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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-05-20 in Posts

  1. This is ridiculous. You’ve been on this bandwagon forever and I really just don’t get it. Nobody’s asking anyone to be a football scout, the pass you keep giving guys for being lazy is crazy. It is not difficult to go to a training camp session and share what your eyes tell you. “Player A seems to be splitting reps in the slot and at wideout, whereas player B is only getting reps in the slot”, “Player C is returning kicks and working with the defensive secondary”, “Player D is taking reps at halfback and the SAM LB spot”, “Player E seems to be having lots of drops, whereas player F catches everything thrown his way”, “Player G looks to be struggling to win his 1 on 1 battles in the trenches”, “Player H has burned longtime starter Z in a few battles today” I’m not looking for an in-depth grading on how they perform in pass pro broken down with film to support their thoughts, I’m looking to see some consideration that they’re going there to REPORT, not play pattycake with their buddies on a sunny day.
    6 points
  2. My greatest fear with Brady and his smash into a brick wall running style, he may not be able to stay healthy for very long. Harris was a tough running back but avoiding direct hits and slipping tackles was part of his skillset, Brady doesn't bother with that, he hits tacklers first.
    5 points
  3. According to Tait's latest quick hits article, Wade is having a good camp at LB. There's a little bit on him in there "LB Barrington Wade continues to open eyes during camp, especially with his speed, his length and his quick study of the Canadian game." https://www.bluebombers.com/2023/05/19/quick-hits-training-camp-day-6-2/?utm_source=dlvr.it
    5 points
  4. To be fair... you are much more likely to get a Ferrari.
    5 points
  5. ....this season is a big goal of mine. Looking at my schedule when school starts back down here, the best time for me to come to Winnipeg is when we play at home versus Montreal on August 24th. Just in general if I can make this happen(Fingers crossed nothing comes up!) what are the things a first timer must do on gameday? Sites in the city itself? Best restaurants? Etc. Thank you!
    4 points
  6. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    you mean the government should try to influence and regulate the "free " market? radical. scratch a right winger, and find lurking there, a socialist.
    4 points
  7. Training camp is basically a long tryout/work into game shape/culture building time. They are not installing anything you'll really see in the regular season at this point. It's hardly even worth considering who gets reps in which group, who is on the field with who.
    4 points
  8. neither Bighill or Wilson has practiced. Who is playing LB? you mentioned DT Holm has been taking reps with first team. Sup with that? Has Eli had an opportunity to steal a spot or is he firmly depth? Has Zach been distributing the ball evenly or keying in on a couple of guys? Has there been sets (on O or D) that show more than the usual amount of Imports, indicating that they’re trying to take advantage of the new ratio rules? Arw they sneaking in an import RB at times? Lining one up as a receiver? 2 back sets?
    4 points
  9. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Every time I hear about loblaws saying they're not gouging because their profit margins haven't changed... go **** yourselves, you're making billions while people are struggling. You can take a hit on the profit.
    4 points
  10. I was there for a couple hours yesterday. It was getting pretty heated. Nearly had a scrap between WR 71? and DB 17? during one-on-ones. Holm with ANOTHER INT during scrimmage. He has had an amazing camp. Lawler doing Lawler things with an amazing catch, i missed him. Nothing else really stood out.
    4 points
  11. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    No. He'll go all in on Bitcoin! Oh, wait.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. The Riders definitely have 4 or 5 guys who can crack 1000 yards in career receiving.
    4 points
  14. Yeah......you can only 'freight train' people for so long before it starts to take it's toll...I thought Brady O would have used a few of Harris's moves of avoidance a little more..... I know every player has his own ' game style' but you can't argue with Andrew's success ...... Brady should learn to roll with the punches a little more ....play smart
    3 points
  15. They're aren't a lot of battles to be had IMO. Biggest one is probably DT and that's not always something easily seen by a layman at practice. If Wilson can't go it's honestly probably just Clements unless someone else blows the doors off.
    3 points
  16. Crazy to see the amount of NSIC guys in camp. That's incredibly low level competition. Guess you could find some diamonds in the rough like a Zylstra. My cousin and now his sons have played for Northern State in Aberdeen. I've been to a few games there and the competition is lower than a good Bisons team vs a good Sask, U of C or UBC team facing off.
    3 points
  17. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    the price gouging that's happening is remarkable. other industries must have looked at what people would tolerate with the price of gas at the pump, and thought, "we can do that too." two avocados .... five dollars. avocado field worker.... 100 pounds... five dollars.
    3 points
  18. Both guys released didn't look too bad on day 1. Bombers may be looking for more physically imposing receivers though. And it's a tough competition.
    3 points
  19. https://themeasureofaplan.com/canadian-housing-affordability/ Cool site that gets you all the info you need. Make sure you use the drop-down menus above each graph: In 1999- the average cost of a house was $83,738 the average household income was $42,300 In 2022 the average price of a home was $364,300, the average household income was $82,900 The price of a home is nearly 4 times higher now and our household income has only doubled.
    3 points
  20. Be sure to hit up The Forks... Just to say you did. Pre game pints at Stone Angel, where you can park and walk to the game.
    3 points
  21. Agudosi with a great catch deep for the td.. match up nightmare mare. Bailey catching everything in his direction. If it were my first time watching the Bombers I'd say he's their best player. Certainly is today Good connection from pigrome to agudosi . Pitch and catch. Going to be hard to imagine agudosi not seeing the field a lot if he can stay healthy. Not the best route runner but catches the ball well. And the size Gotta head off now. In a sentence, the Bombers look ****** good. Hard to single out any real poor play
    3 points
  22. I agree. I haven't attended camp in a few years but when I did it was comical how little attention the local media paid to the field. They would stand around laughing and visiting for 90% of the time. Then they get upset when no one wants to pay for their "coverage"
    2 points
  23. Which is exactly why we expect sports "reporters" to fill us in. Is that seriously asking too much? They can't employ former players or coaches as analysts or something for an expert opinion?
    2 points
  24. Well anyone who thinks it won't be bighill in the middle isn't paying attention. Clements will start in Wilson's spot if he isn't ready to go. Holm and Parker were close in the coaches eyes last season and by the sounds of it Holm has had a nice camp so he gets a bump. Eli won't start the season, Zach has missed the last few days and it's practice. He will look like a vet when he was there. Honestly this team always treats the first few weeks of the season like extended preseason. The incumbents will start and you won't see jobs stolen until later in the year because that's how it's always been with these guys.
    2 points
  25. 3downnation, a site literally dedicated to covering the CFL, should be all over this. They have next to zero coverage. Just brutal. At least we got a hard hitting expose from Friesen about which Bombers carry guns back home. 🙄
    2 points
  26. I saw this in the Free Press online: Winnipeg Blue Bombers quarterback Zach Collaros is absent from training camp and will miss the next couple days owing to personal reasons, the CFL club announced Friday. No other details were provided about the absence. Collaros had been participating in all training camp sessions prior to missing Friday. Head coach Mike O'Shea will provide an update after practice. Hoping everything is okay for Collaros and family.
    2 points
  27. There's actually quite a few economists that have pointed to increased profits as the main driver of inflation. It is called a profit-price spiral. Prices have raised because of anticipated supply line issues and have continued to raise as markup has increased. Profits, Not Wages, Have Driven Canadian Inflation - Centre for Future Work Second link is an interesting podcast (US) related to the discussion of the real driver. What has been driving inflation? Economists' thinking may have changed : Planet Money : NPR
    2 points
  28. Mark H.

    Books, Books, Books

    Some schools have removed Little House on the Prairie from their libraries - I disagree with that.
    2 points
  29. Wpg has outstanding local music live music.... blues, country, folk small, funky, good. http://www.highandlonesomeclub.ca/ or https://www.thegoodwill.ca and https://myparktheatre.com
    2 points
  30. The stadium is on the University of Manitoba campus here in the city. It is a bit of a distance in terms of bars and things close by. The Bombers do host a tail gating party prior to kickoff. https://www.bluebombers.com/pre-game-tailgating/ Many Bomber fans will tail gate in the parking lots as well prior to the game. I'm sure you will get lots of suggestions in terms of restaurants to check out in the city. How long do you think you will come up for and what sorts of things do you like doing? Might help narrow things down a bit. Can also checkout this site to see what might be of interest https://www.tourismwinnipeg.com/
    2 points
  31. Wilbur

    Books, Books, Books

    Not really referencing the Bible friend; a lot of schools do not allow that kind of thing, especially here in the Southern US due to how much of a heated thing it is and not wanting to push religion on to kids if you will. I'm a Christian myself, not a hardcore one by any means mind, but I can see why people would want their kids to choose their own religious affiliation if you will rather than have it be forced upon them. The main books I am talking about are books like Catch-22 and essentially anything by Vonnegut lol, etc. Children need to understand about other places, perspectives, etc.
    2 points
  32. voodoochylde

    Canadian Politics

    I'm sorry but if you aren't considering what might happen if interest rates rise (when you purchase a home) that's on you. Trudeau didn't force people to overextend themselves, people made that choice themselves. The party of personal accountability conveniently neglects to point that out.
    2 points
  33. Nichols showing up again with a nice tip on the ball to prevent shoen from bringing it in. Really good players make it obvious for fans like me. He's really good 79 Westfield burned his coverage on a perfectly thrown deep route.* I THINK* it was 15 josh Jones. Man was that a beautiful pass. The type of pass to make coaches notice Agudosi uses his frame to snag one in traffic. Accurate, yet fluttering pass Pigrome. RB Salima Jordan has some speed. Nice cuts and vision Pigrome under pressure and makes a bad decision to try and dump it off underneath. Wasn't picked but not a good choice. Comes back on 2nd and 10 with a deep out throw just out of reach of the receiver More to follow
    2 points
  34. Just random thoughts I'm having along the way, totally disorganized. Kind of like A dod odds and sods for tc.. #3 qb Tyrrell pigrome looks like a Charles Robert's at qb with a bit more height. Looks fast and has a good arm. First snap in situational play though and he dropped snap. Not sure if it's on him or the C. 71 # manasseh Bailey looks small but runs nice routes. 87 # Sean Coyne runs very convincing routes and has major hussle. Really impressed with him No Grant on the field as far as I can see 88 our boy with Rasheed Bailey is just awesome. Makes a tough catch and yells out a big " let's go!! " Agudosi must be a terrifying match up. #96 Tanner Schmekel, I know nothing about him but he looks intimidating. Lol Same with 92 Caleb Thomas. Dude is gigantic . Demski with a tough catch in traffic. Amazing to me how unthreatening he looks but is just such a gamer. #1 Nichols is just so good. No room between him and receiver. An almost int right on the side line but great coverage. Shoen with his classic corner route td. Would have never made it that far in live action though, d line was at collaros. 15 Josh Jones has all the tools to be a good cfl qb. Tall. Fast. Just looks like a qb. More to follow . Obviously I'm just a fan so you know, take it for what it is
    2 points
  35. I'm really interested in who is getting reps with what group, and who is on the field with who. Come on reporters, let's hear it! 🤣
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. FrostyWinnipeg

    Random Jets News

    And/or Capo.
    1 point
  38. Thanks for the replies gents! And to answer one of the questions above: I plan on going to the game on Thursday and flying back home to North Carolina on the Sunday.
    1 point
  39. bb1

    Random Jets News

    I wonder whom he is referring to? Stanley? Heinola?
    1 point
  40. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    Capitalism at it’s finest. Hey our profit margins didn’t go up conveniently not talking about the many issue with their existing profit margins. They’ll throw out the supply and demand rationale when it’s convenient for them (i.e high demand) but a different tune when high supply low demand i.e we’re too big too fail we need government bailouts or people will lose their jobs don’t you care about the people mr and mrs politician? Yea I know I’m missing some complexities on both sides here but it isn’t as black and white as some of my capitalistic friends and family members put it. I find they interpret some things out of convenience not fact and complexities involved. They’ll usually just end and say it’s the best model we have and we go back to talking sports.
    1 point
  41. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Yes Mr. Pollievre. That's why we see global inflation. Because the Canadian government prevented people from going homeless and businesses from shutting down during the pandemic. It's not war in Ukraine putting stress on global good supplies, it's not a loss in productivity because of all the shutdowns, its not blatant corporate greed.
    1 point
  42. WildPath

    Manitoba Politics

    This has been the party's position in education - make cuts, don't provide leadership and give the responsibility of managing (and criticism) to the local school divisions. Parents have been told that school divisions will provide all supports required without giving them the funding to do so. When they can't manage, it must be their fault. I don't have the same connection to the healthcare system that I do the education system, but I do see some parallels. From an outsider's perspective, it seems the intention of healthcare system cuts is to make way for privatization. For education, I think it is just trying to shift responsibility for failures elsewhere. Unfortunately, most members of the public don't really see when the educational system is failing, so it is easier to escape political fallout.
    1 point
  43. First off, where are you from? What kind of food do you like? - Feast Bistro -Cibo Cafe -Sous Sol -Tons of MIcro Breweries... as for spots... -Canadian Human Rights Museum. -Shop and dine @ the Forks -Try and book a tour at the Canadian Mint But realistically- if you are just keeping it in Winnipeg you are seriously missing out... So much to do outside of Winnipeg. -Clear lake -Riding National Park -Gimili for some Icelandic experiences Various beaches -various fishing places. -Hecla is awesome.... I guess it depends on how much time you are spending here.
    1 point
  44. I think it was the way Bauming worded his tweet that has some many people disappointed. This IS a good announcement from the league. Bauming made it sound like it would be more Bomber specific imo. Either way, I will also be watching
    1 point
  45. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    So is he going to step in as PM and force interest rates and thus mortgage rates to be lower? Pretty sure you can't do that.
    1 point
  46. Appreciate you @CodyT .. thank you for the updates!
    1 point
  47. Tracker

    comedy stuff

    1 point
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