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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-04-13 in Posts

  1. 12 points
  2. Bombers get Lucky once again!
    5 points
  3. I like the action shots of players, but this photo of James West just perfectly encapsulates the man. He was a beast on the field and took his job seriously, but never seemed to take himself too seriously and always made every day a fun one. Always grinning or smiling for the cameras. Boundless spirit. One of my favourite players ever.
    5 points
  4. Goldkobra

    US Politics

    The utter ghoulish-ness of this is mind blowing. Loss for words.
    5 points
  5. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Would you stop with these facts already? Trudeau is clearly the reason we have inflation to begin with, but is not the reason our inflation numbers are better than most of the developed world.
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. JCon

    The Weather

    And, they announced late last night, without warning to the teachers. Such incompetence from leadership. Has been for ages. And, they just promoted from within.
    4 points
  8. Mark H.

    The Weather

    Honestly, the BS from PT is beyond stupid. I mean, geez, Winnipeg kids get a snow day once in a quarter century, let them enjoy it We've had 13 snow days in LSSD this year - I wonder what they'd do with that... And equally stupid - Sunrise told their teachers to refrain from posting stories on social media today - so they won't be thought of as lazy
    4 points
  9. Not just in the CFL but the game of American football globally. Truly one of the early pioneers of the forward pass.
    4 points
  10. Agreed. Theres a reason why Winnipeg Stadium is referred to as the house that Jack built. These are his passing stats from 1951! GP Att Com % Yds TD Int 14 355 204 57.5 3248 33 10 Insane. That would be a pretty great season in todays game! First professional QB to throw for over 3000 yards and 30 TD's. Oh and he was also the teams punter and had a 41.1 yard average over 95 punts.
    4 points
  11. Tracker

    The Weather

    Something To Be Aware Of Tomorrow:
    4 points
  12. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    I don't know how likely it is PP will get elected, but it scares the hell out of me that there's a chance someone like him will be the leader of Canada. Even that Canada would flirt with that type of leadership.
    4 points

    Top 5 Bomber QBs

    Clements took Brocks team to the GC and won it, something Brock was never able to do. I'd put Clements @ #2 behind Ploen.
    4 points
  14. 3 points
  15. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    Sad but true. I mean just anecdotally, I have a friend in Australia looking to buy a home and mentioning costs rising by 40% in the past two years and I've seen multiple pieces on riding US food costs affecting food banks and of course, individuals. This Justininflation stuff is ignorant of the reality of the situation.
    3 points
  16. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    If PP is finally the great saviour that will cause people at the CENTRE of the political spectrum to dump Trudeau, then PP is doing a horrible job campaigning on his true centrist values. I also can't recall any posters on here identifying themselves as Liberals.
    3 points
  17. Bombers signed Carlton Adugosi. Was wondering why they hadn't re-signed him, glad they did.
    3 points
  18. Noeller

    Top 5 Bomber QBs

    Yeah, it's way before my time, but just based on all the reading I've done over the years, Jack Jacobs gets overlooked way too often. He revolutionized the passing game not just in Winnipeg, but in the CFL....
    3 points
  19. Noeller

    The Weather

    Stay safe everyone...following this closely from 2 provinces over. Hope everyone makes it through unscathed and the banks of the ol' Red don't overflow as badly as 25 years ago...
    3 points
  20. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    If the States are going to treat unborn babies as humans for the purposes of criminal charges against women, perhaps someone should bring criminal charges against the fathers for criminal negligence cause death or child abandonment, or go after them civilly for child support. I always notice these “laws” conveniently do nothing to really protect the child or help them after they have left the womb so much as they are there to punish women and dictate their bodily autonomy, all the while turning a blind eye to the absent fathers and abdicating any responsibility to them in the eyes of the law. Sometimes you need to fight these lawmakers on their own terms, and using these arcane laws against the fathers would be more effective than trying to stop them from being passed in the first place. The fear of making the men more responsible based on the very laws these male dominated legislatures want to pass would stop them in their hypocritical tracks.
    3 points
  21. Jpan85

    The Weather

    Don’t think I have ever seen this.
    3 points
  22. Clements is in the top 5 for me. Collaros is tricky without the longevity but just winning. Similar to Clements in putting a very good team over the top to great. Jones took a team that had no hope and made it a contender, arguably saved the franchise, ridiculous numbers for a 3 year period where he just got demolished behind a patchwork OL. Jacobs and Ploen are a given. Dunigan a little too mercurial, belongs to the league or maybe Edmonton more than anyone. Glenn doesn't rate on the great scale for me aside from longevity, one borderline great season here but nothing spectacular in terms of his own performance or winning. If I boiled it down to the best season of each player as a Bomber and had to rank them in order of who I'd pick in a draft: Jacobs (insane passing stats for his era, like Flutie-esque) Ploen Collaros Clements Jones Brock would be 6th, just a little less efficient than Khari. Dunigan would be 7th but never played a full season for us without significant injury (the one he played most he tore his achilles in the second last game).
    3 points
  23. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    One fallacy is assuming that if someone would vote CPC, if there was no PPC. More likely, a disaffected, protest voter, is not going to vote at all. Most people don't change their vote, the biggest challenge is getting them out.
    3 points
  24. GCn20

    Canadian Politics

    I agree. The PPC did not cost the CPC a single seat, it just cost them a few % points in seats they won easily anyway.
    3 points
  25. Noeller

    The Weather

    how did anyone ever do anything without people thinking they're smarter than everyone else and telling them about it constantly? So crazy.
    3 points
  26. No, no.... We don't ever bring in receivers. Only Calgary... The best CFL organization of all time..... The genius John Hufnagel is the only one who does.
    2 points
  27. Mark F

    US Politics

    Secret video of top level Republican computer tech working on biden laptop:
    2 points
  28. This guy looks intriguing. Training Camp is gonna be a battle at receiver.
    2 points
  29. More like dumb and dumber.
    2 points
  30. Bigblue204

    The Weather

    I came into work today, just to reschedule some appointments etc...I'm leaving shortly. But late last night our retail employees were sent an email from leadership saying, regardless of the weather they expect people to be in and on time. "leave an hour earlier if you have to". The person who sent the email is currently at home...people want to be leaders until it's time to lead. I'm very glad I did not get that email cause I probably would not have a job today lol.
    2 points
  31. Poilevre is so absolutely unlikeable that I don't think it possible for him to maintain sufficient support for 3 more years. He'll have the hard-cores, but he'll lose the soft vote due to his eminently punchable face and anti-charismatic personality. Plus he has far less "real world" work experience than Trudeau had.
    2 points
  32. Mark H.

    The Weather

    I don't know. The info I'm reading shows snow today and tomorrow, with a blizzard tomorrow afternoon.
    2 points
  33. JCon

    US Politics

    But what about Hunter's laptop? Does it have Hilary's emails on it? The morons deserve to know!
    2 points
  34. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    You have been paying attention to interest rates, right? That they are rising and planning to rise in the future and that they rose, today, by the greatest amount in over 20 years? So despite having one of the best inflation statistics in the world, the Liberals are doing what you suggest. I'm assuming you will certainly applaud Trudeau as a fantastic leader for our inflation numbers and the interest rate increases? If these are important metrics to judge a leader by, he should be big in your books.
    2 points
  35. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    See but you're deflecting. Did I say governments can't do anything? No. I said, PP and his soundbites are childish and aren't a policy at all. Its the same thing as a kid name calling another kid on the playground. Has he offered a policy on dealing with inflation? Nope. He just repeats soundbites. Well, I guess his idea that crypto can get us out of inflation is a policy. Ignorant and not true but technically a policy. Look at everything he's said. He has yet to offer a policy on anything.
    2 points
  36. I'd go 1. Ploen 2. Jacobs 3. Brock 4. Clements 5. Jones That said, Collaros is moving up fast. Agree on Jacobs. His numbers would look good now but given the era he was in, they are amazing.
    2 points
  37. Is it at all strange that the same people who are most likely to label others as "sheep" flock together for PP rallies and repeat his phrases such as Justinflation? Again, Canada has done far better than the US and better than most of the developed world with inflation numbers. This is readily available in easy to find data. He knows his followers are uninformed, don't want to be informed and will hang on his every word and suggestion.
    2 points
  38. Dear schools, **** off with your remote learning. With love, Me.
    2 points
  39. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    Finland opting to join NATO can only be deemed a provocation to Russian leadership, its brainwashed populace, and the uninformed. You fail to explain what's irrational or unreasonable about a sovereign nation's aspirations or doing what's best for its own interests, while then making your own irrational comments. You should go tell the Ukrainians fighting for their country that resolve is worthless and see how that goes. It's easy to make such a remark from relative comfort and safety and I'm sure your tune would be different if you were in their place. Russia is the way it is because of its leadership, which obviously includes Putin. That group of greedy, delusional narcissists haven't accepted the fact that the USSR failed, the golden age of Russian influence in Eastern Europe is over, and that it collapsed by its own hand. They've been blaming the West ever since, lacking any introspection as to the internal factors that led to the USSR's ultimate demise. They whine about NATO as though it is somehow a threat to Russia's existence. Meanwhile, Russia actually threatens the existence of other nations. That's garbage. They whipped up false narratives and propaganda for years to unjustly invade a country, destroy its towns and cities, and terrorize and murder its people. After having already done something similar eight years previous, annexing Crimea and spurring conflict in the Donbass Region. It's evident Russia is not interested in peace with anyone unless it's on their terms; that's not diplomacy. You can't ask for peace or neutrality with your neighbours by bullying them and then play the victim when they don't bend to your will, and even less so when you invade them. This is what's wrong with Russia: this fabricated persecution complex created by an old boys club who can't accept reality, so they send impoverished, impressionable young men to do their bidding, many to their deaths, while denying any wrongdoing and skirting accountability. It's such a callous disregard for human decency. As for Finland, it isn't some feeble country: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/hybrid-underdog-russia-should-be-scared-finlands-military-innovation-191333 Russian forces already appear to have their hands full in Ukraine, to the point they had withdraw and refocus on the eastern regions. That's pretty telling and doesn't bode well with regard to conducting another "military operation" on its border with Finland. Russia exposed itself on Feb. 24th. And it's not a good look.
    2 points
  40. Over an 18 game season that 4176 yards, 42-43 TDs and 12-13 picks... other than the slightly high int totals... that's a borderline MOP season in today's era.
    2 points
  41. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    If he focused on the rising cost of housing, food etc, PP could do all right. I think the support of the Trucker Convoy, the embrace of crypto, the giving back your freedom nonsense and the general lack of substance hurts him with centrist voters. You need to do more than posting the same digs multiple times a day aka Justininflation. Is Justin responsible for inflation in the USA and Australia too, PP?
    2 points
  42. the watcher

    The Weather

    Wood stove for heat and cooking, hand pump on the well for water and an outhouse tucked neatly in the bush in the back yard........Bring it on mother nature !
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Noeller

    Top 5 Bomber QBs

    Ploen has 4 GCs in 5 appearances. He is the unquestioned #1 and Dieter Brock is not right there with him....
    2 points
  45. The fact that this list doesn't include Jack Jacobs renders it invalid. Please delete and re-do.
    2 points
  46. 7. SASKATCHEWAN RODEEM BROWN OL | ALBERTA Originally I had Bryant RB Daniel Adeboboye here as an immediate plus on special teams and possible future ratio changer at running back, but in a weak lineman class I believe no player helped themselves more than Rodeem Brown on CFL Combine weekend. Heading back to U of A in 2022 could drop his stock, but the Riders aren’t in desperation mode looking for a plug and play lineman. They should take Brown, develop him for 2023 and potentially add their centre for the next five years.
    2 points
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