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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-07-07 in Posts

  1. A STATEMENT FROM THE CFL REGARDING THE XFL TORONTO — The Canadian Football League (CFL) released the following statement on Wednesday: “Our talks with the XFL, exploring the potential for collaboration and innovation, have been positive and constructive. While we remain open to finding new ways to work together in the future, we and our XFL counterparts have jointly decided to not pursue any formal arrangements at this time. We at the CFL are now squarely focused on preparing for August 5th and the start of our 2021 regular season, which will culminate December 12 with the playing of the 108th Grey Cup in Hamilton, Ontario. We are looking forward to this year and a bright future for our league.”
    8 points
  2. If we signed Jennings, the argument from TB would be “why are we bringing him in, Ottawa only won 3 games with him, etc etc” god I missed you
    7 points
  3. Bob Irving will be happy. Naylor, Lalji, and the Argo owners maybe not so much. Saw one tweet wondering if the passing of the single game betting bill allowed the CFL to walk away from this, knowing they had a new revenue stream coming in? Maybe that was Ambrosie’s plan all along - float a trial balloon to gauge the current level of support for the traditional CFL and put some heat on the Feds to pass the bill. Maybe Ambrosie goes down as the commish who saved the CFL. Genius!
    6 points
  4. Never question Bob Irving!
    5 points
  5. 5 points
  6. Bubba Zanetti


    Both TP rates(Winnipeg and Province) went down so i suspect it was just a case of more tests being done yesterday.
    5 points
  7. For those who like visual aids (more of a position chart rather than depth chart, and should be read as such)
    4 points
  8. rebusrankin


    Test Positivity and vaccination rates are trending in the right directions. If you look at jurisdictions in the US, the ones with higher Vax levels are seeing less cases and those that have lower rates or pockets of lower vax rates are having issues. We just need Southern Health district to step up.
    4 points
  9. Looking forward on this thread being locked finally. Until maybe a YFL or ZFL comes and knocking on the CFL doors again.
    4 points
  10. Madani is just the worst....
    4 points
  11. In the past three years Jennings has 27 td passes and 33 ints. Does an unproven McGuire scare me? Yes. Does bringing in a declining retread scare me? Yes.
    4 points
  12. “Unfinished business” oh man those words haunt me. Glad O’Shea could bring it home for us. I was born in 91 this was the first Grey cup in my life time!
    4 points
  13. So what you are saying is that McGuire is unbeaten and has never loss a game in the CFL in the last 3 years unlike Jennings who has lost many games. That's what I got out of this!
    3 points
  14. A “game changing” 20-year effort suggests that even severely depleted marine ecosystems can be brought back to life. https://reasonstobecheerful.world/worlds-largest-seagrass-project-proves-you-can-actually-restore-the-oceans/#
    3 points
  15. I would argue our qbs don't win us games anyway. They just manage the game (a weakness of Jennings to be sure) and let the rest of the pieces do the work. McGuire might suck, or he might be ok, we already know Jennings sucks.
    3 points
  16. Yep, greedy fucks looking for a quick buck rather than caring about the league. I refuse to believe you can't sell the cfl in the biggest cities in Canada. Put the work in and entice fans.
    3 points
  17. JCon

    US Politics

    It's all to raise money. There are no serious lawyers involved. He'll just keep grifting the alt-right morons.
    3 points
  18. Sard


    Thanks for this, was able to move an appointment up from the 12th to tomorrow for one of my kids.
    3 points
  19. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Can we agree that all European empires were horrible murderers?
    3 points
  20. JCon

    CFL/XFL Exploring Alignment

    Farhan too!
    3 points
  21. Specifically Naylor.
    3 points
  22. Lately? You haven't been paying attention... He's always ultra-douchey!! But it is telling that they wasted all this time and energy and we really haven't seen any changes. They'll benefit from single-game betting but that was coming anyhow.
    3 points
  23. I`m not necessarily disagreeing with Arash, but he has been ultra-douchey lately. I`m not sure who he thinks he is.
    3 points
  24. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    I have taught Canadian History for greater part of my teaching career. Statues are not what history is about. You will find 1000 times more depth and richness in, for example, a local cemetery. Queen Victoria cannot be erased by toppling her statue, nor should or will her history be erased.
    3 points
  25. Mark H.


    And the majority of Manitobans are doing their part. We need give credit where credit is due.
    3 points
  26. I can’t remotely dance like that toddler. Filling our depends is the only thing we have in common. on topic: thank Christ the talk of XFL merger and potential rule changes is done. Want nothing to do with that failed league.
    2 points
  27. the watcher

    Canadian Politics

    Lol . If nothing else the guy is consistent. In his mind everything comes down to money .I wonder if his kids were/are restricted to 2 squares of TP.
    2 points
  28. Or... He would say that he was right all along that they don't trust McGuire and this team can't recruit or identify new QBs.
    2 points
  29. Personally and from what I've seen on this site no one is offended. I have seen little outrage although I'm sure there is some. Some people just disagree with what has happened or the way it happened. Most will also have a understanding that when people are angry and frustrated sh** happens and in this case rightly or wrongly a couple of statues were toppled.
    2 points
  30. FrostyWinnipeg


    That's my fathers thinking. If people stopped getting tested we'd have really low numbers
    2 points
  31. Goalie


    Got dose 1 may 25. I'm scheduled for dose 2 July 28. 8 weeks. Parents are both now vaccinated. Probably about 7 weeks in between their doses. Seems most cases are still in the morden Winkler Steinbach regions but yeah... Percentage going down = it's almost back to normal ish. Ironically for my daughter wearing masks at school is normal.
    2 points
  32. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    "I have no problem with getting rid of statues or changing the name of schools but do it lawfully. I don't agree with vandalism. Burning down churches solves what, exactly? Besides turning off mainstream society who believe in law & order. If things are to change then anarchy won't propel the change. It'll set back reconciliation. Eventually, I think that people who would support the cause of reconciliation will eventually get turned off." Those are your words right? What do you think reconciliation will entail? I'm saying that I don't believe there will be reconciliation without vandalism/violence/law breaking. I think it is an unfortunate outcome of reconciliation. I'm also saying that those are the things that bring about major societal changes like reconciliation. At least throughout history. I understand people think we can move forward with reconciliation with nice words/policies/laws etc. I just don't think that will happen. Because for true reconciliation to happen, there would need to be a power swing/change. And like I mentioned, those in power don't just turn it over. I saw a meme online that said something like this: "You came for our children, we came for your statues" Quite frankly we are extremely lucky that only statues and buildings have fallen. I'm not sure I'd show the same grace if it were my children being discovered.
    2 points
  33. Both those guys can piss off. I think some Crow should be on the plate for these troll media types who were certain it was a merger with the cfl losing this or that. Maybe the best part of the year is that xfl3.0 the great nothing burger is over and football is about to begin. Has the xfl 3.0 folded yet?
    2 points
  34. FrostyWinnipeg


    A And begins the next wave.
    2 points
  35. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    The Spaniards managed to kill over 10 million without the help of automatic weapons or explosives. The practice of slaughtering opponents is not restricted to Europe or North America. It happened in Africa, Asia and South America. Even the aboriginal peoples in North America practiced genocides when able. There's a lot of blood on a lot of hands. And it is going on in mainland China right now with Uighurs, Mongolians and Tibetans.
    2 points
  36. bustamente

    US Politics

    Trump has decided to make a fool out of himself yet again by suing Twitter, Facebook and You Tube, proving once again there is a stupid lawyer right around the corner who wants to work for free
    2 points
  37. Last time I checked, Walters and O'Shea led the boys to win a Grey Cup. I'm very much confident they know what they're doing. Think you're better than 'em, give them some slack Doubter TBurg.
    2 points
  38. FrostyWinnipeg


    Pfizer vaccines for 17 and under. Moderna vaccines for 18 and over. Booking for tomorrow. Medigroup health center 14-1585 Kenaston Blvd 204-410-5200 EXT 205 also Every supersite in Manitoba will be offering only walk-in COVID-19 vaccine appointments on Wednesday, July 14.
    2 points
  39. For the better part of five centuries imperial colonialism by Western European powers did immeasurably significant damage to so many parts of the world, the Americas in particular. The Age of Discovery morphed into the rape and pillage of new territories discovered, with ruling powers being motivated by greed, egotism, and then outright genocidal bigotry. One could argue age of imperial colonialism initiated what has turned into accelerated and seemingly irreparable harm to this planet, leading to the ecological crises we face today. That's what's been left behind by those so-called empires. The Spanish Empire was one of the first to settle in the new world, being funded by a powerful crown. At its peak, Imperial Spain held the most territory in the Americas, spanning south from Tierra del Fuego as far north as modern day California. Spain also had a very powerful Catholic Church backing its colonial aspirations from the very beginning, weaponizing religion to secure its grip on the region and exploit its resources and peoples behind the guise of divine superiority. Colonialists brought with them numerous diseases, leading to widespread epidemics across Central and South America. Over 50 million died in the century following Columbus' discovery of the Americas, due to disease, slavery, and outright slaughter - it's been labelled as the great dying. It even caused a global climate event where the planet briefly cooled. The long-term effects of those atrocities can be seen to this day in terms of religion, language, and many other sociopolitical aspects. But I digress. I think there's a case to be made when it comes to the worst empire of all time that Imperial Spain and the British Empire are neck and neck for first place, leaving behind a disgusting legacy. It could be a coin flip but that hardly matters; both could hold that disgraceful title. For us here in Canada, however, it's predominantly the British Empire's legacy. And there should be no statues commemorating any of it.
    2 points
  40. IMHO, I don`t think the CFL was ever serious about anything with the XFL. I think the XFL wanted to bolster it`s legitimacy as a viable league by tying itself to the oldest pro football league in NA, and I think we wanted headlines in mainstream media in both the US and Canada at a time there was really nothing to talk about. I think that this was a ploy by the CFL to get headlines, and put some pressure on Canadian governments to help save the `Canadian in Canadian Football League. Worked on all accounts so far....
    2 points
  41. C'mon Arash, tell us how you REALLY feel.
    2 points
  42. TSN pushed this harrrrrrrrrd. Now, it's interesting to see some of them distance themselves from this.
    2 points
  43. This. Especially if signing the latter costs more money than it should. It should also be telling no team has signed Jennings, IMO. He hasn't a good season in nearly five years.
    2 points
  44. I think Coach Steinhauer brings many of the same qualities that Osh does to his club. He is building a solid locker room and culture there. I can see them hoisting the cup within a few years.
    2 points
  45. Or the French, Spanish, Portuguese ,German, Dutch Empires..... It was the way of the times of every empire or wanna be empire. It doesn't make it right but if you want to discuss the damage of colonization outside Canada include everyone. The British were no better or worse than the rest.
    2 points
  46. GCJenks


    I think we won’t see any further loosening for at least a week. “Yep” it will be earlier than August 2nd but not this week. Too many people still in hospital, need to protect the health care system a little longer. @Noellerdon’t feel too bad about AB, BC is the province screwing up second doses like no other. Have stood steadfast to the 8 weeks after first dose. Also sticking too the super centre / clinic system. No pharmacy doses, Drs offices or anything.
    2 points
  47. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    Lol yeah all those history lessons taking place in front of statues. I wonder where the classes have been taking place since covid hit? Man we should really invent a place where people can go to really learn about humanities past. Both good and bad. We can have statues, and displays and even plaques that provide descriptions for those things. I even have a name for it, we should call them museums! I know its an odd word, but trust me it'll catch on. For real though, statues come up and they go down. That's some history for you. Further more, the specific statue that started this conversation had nothing to do with teaching history and everything to do with honoring a *****. So **** that *****. And I truly hope that in 50/100/500 yrs time humanity will look back at us and think, wtf where they doing? That's called progress (well hopefully progress and not regression). I want humanity to get better not stay like it is.
    2 points
  48. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Also, Kildonan Presbyterian cemetery, just north of Chief Peguis Trail on Main. Most of the Selkirk Settlers are buried there, including many who were born in Scotland.
    2 points
  49. There’s a few things being lost on the analysts that I feel like we should be paying more attention to. Won’t come up as prominently against Hamilton, since they’ve also returned the majority of their roster but our continuity + ability to coach the quirky parts of the game could lead to us absolutely taking advantage of Toronto/Calgary in weeks 2-4 as they settle in with all their new players learning new systems. Unfamiliarity with the schemes, league, staffs, etc leaves them wide open for being dismantled in an area where we always excel - special teams. May take a while to coach up the receivers or the defensive backs that are new to our roster, but guys like the Halletts .. no doubt they’ll be ready to go on special teams week 1. Next is that we’re returning almost every single piece in the trenches. Talk about age all you want, to be returning 8 of 9 starters on the OL/DL is huge and it’s unmatched league wide. Lastly, we still have a culture that lends itself well to being able to respond well to adversity. We already know the buy-in is there with our roster, these new guys should be able to take advantage of a locker room that is going to be solid enough that our new players should fit right in. No drama, no players like Banks talking about “will I play, won’t I play?”, that stands out as something that could be a big help in such a weird year.
    2 points
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