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  1. Do not pass Taman...do not collect $200.
    5 points
  2. Not sure I agree entirely... Eli was a road grader and should be playing ahead of both kola and gray IMO.
    5 points
  3. You nailed it on your comments....what/why osh seems to have this love for guys who aren't necessarily the best option baffles the mind...Kolo was by far the worst guy we had, and like you mentioned...for someone who knows what they are actually watching, and can pick up easily what they are doing...it's very obvious to see....just a head scratcher if he is again...handed the role....It better be an outright competition...in multiple positions this year as we have seen in last 2 yrs that when the chips need to be placed all in during the last hand...we flopped bad...and a lot was due to personell...and odd coaching decisions.. Even as depth he is a poor choice as your 6th...cant kick outside, and as a guard he's geteaten up and shat out...over and over and a good likelyhood he would be the guy at faukt for ZC really getting pummeled...thelast yr and a bit ZC has taken a pummeling and it can be directly linked to the center, even tho the average fan won't see it Getting worried already that we are gonna bring back way too many guys we shouldn't
    4 points
  4. Gray is a great 6th ol but at this point he still hasn’t become more than that which is disappointing. Seemed like it took a few weeks for Eli to get into shape but man he just chews guys up. When we had desjarlais teams lamented playing us. Our interior is soft now. But we have the pieces. So he’s hoping Eli wins the starting job and that Dobson takes a step forward and wins one too. Because those guys change how teams play is in a big way. It seems gray is pretty locked in market wise due to his study with the u of m engineering department. But his not having signed is strange. This off season feels soo strange and foreign. Change is needed but not used to it at this point. I can’t imagine all these guys go to fa after years of not doing it just to resign.
    4 points
  5. In his first go around Eli was ahead of guys like gray on the depth chart and I really don't see a reason for that to not still be the case. Guy is good and brings a level of physicality that has been lacking.
    4 points
  6. Not understanding this move...weakest of the bunch, and why block younger guys with a 31 yr old, unless they are saving bucks and are moving on from Gray,and putting ELI there with Dobson as the 6th?...Head scratcher as Eli is a better center than Guard, as well as better than Kolo....Or is this an Osh pining to his GM to lock up his fav's?...If Thomas is next...followed by Briggs...I gonna puke
    4 points
  7. I'm disappointed in this signing... not that I have any particular objection to Kolakowski... by accounts he had a good year in 2023... but if it came down to him or Gray... I'd have preferred Gray... also don't like the potential of blocking Eli or Dobson when both appear ready to be starters.
    3 points
  8. Disappointed to see Kola brought back. But hopefully, as others have said, it’ll be an open competition at center. I can’t see Eli losing out, if it is.
    3 points
  9. PFF has its critics on both sides of the border and actually has its origins as a fansite fyi. Conversely some fans think that coaching staffs never make mistakes and dump on fans who offer opinions.
    3 points
  10. Some bloggers pretending to be media will tell you he was, but he really wasn't. Anything special. He did good work as a fill in type centre, but his ceiling is pretty much limited to that.
    3 points
  11. I recall the exactly first time I heard 'Fort Hew'. It was Aug17 2017, Winnipeg is hosting Edmonton that night... Wade Miller happens to drive past by my worksite and spots me decked out in Bomber gear, I spot him and give a hearty cheer. He hits the breaks and asks us to sit tight and soon after his assistant is on site handing us tickets for the game. Most of these guys had never been to a football game in their lives and were completely unaware of all things Bomber related, but they were pumped to go. Fast forward to gathering at the stadium and someone asks me what this #FORTHEW printed in bold on the ticket meant, but of course they pronounce it 'Fort Hew' and I like to think that put the term out there into the universe somehow. A few short weeks later the police would be called in to tranq Hewey, our famous moose on the loose. Big year for bomber stadium lore, whatever you call it. PAS is taking some time to grow on me...
    3 points
  12. rebusrankin

    NFL thread

    I feel for Lions fans. Campbell should have kicked two fgs instead of going for it.
    3 points
  13. Not over reacting at all. just don’t see the vision here. Bringing back the gang never works. Some of our guys are gonna age out by 25 also.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. With the amount of guys unsigned, it's hard to see the team vision right now. Hopefully it all comes together. It's a long way to TC.
    2 points
  16. Yeah that's just it. Guy isn't a difference maker while the others certainly might be
    2 points
  17. JCon

    Random Jets News

    We'll need to find someone else not to play.
    2 points
  18. even in the last games he played he looked rather rotund
    2 points
  19. even then,,it shouldnt be....if there was a guy to hand a job to...Its Eli Imagine having Desjarlais...Eli and Neuf between the tackles??...thats a nasty assed group teams would hate to line up against....Dobson fro Gray will give us much the same.... No coaching staff worth spit looks at or uses PFF as any type of evaluation tool...trust me there
    2 points
  20. And some fans on a football forum will excuse away any ranking system that rates him highly as being fundamentally flawed, and tell you they know better than the coaches and that the top running game, second fewest sacks against, another great win-loss record and top ranked OL in the league all mean nothing because, results be damned, they know better then our staff paid to put the best product out there to win games and keep their jobs, based on their own eye test.
    2 points
  21. I guess in a pinch he actually could be....but it would mean shuffling the deck a bit as I don't like the idea of him playing anything other than C..... Just wanted to finish that thought
    2 points
  22. Judging by Muamba's increasing waste line on his podcast, I don't think he is playing again.
    2 points
  23. I'll wait and see. Have a feeling we are going to let Gray hit the market. If so, maybe there is an open competition in TC between Eli and Kolo for C.
    2 points
  24. I know continuity is huge when it comes to the offensive line but I'm a little disappointed with this. Now .. having said that .. Eli didn't exactly light the world on fire when he was giving his limited opportunities and that might be part of this. However ... the interior of our line was a HUGE issue at times last year and that starts with who's lined up over the football.
    2 points
  25. Live is absolutely the best way to watch a football game, but if you want to see exactly what happened on a play, slo-mo TV replay is gonna give you the best look every time. There is absolutely no doubt that Dunigan was commenting based on exactly what we saw. If he was commenting on what he saw live from 60 yards away in the press box I doubt he would have any opinion at all as it would be impossible to tell from there. There is absolutely no way of knowing whether the kick would have been good or not because it only travelled 4 yards. I can say this though, that 100% of kicks that are blocked do not end up going through the uprights. Therefore I agree with your opinion that it is insane to blame a kicker that had his kick blocked. Maybe he had lined it up right, maybe he didn't....that became completely irrelevant the second it was blocked as even the best kick in the world has no chance at that point.
    2 points
  26. I've always been a fan of swapping picks to balance out trades.
    2 points
  27. Brandon

    NFL thread

    The first 4th down gamble was a terrible coaching decision. The 2nd 4th down gamble when they were 48 yards away made more sense to me. Hard kick to make. If I were a Lions fan I would blame Josh Reynolds for dropping the two balls that would of gave them the first downs. The 4th down gamble wasn't that far away from him and later on the ball hits him directly in the chest and he drops it. That dude really screwed them over.
    2 points
  28. bustamente

    NFL thread

    Dan Campbell makes coaching harder than it has to be,
    2 points
  29. Matt dunigan doesn't know that any more than we do.
    2 points
  30. JCon

    Restaurant/food thread

    I won't put up with you disparaging the McPizza. Take that back!
    2 points
  31. The Argos have already paid a bonus to Williams.
    1 point
  32. 3 yrs ago....thats a long time in football yrs...
    1 point
  33. 17to85

    Next merch purchase

    Just be careful or you might wind up with a certain coach humping your leg.
    1 point
  34. My girl friend had a pair of season tickets, and we started dating in July and she took me to every single game and refused to take payment so I planned on getting her a jersey as a thank you. Schoen is her favourite player so waiting until he signs a three year deal with us to bite the bullet 😉
    1 point
  35. I love all hats that are black on black. So getting I'm hoping for more of that!
    1 point
  36. I really couldn't imagine any other franchise bringing back a bunch of players that went.....14 and....4. like wtf. Enough mediocrity already!!
    1 point
  37. Idk. The coaching staff moves and not re signing a lot of guys for free agency gives me hope.
    1 point
  38. Bigblue204

    Next merch purchase

    I bought some stuff for xmas presents so I'll be done until my annual hat purchase just before the season starts.
    1 point
  39. Brandon

    Next merch purchase

    Jackson jersey and watch Booch chase after me with a pitch fork!
    1 point
  40. 2025 when we host is gonna be a disaster.
    1 point
  41. You know by the pff stats Eli graded out as better than kola to ya. One guy nominated kola for mol, based of gut review. No one else is touting him as the strength of our ol or grading him out well he didn’t rank high on the pending free agents no one was targeting him. If you don’t n agree with the reviews on here, I think that’s pretty strong neutral evidence. Though I’ll again say the pff stats are a bit suspect, and at best single stat analytics like that are extremely un reliable for centres. When you don’t play a guy every snap you just can’t compare efficiency numbers to guys who do. It’s much easier to continue to develop and start developing Dobson/gray at centre than to develop kola into more than a C for sure. Ideally I’d develop gray at a rt and Dobson as a c so you have extra coverage for each spot. It was a fantasy football tool in its base wasn’t it? Some of those guys really know their stuff, but it’s hard to translate imo. Football outsiders was a much better advanced break down site for the nfl. those 3 inside would dominate the line in the run game and wear down dls fast. They would make the pass rush of other teams worse as much as improve pass pro. Love any excuse to nerd out lol. For any one who wants to get a quick evaluation of an ol, watch the depth of battle. Where do they engage a dl, usually + or - 1.5 yards from the los depending on pass or run pro. Then watch where they are when they disengage. If they are getting deadlocked or losing position the dl is winning even if they keep em locked up. You can only lock horns and get pushed back soo many times before you are just beat. It’s easy to look at sack plays and be down on any one involved, but every ol gives up sacks and some times it’s not intuitive as to why or how they got beat or if it’s their fault. You might not know the play call or understand the scheme and that can under rate guys too. But If they are winning heads up battles it speaks volumes to the rest of what’s happening.
    1 point
  42. I HATE this signing so much. I just can't think of any situation that this is good for us. Of anyone that we should have been okay letting walk he gets re-signed? F#&K it is going to be a long season of watching Zack on his back.
    1 point
  43. They already had their MLB replacement, just needed a new deal. He's not a Canadian though so they may have to shuffle things around for the ratio. https://3downnation.com/2024/01/29/man-in-the-middle-toronto-argonauts-re-sign-lb-jonathan-jones/
    1 point
  44. GCn20

    Random Jets News

    Someone had to go. Chisolm is being wildly over rated by some Jets fans. He is a fringe NHLer at best.
    1 point
  45. Eli was an award winner in the NCAA. Kolo is a late draft pick who was out of football for two years before joining us. He's a decent fill in but struggles as others have said far better than I have. His being brought back screams that we're keeping the status quo and is frustrating because it seems to be blocking younger guys who have more upside.
    1 point
  46. JohnnyAbonny

    NFL thread

    What a boneheaded couple of decisions from Dan Campbell. If you’re up by 14 on the road in the playoffs, you take the bloody points to make it a 3 score game, and to make the same call again the next quarter… Campbell turned that franchise around, but my goodness. That was one of the dumbest hours I’ve seen anyone have in this sport. I feel terrible for the Detroit fans, their own coach just cost them a super bowl berth. It’s the negative image of 2016 MOS attempting that 78 yard field goal or whatever it was instead of going for it on 3rd and 3.
    1 point
  47. bustamente

    NFL thread

    Lamar had a real tough game, 2 turn overs in the end zone by the Ravens sealed their fate
    1 point
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