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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-04-08 in Posts

  1. I facepalmed so hard that I saw stars.
    5 points
  2. I am surprised I haven't seen more of this video on the Bombers' socials. Cool recruitment video from Strevy, Alford and Schoen. https://www.bluebombers.com/2023/04/07/free-agent-recruitment/
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Nice that those guys care enough to be a part of that as NFL players.
    3 points
  5. Noeller

    The TV Thread

    Something something spoiled Zennials... Something something walking uphill both ways..... No TV remotes..... Something something..... /SF27Rant
    3 points
  6. There's no way that their costs to compete in Canada would be more than in NCAA or even NAIA. Just think every meal they provide athletes, coaches and support staff in the US is 35% more than the same meal in Victoria, Kamloops, Edmonton, Winnipeg or Saskatoon. Canada West has 6 members within a 5 hour drive of SFU and UNBC in Prince George just a bit farther. 4 schools in Edmonton and Calgary, Lethbridge, then the 5 prairie schools. They'd save a metric **** ton of costs by competing in Canada for all sports. Football conference is a lot smaller, but there's no justification on cost for them on choosing to compete in US college ranks.
    3 points
  7. Stats: 40-30-8 @ 43-32-3 Streaks: W2 @ L1 Notes: Trotz is back in Winnipeg...as GM of the Preds 😭 Countdown To The Playoffs : T-4 Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power
    2 points
  8. The Jets will show up. What, that doesn’t clarify things?
    2 points
  9. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    If Conservatives ever realize...that they could afford to lose 15 - 20 thousand votes in their strong hold ridings, in exchange for gaining votes in potential swing ridings, then their chances of winning federal elections will increase dramatically. But that would mean adopting more moderate policies - from which they are still a long way off.
    2 points
  10. Perplexing to use the word value to describe anything associated with lunatic knuckdraggers. It’s like saying my value I hold close is being a dickhead to anyone who doesn’t think and act like a uninformed me me me prick. That’s a value?
    2 points
  11. Kelly... i am on a **** contract that is not a **** contract. Gotta admire his honesty.🤐
    2 points
  12. Keep focusing on those NFL lights Kelly.
    2 points
  13. But why were you looking at the Bombers roster at the time?
    2 points
  14. Mark H.

    The TV Thread

    Much to the chagrin of the binge watchers.
    2 points
  15. Carleton is one example of a program in multiple conferences, having sports teams in both OUA (Ontario) and RSEQ (Quebec). However, SFU is looking to stay in NCAA. Not sure USports would be as willing to allow a crossover into the US as it would a different Canadian province. But SFU seems uninterested anyway. Maybe their board was simply tired of funding a sports program (probably at some decent expense) that was a constant loser for the past 15 years, and found their out.
    2 points
  16. JCon

    US Politics

    It's fascism. We've been seeing it and saying it for years but some said that it was an overreaction by the left. Well, they're burning books, banning basic healthcare, kicking democratically elected officials out for being young and black, they're locking children in cages. They attack the media and they refuse to recognize elections. That's fascism. It's a fascist state.
    2 points
  17. Well said Cody, agree with your comment...
    2 points
  18. Stacey is singing tonight, we're going to win for sure!!
    1 point
  19. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    And receding.
    1 point
  20. Is this the one?
    1 point
  21. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/e4/a5/2be4a51d24a1e1a0bf17d04a4208328b.jpg
    1 point
  22. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    It is a core value of right-wingers that they will NOT change their allegiances when confronted with evidence to the effect that their loyalty is not respected but abused. Many will even double down.
    1 point
  23. Noeller

    The TV Thread

    TV shows are supposed to be once a week... That's the whole point. A whole bunch of episodes all at once is called a movie.
    1 point
  24. SFU's enrollment is 37,670 which surprised me, however that may also include thousands of students enrolled through distance education across the province.
    1 point
  25. To be filed under "funny". https://3downnation.com/2023/04/07/argos-qb-chad-kelly-believes-back-to-back-grey-cup-wins-will-secure-him-nfl-opportunity/ Argos’ QB Chad Kelly believes back-to-back Grey Cup wins will secure him NFL opportunity
    1 point
  26. I know they are essentially promo puff pieces for the club but i like these pieces about various players we have signed.
    1 point
  27. Apparently there are already exceptions to this. So hopefully they're able to find a work around.
    1 point
  28. Pushed off. OPI. 😁 If you ain’t cheatin’ you ain’t tryin’.
    1 point
  29. It was a totally fair question..... and tbh, I'm getting tired of Al coming in here once a week and dropping turd sandwiches for no reason. Nothing but negativity bombs once per week then gone again... oi vey.
    1 point
  30. Nobody said we needed him.. was just a random thought I had... about a former bomber... on a bomber forum...
    1 point
  31. SFU is a football shitshow. It was when my son played there & it's never changed. Kelly Bates, maybe the worst football head coach in existence all time went 0-39 as SFU's HC. The university allowed it to happen. He should have been fired after season two. He sucked the life out of his players the way he treated them. SFU built a $20 million stadium that seats only 2,500 people & SFU students will be paying for it on their fees for decades. SFU had no stadium when they had a football team. Now, they have a stadium & no football team. They hired an AD that tried to kill the UBC football program & was railroaded out of her job there because of it. So, naturally, SFU hires her after she was fired & she tries to do the same thing at SFU. Anyone see a pattern here?? She needs to be replaced. The admin never funded the team the way it should have been. Head Coaches, Coordinators & assistants came & went like the wind. No continuity. Recruiting truly suffered. It generally took 4 months for every AD to get off their ass to hire a new HC. Usually in March & just a couple of weeks ahead of spring camp. So, recruitment suffered greatly as it didn't start until spring & everything was rushed to be ready for camp. Like hiring a coaching & training staff & putting together a playbook. My son played 3 seasons at SFU from 2013-15. In those 3 seasons, he had 3 head coaches, 3 playbooks, 3 OC's, 3 qbs coaches. Every HC thought the previous HC was a dumbass in how they ran the program & that they were smarter than the head coach there before them. Some of the hires like Bates were worse than the coach that he replaced. Anyway, no one should be surprised this happened as it was inevitable. To me, the program died the moment they hired Bates & he was allowed to totally run the program into the ground. No football conference wants a team that can't compete & consistently gets blown out by 40 points a game & that's exactly what happened. They never had a winning record as a member of Division 2 football. Unfortunately, SFU burned its bridges with U Sports 12 years ago when it left the Canada West Conference. They may be no more goodwill left from that Conference to want them to return. People have long memories & would administrators from U Sports be willing to take SFU back? Let's hope they do. However, if they did it would mean the end for some other programs like women's softball which is only played in US colleges. All their American sports teams would have to be dropped for the Can West Conference to allow them back. So, either way no matter what SFU does, there will be athletes in other sports negatively affected. Yep, a real shitshow.
    1 point
  32. Exactly, We don't need Meredith. So, why even mention him? He couldn't crack the roster now even if he wanted to come back.
    1 point
  33. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    SCOTUS will circle the wagons, blistering and blustering using that self-important tone of theirs of how dangerous it is to question them and any of their members. Or they will throw Thomas under the bus. What a Farce. Thomas isn't the only bad one here. Some others are just as bad but in different ways. Justice is blind. Lol. No one is above the law. lol We only deal with fact as dictated by the rule of law. lol
    1 point
  34. bustamente

    US Politics

    What's happening today in Tennessee should be sounding alarm bells across the United States, Republicans in general are losing support across America and the only way they will keep power is by removing Democrats how have been democratically elected by the people of Tennessee illegally.
    1 point
  35. FrostyWinnipeg

    The Tech Thread

    Elon Musk, in a remarkable show of maturity, has removed the "w" from Twitter's logo outside their San Francisco HQ. The company now reads as "Titter"
    1 point
  36. Mark F

    US Politics

    astounding. https://news.yahoo.com/clarence-thomas-slammed-across-political-153624476.html
    1 point
  37. seems like there has to be more to the story here. They could have played in 2023 and choose not to. sighting player opportunity as a reason. Now they're locking players out completely? No application to get back to Usports cause it's...hard? WTF is actually going on
    1 point
  38. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    From Newsweek: Jim Jordan Sets Hard Deadline for Biden Official to Hand Over Docs. Every demand, every subpoena, every request, every hard deadline set that comes from this rapist enabling Trump loving psycho should be met with: You don't comply, I don't comply.
    1 point
  39. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    ABC News Pence won't fight order to testify before grand jury investigating Jan. 6 Because he knows he won't be providing anything of substance. And he will be met with little resistance and consequence of not telling them anything.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Mark H.

    The Winnipeg Thread

    I mean, our next Premier is possibly going to be a first nations person with a shortened name.
    1 point
  42. okay this is getting scary (or the show has been on the air too long)
    1 point
  43. 17to85

    US Politics

    In a row?
    1 point
  44. You meant to say butchering the anthems
    0 points
  45. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    0 points
  46. iHeart

    Upcoming Movies

    *drools* even if it bombs it's going to get a cult following you're going to have Aqua's Barbie Girl stuck in your head all day (even though it's not used in the trailer) okay if they are going to bring in nostalgic connections then we'd better be seeing Generation Girl and My Scene show up and yes they have a generator to make a poster of yourself (they have a Ken option) https://www.barbieselfie.ai/?fbclid=IwAR3UI-FloM6sMo2Lp3ChEWr33zD2YgibkhhCruyNjhGrzwEgrVg1fNoBTxA
    0 points
  47. bigg jay

    The RIP 2023 Thread

    If anyone knew or remembers longtime Bomber fan (and old OB poster) Pumper, he passed away a couple weeks ago.
    0 points
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