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  1. I can't believe this thread actually went down this road this deep, in 2021/2022....
    9 points
  2. Perfect image. Herb is Riders upper management after giving O'Day (Homer) carte blanche budget to get whatever QB he wanted, then comes out with "All In On Cody Fajardo" (the car)..... *sobbing* "We're ruined....."
    7 points
  3. In 20 minutes, they won't remember to.
    3 points
  4. three weeks into the off season, and we are rounding into mid(off)season form... lol
    3 points
  5. Can we move the weed talk to its own thread?
    3 points
  6. Mark H.


    There is also other side of the coin to consider - those students who at a higher risk because of remote learning. Those who won't have breakfast or lunch, those with parents who can't or won't supervise them, and those who are disadvantaged because they can't access technology.
    3 points
  7. By the time you finish this sentence you probably got covid. So yeah, we can deviate in late December haha
    3 points
  8. rebusrankin


    From Willard Reaves: The TPR is higher than Heather Stefanson's approval rate.
    3 points
  9. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    These murderclowns are the worst. The gall of the PCs. I can't wait until they are out of power. God help the PC candidate that comes to my house during the by-election.
    2 points
  10. Waiting for posts to be pulled so the fire is put out before it starts. 😁 And where is Whiteout when we need a fresh perspective on this topic? But to bring this back to football, and big signings, do we target any big free agents, or just try to keep our current team as intact as possible. Lucky Whitehead would be an interesting grab, and his appearance at the West Final certainly meant something, no? But could we afford him without losing a key piece elsewhere. Would be a huge replacement for maybe Darvin Adams.
    2 points
  11. But it is correct, you are the one who's pretending otherwise in some misguided attempt to perhaps make it sound more legit? I dunno what your game is....
    2 points
  12. Easy now, Mourtada actually made some of his field goals and converts... kickoffs were good Boltus and Brown had 99 percent of their plays range from ineffective to spectacularly bad.
    2 points
  13. Doesn't mean it's incorrect either.
    2 points
  14. bustamente


    Unfortunately a lockdown now will do nothing to stop this wave but punish people how have been punished enough, hopefully Omicron will be swift and merciful and maybe we can put this wave behind us in the month or so.
    2 points
  15. Reinbold had the run of the team, he was the one making player personal decisions and unless you rode a Harley you wouldn't be one of his players. This is where Miller really grew and learned how not to manage a franchise. Reinbold was and always has been smoke and mirrors, talked a good game but can't walk the walk. I think this helped formulate Miller as he was a workaholic but could see the folly in the ways of all show and no go.
    2 points
  16. This response will be joined to my earlier one I'm guessing but.... First. It's not Marijuana. It's Cannabis. Marijuana is a plant found in Mexico that is very similar to tobacco. People started using Marijuana to confuse farmers in the 1930(ish) so they wouldn't realize they were actually voting to make their hemp crops illegal. Also claims about potency going from 3-4% to 25-30% is hilarious and factually incorrect. Yes cannabis is more potent today than in the 60s. But to claim it was only 3% back when they didn't have tech to actually test is a funny take. Also without getting into details of how the plant grows and actually accumulates cannabinoids (THCA, CBDA etc) what most people get today in store is closer to 15-20%. Testing is not in anyway an exact science. And every flower bud will have a different potency than the next, even from the same plant. Only very rarely will you see 30% plus potency....and even then to say the entire plant holds that....is questionable at best. Companies often send out their best product to be tested, it is 100% not reliable. In terms of privacy, I'm sure Lawler will be fine with me talking about him on here....you know due to him taking multiple photos with staff that were solely for the purpose of social media. Jefferson also posted a video in his private residence where a small Bong was seen. So please Get off your high (no pun intended) horse. You're credentials etc aside. I can tell you do not actually understand the plant and what it does/doesn't do. So please feel free to message me if you'd like a more thorough education. Calm your **** Catan. No one cares.
    2 points
  17. It's 2021 man. Lawler is a stoner....but hes 100% not the only one. If you dont think Jefferson is a reliable athlete well...im not sure what youve been watching. Sounds like you could use some education on how cannabis impacts the body. Hint....everything that was traditionally taught about pot is actually only true for alcohol.
    2 points
  18. I am not a fan of Marijuana... but it's legal so why are people making a big deal about players using it? No different than alcohol at this point.
    2 points
  19. The reference to it being ok because it's a naturally occurring plant is kinda BS though... Cocaine comes from a naturally occurring plant too. It has been proven many times over that cannabis is harmful to brain development for users under the age of 25.
    2 points
  20. All I can say is hope other teams get this message
    2 points
  21. FYI outside of Milt Stegall... I'd say nearly every guy who played with the BB from the States was into weed in the last 25 years.
    2 points
  22. There was some twitter activity that makes me think the two Jeffs have something in place already. It's just a feeling.
    1 point
  23. WildPath


    Definitely. I left classroom teaching at the outbreak of the pandemic because of a health condition. Winnipeg is having it rough with teacher shortages, but I'd imagine rural is even worse and northern MB is worse still. I'm not connected to the teacher who passed away on Christmas, but it was reported that she was triple vaccinated and otherwise healthy and only had symptoms around December 20th. I think closing school would have an effect, but it wouldn't stop the spread. Not by a long shot. Judging by ages of cases, I believe schools have been the biggest spreader over the past few months. Many kids being asymptomatic, but spreading also shows lower numbers at younger ages, but higher at older ages. I think Omicron and weaker vaccine effectiveness against Omicron will balance the numbers out more, but I'd imagine kids are still big spreaders. Unfortunately Omicron is also affecting them with an increase of hospitalization in kids over 50% in December alone (US numbers). I think its disgusting that more isn't done to close bars/nightclubs/etc. when our testing capacity is maxed out and we don't know how many cases there are. Our hospitals are at the max to the point where non-Covid patients are dying unnecessarily. I also think its time to consider bumping down unvaccinated Covid cases in terms of ICU/hospital priority.
    1 point
  24. The Stamps would want Juwan Brescacin back. Likely another starter from the Argos. The trouble is, with all the 1 year deals trading BLM before free agency means that if the Stamps can't sign the players they trade for, it's a huge risk.
    1 point
  25. BLM to Toronto would make sense,got a bunch of his old receivers there that he's probably still got good chemistry with.
    1 point
  26. It's either going to be Collaros on a 3 year,Bighill or the Jeffs
    1 point
  27. Just wondering why you're arguing this so vigorously? To people, marijuana is canabis & canabis is marijuana. Interchangeable. Who cares about legal terms? It's like arguing which is correct, booze or alcohol? Meat or protein? Potatoes or carbs?
    1 point
  28. Mark H.


    Oh, I think Covid is definitely being spread in schools. I just think the problem has gone far beyond where closing schools would make a difference. I'm sorry to hear about deaths, there have been deaths in my community too. I'm not sure how things are in Winnipeg, but out here it's a real mess. Experienced teachers are opting for early retirement, most retired teachers are no longer willing to sub, and inexperienced teachers are in an impossible position. Remote learning this month is going to create even more checked out kids. There is a serious teacher shortage, right across the country. I know of several rural school who have lost teachers that they cannot replace.
    1 point
  29. I have a feeling both Jeff's will be the first and announced together.
    1 point
  30. Arland Bruce IV is playing right now for Iowa. That makes me feel old.
    1 point
  31. You're not wrong, you're just an *******! Seriously what you say is correct... except for the crap trying to say using the word marijuana is incorrect. As many have pointed out it is correct usage in the language.
    1 point
  32. "This monstrosity cost 500000 dollars!"
    1 point
  33. Argue against legislation. You might be entitled to argue in the right circumstance. There’s people here that aren’t agreeing with you. You can ignore them if you want. The stoners in the league don’t care what it’s called. They just want the blunt passed.
    1 point
  34. Actually you were doing pretty good explaining prior to this latest post. However, you got frustrated. Marijuana is a term used in legislation. You don’t agree and don’t have to. You don’t have to like it either. Yet, legislation uses them synonymously, that’s what matters. So your wrong when it matters. See the definitions in section 1 of the attached authority. “marihuana- means the substance referred to as Cannabis (marihuana)…” https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/regu/sor-2016-230/latest/sor-2016-230.html I don’t think any player cares what they are ingesting, cannabis or marijuana. Had to get a football reference in there to somewhat stay on topic.
    1 point
  35. It's not a racial term. It was first used as a reference to cannabis to confuse the public because it sounded foreign (specifically Mexican) and used in racial propaganda. "Marijuana makes black men rape white women". This is not a theory, you can find the ads/warnings today. No one is suppressing anything lol. Jesus christ get off the soap box. It's just not a correct term. That's it. That's all. Laws or not, it's not what it is. Marijuana is one plant....cannabis is another. How they came to mean the same thing is based on propaganda and racism. I was giving you a history lesson. No need to get your panties in a bunch.
    1 point
  36. Marijuana is a legitimate and legal form of expression. Suppressing how it’s said, when it’s said, Is an attempt to cancel people. All bullshit. There is more than enough reference in Canadian, American and British laws. Laws in effect and jurisprudence are written in English by the highest courts, to make the term Marijuana synonymous with Cannabis.
    1 point
  37. Doesn't get much worse either way. Boltus wasn't a pro caliber qb on his best day. Brown can't even handle the ball. They are both soo bad their is no worse tier below either. Mourtada might be as bad as a kicker.
    1 point
  38. But they can't be the equivalent,Edsels don't throw themselves into crossbars
    1 point
  39. Yeah if you say marijuana people know what you're talking about.
    1 point
  40. Super Duper Negatron


    They should have shut youth sports down before the holidays, and prioritized rapid tests for schools so they could test leading up to the first day back.
    1 point
  41. Pfft. Rider Nation wishes they were the auto equivalent of the Ford Edsel. They are actually more akin to the Dale which was a car invented by a fraudster that was good at his hype game.
    1 point
  42. As they should. He put himself ahead of the team. Everybody else was vaccinated. Even the ones that didn't want to. Except him. People can say that's his right as it's his choice. The Bombers can say it's their right to release him as it's the team's choice. Works both ways.
    1 point
  43. Better weed than harmful pain killers and meds. More should do it. Obviously in a safe way. Great article. She sounded awesome. Glad she is in the HOF. Outing him for using a legal substance? Who cares?
    1 point
  44. Happy Festivus, everyone. I got a lot of problems with you guys. Now you're gonna hear about it!!
    1 point
  45. Mark H.

    Best Wishes To All 2021

    Merry Christmas people. It's always a slice talking football with the MBB crew. Most days I don't dislike it.
    1 point
  46. SpeedFlex27

    NFL thread

    They'll never win anything with Kirk Cousins at qb.
    1 point
  47. bustamente

    NFL thread

    Must suck to be a Vikings fan Skol losers, How bout them Cowboys
    1 point
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