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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-06-24 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. They’re not releasing Brown or Pigrome
    5 points
  3. Montreal has been a graveyard for Bomber teams in recent years.
    5 points
  4. Never change CFL. Waved off a no yards because the player was pushed in, but no illegal block? WTF?
    5 points
  5. Alternatively, Hamilton just ******* sucks
    4 points
  6. Nice to see Matty calling out the refs for not making some calls.
    4 points
  7. I hope not, I want to see what Pigrome can become, if they bring Prukop back he may never get his chance.
    3 points
  8. Largely because we know the talent on this team..................and we definitely didn't play up to the level that we know we can........
    3 points
  9. Rod Black

    World Politics

    Not a coup. But a “March for justice” https://twitter.com/sunlorrie/status/1672636365786304513?s=61&t=_stQ2xKaj3IiEFd7rNK7jg I have committed to attending MBB-bn (broadcasting network) for the latest news and updates on the historic events unrolling in Russia. Thanks Tracker for taking up the role of Wolf Blitzer as you solidify the impact of MBB. over to you Wolf.
    3 points
  10. Doman is also trying to get football reinstated at Simon Fraser. Good for him.
    3 points
  11. Leggs making us regret dumping him haha...but happy for him going 4 for 4 tho..he's a good dude and hope he is successful...
    3 points
  12. Have to hand it to Amar Doman - he's really stepped up and taken the Lions from the point of almost bankruptcy to a real contender in BC, and is building interest in BC for the Lions which was basically non-existent the past 10 years. He's got a great facility in Vancouver to build up the team from too, unlike Calgary where they are playing in a decaying disaster. I really enjoy watching football in Vancouver on a nice night with the roof open.
    3 points
  13. Someone who attends practice will have to inform us if Pigrome is actually practicing short yardage plays. If he isn't then he won't see action in a game.
    2 points
  14. When he didn't get that short yardage TD, it felt like that was it. They didn't trust him anymore and his ass got stapled to the bench.
    2 points
  15. I'd gladly take Prukop back if that means they actually run that option run package. Pigrome would go to PR.
    2 points
  16. JCon

    The Winnipeg Thread

    Absolute trash.
    2 points
  17. iHeart

    World Politics

    I wonder how long his beard will be I imagine he's going to hide in a Spiders hole like Saddam did
    2 points
  18. The lions didn’t kick our ass. We peed the bed.
    2 points
  19. the watcher

    Religious Beliefs

    Well said Tracker. Christianity like most religions has very good guidelines for life at the heart of it. But I have always said that you can pretty much prove anything you want by using the Bible if you want to believe it word for word. Reading about the history of the current Bible and the history of the Christian church would really benefit alot of people. What I find helps is to look at the real core, of the stories of some of the greatest religious figures, Christ, Buddha, Lao Tzu.......how they acted,how they spoke, what they did...and you will find goodness and perhaps a belief system that benefits both yourself and those around you. Edit: Good on you for starting this thread Mark H. I had thought of it a couple of times but wasn't brave enough lol.
    2 points
  20. the watcher

    Religious Beliefs

    I hear this often but I totally disagree. In my opinion MOST wars aren't started over religion but rather the combatants invoke God on their side once a war has started for other reasons.
    2 points
  21. I never shut off the game when the Bombers play but I did last game. Hard to believe there are legit reasons for such a bad showing.
    2 points
  22. Fajardo did get sacked a whole bunch so they have flaws. Not BCs level. But we can't take them lightly. They have something going for them
    2 points
  23. So uh... Is Montreal good... And should we be concerned next weekend?
    2 points
  24. SpeedFlex27

    The TV Thread

    Never got into this show. I loved the old show. Tom Selleck WAS Thomas Magnum. Jay Hernandez wasn't. In the old series, Higgins protected & managed Robin Masters property. He wasn't a woman. He wasn't a love interest for Magnum. He was his foil. Higgins never liked Magnum at first but over the series he begrudgingly respected him & they became friends. Some of the best scenes in the old series was the interaction between them. I tried watching the new series but just couldn't get into it. They would have been better off to have just made another Hawaiian Private Eye series. Selleck wisely stayed away from the new Magnum as he is busy with Blue Bloods.
    2 points
  25. Man...if Orlando had any onions he'd cut that Edwards right after the game for that bullshit at the end there...what a tool
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Yup he's been great for football and making it relevant again in B.C....great for the league and a few other organizations should take note and follow his lead MTL with new owner seem to be in the beginning stages of that too...and their owner has said he is gonna put money and effort into it...those corporate entities in T.O and CGY (tho more a private corp) should just eff off already
    2 points
  28. I can now see why Kongbo wasn't happy with the reps. he was getting, he ranks well down their list in effective pass rush ability even among their Natl. talent.
    2 points
  29. Long bomb to Agudosi and some nice runs from Brady O........ maybe a couple sacks on D. There's not much to choose from, that's for sure.... a rough go. Hoping that's the last time we see something like that this season.
    2 points
  30. My only advice is check in on them half way through cooking, it bubbles up sometimes at comical levels of height and if you are using a microwave oven/ninja oven it can touch the top of the oven. The crust is thin and almost like a croissant, it's very tasty.
    2 points
  31. I've seen this a couple times, but this seems overstated. There's nothing he can teach them that they don't already know from film study. Couture giving them "intel" doesn't just suddenly obliterate the best OL the league has seen in years. There's a lot more to it than that. Something was really really wrong.
    2 points
  32. Dude - It's one game. Check yourself. The random DT that our coaching staff let go is not going to be an improvement. We've lost Rose, Parker, and Houston out of our secondary. We're scrapping the bottom of the depth chart and just have to live through it. Not much we can do there until our starters come back. We've had the best OL in the game for years. Including the first two weeks of the season. A one off game and you're talking about changes? That's absolutely crazy.
    2 points
  33. Honestly I know the D had some issues, but considering how much time the spent on the field it wasn't as bad as all that. The offense on the other hand.... yikes the offensive line.... brutal. When has Stanley Bryant ever been abused like that?
    2 points
  34. Everyone here, myself included assumed the Bombers would easily win the West. As did most fans on every other team. As did the media. And apparently so did the Blue Bomber players. It looked like the idea that they would cruise easily back into the Grey Cup had crept into their mindset. Well they and we just got served a huge slice of humble pie. We've got some stiff competition. There is nothing like a good old ass whooping to open your eyes. They've got some work to do. Let's see how they respond now.
    2 points
  35. Lol...hadn't seen him without helmet but yeah...but his on field mannerisms body type and how he plays...looks like Lawler to a T
    1 point
  36. Pretty much the norm now putting guys right into the 6...wouldn't read too much into it. And right now the reps and all the looks Haba is getting to see with all these reps is gonna pay off big for us...dude is legit...is averaging a sack a game right now...and is disruptive...if Jeffcoat comes back at 6 games or before and plays like Jeffcoat does ..that will be a good 3 man rotation along with Hansen joining the mix Right now the Miller injury is hurting us because poor roster management is making us burn a DI on a fullback instead of another dlineman of actual usefulness or a db/linebacker...also with the receivers we have we could also use woli...bolo ..even Sheed in a blocking fullback role ..but we choose not to and would rather burn a DI...which we sorely could use in the defensive mix...
    1 point
  37. iHeart

    World Politics

    so what the heck is going on in Russia right now? apparently a military base is burning https://twitter.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/1672366604535975936 and Putin is unreachable https://twitter.com/saintjavelin/status/1672370387982614529 WHO WANTS POPCORN?
    1 point
  38. You’d be surprised. Look into chip Kellys late days at Oregon. When it got out how the rb position and ol tipped the play. It’s Iike that but faster. Thing about seldom seen plays and packages is they are all well practiced. Stuff that’s only on film 2-5 plays last year couture knew inside and out. Not just that but how to exploit specific guys. They 100% knew how to attack each guy in a way no one else has done at any point in the past few years. Including those players and that coaching staff. Habbas sack, a bunch of Brady runs, the deep hall to Agudosi two of grants returns, couple other sacks, the lbers each had a play or two that was really good too. Just easily washed away in a thorough butt kicking.
    1 point
  39. Depends what happens next week........
    1 point
  40. going away from Brady and the run, when Lions could not stop it is not great. reminds me of putting Prukop in instead of collaros, in the red zone, in the Grey Cup. taking the b.c. offside penalty when it was third down. what was that? and no attempt to use pigrome. almost trying too hard to be the smartest sometimes.
    1 point
  41. u know inside the walls of the stadium the team has already moved on
    1 point
  42. A few things for me on the offense... There's a 0% chance the Bombers are running any called run plays for Collaros. So why would we ever go empty backfield? Why would we ever go empty backfield with no jet or orbit motion through the backfield or coming behind Collaros? Now all 12 players on the defense KNOW 100% we are passing from the pocket if we are empty with no motion. HUGE advantage for the pass rush we're just handing over. Especially when you're 15-30 minutes in to this game and you realize that the BC DL is killing our tackles with speed rush. Oliviera was gashing them over and over, and then we go empty a bunch. Don't like it. That's a schematic flaw, poor execution by a playcaller. Shouldn't even have empty plays on the call sheet. Now plays where Oliviera motions out to lead block or seal edge for a jet sweep...nice play. Where was Augustine? He needs a role in the offense. He's not an every down player, but he's useful. If they don't think he is, get an American back on and with the new rules we can slip him in almost half the time without subbing out an American. Agudosi can sit. He has exactly one route he can get open on and his hands are suspect. Nice luxury piece, but not bringing anything we're missing and BOLO/Murphy will be fine as our 5th option. We need the help in the backfield. If not RB, we need another American DB, DE, LB on the roster. Where's the option run package? Hallmark of the success of this offense. Streveler, even Prukop, the change of pace set, the stuff where you just get the OL and everyone rolling people over, the stuff the D can't really prep for. Pigrome can be a weapon. I think our D is extremely out of sync, very young, very new to each other and in many cases Canadian football. Lots of work for the coaches there. No depth and that makes it way harder because we have at least a couple guys who are likely not CFL level players out there and maybe more as we get more of a look. Bennett shouldn't be out there, both corners were terrible. Fox and Schmekel aren't getting many reps so we're running the starting DL into the ground which doesn't really fit what has made this overall scheme successful back to when Hall arrived here.
    1 point
  43. O-line definitely wasn't themselves last night. But you're right, Buck played right into the strengths of the BC Lions. They're just a fast team, plain and simple. Not overly physical (especially on the d-line). You have to be able to run the ball against them. We were doing that, and then we stopped. And then we doubled down on not running the ball. And then it was too late. I'm not sure how I feel about Agudosi right now. He could have been that guy to really change the complexion of our passing attack. He isn't making the plays he needs to make. But they also ignore him for most of the game too. And with Bailey...if you're not going to commit to the run, then you're wasting his talents as well. The game plan just stunk. As for our defense, I don't think it's accurate to say that they "nickel and dimed us". They were taking big yards, especially from our corners. At times we were nowhere near them. This is a trend. We weren't getting home (d-ends playing contain on VA) and he was getting the ball out just in time to wide open targets. Darby, Rose, Parker, Houston were all out last night, so I'll assume we can improve a lot here.
    1 point
  44. Oline didnt suck as much as what ever our game plan was just left them hung out to dry where BC could jut go after the QB...first drive we ran a good mix of run and short passing...after that nothing of the sort...wheres the short passing game...quick hitters..slants...jet sweeps....BC seen we were not doing that and pinned ears back...BC nickle and dimed us to death....didnt allow The VAJ to have to sit back there and let his plays run through progressions and just took what we gave em...and couple that with prob 90 percent of time if you go back and look our DB's all 8 to 10 yards off the L.O.S and next to no press coverage...well you see what happened..Funny part of this all is our offence is perfectly suited to play this type of game and totally kill teams with guys we have ....question is...was it ZC choosing to not take that and force things....Or was it Buck having the primary guy the deeper option...we will never know, but I can chalk this up to a learning experience and a good lesson....and I doubt we see that tripe again
    1 point
  45. Grant - Never gave up and just gives er Agudosi - for coming back and taking down the DB who Demski handed the ball off to Haba - Good motor, and getting better and better Everything else was basically garbage....Not seeing or jumping on the "we looked old and slow" bandwagon as thats not what it was that I saw...Was a piss poor performance I think we figured we could mail in...And B.C came in hungry and fed us our lunch...like we have been doing to teams last 3 years....Was it a one off...we shall see and I truly think so and even great teams need a wake up call and to kick them out of complacency That being said...we definitely need to fix a few positions pronto, and inject some hungry mofo's....and Osh needs to get his head out of his arse and put a more rounded roster out there...if that means dumoing some PR guys for ones that can help tis team...then so be it...But Parker and Rose cant get back fast enough...and Mouhamed needs to be inserted if for any thing his physicality and just some new blood....As it stands other than BA we need some thumpers and tackling machines....guys with some presence in the DB group...And I think the Walker by default rostering experiment should be shelved for now....he just doesnt seem to have any spark....Love Jackson but he is a waste out there even with Miller out....Roster a big...mean hungry young dtackle instead, or another end that teams need to keep eye on...Cause Bennett just doesnt have it...Jake is old and almost useless now, and Schmeckle or whatever he goes by is useless and shouldn't even be on a pro roster. Maybe even for a few games give Castillo all 3 jobs, and get another DI as a dlineman or DB on the roster to rotate in and or fill in for a guy who is sucking...or is injured...Kramdi albeit is a good teamer,..but when he came in for Darby because thats our only option, we sucked even harder than we were sucking...which is really hard to do as we were really sucking....we have too many strictly "teamer" guys who by default get to be the back-up but truthfully aren't good enough for full time duty....roster re-jigging is needed slightly, tho I hold out hope that one Jeffcoat (if he can stay outta the tub) Wilson..Hansen..Rose and Parker will make a difference... Osh needs to shelve this loyalty to guys who been here a bit and or are Canadian to prove his point and pride in his nationality and allow/let best players play, cause as I see it we are not doing that...and last night was a prime example
    1 point
  46. Michael Couture definitely dropped some knowledge. That uniform combination was trash. Never do it again. This blue on blue ****. Fire whoever is ramming this down our throats.
    1 point
  47. If it had to happen (and a few among you had pointed out that it may have been in the mail), at least it was in week 3, you're 2-1,and this may serve as a reality check and a focus for the players, coaches and management. Bombers may yet be the best team in the West. But that doesn't mean that the other teams should just accept that they'll top the Division and go to the GC again. And the Leos have served notice. The result of August 3's rematch in BC should be instructive. Circle it on your calendar.
    1 point
  48. Got home late...knew we got our ass kicked thanks to numerous texts received from Lions fans I know....fast forwarded and quickly deleted off the pvr....moving on to next week... HH John Liu - no idea what you were saying as I was fast forwarding but you looked stylish saying it....
    1 point
  49. 1. Work for giving me tomorrow off 2. The cheer team, i guess? 3. Hollins, end of the game dude gave his gloves to a kid in the stands who was absolutely overjoyed. HH - The weather... Only thing in Wpg that showed up
    1 point
  50. This isn’t directed at you at all and I really hate to see it because we’re all fans here, but I do hope some people treat this as a wake up call that just because we’ve been in the midst of a dynasty run doesn’t mean we don’t have weak points within our team. This kind of game is exactly what a handful of us took a lot of **** for suggesting was on the table for us with the way we ran things this year. Hope the crew in charge takes this as an opportunity to adjust and reflect
    1 point
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