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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-06-11 in Posts

  1. Championship banner raising, never gets old..... Masoli has all day and finds Acklin way past Rose for a TD... .....except Acklin flat out drops it..... Zac pressured but nice improvisation to underhand the ball.... ....to Oliveria, who gets outside and rumbles deep into RB end Zac hits the hook in the endzone to Ellington.....TD! Masoli hits quick slant to Mahar....all the way to the Blue 25 Masoli with time and Johnson behind Glass in end zone....TD. Secondary off to a shaky start...... Leggs attempts 48 yard FG, Prukop drops snap.....but... ....Prukop picks it up and rolls around the end for FD.. Zac finds Bailey on the hash marks for another FD... Drive stalls and Leggs makes 20 yard FG. 10-7 Bombers. Masoli bombs another one down the field...Rose beat for 55 yds. Winston having some issues, back there..... Ward with the FG and makes it 10-10 Masoli completes 4 short quick release passes.... Williams takes screen pass - but Wilson with a great tackle Grant concedes punt single.......11-10 Ottawa ZC is pressured and should of been picked......but its dropped... O is sputtering quite a bit, at this point... Masoli's long pass picked off by Glass - but he is tagged with PI.. Masoli completes 3 passes in a row, then another as time runs out... ......why no FG on that last play? Screwup..... Half time - and we are being outplayed.... 2nd and 3...Augustine is stuffed....run game is underwhelming... D. Adams with another catch....a nice diving one Masoli is sacked by Rutledge.....2nd and 20.. ....but Masoli has all day to find Acklin for the FD... Masoli has yet again another 2nd conversion to Adams Jefferson knocks down pass, Masoli runs for only 5 Ward with the 38 yd FG. Ottawa leads 14-10 Could really use some Offense, here..... ZAC complete to Schoen, ball is stripped - turnover Not much going right for the Blue....at this point.. Masoli loops up long one.....Taylor has position and an INT! Zac with 2 incomplete......Bomber O is stagnant...... Blue get ball back, but 2nd down pass short of marker 2 and out, 2 and out 2 and out....wash, rinse, repeat..... Evans on 3rd and 1.....is stopped! Turnover! D has settled down......still waiting on the O... Zack to Schoen....Prukop converts 2nd and 1 FIRST DOWN!! Hey, gotta start somewhere.... Oliveria stuffed yet again - run game is pretty lame... ZC sidesteps pressure...hits Schoen up the middle... ...and throws sideline pass to Bailey down to the 1... Prukop struggles over the goal line....TD! ....but Leggo misses the x-point 16-14 Blue 5:30 left. Williams with nice KR...but RB holding call.... Masoli bombs down the field, one more time.... .....and Acklin beats a wilting Rose for a huge gain... Blue D holds....Ward hits FG to make it 17-16 RB's Zac's pass to Bailey incomplete...MOS with the challenge... ....no dice...Blue have to punt with 2:35 left.... Bomber D much better now, with the stop.... Grant returns punt to Blue 35...with 1:45 left... Zac runs up the middle and takes head shot... Injury spotter asks that ZC is removed for 3 plays OUCH! In comes Dru Brown....quite the situation..... Brown passes to Schoen for a first down.... Brown swings it to Demski for another.... Zac looks fine on the sideline.... Brown hits Ellington up the middle.....he runs.... ...down to the Ottawa 20! Brown goes back to the bench... 3-3 for 50 clutch yards... Legs comes out for the 25 yd FG try.....GOOD!!! 19-17 for the Bombers with 6 seconds left.... After KR...Masoli has 1 second left..... Pass complete up the middle....but no miracle lateral.... Bombers win!....just the way we drew it up.... Ok, pass pro, secondary, and run game needs work.. At least the gin consumption is in mid-season form...
    14 points
  2. That's what good teams do...or find way to win when they clearly were second best on the night Offence seemed out of sync for periods of time...I gonna chalk that up to starters real first game all together I think Johnny needs to be feature back..and Brady as the change of pace guy to start the season. Rose was bad....shitt happens...I'm sure just an anomaly but can't get BA back soon enough...Rutledge gonna be a stud...for first game showed really well. Wilson is a stud...so underated but can say prob best WIL in the league When Jeffcoat is back...we will be just fine... Schoen is gonna be really good...just wait till he has more games under his belt...Ellingson as advertised too I bet next week is a totally diff game and result...and we coast to a win..u know our vets are not impressed with how they played
    11 points
  3. That shot on Schoen was a blatant target of the head...friggin knocked his helmet off even...how that was not called...or how the broadcasters didn't even comment was pathetic
    10 points
  4. Turns out Rose was hot garbage in the 2nd half too. I get the feeling he was trying to play 2 different positions when he should have been concentrating on one. Not worried about him at all. Dru Brown was awesome in the frying pan. Total respect for him.
    8 points
  5. HH - The RB coach in charge of clock management. The first half should have ended with a Ward fg
    7 points
  6. 1 kyrie best player through and through four great quarters of play 2 Willy j really picked it up in the second half and lead the wake up of the defense 3 ellingson great catches great break up of a pick hh dru brown last minute and a half comes in for zach and drives it down for a fg.
    6 points
  7. That PI challenge & his blatant cheering for Ottawa to win that challenge was pathetic. Forde never mentioned the headshot to Schoen which was so obvious. What a serious non call. That could have been a bad head injury as I felt he was targeted. Any high shot like that should be a 15 yard penalty. Schoen was lucky. Hopefully Zach Collaros is okay.
    6 points
  8. In what scheme is the safety helping a corner outside the numbers? If Rose was leaving the inside breaking routes there'd be no issue. He's biting on them and getting beat downfield to the sideline.
    6 points
  9. Safety isn't the problem. The corner biting on all the double moves is.
    6 points
  10. No suitor is a win too
    6 points
  11. Doesn't that make it worse? To me the one on Zach should have been flagged easily. If a defender has to go that low to hit you, you probably aren't eligible to be hit.
    5 points
  12. Not to pile on but even last year when Rose became available I wasn't sure Jones should have come out of the lineup. That D was all time great so I questioned the need to change anything even for an all star like him. I felt even then that Rose became our weakest link in the secondary from that point onward (though it never got as bad as last night). Still cheering for the guy 100% and hope he regains his 2019 form for us.
    5 points
  13. They should just make headshots automatic, regardless of the situation, intent, etc. No grey area. Put the burden on the tackler.
    5 points
  14. I wonder if he's not still a bit knicked up. He went from a walking boot to practising in a couple days.
    5 points
  15. I don't know why people are making excuses for Rose? Watch the replay the guy bit hard each time on Acklins moves and was flat out beat. I hope it was just a bad day but he was getting absolutely owned today.
    5 points
  16. Dru brown interview on ob...... guy is dead calm.
    5 points
  17. Well Brown went 3/3 for 51 yards to get us to the win so I’m comfortable with giving him first star because without that drive we don’t win period. Defenders were leading with their head all game. Not good for the game. Gotta call a flag
    5 points
  18. I’m good with it if that’s the call. But then you gotta throw the flag
    5 points
  19. Got the two points and that's what matters. Rose needs to show up next game. He got burned way too much out there tonight.
    5 points
  20. come on ya'll didn't seriously think they'd lose did you?
    5 points
  21. TSN & country. JFC. The league talks abouit growing the game with a younger audience & the host network is ******* tone deaf.
    5 points
  22. The Ottawa player launched his body at a guys head. Pretty clear cut to me.. Even if he did put himself in a bad spot, you still can't launch your full weight into a guys head. It's what they wanna take out of the game.
    4 points
  23. The shot on Shcoen was totally targeted...dude aimed and targeted at the head...launched himself even at it..was totally intentional and the defensive player woukd have landed the same shot regardless of Schoen's position...it was done with intent. Was funny those Red blacks were quite yappy and spouting off all game like they were defending champs or something..even in pregame...the old perverbial poking a bear is gonna do them in next week ..we were flat..complacent a bit and I think almost played like we just needed to show up... uncharacteristic for this crew...Friday is gonna be a diff game
    4 points
  24. I also thought Rutledge looked pretty good on the other side of the field.
    4 points
  25. No his head was exposed and the DB made the decision to lead with his helmet on a defenseless receiver. The worst hit of the night in my opinion at least with Collaros he was on his way down, this was a targeted attempt.
    4 points
  26. I know it got discussed here last night but if you can pull a player for a headshot, why do you not assign the penalty to go with the head shot?
    4 points
  27. Just stopped by to thank LaPo for the most atrocious clock management at the end of the first half.
    4 points
  28. The Bombers looked rusty and the thought has to cross your mind , " should they have played the vets in the preseason more ? " BUT on the other hand ,how important were those games for Dru Brown ? Did that confidence he showed in that drive to win the game come from his time in preseason ? Bottom line is we racked up a win
    4 points
  29. Well they dont ask how, just how many, but that was fugly. That really should have been a loss. I think that game has woken the boys up though and put them in a salty mood. Ive got a feeling were going to lay a sh** stomping on Ottawa next week.
    4 points
  30. But...all that matters is 1-0...like I said...good teams win when they play not up to standard....that was a game like so many times before where we are on losing end like Ottawa was when we were finding our way still...not worried unless next week is more of the same
    4 points
  31. Kyrie Wilson is going to be an All-Star this year and it's overdue - he is a big-time player. So impressed by Dru Brown and the coaching staff to show confidence in him that I didn't have. Legs came through when it counted. Happy honker to my PVR that allowed me to fast forward after a few smoke breaks during the Dru drive to make sure the Bombers won before I rewound to watch the last 3 minutes a couple of times... All is well in One Great City.
    4 points
  32. -Friggen TSN. Breaks away immediatly before the players are off the field for a coverage and breakdown of,a basketball game. Finally return to the CFL, get part way through the game report and stop it for breaking news. The post game talk by the basketball coach. What a joke.
    4 points
  33. !. Ellingson. 2. Wilson. 3. Shoen. I thought he played well. That headshot should have been challenged as it was helmet to helmet. No call. HH: Dru Brown
    4 points
  34. 1 Kyrie Wilson - beast 2 Dru Brown or Dalton S (looks like he has some ability) 3. Greg Ellingson HH: the injury spotter
    4 points
  35. 1. Kyrie 2. Brown 3. Kyrie HH to Rose for keeping the game close for entertainment purposes.
    4 points
  36. We find a way to win. Not pretty but I'll take it. Dru Brown Happy Honker Award.
    4 points
  37. Come back when the games over lol.
    4 points
  38. Yeah he's straight up and then tries to dive. The whole point of the wedge is to balance off the leverage of the OL and roll off that for a couple yards. Might want to run more of an option package for him if he's going to be our running QB.
    4 points
  39. Wow, that's one of the most vicious targeting hits I've seen in awhile.
    4 points
  40. Rose is being embarrassed.
    4 points
  41. Kyrie Wilson best Bomber tonight by a mile
    4 points
  42. Some adjustments will be needed in the locker room. Boys are playing way too soft.
    4 points
  43. Our kickers.... ****.
    3 points
  44. No holes. I mean he had 3 guys on him as he got the ball.
    3 points
  45. Bombers just look like a team that sat all their starters in pre-season games. They'll come around.
    3 points
  46. looks like Ellingson may the THE receiver this year.
    3 points
  47. Olivera sure runs hard.
    3 points
  48. Love that banner
    3 points
  49. Love O'shea beaking Hunter and then Bob Dyce while Lapo scurries away like a *****. I love that man.
    3 points
  50. I remember it like it was yesterday. Never going to forget how soaked I was that day. Fun times though. Lots of beer was consumed.
    3 points
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