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Around The League Off Season Discussion

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11 hours ago, Kluchk said:

You honestly think he's plan A? I thought you guys around here were smarter.

We've seen how the "I swear he's not plan A" approach goes.

(as an experienced veteran of it, let me tell you: it doesn't go well)

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1 hour ago, bearpants said:

Wow, that's incredibly late... why wait til 2 months after the season ends to do this (basically 3 months for the Argos)...

And after renegotiating the Willy contract...


They must have someone in mind that they've only recently been able to get, like Popp.

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Toronto Sun sports journalist   Simmons earlier wrote: “Scott Milanovich has quietly told some people he wouldn’t mind being fired as coach of the Argos. Three reasons for that. One, he doesn’t love the setup with the Argos. Two, he has two years guaranteed left on his contract. Three, if he gets another job, he’ll be able to double dip with the Argos deal”

Have I been living in a cave or is Milanovich a hot new commodity now?



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3 hours ago, bearpants said:

Wow, that's incredibly late... why wait til 2 months after the season ends to do this (basically 3 months for the Argos)...

yeah thats what i thought too. Watch them hire plop LOL.

I wonder if he got fired for extending / trading for willy. 

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Kevin Glenn and Duron Carter back again....  how did that work out last season in Montreal?

Glenn was the only guy the Riders could get that can Band-Aid them through this season and maybe next.   The only hope the Riders have now is that they get Franklin and he blossoms and turns out great.   

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1 hour ago, JCon said:

And after renegotiating the Willy contract...

They must have someone in mind that they've only recently been able to get, like Popp.

possibly... but Popp would have been available, what, a month or more ago?

41 minutes ago, Noeller said:

Milanovich still with the Argos....apparently they don't want to toss him because of the money owed. But dumping the GM and not the HC is never a good idea...

Generally a GM will want to pick his HC... if it's Popp, Milanovich might be his guy...

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45 minutes ago, bearpants said:

possibly... but Popp would have been available, what, a month or more ago?

Agreed, but it might be more prudent to secure an agreement before dumping your current GM?

The idea being that Popp > Barker > Anyone else available.


By the sounds of the things though, they haven't secured anyone, so perhaps I've given the Argos too much credit.

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37 minutes ago, Dr. Blue said:

I think if Milanovich was to get fired, he would probably leave the CFL for the NCAA.

That was the rumour at one time, that Milo would head south much like Steinauer did...I don't think Scott will make the same move as a sure position in the CFL will most likely happen....Can't see Argos keeping him if the rumour of what he said is true...Sounds like he wants to move along...As far as Barker getting the gate....did the owners just wake up and find out that they no longer have their first round pic (could've/would've) are missing an all star db (Heath) and have Willy to show for it...lol..Seems late in the day to pull the pin on Barker.

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5 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

If Labatte and Best can come back, the Riders have a decent OL but that's a big if. Heck even the 7 NI starters: Best/Labatte/Clark/Bagg/Muamba and who are the other 2?

Bagg, Best, Clark, Crapigna, Demski, Francis, Gaydosh (if he's healthy??), St. John (he should be starting this year), Labatte, Muamba.


Kevin Francis was being used more on defense, not sure if he will be used this year. Riders need to scout OL OL OL OL OL during this years draft.

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22 minutes ago, Stickem said:

That was the rumour at one time, that Milo would head south much like Steinauer did...I don't think Scott will make the same move as a sure position in the CFL will most likely happen....Can't see Argos keeping him if the rumour of what he said is true...Sounds like he wants to move along...As far as Barker getting the gate....did the owners just wake up and find out that they no longer have their first round pic (could've/would've) are missing an all star db (Heath) and have Willy to show for it...lol..Seems late in the day to pull the pin on Barker.

If both Barker and Milanovich are gone, Willy is in the cross-hairs.  I predict he sustains his career by becoming a QB hobo ala Glenn.  He might even end up back in Sask. before too long.

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9 minutes ago, Kluchk said:

Bagg, Best, Clark, Crapigna, Demski, Francis, Gaydosh (if he's healthy??), St. John (he should be starting this year), Labatte, Muamba.


Kevin Francis was being used more on defense, not sure if he will be used this year. Riders need to scout OL OL OL OL OL during this years draft.

Well ... you're certainly not going to start Demski AND Bagg, seen as how you have Roosevelt, Carter, Holley, Edwards and Collins on the roster. They aren't going to sit two of those guys.

Crapigna doesn't count towards your ratio.

Gaydosh, well ... good luck.

That leaves you with Best, Clark, Francis, St. John, Labatte, Muamba and Bagg.

Overall, not bad. But what happens when one of Best/Labatte goes down? Which they will.

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Well, that's the second dumb-ass move so far this season. Barker terminated. 3 weeks before free agency? Who's in charge there? Chris Jones?

The Argos must be hiring from within. It's the only thing that makes sense, if I can use that term so loosely.

Sounds like another "plan" in the works..out East

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