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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-11-05 in Posts

  1. And an unsolicited piece of advice for the CFL, never ever ever allow any genre personality into the broadcast booth while the game is going on, especially the country one with Suitor.
    8 points
  2. Our guys never will say it publicly… but with tools like M.Sayles crowing and Rhymes being his usual whiny self… BC had it coming. Lions with all the press resulted in a big flex by the Bombers, just like the first time they met this year.
    5 points
  3. wasn't much to report today and likely not for the weekend either. I'll give the Semi's their time, and then come Monday, we'll fire 'er up! LFG!
    5 points
  4. I believe it's called a manzier
    5 points
  5. Even on the telecasts...they need to rotate genres week to week...or even game day...different marketing and promotion to different target demographics...for 3..4..5 yrs now been pandering to the same demographic while production value and content gets worse The CFL should be taking advantage of putting together sales presentations to other broadcasters...give TSN some competition...
    4 points
  6. These people are the idiots. They booked an event they knew might conflict with the game and are now upset the game is actually happening. Not much the Bombers can do, it's a league thing.
    3 points
  7. Not a fan of the force feeding of this country style crap on a fan base...totally misses majority of market as well as new eyes...cfl ...or tsn likely needs to get their **** together
    3 points
  8. I picked both road teams this weekend. I believe experience will win. We'll see what happens, it is the CFL.
    3 points
  9. Haha hardrick gonna show people why he should be an Allstars in the playoffs. Love it.
    3 points
  10. First thought is Friesen so…
    2 points
  11. Wow, we really beat the **** out of the lions last week... Left tackle out Lucky out. Too bad, I was hoping bc would win.
    2 points
  12. I agree. Not a single one of my children, nephews, nieces or their friends in that key demographic listen to Country. I am sure there are a few out there who do but it is definitely in small minority territory. How do I know this? 2019 and 2021 I had big Grey Cup parties and most of the 18-30 crowd arrived after half time to eat mostly..lol. Last year at Super Bowl those same people were texting me weeks before to see if I was hosting the Dr. Dre halftime show...didn't even call it Super bowl..lol.
    2 points
  13. They play both kinds of music, country and western.
    2 points
  14. I always thought Baffin Island would do great for that. Put up a totally isolated prison for the worst criminals in Canadian society. No roads in or out. A small deserted air field. One flight in & out a week. The frozen wasteland of the Canadian arctic. It would be perfect.
    2 points
  15. Say what you want about this bro country group. They've sold a **** ton of records. Had a friend of mine who hates the CFL wanting to get tickets to the grey cup game for this. Good exposure for the CFL. Hate to break it to you but most people don't care if it's a Canadian act, I certainly don't. We don't need to be so prenticious about everything being "canadian". We don't have the big acts to get more people to tune in. Aside from Nickelback or the biebs. Rush is done without peart. As much as I'd love to see big wreck ( Ian Thornley is a ******* wizard ) and the sheepdogs, they aren't a "win" for the league. In a league that constantly embarasses itself on a national stage, this is a win
    2 points
  16. BC Place wind chill is the worst!
    2 points
  17. With Lucky...that's what happens when u rush a guy...even Lucky before game questioned it and had reservations...so far they dodged bullet with Rourke More his ego...and wanting to be in spot light even with it being a possible detriment to the team...he will be a non factor and bet he doesn't even finish..and he did squat pre injury..they will be one and done as they have too many me guys and selfish players..and who knows what MBT shows up
    2 points
  18. It's the bro-iest of bro-y bro-country. Everyone who loves these artists drinks Twisted Tea. There is ZERO doubt in my mind that TT had a hand in choosing this show Jordan Davis is an American bro-country act, and Josh Ross is a new Canadian bro-country act that's got 1.5 singles to his credit so far.... the 18-25 bro/chick market will be absolutely stoked by this show...
    2 points
  19. It's unquestionable that he's an all-star..... he's the best RT in the league. He'd be our MO OL nom every year if not for Stan The Boy Bryant.....
    2 points
  20. You're an all star to me Jermarcus.....Bomber fans know it
    2 points
  21. I heard, anecdotally, that it's less than 5k remaining but they're really pushing to sell it out. CJOB is doing a big give away, I think I saw, and if they're sending out the robo-calls, that's not likely a very good sign. But even if we're at 28k-ish, that's not horrible. Anything 30k and over is going to be plenty raucous in there. I suspect there will be a lot of waiting to see what the weather is like and then buy tix closer to. Wife and I are just counting down the days, and figuring out our packing for the plane. Do we bring the full ice fishing clothes this time? Not supposed to be AS cold as last year, so we'll see. Flight leaves at Noon from Calgary next Friday...absolutely can't wait to get home and start pre-celebrating!
    2 points
  22. Important to note this is not a joke tweet. They are serious.
    2 points
  23. I think we will see the roster we saw at the end of the year. No kyrie no hansen ellingson woli demski etc all starting. The real intrigue with the roster for me is who starts and rosters for the secondary. We suddenly got more quality players than spots.
    1 point
  24. There is already limited ways in and out of stadium. How can you guarantee unobstructed exits when you are expecting a sellout. Edit: I’ll also add the Bombers have hired consultants in the past to optimize the flows in and out. You can just change a small area without affecting the rest.
    1 point
  25. My wife is a country music Twisted Tea junkie...she has never heard of 2/3 of these guys. Her reaction to me telling her was "Who? Well that sound boring" I HATE country music so I felt compelled to ask someone else before determining how lame this is.
    1 point
  26. It doesn't say it was the only available date, it says it was the only date that worked. That can mean a whole host of different things. I don't see how the Bombers can be better partners... the game is scheduled by the league to fit with what the national broadcast partner wants.... These people should have considered that there was a pretty solid chance that the 2x defending champions, who had in august only lost the one game, if they had lost at all, might be hosting the western final. This whole story reeks of a ploy to bring attention to their event under the guise of a woe is me sob story.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. It was the only available date. There are some mitigating measures that could have been taken. On the other side - these are the kinds of conflicts that were going to occur when building on a university campus. The Bombers don't own/control the university and could have been better partners in this situation, imo. Like it said in the article, everyone supports diversity/inclusion until it inconveniences them - then it's fend for yourself.
    1 point
  29. This year I have noticed they made a real switch to different genres of music in there pre game video packages.
    1 point
  30. Jordan Davis's "Singles You Up" is a perfect example of the worst of Country music over the past decade plus.....but Buy Dirt was solid, Josh Ross's 1.5 singles to date have been solid, if unspectacular, and while FGL have released a lot of douchetastic stuff, the new Tyler H single "5-foot-9" is actually really good, IMO.... Again, this show is not for everyone, but the people who drink Twisted Tea exclusively, will go NUTS for it....
    1 point
  31. Interesting take… this “bro-pop country” that these guys apparently play is probably my most hated genre of music… which is why I’m not surprised I’ve never heard of any of them… and even though I just read their names, if went to type them again right now I’d start with… I think one had the last name Hubbard?…. Anyways, not my cup of tea, it if you say this is a good get for the cfl, then I’m ok with it
    1 point
  32. Tracker

    US Politics

    1 point
  33. He could always wear a bra for protection. Sport bra, of course.
    1 point
  34. More so when it's not structurally healed...Lucky himself before the game said he was hesitant to play...cause felt he wasn't 100 percent..and was a meaningless game...and now...he misses playoffs...happens all the time rushing back...was reason why Neufeld was in and out of lineup so much when he first arrived here...cause he was rushed...due to lack of depth..
    1 point
  35. I'd still take him over Dennis...Hardrick been solid for last 3..4 yrs...and shows no sign of slowing down...Dennis was good this yr..an anomaly since his real good yr what..4..5 yrs ago? Since he been average at best..and a bit of a tool to boot
    1 point
  36. Rumour hath it that many survive by packing vegetation into cylindrical cellulose tubes and lighting them so they smoulder, generating heat and relief from the awareness of cold temperatures. This seems to spur appetite in many which encourages them to eat high-calorie foods.
    1 point
  37. Vancouver is beautiful. We went there this summer for 10 days. (Trying to do the cross Canada tour with our daughter in the summer)( The west has now been conquered ) so I expect it to be expensive but it's Hella scenic so I'm ok with their prices. Or I get it. Regina? Stayed there 1 night. That's enough for me
    1 point
  38. I've maintained for years that we need to buy back Alaska from the Muricans, and put the dumbest among us out there. All those anti-vaxxer, free-dumb types that want to live without government oversight, etc....ie Gappers and rural Albertans...... they can all go live there without affecting anyone else.
    1 point
  39. It's not just hotel and game tickets that are the problem with the GC experience in Regina. The city is too small, and lacks the infrastructure for such an event. Waiting in line for an hour to get into a decent restaurant, getting a cab....forget about it, getting gouged basically every place you go...guaranteed. Regina doesn't get many major events and when it does it sure puts it's collective hands out to pillage every poor tourist that travels there. I went in 2013 and swore I would never do it again. Just a miserable experience from start to finish. This is back when I used to attend every Grey Cup, now I don't do it anymore, and Regina was the catalyst for that change and it's too bad because I have attended a few LDCs and it is not the same at all.
    1 point
  40. And the Covid vaccine. Everyone involved had at least 3 jabs.
    1 point
  41. The CFLPA all stars count more in my box than the league ones.
    1 point
  42. and fact he played full slate of games...and didnt just have skewed numbers on bottom dwellers, and also had a better ball protection numbers is also indicative of MOP credentials
    1 point
  43. http://www.cpsm.mb.ca/news/new-standard-of-practice-for-episodic-visits-house-calls-and-walk-in-primary-care
    1 point
  44. the thing about good football players and good football teams... they'll beat you even if you know what's coming.
    1 point
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