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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-11-25 in Posts

  1. This is the 3rd post in the thread. This is your reply to that exact post. To you finally saying the same thing. Pertinent parts bolded. 6 pages of you arguing nonsense only to finally agree with what everyone has been saying from the start. Unfucking believable.
    10 points
  2. 8 points
  3. I can't stop laughing about this interview...
    8 points
  4. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    A covidiot appears!
    6 points
  5. When Ballsy got that job Derek Taylor had a few tweets that infered that Ball is a bully and a jerk. Tweets seem on brand for that.
    6 points
  6. You're expecting perfection from Legs when the rest of the team wasn't even average. You take away either of our two interceptions or the Chad Kelly run or we grind Brady more in the 4th quarter and we win by taking a knee.
    6 points
  7. Ok then what about the offensive line giving up pressure non stop? What about the dropped passes? What about even allowing the kick to be blocked at the end? And on and on we go.... some of you hate legs and will go out of your way to blame the kid. You want to blame someone there is plenty to go around because it is damned inexcusable that the Bombers offense couldn't get the job done themselves and score touchdowns like they did all bloody season. They couldn't even sustain drives.
    6 points
  8. Who prior to going to the stamps was a young kicker in another city who wasn't good enough.... the point here is that sometimes you gotta give young players time to grow. Legs isn't as awful a kicker as you make him out to be. The misses in the Grey Cup game were not the reason we lost. I'd point a hellnof a lot more fingers at the MOP, veteran, highest paid player in the league than a young kicker
    6 points
  9. People who aren't smart enough to see the forest for the trees, complain about the obvious thing "Well, we didn't make that last kick, so we need a new kicker..." and they don't look at the plethora of things that went wrong in that game, including the offense having a relative pants-shitting. They also don't look at the massive leap Liegghio took from last year to this year, and think about the similar leap he could take from this year to next. It's not like P/Ks grow on trees...... we have a near-95% CIS kicker who has a MASSIVE ceiling, if we let him grow into it. He's not the reason we lost that game. I'd hate to see him go be an all-star for another team next year....
    4 points
  10. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    Nobody ever said the vaccines stop transmission, they drastically reduce severe outcomes. The reason for boosters is 2-fold, decreasing effectiveness over time and mutation of the virus... no different than the annual flu vaccine because it is different strain(s) of the flu going around every year. As for the protest, if you think that honking horns all day and all night in the middle of a city is peaceful, then there's no reasoning with you.
    4 points
  11. FWIW… not many Rider fans like Ball either. He allegedly has no sources yet spouts off like he’s an insider, and then is immediately wrong.
    4 points
  12. Bo Levi Mitchell ain't signing with the riders. He wants no part of getting murdered behind a poor offensive line.
    4 points
  13. Tracker

    Still Struggling

    To give a different spin on this, the Buddhists say that our existences here are for three purposes: to wonder, to struggle and to grow. . I cannot recall who said it but everyone we meet is fighting a battle we know nothing about. Therefore, we should always be kind to all. Some time ago, I was on my way home from a long, hard night as an EMT, I pulled up beside a car that has stopped at light just as the sun was beginning to come up. The driver was on my right and as soon as the light changed, he hit the gas and hung a left turn right in front of me. I was tired and a bit slow starting off, which was fortunate, because I had to stand my car on its nose to avoid t-boning him. He had also hit his brakes, coming to a halt about a foot away. I was tired, and cranky, opened my door, got out and was fully prepared to tear him a new one. As I approached him, he rolled his window down and began to babble an apology, but with tears streaming down his face. He was obviously distraught and between sobs told me that he had just come from the hospital where his wife had just died. My anger immediately disappeared, and as I waved him off on his way home, I felt horrible and did for days. Be kind. Always.
    4 points
  14. From Our Man Tait's wonderful piece: https://www.bluebombers.com/2022/11/24/theyve-built-something-very-cool-here/?fbclid=IwAR1JZnJaYqHVswja5--ToFgMi-f0nvgXySqpOdQ8-V8365vxA9gQETLBtZg O’Shea was also quizzed about his interest in potentially taking on more management duties – like Wally Buono, Cal Murphy and others before him – but wouldn’t even entertain that thought. “I’ve never been in a position and been thinking about another position,” he said. “You’ve heard me say it 100 times if I’ve said it once: as a player I never thought about being a coach. I never critiqued coaches; I never did anything like that. I was, ‘You’re the coach. You tell me what to do. I do it.’ “I have my role and I solely focus on my role. I really do. And I don’t even entertain ideas of other roles because that’s not where I’m at right now. I try to stay as present as possible. To me, that makes it pretty easy.”
    3 points
  15. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Based on first hand experience, particularly with the delta variant, there was a vast, vast difference between being vaccinated vs. unvaccinated
    3 points
  16. This. And that 4th quarter possession that ended with Prukop's brutal pick sums it up, IMO. How do you watch your tailback break off a 13-yard run and think "let's run an ostensibly complicated passing play on first down using our backup QB?" It boggles the mind.
    3 points
  17. Well, I did tell my nephew before the game that if we were going to lose, it will be by one point and during the game Leggs will have missed a point after. Lots of blame to go around, but field goals inside the 40 should be nigh automatic. I think that is why many are putting a disproportionate amount of blame on Leggs.
    3 points
  18. This is exactly it. People were worried about the D, they maybe were worried about kicking but no one thought the offense would be as inept as they were and that's the game right there. The problem here is some people will never be happy no matter what the kicker does and those people need to be told they are wrong.
    3 points
  19. Wait... that sentence can be interpreted 2 different ways...
    3 points
  20. What a massive and ridiculous oversimplification. The score was 23-14 when that happened, anyway.
    3 points
  21. The missed convert prevented us from going into OT & of course we don't know what would have happened if we had. There are place kicker gurus who work with college & pro kickers. The Bombers would be wise to invest in sending Liegghio to one of these kicking coaches in Arizona or California. Or wherever they do their kicking camps. Back in the day both Trevor Kennerd & Bob Cameron used to spend time during the off season in Arizona with kicking & punting coach Gary Zauner who is still working with pro punters, kickers & long snappers in Arizona. If I'm Walters, the more work & quality coaching Liegghio can get this off season, the better.
    3 points
  22. If by the same as Texas he means it’s full of a bunch of Redneck Hillbillies then I’d agree.
    3 points
  23. The last few years Bryant re-signed: Jan 27 2022 Jan 11 2021 Jan 20 2020 Jan 17 2019 Jan 2 2018 Jan 3 2017
    3 points
  24. some interesting stuff here about an American TV deal incoming.......
    2 points
  25. @Noeller and @Mark H.make some great points. Leggs gets singled out yet the offense played poorly all game including: Buck's playcalling Collaros's play the entire game The OL giving up 4 sacks and allowing pressure the entire game Some drops by the receivers and then on special teams issues with kick coverage and while they played well overall the inability to stop a back up QB scambling by the D and the lack of turnovers that we've seen in the past.
    2 points
  26. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Invoking the Emergencies Act had more to do with the economic impacts Almost 4 billion dollars in trade was lost and high profile American politicians were phoning our government - that's the real issue
    2 points
  27. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Dunning-Kruger Effect on full display.
    2 points
  28. Tracker

    Everything Soccer

    But the stench and stain persist.
    2 points
  29. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Or qualified. The worst people collect other terrible people. In fact, I think that's the new CPC motto: The worst people, representing the worst people.
    2 points
  30. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Man, these "freedom" convoy "lawyers" will not go down in history as being professional. Or rational. Or objective.
    2 points
  31. Jesse

    Still love this team

    Bad call, bad execution on routes, bad choice by QB. Nothing went right on that one; but Prukop shouldn't have been on the field, imo.
    2 points
  32. 17to85

    Still love this team

    It wasn't really a complicated passing play though... was pretty straight forward they just messed up the execution of it.
    2 points
  33. Jesse

    Still love this team

    Our better play-off performances have been on the back of our running game - our struggles have come when we've gotten too cute in the passing game and thrown INTs.
    2 points
  34. His wife is from Washington State and Bo used to spend the off-season there, pretty compelling reason to sign with BC as well if Rourke is gone.
    2 points
  35. Pretty dumb words from the lead pxp guy. I am sure he is winning hearts and minds in that locker room with the comments.
    2 points
  36. After his second consecutive Grey Cup appearance in his second year as OC? Don't think it had much of an impact.
    2 points
  37. bearpants

    Still love this team

    Am I overthinking this and being unnecessarily paranoid?... But looking back on our last two playoff runs... The Bomber haven't played a good, complete game in any of those playoff games... 2021 West Final against Sask, played a bad game and scraped out a win.... 2021 Grey Cup, played bad three quarters but took over for one quarter and pulled it off... 2022 West Final, played an OK game and made enough plays when it counted to win... 2022 Grey Cup, simply didn't play very good and lost... We still walk away with one Grey Cup in the last two years... but it's a bit of a troubling trend
    2 points
  38. It’s going to happen BLM is going to have a deal done with another team and string the Gappers along until the last second
    2 points
  39. 6 pages in on a thread that says in the title "Don't Look back" yet that is exactly the theme of discussion. Looking back and complaining about the GC loss, absolutely it sucks but what do we need for next year to make that happen? One is going to argue a new kicker, others will defend the current and back we go in to the past. Indulge me for a moment for one "final" look back. Leading up to the game the common theme was that TO would have to score 30plus to even be in the game as our offense was going to score more. Guess what... Offense stunk, as bad as the defense looked they held them under the magic 30 number. Our offense didn't get it done they way they have all season. Book closed, move on. No one player bares the brunt of this failure and to a man I believe the team feels this way. They win as a team / lose as a team. Why to we need to go all "Ballsy" and need a scapegoat? This is still a team that is the class of the league from the guy that cleans the dressing room to the top office in the building, let's remember who we are and who we support. No one in that organization is looking to blame any one person, why must we? Can't we be at least as good as the team we cheer for?
    2 points
  40. Definitely plenty of blame to go around from the coaches down. We will be back next year.
    2 points
  41. My condolences on losing your baby daughter. I know it's something you'll never totally get over. My sympathies. Your loss puts what happened to the Bombers in the proper perspective. Losing the Grey Cup wasn't life threatening or the end of the world. It's only a game. Something we all love & take seriously. However, it's still a game. Life on the other hand goes on.
    2 points
  42. He doesn’t love Saskatchewan and it is nothing like Texas😂
    2 points
  43. bb1

    Still Struggling

    I have been following a wise Rabbi on youtube and he has this saying, focus on the good ,grow from the bad. I believe that is probably MOS way of looking at things too... being a a guy who always has been a glass is half empty , this is an incredibly hard way for me to follow, but i still see the wisdom in it. Thank you all for sharing your struggles. As always for the W.....
    2 points
  44. this is a great conversation. like a lot of others, I've got my own emotional / mental health things to deal with. all best to all those who struggle.
    2 points
  45. If O'Shea stays, the core stays....it's that simple. All this loss did was piss them off. 20-0 next year....let's go.
    2 points
  46. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    It doesn't matter to me whether or not you agree. I am referring to what we experienced in our community. Unvaccinated people got very, very sick. And yes, it was new vaccine and it waned over time. But it still did a lot of good.
    1 point
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