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  1. Mr Dee


    Is there any way, any possible way, we can do this?
    3 points
  2. Brandon


    This is correct.... I'll give my example of my situation. Boss A - Old Guard... mid 40's. Has worked at his same job for his full career... has not kept up with IT practices (or technology). Forced his staff to come into work during pandemic despite the building being nearly empty as 80% of the users are working from home. Before the pandemic he would make one of his staff members who lives in Oakbank to drive 45 minutes to work to grab a work van... despite the job site being in Beausejour. 2 hours of extra driving because he doesn't trust the employee. Does not allow flexible work schedules, does not allow compressed work weeks, never allows working from home. Paranoid that staff won't do work from home, that higher ups will frown upon not visibly seeing people in the office, has the thought process that if a person is in the office that they will spend the full day working. Has a high turn over of the good employees, extremely low morale in the office, zero motivation, staff is disinterested and poor performance from employees. Boss B - New Guard .... 60ish.... Has worked in several different organizations and positions. Keeps up with latest IT trends. Works remotely himself and allow staff to work from home. Staff has had zero pressure into coming into work during pandemic. Staff is allowed to keep work vehicle at home over night. Allows very flexible work schedules, pretty much as long as the work gets done on time and in a correct manner it doesn't matter. Only rule is that the black berry needs to be on and nearby the staff during office hours. Very high morale of staff, most of the staff feels guilty being at home and not being able to do all of the work. Currently I'm writing this post outside on my deck in the beautiful sun working for Boss B. My quality of life in the last 2 years since moving over to this new job has increased dramatically. I usually go into the office 2 - 3 days of the week and the hours I save from having to drive in rush hour traffic , the ability to do house chores in between work , not having to drive in when it's -30..... has increased my quality of life massively. My mental health has improved so much that I'm way more focused at both work and home life. It helps so much when the kids did have activities (pre pandemic) being able to pick them up from school and having dinner ready the moment they come home with much more time to spare to get them ready for swimming & soccer.
    3 points
  3. Wideleft


    The article actually suggests that the bigger problem was created before the pandemic: “It’s been the great revealer, pulling the curtain back on the class divide and exposing how deeply unequal this country is.” The inability for the vast majority of people to survive a short economic downturn is a function of the system and not a bug. People can't ask for living wages if they have no job protection and they sure as hell can't save for emergencies if they barely make enough to get by.
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. TrueBlue4ever


    Update on the Stampede coming today. Many expect it will be cancelled outright. A friend of mine works in the food and drink industry and travels with the carnival circuit from the Red River Ex through the Stampede and spots in between. Says if he loses those 2 events alone, he will lose 75% of his annual income (and he is not some low-level ride operator making minimum wage, this is hundreds of thousands of dollars). On the flipside, my brother is in sales and marketing and 95% of his business was in the US, completely gone now, so he is re-focussing on eastern Canada to keep his income going. As he puts it. "Adapt or die" Saw a meme that was kind of telling. It said "If you have kids heading into college who are wondering what career path to take, tell them to look around right now and see who is still working"
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Mark H.


    When we look back to General Strike of 1919, we can see that it did bring some change for the working class. However, looking at the planet as whole today, it becomes clear that we are shifting back to those conditions. In some countries, the change never did come.
    2 points
  8. didnt see that...but needed to be resaid anyway haha
    2 points
  9. Damon Allen is the most over rated QB of all time. He is Kevin Glenn with a Grey Cup win and better luck finding a starting job imo. He was never a top 2 or 3 QB in any year he ever played. Simon had a great run as a receiver but always had great QBs throwing him the ball. He's one of the all time greats but Milt is the best ever and it is not even close. It is unthinkable what Milt might have done if 3/4 of his career he didn't have hobos throwing him the ball.
    2 points
  10. do or die


    Was working at home (project based), for certain periods of time, before this crap hit the fan..... But I do have to VC, far more often than I would like. A lot of them are a complete waste of my time. But, a lot of incompetent management types are in love with these, as they make them look engaged and busy - simply another way of "justifying" their phony baloney jobs. The same types who don't know how to hold productive meetings, in the first place...... Like not having to get up, until 10 minutes before work, no taking the bus, or sitting in a cubicle, downtown, and being able to stretch, listen to my favorite music, drink my own coffee, have a gin, talk to my partner, make a good lunch, save money et al...... When the smoke clears, I will be pushing to do this full time, until retirement. Have more than enough focus and self-discipline to do this. Prefer the social interactions, outside of the workplace, anyways.
    2 points
  11. #wereinthistogether and... #thechampishere...
    2 points
  12. I bet hes kicking him self for not taking a deal with a signing bonus already. If the season doesnt happen or is significantly shortened he could lose a TON of cash.
    2 points
  13. Brandon


    I'm in IT and even I've seen resistance from the "old guard". It's the old guard mentality that if someone is at home that they can't possibly be productive. It's a weird kind of thinking where if these bosses really do not trust their employees then why did they hire them in the first place?
    2 points
  14. bustamente

    US Politics

    Forget the lies Trump spews, he has decided that his reality is the only one that matters , in his world he doesn't care who dies.
    2 points
  15. Mookie Mitchell is another guy who I felt was better than Simon but not as long lasting.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. 17to85


    Erroneous! Jurrasic Park only opened once. It was never open the first time and the rest of the time was just people trying to get dinosaurs off an island or being unauthorized tourists.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Many have said that once Trump is out off the WH he will spend the rest of his life in court, he has had some real serious accusations leveled against him and in all probability more in the future.
    1 point
  20. do or die

    US Politics

    Once Trump no longer has the protective shield of the Presidency.....the lawsuits and prosecutions, will be lined up around the block....
    1 point
  21. Tracker


    On a slightly different note , yesterday we ordered Chinese from a nearby restaurant and it arrived in a surprisingly short period of time. I walked out to the delivery car and when I got close, the driver's face tightened up and he shouted," Isolate, isolate!". To calm him down, I told him that I had ordered just 15 minutes ago.
    1 point
  22. Well, he could be impeached for new crimes certainly. But the impeachment showed that the Senate really doesnt care. Trump could be caught in bed with Putin discussing the selling of America to Russia and the Senate wouldnt convict. Plus, too close to an election now. Trump will pay for his crimes, but its going to lay in the criminal courts now, I think. The only thing to change that would be if he somehow won re-election but the Dems kept the House and won a huge majority in the Senate. They'd have him impeached and removed by Easter.
    1 point
  23. So in order to stop me from buying Bus Tickets from 7-11 (because I don't know if my peggo points have expired) I went with my mother to Dairy Queen mostly because once again they have unveiled their summer blizzards (including a Wonder Woman 84 promotional blizzard but that won't be out for awhile) they unveiled a Coffee Crisp blizzard among the limited time flavours, so I now ask who did it better, McDonalds, DQ or BDI? McDonalds actually had Coffee Crisp as one of their original flavours when the McFlurry arrived in 1997 (because it started around the same time George of the Jungle came out) along with Orea, Smarties and Fudge-o, I actually do remember having the Coffee Crisp one a few times and liking it then it went away, it resurfaced a number of years later but I didn't like what they did with it because I kind of felt they put some kind of Coffee sauce in it, but sadly these days McD's are known for skimping on their mixings especially when the LTOs came around (the Cadbury creme egg has so much wasted potential there) DQ: well I just had that today and it seems they use chocolate ice cream in there, but at least they don't really skimp on the mix-ins, they don't even do that with the limited time stuff, but I still keep remembering when they kept running out of the S'more mix ins before the promotion was over BDI: they don't really mess with anything, they deliver what's promised at least (but I hate how big their "small" size is) To be fair I gotta give it to BDI because they don't skimp and the clusters are big enough to satisfy and their ice cream is delicious, I will basically rate DQ's take as "Now that I've tried it, I don't have to order it again, that doesn't mean I hate it it just means I find it average)
    1 point
  24. I named one, no big deal, not everyone accused is automatically guilty, you have to let due process play out.
    1 point
  25. JCon


    This policy makes sense. Like the WCB rebates to employers.
    1 point
  26. Tracker


    Sooooo....you're saying that he fits perfectly into Trump's cabinet and party?
    1 point
  27. Mark H.


    Interesting. My current experience is similar, due to the pandemic: I spend my day teaching remote classes, recording tutorials and prepping 'work at home' packages, combined with answering texts and phone calls from parents and students. All of this leaves me time for marking and assessment during the day, which I normally do not have. This has freed up my evenings and allowed me to spend more time with our 20 month old daughter (baths, books, new words toys, and diapers). Before, I would do some marking after she went to bed at 8:30. Now, I can read or get some exercise, not to mention have more conversation with my wife. So, I am aware that this is a surreal time right now, but I'm making the best of it while it's here. There are negative aspects that I have mentioned before, but I simply had to stop dwelling on those.
    1 point
  28. Mark H.


    A natural disaster would have the same effect in any of those countries. As would a major recession, where we stopped buying their mass - produced goods. Covid 19 just exposed it more than it ever has been exposed before. The real question is - what are we going to do about it?
    1 point
  29. nope...If a idiot runs on the field and tries to hit a player like he did...thats what you will get, and deserve every smack..punch..kick...I would have done the same thing..
    1 point
  30. Imagine Milt with Flutie. How many more receptions, receiving yards and TDs would the man have?
    1 point
  31. Was funny looking up Mookie Mitchel's big year and his QB that year was the one and only Kerwin Bell
    1 point
  32. He doesnt attend the shows as often but he's still the same in terms of control and never sleeping. He will often call a creative meeting and everyone sits around waiting for him to start the conference call and its sometimes 3am before he does. He's a mad man. Still a workaholic. He just relies more on Heyman, Prichard and Hunter to run things backstage. Scripts still have to be approved by him and he will make changes last minute (very WCW like). For example, his most recent craziness was WWE decided RAW & SD would be taped. So friday afternoon they taped SD and during the show, he decided to scrap it and go live. One of the ways XFL was supposed to be different was Vince being more hands-off. WWE, he's still hands on and even more so now because he fired their two co-presidents and havent replaced them. So he's Chairman, CEO and de-facto President, head of creative etc.
    1 point
  33. do or die

    US Politics

    ...then you might cash in your chips
    1 point
  34. wbbfan

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    I know of a contract where a radio or sat tower was to be taken down, one guy bid 1 million bucks and no one else bid so he got it. Two guys went up with harnesses and cut their way down. Finished the job in one day. Gov't contracts are insane.
    1 point
  35. Milt put up gawdy receiving stats with the best of them, but its his touchdowns that really separates him. Lets face it, scoring is the most important part of any sport and Milt did it better than any receiver ever by a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide margin. Pitts is 30 away from Milt and Simon is 43 away. Not even close.
    1 point
  36. The depth of greatness at qb is very different then at wr in modern cfl history though. Geroy is a top 10 wr all day. Allen is top 20 at qb and yes by the sum of his career and not by the peak of his level. The wrs have milt in his own tier then pitts in another then geroy in a crowded tier. The top 4 or 5 cfl qbs are all milt tier. The next 5 ish are pitts tier.
    1 point
  37. Production is not the same as quality. Doug brown wasnt leading all DTs in tackles and sacks every year, but he was the best at his position. 2006 was also a bit of a thin year, mop is also a fickle political picking with heavy offensive skill position bias, but even then id have given it to brent johnson or charlie roberts over geroy. in 2006 as top wr id still take milt, bruce or tucker over geroy. 100% In the top 5 wrs of all time you quickly get to a point where you have to choose how you weigh duration of a career vs brilliance in a shorter time span. A bunch of guys with 5 year or smaller sample sizes would be better then geroy pound for pound. Vaughn was a murder for a while. Seemed like he could run slant routes on us all day long. It felt like we took the foot off the pedal in the second to last game and never got back in the groove after that.
    1 point
  38. No way.... Allen wouldn't IMO hit top 20 qb of all time. Geroy Simon is surely a top 20 receiver of all time. Allen was the CFL version of Art Monk..... really good for a long period of time but never the best.
    1 point
  39. he was, but the gap between geroy and milt is the same to me as the gap between allen and flutie.
    1 point
  40. Man, that was a great team. If only Dave Ritchie could have contained some of those huge egos & big mouths during Grey Cup week they'd have been champions. Bolden ran his mouth all week. Real shame.
    1 point
  41. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Worth a read.
    1 point
  42. I was going to say the exact same thing when this discussion first started. 100% agree...
    1 point
  43. tacklewasher


    Holy ****. That is one stupid lady.
    1 point
  44. do or die

    US Politics

    The though that some people, still even believe in anything that comes out of his mouth.....is simply mind boggling.
    1 point
  45. Mr Dee


    Ain’t it the truth...
    1 point
  46. The Unknown Poster


    This is much funnier than I thought it would be. Also Savage was one of the greatest promo guys of all time.
    1 point
  47. I watched the Grey Cup game last night and guess what, WE WON !!! I'll never tire of watching that game.
    1 point
  48. tacklewasher


    While I agree 1 through 3, the truth is that 4 was staged. Nasa hired Stanley Kubrick to do the filming, the only issue is he demanded it be filmed on location
    1 point
  49. JCon

    2020 Free Agent Tracker

    Considering he would have received a significant signing bonus, Walker has lost this Free Agency. Let's see if we can get a real deal on a two-year contract.
    1 point
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