo, and Desjarlais, not to mention Castillo, I take this article with an extreme grain of salt. Plus, they report that BAs cap hit is just 87k for a full season. I wish the league would report actual cap numbers so we didn't have such untrust worthy stats. Collaros became the highest paid player, but only after 2 other guys restructured their deals and 1 retired. And his raise is still a fraction of what guys like lawler got. Looking at our roster I fully expect to see At least 1 more imp lber, 3 total DL, 2 total OL, 1 qb, 1 imp rb, and easily 2+ wrs. Possibly as many as 4 or 5 wrs. I think most of those will be first year guys, or none cfl starters. But I would be surprised if we didn't see another couple for NFL cast offs with high upside. And I don't think we will see any hesitation to offer a strong deal to guys like desjarlais, kongbo, alford and dobson should they come free. We also currently have 19 guys 25 or younger. Which is pretty crazy in the cfl. That's opposed to 16 guys age 30 or older. If any thing, we have the most game day roster in the league right now, and the ability to cut rookie contracts and save a ton of cash for a big name guy. I don't trust the reported numbers any more then I trust a riderfan with their attractive cousin. I would love if it leads to proper roster cost reporting, even if not reporting specific player deals. But don't try n tell me al those former all star WRs the elk signed are playing for league minimum. Or that BC has the largest warchest after the crazy huge deals they've handed out. Every one BC has signed has been a huge over pay.
    2 points
  23. Bombers Tell Manitoba Liberals to Stop Selling Items with ‘W’ Logo
    2 points
  24. Mark F

    World Politics

    Deripaska: "The Trump administration announced late last year it intended to lift sanctions on Deripaska’s companies, despite strong opposition from Democrats and some Republicans in Congress. The treasury department had imposed the sanctions on Deripaska and several of his companies in tandem with seven Russian oligarchs, 12 companies they owned or controlled, and 17 Russian government officials, for “malign activity” which included “attempting to subvert western democracies, and malicious cyber-activities”. Treasury’s decision to lift sanctions on Deripaska was always suspect. In mid-January, Senate Democrats, joined by 11 Republicans, attempted to override Mnunchin and keep sanctions in place. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) even laid out the math: But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell held together a coalition of 42 Republicans, including erstwhile Russia hawks Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), to keep the lifting of sanctions on track." moscow mitch. He can slither away, his voters are not too bright.
    2 points
  25. JCon

    US Politics

    Can't count on the courts either. The top court has a justice, a predator, who's wife is a terrorist, another hand picked to overturn RvW, and another sexual predator, who's bills magically got paid, prior to being appointed to the top court. It's just a flyover country now.
    2 points
  26. He was highly recommended by Medlock, so that's gotta mean something...
    2 points
  27. Ali has a tremendous leg and if his issue is fixable he will be great.
    2 points
  28. It also proves that you don’t have stats to show how we were screwed with the “incompetent” kicking we suffered through. Mourtada did get better after his bad start, but his fate was sealed on this board after his first misses in his first game. People need to get past Medlock being gone. Sure our kicking game was weaker, BUT it did not cost us games like you suggest, and when the chips are down, Walters got it sorted out. Liegghio is the future and that has not changed despite his struggles hitting converts. Mourtada improved enough to keep around and deserve to fight it out at camp. And if they both crap the bed, we saw last year that there are options out there can can be airlifted in fairly quickly. Let’s just dial down the “sky is falling” rhetoric a bit, perhaps? It’s March, we are down a kick returner and starting receiver, dropping from 4 kickers to 3 on the roster is not the death blow here.
    2 points
  29. If we tossed out every rookiewho struggled hjralahu and Paredes would not have careers...
    2 points
  30. Must be like looking at a photo negative of yourself. Between the two of you, consider it balanced coverage.
    1 point
  31. Goalie

    Game 60 @ Blues

    Fire the refs
    1 point
  32. Tracker

    World Politics

    Apparently the hospitals, morgues and triage stations in Belarus are overloaded with Russian casualties and fatalities. An eighty man Russian elite commando unit has refused to deploy to Ukraine and some 200 sailors in Crimea have refused to leave their barracks.
    1 point
  33. Goalie

    Game 60 @ Blues

    He's busy being praised all the time. Maurice blew smoke up his and Wheelers ass for the last several years. If you aren't told it's a problem how do you fix it?
    1 point
  34. captaincanuck12

    Game 60 @ Blues

    Officiating has been brutal the last little while.
    1 point
  35. I'm definitely willing to give Mourtada and Legghio another shot. The L'ks clearly spent way more than we could offer, and that's fine. They'll need the kicking points more than we will....
    1 point
  36. I hope Sergio has picked up some of the traits off of Mourtada......the unsuccessful ones.....Guess he doesn't believe in the 3 peat orrrrrrr the Elks gave him a big fat contract....along the lines of Kenny...Loser
    1 point
  37. Such reasonableness and logic will not be tolerated here.
    1 point
  38. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we've just won back to back Grey Cups, right? If so, I think we can assume that the people that got us here know what they ar doing and have a plan. So maybe, we can stow the hand wringing for now and see how things unfold.
    1 point
  39. Okay, Doctor Goalie... Teams usually have a ceremony at training camps & invite the players not there anymore back to receive them. If some are with other CFL teams they'll give them out when the Bombers play them. Still 7 weeks until camp.
    1 point
  40. Fred C Dobbs

    World Politics

    I don't know what to say but you might want to take a deep breath before you watch this:
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Noeller

    World Politics

    Chrystia leading the Grits and Charest (I think...I need more time to read up on his platform) leading the Tories would have me feeling a lot better about Canada as a whole.
    1 point
  43. Noeller

    World Politics

    ehhhh... I'm not so against Trudeau. I don't necessarily think he's the smartest guy in any room he's in, but I definitely don't have the strong dislike that so many others do. I was raised that his dad is the greatest PM in Canadian history, so I went into his "reign" with a positive mindset. I think he's a good guy that wants to do the right thing, but isn't necessarily smart enough....but that's just my take.
    1 point
  44. I dunno, I feel like a few other people will make it before Bob. Ken Ploen, Gerry James, Milt Stegall, Dieter Brock, Leo Lewis, Bud Grant, Herb Gray, Doug Brown, Jack Jacobs, Fritz Hanson and Bob Cameron come to mind... Maybe even in that exact order!
    1 point
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