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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-02-17 in Posts

  1. Even the announcers want out of Regina haha
    8 points
  2. bb.king

    Canadian Politics

    The hero we all need in these times.
    8 points
  3. DT is one of the most passionate advocates for the CFL out there, I hope he remains with the league in some capacity. Whether that be calling games in Winnipeg, or going back to TSN.
    7 points
  4. My issue with DT is that he totally leaned into the "Riderville" bit. Lost objectivity, in my opinion, and I would be concerned if he came here and did the same. I want another Bob. Someone who remains objective and will call things for what they are. Bob obviously loved the Bombers because he knew them but was never beholden to anyone in the organization. No one can be perfectly impartial but I think they should always strive for that in their coverage.
    7 points
  5. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Yet many on the right are sharing the hugging of protestors by the RCMP at Coutts as proof that there was never any violence and it has always been solely a peaceful movement. No, it shows law enforcement is complicit and treats protestors differently based on political beliefs and skin colour.
    6 points
  6. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    The National ComPost has deteriorated into a right-wing echo chamber, and Rex Murphy is a perfect fit. In related news, four of the Coutts mob have been charged with attempted murder. Apparently these were actively planning to kill RCMP officers, presumably to spark a violent uprising. In other related news, CBC News and the New York Times have reported that the Ottawa police have been very friendly with the protesters. And a total of 7 Canadian Armed Forces personnel are in the process of being discharged for making public statements in support of the convoy. There is a report that a retired RCMP officer once in charge of security for the Prime Ministers helped plan the Ottawa occupation.
    6 points
  7. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    This wheezy windbag and his clownish mental gymnastics... Just another stupid **** out of touch with the world. Meanwhile: https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/two-thirds-of-canadians-support-use-of-emergencies-act-and-want-freedom-convoy-cleared-out-poll Eat a satchel of richards, Rex.
    6 points
  8. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Three days worth of trade over the Windsor Bridge. Just imagine, the amount of trade they held up was enough to pay for all Covid costs, twice over.
    6 points
  9. johnzo

    Canadian Politics

    "Two hours of talking, a little respect, a touch of democratic process and the whole affair could have been washed away." this is hilarious and stupid. Rex spends 95% of his wordcount decrying Trudeau as a complete amateur, a pretender, an insult to Canadians. But somehow JT also has the magical power to placate and soothe some snowbank-shitting **** Trudeau cracker who drove multiple days across Canada just to blare a train horn on Wellington Street in Ottawa ... and who signed onto an insane "MOU" that called for Parliament to be replaced by a committee of truckers. I wish Trudeau was half as awesome as right-wing freakazoids believe him to be.
    5 points
  10. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    Canadian Politics

    Cuz his core values are stuck in 1950's white suburbia?
    5 points
  11. I have never heard his PBP to be honest, and I doubt many here have (why would you?). I actually like his radio show despite it being super homer charged. That show is 90% CFL which is actually refreshing. Maybe DT doesn't love the constant message from the Riders that he cannot criticize them or pump up other teams? It will be interesting to see where he ends up I wonder if he is venturing out on his own to do a show.
    5 points
  12. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Elon Musk has been suffering from extensive brain rot for a while now. What a dipshit.
    5 points
  13. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    5 points
  14. bustamente


    Stop calling it an experimental vaccine, it works and it's saving lives, anyone saying otherwise is uneducated and ignorant and I don't have time for either
    5 points
  15. Say what you want about Banks but he has been very graceful leaving Hamilton, unlike a former bomber great.. To quote a small part of the 3down article, banks said; Since the Grey Cup was over I pretty much knew what was up, I’m a smart guy and it was pretty much written in the books,” Banks said. “To be honest, I didn’t want to be the veteran holding up the organization because they’re trying to be nice to me and things like that.”
    5 points
  16. What a weird comment. Who has the highest % percentage of all 5 QB's? Answer is Prukop. Who has the best TD/INT ratio? Answer is Prukop. Who has the best Yards per Pass average? Answer is Prukop. Best QB Rating ? Answer is Prukop. Only qb with a 40+ yard run? Answer is Prukop. Now I know he's had limited reps but how can anyone say he's the crappiest guy from that list provided whe he's out performed everyone on that list? The only one who has numbers close to him was Shiltz because he had a good year last season? I don't understand why this guy is a complete bum despite him playing well in his opportunities and he hasn't even entered training camp and already he's a write off that sucks because some guy in Ottawa played and tossed a tonne more ints and looked lost and somehow that makes Caleb Evans a hot prospect?
    5 points
  17. Genie appears and offers one wish "I want to play CFL football in the worst way!" "OK, wish granted - off to Saskatchewan you go" "oh..."
    5 points
  18. I was driving last summer, toward the beginning of the season, and decided to listen to their broadcast on Sirius and I didn't hate it. It was a bit "loose" for my taste (he and Mullinder were goofing around a lot on air....way more than Bob/Doug would) but it was solid. In terms of polish, he's around the same place Dustin Neilsen is, so it's not bad. I'd be willing to give him a shot, if that's what the folks at Corus Wpg are deciding. I still think there's a good chance he's headed back to T.O. to work for TSN again. I'm not sure Marshall Ferguson really worked out for them last year, and also not sure how long Rod Smith wants to keep doing PBP. There's a fit there, for DT to step into a TV PBP role.
    4 points
  19. Streveler you have to remember is/was still learning....he came here with really only 2 yrs of true starting under his belt, and did fairly well right out of the gate, as a pure rookie. He in my opinion got stunted here by Lapo once he realized what kind of runner and beast he was, and didnt allow him to really be a true QB or work on anything in practice to actually develop...they shoved him in this "box" of what they wanted to use him as and never let him out of it....how's a guy supposed to develp? There is nothing wrong with his arm strength...I was at the stadium when he first came up, and was still unsigned, and he had to practice after the team....had him throwing to Bison players, with all types of throws, as well into the net, and throwing to spots on the field...and was dead on and looked great. I had no clue who this was, and thought if that was the Bison QB they brought in..then damn!!!
    4 points
  20. I agree with what you're saying.....but I think the difference would be what's expected from the CKRM vs what's expected from CJOB. There are different expectations from the fans of each team...I really believe that.
    4 points
  21. The bottom line on fajardo is that he's gone something like 20-6 as a starter vs. the rest of the cfl. That's an absurd win percentage, that's BLM territory. No way anyone who wins that reliably can be a total bum. Alas, this superman has a kryptonite -- the blue bombers. He's just 2-5 vs us and has lost four straight to us. He is a good qb who plays on a frankly dominant football team. But he is not a champion. Because. We. Own. His. Ass.
    4 points
  22. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    Huh.... So my 7-year-old daughter got covid at the beginning of February, my Wife caught it 5 days later... both are fine and recovered completely (except my Wife's sense of taste and smell). There are seven in our household all fully vaxxed including boosters where applicable. 2 out of 7. Vaccines work.
    4 points
  23. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    Man I laughed hard when I first saw this today. Not all heroes wear capes!
    4 points
  24. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    ******* ******* Cons.... she wants to cozy up to the base that is the convoy, and doesn't want any of the blame, so she gets Trudeau to do it for her, so she doesn't take any heat from them and she can blame him. Man, I'm glad that letter became public....no hiding now. Spineless cowards.
    4 points
  25. 3 points
  26. -How did the Bombers do in CFL Free Agency so far? Should fans be worried about the kicking game and return game? Creator/Host of Bonfire Sports Darrin Bauming breaks down all things Bombers Free Agency, shares his thoughts on the upcoming season, and his journey from Bisons PxP, to TSN reporter, to his current roles with Bonfire, NHL.com, and the Wpg Rifles. -What really happened with Andrew Harris? -Roy Rosmus' new book -How El Tony Tones convinced Greg Ellingson to come to Wpg -Which current Bombers player is the next guest on the show, and MORE! Google: http://bit.ly/3mOpMb3 Podbean: http://bit.ly/3oZiGTG Apple: http://apple.co/3ayNHW7 Spotify: http://spoti.fi/3BESm4V As always, I appreciate any feedback, positive or constructive! Zach @bomberpodast on Twitter & Instagram Zachschnitzer@gmail.com
    3 points
  27. Dustin Neilson still does a bunch of podcast too
    3 points
  28. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Huh? JT, rightly, said that Con MPs are supporting people flying swastikas. This is what Musk tweeted.
    3 points
  29. DT used to be good. Perhaps he can be good again. I would hope that he's going back to TSN for their national broadcast.
    3 points
  30. Mark H.


    Thanks for sharing. Same thing in our house. How people can be anything other than thankful for vaccines, is beyond me.
    3 points
  31. Did anyone really think that she would be a good leader, she sucked at every portfolio that she had so naturally make her Premier🤣.
    3 points
  32. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    The Free Press is reporting that, contrary to her public statement yesterday decrying the implementation of the Emergency Measures Act, three days previously, Heather Stefanson sent PM Justin Trudeau a letter begging for assistance. Nothing to see here. Move along now, Same old stories- lying Tories.
    3 points
  33. hey this ain't my first rodeo.....
    3 points
  34. Noeller


    my KN95 (a base layer in a 2-mask system for me) is excellent. And anyone who says that a 3rd dose of vaccine doesn't do anything is just dumb and possibly ignorant. Getting your booster shot is HUGE in terms of protection. The data is very clear.
    2 points
  35. So basically you're confirming that only Calgary and Montreal have reliable back up QBs
    2 points
  36. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/16/ottawa-blockade-strong-ties-extremists I'll add this , it's what the world gets to see of Canada now. I agree with your post %100. Part of " Law , order and good government " is squashing these extremists before it emboldens those who quietly support their ideas. It was left far to long.
    2 points
  37. I'll do it here Marie Poulin from Team Canada woman's team? GOAT? And I'm including the annoying Wickenheiser in here... sure scores lots of big goals in these games. Im gonna go ahead and say Poulin is indeed the GOAT women's Canadian hockey player.
    2 points
  38. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Yup, anyone who watched them govern, up close, know to never trust a conservative again.
    2 points
  39. He's been over a point a game player for the last 6 seasons, maybe clean your glasses more than once every 2.5 years.
    2 points
  40. iHeart


    makes me kind of wish he wasn't leaving https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-mayor-supports-mask-mandate-city-buildings-1.6354014?fbclid=IwAR1wtW218HXADFr6bcdGLqNZX6YZ_kXX9fiXaWcqfRERHFw_wUdBAPGGhHA
    2 points
  41. Just finished this little gem: Wow, what a game- beautiful, gorgeous game. Kurosawa mode is legit cool, especially if you are a fan of his films. HIghly recommend.
    2 points
  42. edited for accuracy
    2 points
  43. And receipt:
    2 points
  44. Most definitely in Coutts. "Coutts is also located in one of the most intransigent regions of Alberta. It is a part of the province long settled by religious minorities escaping persecution, Americans, cattle ranchers and rural folk who have more time for their neighbours than far-off governments. This has always been a hot-bed for distrust in official narratives and public-health guidelines: Whooping Cough is now endemic to the region and doctors fear the return of rubella thanks to lagging vaccination rates — and all of this was well before COVID came along." https://theline.substack.com/p/dispatch-from-the-coutts-front-god?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Some of the surnames popping up from the Emerson blockade support your suspicion as well.
    2 points
  45. Fist pick, fumble or failed 3rd down conversion and we turn on him like mayo in left in the sun, though, right?
    2 points
  46. ‘You got freedoms galore. Silly convoy. Go home.’ Mic drop.
    2 points
  47. CFL: You're going to play professional football! Your dream come true! Jana: 🙏... Where? CFL: Regina. Jana: Nah, I'm good.
    2 points
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