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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-05-14 in Posts

  1. Wideleft

    US Politics

    5 points
  2. We could not have been more blessed by winning the Grey Cup before all these changes are to come about. 🇨🇦 🏈 🏆
    4 points
  3. HardCoreBlue


    Chris D'Elia puts it the best. No we're not friends. I don't want to be your friend. Just give me a discount.
    4 points
  4. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    great clip.
    4 points
  5. https://www.oursportscentral.com/services/releases/winnipeg-football-club-posts-operating-profit-of-3-5-million-in-2019/n-5619930
    3 points
  6. Mr Dee


    Finally, the real reason...
    3 points
  7. The Bombers have made their payments. I don't know about you, but I pay the amount on my mortgage that my bank and I agreed when they gave me the money. Whether it was a good deal for the bank is not my concern. You may think that my bank should have agreed on a larger monthly payment. I don't care. I will pay what we agreed. The Bombers have not reneged on their commitments in this regard. Personally I am very pleased with IGF, the pricetag and the financial agreements on all sides. Winnipeggers have a stadium that will meet our needs for years to come. That costs money.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. "I want one of those Bomber plague masks" is not a sentence I would have predicted uttering a few short months ago.
    3 points
  10. Mark H.


    Which is what has led to things like this: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/seven-oaks-winnipeg-summer-camps-1.5566560
    2 points
  11. If you have the means at the moment it might be a good idea to buy a shirt a hat. They also offer free delivery in Manitoba.
    2 points
  12. pigseye

    US Politics

    Not really, it's up to the reader to decide for themselves what is true and what isn't. I just believe that everyone should see both sides of the coin before doing so.
    2 points
  13. Tracker

    US Politics

    Well, not all of us.....
    2 points
  14. pigseye

    US Politics

    And so it begins, I expect the ratings are going to be huge for this episode,
    2 points
  15. do or die

    US Politics

    Incredible abuses committed by disgruntled posters. You don't need anymore details, everybody knows about it.
    2 points
  16. do or die

    US Politics

    I demand that certain posters on this board be banned immediately, for inappropriate comments, that I would rather not outline.....
    2 points
  17. 17to85

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Testing testing testing and more testing coupled with players being very secluded. It is the only way to avoid risking the players contracting it.
    2 points
  18. I'll just stay home, thanks... you can count me as one of those people who didn't realize their every day life was called "self isolation"......
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Tracker


    2 points
  21. Noeller

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    You can talk about venues all day long, but the issue for me is how do you play a contact sport like football where guys are constantly spitting and otherwise transmitting viruses to each other...? There is no way to play a sport like football safely. And all it takes is one guy testing positive and the whole thing is shut down, right? I'm still waiting for an answer to that one....for football AND hockey.
    2 points
  22. JCon


    Also from the same article (blog, really): So now let’s get to the crux of it. Where are the personal dangers from reopening? When you think of outbreak clusters, what are the big ones that come to mind? Most people would say cruise ships. But you would be wrong. Ship outbreaks, while concerning, don’t land in the top 50 outbreaks to date. Ignoring the terrible outbreaks in nursing homes, we find that the biggest outbreaks are in prisons, religious ceremonies, and workplaces, such as meat packing facilities and call centers. Any environment that is enclosed, with poor air circulation and high density of people, spells trouble. Some of the biggest super-spreading events are: Meat packing: In meat processing plants, densely packed workers must communicate to one another amidst the deafening drum of industrial machinery and a cold-room virus-preserving environment. There are now outbreaks in 115 facilities across 23 states, 5000+ workers infected, with 20 dead. (ref) Weddings, funerals, birthdays: 10% of early spreading events Business networking: Face-to-face business networking like the Biogen Conference in Boston in late February. As we move back to work, or go to a restaurant, let’s look at what can happen in those environments. Restaurants: Some really great shoe-leather epidemiology demonstrated clearly the effect of a single asymptomatic carrier in a restaurant environment (see below). The infected person (A1) sat at a table and had dinner with 9 friends. Dinner took about 1 to 1.5 hours. During this meal, the asymptomatic carrier released low-levels of virus into the air from their breathing. Airflow (from the restaurant's various airflow vents) was from right to left. Approximately 50% of the people at the infected person's table became sick over the next 7 days. 75% of the people on the adjacent downwind table became infected. And even 2 of the 7 people on the upwind table were infected (believed to happen by turbulent airflow). No one at tables E or F became infected, they were out of the main airflow from the air conditioner on the right to the exhaust fan on the left of the room. (Ref) Workplaces: Another great example is the outbreak in a call center (see below). A single infected employee came to work on the 11th floor of a building. That floor had 216 employees. Over the period of a week, 94 of those people became infected (43.5%: the blue chairs). 92 of those 94 people became sick (only 2 remained asymptomatic). Notice how one side of the office is primarily infected, while there are very few people infected on the other side. While exact number of people infected by respiratory droplets / respiratory exposure versus fomite transmission (door handles, shared water coolers, elevator buttons etc.) is unknown. It serves to highlight that being in an enclosed space, sharing the same air for a prolonged period increases your chances of exposure and infection. Another 3 people on other floors of the building were infected, but the authors were not able to trace the infection to the primary cluster on the 11th floor. Interestingly, even though there were considerable interaction between workers on different floors of the building in elevators and the lobby, the outbreak was mostly limited to a single floor (ref). This highlights the importance of exposure and time in the spreading of SARS-CoV2. Choir: The community choir in Washington State. Even though people were aware of the virus and took steps to minimize transfer; e.g. they avoided the usual handshakes and hugs hello, people also brought their own music to avoid sharing, and socially distanced themselves during practice. They even went to the lengths to tell choir members prior to practice that anyone experiencing symptoms should stay home. A single asymptomatic carrier infected most of the people in attendance. The choir sang for 2 1/2 hours, inside an enclosed rehearsal hall which was roughly the size of a volleyball court. Singing, to a greater degree than talking, aerosolizes respiratory droplets extraordinarily well. Deep-breathing while singing facilitated those respiratory droplets getting deep into the lungs. Two and half hours of exposure ensured that people were exposed to enough virus over a long enough period of time for infection to take place. Over a period of 4 days, 45 of the 60 choir members developed symptoms, 2 died. The youngest infected was 31, but they averaged 67 years old. (corrected link) Indoor sports: While this may be uniquely Canadian, a super spreading event occurred during a curling event in Canada. A curling event with 72 attendees became another hotspot for transmission. Curling brings contestants and teammates in close contact in a cool indoor environment, with heavy breathing for an extended period. This tournament resulted in 24 of the 72 people becoming infected. (ref) Birthday parties / funerals: Just to see how simple infection-chains can be, this is a real story from Chicago. The name is fake. Bob was infected but didn't know. Bob shared a takeout meal, served from common serving dishes, with 2 family members. The dinner lasted 3 hours. The next day, Bob attended a funeral, hugging family members and others in attendance to express condolences. Within 4 days, both family members who shared the meal are sick. A third family member, who hugged Bob at the funeral became sick. But Bob wasn't done. Bob attended a birthday party with 9 other people. They hugged and shared food at the 3 hour party. Seven of those people became ill. Over the next few days Bob became sick, he was hospitalized, ventilated, and died. But Bob's legacy lived on. Three of the people Bob infected at the birthday went to church, where they sang, passed the tithing dish etc. Members of that church became sick. In all, Bob was directly responsible for infecting 16 people between the ages of 5 and 86. Three of those 16 died. The spread of the virus within the household and back out into the community through funerals, birthdays, and church gatherings is believed to be responsible for the broader transmission of COVID-19 in Chicago. (ref) Sobering right? There are helpful diagrams in the article, which won't copy over, that help to illustrate some of the examples.
    2 points
  23. JCon


    I might have missed this being posted but it has a ton of useful (and new to me) information on the spread (the how) of Covid. https://www.erinbromage.com/post/the-risks-know-them-avoid-them The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them A sample from the article but I recommend everyone read the full article and Dr. Bromage's background and disclaimers (also linked in the article). How much Virus is released into the environment? A Bathroom: Bathrooms have a lot of high touch surfaces, door handles, faucets, stall doors. So fomite transfer risk in this environment can be high. We still do not know whether a person releases infectious material in feces or just fragmented virus, but we do know that toilet flushing does aerosolize many droplets. Treat public bathrooms with extra caution (surface and air), until we know more about the risk. A Cough: A single cough releases about 3,000 droplets and droplets travels at 50 miles per hour. Most droplets are large, and fall quickly (gravity), but many do stay in the air and can travel across a room in a few seconds. A Sneeze: A single sneeze releases about 30,000 droplets, with droplets traveling at up to 200 miles per hour. Most droplets are small and travel great distances (easily across a room). If a person is infected, the droplets in a single cough or sneeze may contain as many as 200,000,000 (two hundred million) virus particles which can all be dispersed into the environment around them. A breath: A single breath releases 50 - 5000 droplets. Most of these droplets are low velocity and fall to the ground quickly. There are even fewer droplets released through nose-breathing. Importantly, due to the lack of exhalation force with a breath, viral particles from the lower respiratory areas are not expelled. Unlike sneezing and coughing which release huge amounts of viral material, the respiratory droplets released from breathing only contain low levels of virus. We don't have a number for SARS-CoV2 yet, but we can use influenza as a guide. Studies have shown that a person infected with influenza can releases up to 33 infectious viral particles per minute. But I'm going to use 20 to keep the math simple.
    2 points
  24. JCon

    US Politics

    Trump has allowed this to proceed because of the Burr's committee concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Take note, GOPers, if you tell the truth about the Trump Swamp, they'll take you down.
    2 points
  25. Sgt. Fired for Hiding During Parkland Massacre Gets Job Back REINSTATED Published May. 13, 2020 10:12PM ET Jonathan Drake/Reuters A police sergeant who was fired for “neglect of duty” after revelations he hid behind his car during the Parkland massacre is getting his job back, along with his seniority and lost pay. The Miami Herald reports that Sr. Brian Miller appealed his termination and won an arbitration ruling
    2 points
  26. Stretch


    I look forward to when most commercials don't start with "In these uncertain times...".
    2 points
  27. Funny thing is, you're right about walking in someone's path. That's why I'd take care in suggesting that a pickpocket or a streetwalker or a "general bum" should be on the outside looking in. Everyone's got a story. Many are not happy ones.
    2 points
  28. I see you added Booch to your list of people you don't like here. I'm crotchety? That's funny as there isn't a day that goes by that you don't criticize someone's opinion. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Well done, sir.
    2 points
  29. Oh don't even go there... I don't want to go back to the knit vs. crochet argument.
    2 points
  30. Residency matters. Same for EI. Can’t collect EI even as a Canadian while outside the country. There are tons of us as professionals who have no hope of ever collecting EI. We pay into it as a tax to protect our economy. CERB is very similar just less restrictive. But at the end of the day the entire point of either is to stimulate the economy of Canada, not send money around the world. Players living in the US will be getting stimulus money from the governments there. American players living in Canada should qualify for CERB once they lose income.
    2 points
  31. Now that’s a mask I can get behind..
    2 points
  32. That part where Suits hands the play-calling over to Keith, who has no idea what is going on and is probably watching his first CFL game ever, is just the definition of cringe. Keith is just a deer in headlights, understandably, and it's just painful. I really don't know what they were thinking, but I don't think much thinking was going on. "Let's put an Australian who has never watched the CFL before in the booth with Suits and Cuthbert and let the magic just happen". Probably as far as it went. Total trainwreck, that was 100% predictable.
    2 points
  33. How many billions has Bombardier taken from the Canadian government and they keep coming back every 4-5 years for more.
    2 points
  34. Tracker

    US Politics

    On behalf of all C.A.R.P. members, I reject the comparison.
    1 point
  35. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    It’s not nice to insult us..
    1 point
  36. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Dude, don't- it's really not worth it. You are giving him exactly what he is trolling for.
    1 point
  37. Good detective work. As for the "rant", even by today's PC standards one would have to be a snowflake to get bothered by that. Not sure why the media would get all bent out of shape.
    1 point
  38. The Unknown Poster


    "Why do you have to count EVERY dead person? Cant we just count the white people?"
    1 point
  39. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    Okay so let's turn the page on this alleged Obamagate and the unmasking of FLynn. Unmasking (asking the identity of otherwise anonymous individuals caught up in surveillance) is common. Happens thousands of times a year (or at least the requests are into the thousands). Flynn got caught up in this because he was communicating with people who were under surveillance. Flynn was not identified in those reports. When someone asks for an unidentified person to be unmasked its because they dont know who they are. So any suggestion Biden or anyone else asked to unmask Flynn because they wanted to get Flynn is simply hogwash. But it does explain why Obama told Trump not to hire Flynn. He knew he was in trouble. Obama did the right thing. The only issue Trump can be pissy about is that someone leaked to the press that Flynn had these conversations with foreign parties which started the road down for Flynn. In other words, Trump is mad Flynn got caught. And the reason the FBI knew Flynn was laying when he said he never discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador is because they had the ambassador under surveillance and caught Flynn in that surveillance. Why would Flynn lie? Because he knew what he did was bad. Which is what he plead guilty to. Lying. He did it. All of this is designed to protect some of the awful people around Trump and try to undo Mueller. Its Trump's campaign strategy. He has nothing to run on for re-election. Economy is awful. Tens of thousands of Americans are dead due to Trump's bungling. He's an international embarrassment. The country is more divided than almost ever before. He has nothing, So he has to run on "we're bad, but they were too." He's trying to chill voters away from voting for Biden. Anyone above a grade 3 education can see this. You'd have to be incredibly aligned with the values of a racist sexual abuser to buy into this stuff and defend it. Im glad none of us are.
    1 point
  40. Mr Dee


    Team Everybody Else pushing the idea that Trump’s poll numbers should be Revised Down..
    1 point
  41. Stickem

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Oh there will be pro sports again, but like the world of today and after the pandemic, it will be a changed world...What those changes are going to be is yet to be determined and implemented....I do however see some activities being on a trial basis....like the Texas situation that was mentioned BUT like everything else it will most likely be on a contingency basis...If it goes sideways and just one player tests positive for covid, then the trial will collapse...Is it in anyone's interest to see that type of scenario and a resulting situation where you have to start over again from square one?....Lot's of ramifications and I'm afraid this virus seems to be dictating where we go from here...It will be a fantastic day when we can say we beat this thing..but it will have taken it's toll and will leave a different world..especially us in pro sports
    1 point
  42. The Unknown Poster

    US Politics

    In the Flynn case, its actually a major development. The Judge is clearly pissed. I think he's either looking to have this mockery put into the record by someone that wont be easily dismissed or hes looking for a reason to dismiss the DOJ motion and sentence Flynn. This is all about Trump being able to avoid a pardon that will look bad and of undoing Mueller. The likelihood is the Judge accepts the DOJ motion but he's not doing so without some roadblocks. Regarding this Obamagate nonsense, what is striking is you've got a DOJ completely controlled by Trump interests. They can literally get any intelligence they want. Do any investigations they want. And they cant find a single thing to criticize about Obama. Trump is now making this election Trump vs Obama. And why he thinks he can win that is anyones guess. I assume he's trying to rally the racists.
    1 point
  43. Wideleft

    US Politics

    In Trump's twisted mind, he thinks that Obama won't appear (which he shouldn't given an absence of....anything) and therefore he won't have to appear or face charges once he is ousted from the White House.
    1 point
  44. Beyond that...the amount of time these guys and the staff would have to be cooped up on the front end (14 days) before they could even practice and then the entire time they are playing would be so unreasonable. Are they going to stay away from their families and the public generally for three months to play 8 football games? If the CFL pulls it off they might be able to make big money on US TV rights too.
    1 point
  45. You get over looking stupid in a mask pretty quickly. Not that I'm wearing a mask in public but I have had to wear a respirator a ton for work and yeah you just stop thinking about what a tool you look like. We're all tools.
    1 point
  46. Sorry, I don't remember that but if you say it happened then I believe you.
    1 point
  47. Wow, this is one hill I don't want to die over with you. You can think whatever you want.
    1 point
  48. That wasn't the first broadcast where they've done that sort of thing. Has become very common in the last couple of years. Someone there thinks it is a good idea and people like it. Maybe they think it caters to and draws in the casual fan. Either way, I have no confidence that they've learned their lesson.
    1 point
  49. I don't believe the gov't is being stingy. I expect them to find a way to support the CFL. However, the CFL having no plan and having not even consulted with the union is terribly concerning. Gov't is right to holdout until they have a firm plan, with measurables, that has CFLPA support.
    1 point
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