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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-02-16 in Posts

  1. Its Friday and I need petty things to ***** about.
    10 points
  2. Also worth mentioning: the Bombers haven’t brought in nobody. We’ve signed what could potentially be our next starting QB (and a huge weapon, especially for the weather our current QB struggles so much in) and brought back a potential starting Canadian on defense. just because they’re names we’ve seen on the back of our jerseys before doesn’t mean they’re not big additions. Those are great additions.
    10 points
  3. Why would people be even remotely bothered by this? Scheme fit, we have no clue if he will perform better then he did in Sask. Hardrick stunk there too.
    6 points
  4. An experienced body to compete in camp isn't the worst.
    6 points
  5. signing some of our own are huge signings....as other teams were prepared to pay a ransom for them....thats not to be understated..those were technically 2 the top free agaents on the market this yr....can't fault us that they were our own guys As @Mike said...Strev is a huuuge pick up...and dirt cheap...trust me when you see him this spring you will be amazed at his transformation....and he is huge for locker room continuity and keeping the culture chugging. As much as many liked Brown....he wasn't our future....and Strev this yr is gonna offer a ton...way more than Brown would have and yup...another huge thing is Ford back...and expect him extended at some point....he offers a ton of value and ability for us to do some different things if any other team had signed BO...Schoen and Strev for 580k...TOTAL...We would have all said they killed it in free agency....so obviouslywe must have....no?
    6 points
  6. Because a contract is a mutual agreement and Bailey likely won’t get a huge raise but he’s going to get a raise somewhere. He took an $80,000 pay cut last year. He deserves to go out and make his money somewhere. We can’t force him to sign here.
    6 points
  7. Whoever hacked ISO’s account, please give it back to him right now before the admins have to get involved.
    6 points
  8. My apologies to the forum, apparently I am feeling a little punchy today, should have realized it earlier when I chose to argue about how many Subway locations in EK/Transcona in the restaurant/food thread...
    5 points
  9. Agreed one hundred percent. Any time you sign the two players in free agency ( arguably two of the best players in the league period) and an established NFL vet, people would be saying you won free agency, but because all three are former Bombers the perception is a little different.
    5 points
  10. Lofton is terrible.
    5 points
  11. He hit the door on the way out. Fined the maximum by the CFL.
    5 points
  12. man oh man are we ******* bored around here...
    4 points
  13. They didn't lose on the last play. They were losing the whole time. They are losers.
    4 points
  14. 4 points
  15. As far as I can see, Lofton's being brought into battle with everyone else for the RT spot. Nothing more than that. I'm hoping they bring in someone better, but that's what training camp is for, right?
    4 points
  16. Still some people who haven't figured out the team knows what it's doing with Olinemen eh?
    4 points
  17. Is Walters trolling this forum with his Ol signings? First Kolo over Gray and now Lofton? YUCK!!!
    4 points
  18. I don't get the Dolegala "weak arm" take. He can clearly sling it.
    4 points
  19. I think that signing Schoen, and BO are two pretty big fish. Yes, they played here last year but both had hit the open market at the time we re-signed them. I mean it's not too hard to figure out why we didn't go on any kind of a spending spree, look at our roster. Compare it to other teams and you will see a great deal of the high end talent was already here. The top 2-3 teams in the league rarely get better in FA, they are fending off the jackals and hyenas from picking their roster apart. Take a look at TO, and BC who have hemmoraged top end talent in comparison, and only started adding back because they were picked over. We retained the majority of our talent and thus had little need to go splashing around in the overpriced market of FA. That being said Streveler, and Ford are two very big additions as well.
    4 points
  20. Yeah and he did not want to leave. On IG today, he acknowledged his time with the team was done but he still can't say goodbye, Winnipeg means too much to him, so it's see you later. Love that guy. 😞
    4 points
  21. If Simoni hadn't cheapshoted ZC in game 1 of 2019, we may never have had ZC and might still be in a cup drought. I for one would like to thank Lawrence for his contribution to Winnipeg Blue Bomber football.
    4 points
  22. 3 points
  23. You aren't riveted to the edge of your seat by the Dolegala debate? lmao
    3 points
  24. He really Demerio Houston-ed that one....
    3 points
  25. Your logic is sound, but on an emotional level, it still sucks.
    3 points
  26. have to agree...he couldnt unseat Hardrick and Bryant here...who in the league could have...then he went to MTL and wasnt half bad....then 2 crap olines in Ott and Sask I tend to trust our judgement on oline guys based on what we have seen the last 6..7 yrs...He will be on a line with all quality guys, quality coaching and winning environment....maybe this is his finally getting it moment...and I sure he comes in cheap to boot
    3 points
  27. Along with two pilsner's being flung around getting people wet, wearing a Kerry Joseph Jersey 5 sizes too small and his sister/wife in tow.
    3 points
  28. yup...a competitor with experience in the CFL and our system for the spot, and a PR spot for injury reserve....not anointed the starter by any means
    3 points
  29. Ray had the timing down and nobody said he had a big arm.
    3 points
  30. If we can have one guy doing all 3 kicking jobs, dress 6 ol, not wasting a di on the marine, and proper use of the fake ni we could gain a TON of active roster depth. No more hallet as the only back up db, or no back up WRs other than grant etc. we could carry an imp sts guy who is actually good on kick cover even
    3 points
  31. He also completely derailed the Rider franchise by taking ZC out. ZC was finally healthy and who knows what he might have done in Regina that year. However, at the end of the day good riddance to a guy the league should have gotten rid of a long time ago.
    3 points
  32. Such a bummer losing Sheed. If you're wanting a guy that works his ass off, someone who motivates and catches some tough passes then, Rasheed is your guy. This one really sucks.
    3 points
  33. as mentioned...total inefficient roster....and games dressing Schmeckle...That one Oline guy..That Sask scrap heaped from us....when we could have dressed Murphy and Kelly all yr for work on teams, and just develop....games where guys didnt even need to have their damn cleats on as they didnt even get a token snap just for the sake of getting a rep.....shameful really for this coach who is supposed to be the elite of the elite...hope fully this narrative is finally put to bed an we never have to complain about it again...fingers crossed same...if they wanna bring in extra beef they have that Thomas guy who we double numbered all yr long as the 8th olineman...maybe thats why he was brought back hahaah
    3 points
  34. All teams go through struggles at least once in a season so hopefully this is our struggle and we figure it out last 20 or so going in to playoffs. Ehlers Scheifele Vilardi was working and scoring at will. KC back and no more goals. Not putting that all on KC but dude looks afraid of contact currently, hopefully he’s injured a bit still. But if he is ,he shouldn’t be on the top line. He’s dragging it down. 55 and 81 just don’t work well. Kyle’s big scoring year was played mostly with Dubois and Perfetti Ehlers Scheifele Vilardi Connor Monahan Perfetti Barron (deserves it) Lowry Nino Iafallo names apples They seem to do everything but split up 55 and 81 and honestly, it’s beyond time to do it cuz it worked like fire last time. The power play is also complete garbage so that doesn’t help. Some of these clowns pass it on a breakaway (KC did that ) instead of shooting tho so not sure how you fix this. Im a fan of Kyle but Jesus he’s done **** all since being back and neither has the team split em up
    3 points
  35. Both right and wrong imo. He was sub par for a fb / teams specialist no matter the passport. Taking a di spot only made it soo much worse. If he had become a strong kick cover guy and been a mike sellers blocking it’s a different story. Yep Wilson and barriere. I’d be stunned if we didn’t break camp with Eric Barriere as qb3/pr. He smashed Nichols and blms records at eastern Washington a powerhouse developmental pipe line for the cfl. He had a bunch of nfl looks and interest. Blue chip passing prospect. Terry Wilson is no slouch either. 4 star recruit headed for Nebraska who flipped to Oregon. Red shirted then Oregon fired coach frost and the team wanted to go in a different direction. Went to juco then to Kentucky then COVID hit and ended in New Mexico. More raw version of stevy. Strong dual threat qb with great tools. We also have a qb who converted to wr for nfl looks iirc but had a great career too dont know if he’s planned for wr or qb. If not we might bring in one more camp arm but with the Canadian we will get from cis they might not be needed.
    3 points
  36. I actually think you're wrong here... the problem with Jackson wasn't his contributions as a fullback... it's that he was taking up a DI spot on a position that easily could've been filled by a Canadian rookie... if his passport was different (even Global), I don't think anyone would've had a problem with him
    3 points
  37. As an aside, I'm a vet (Reserve) and I can tell you that no one is more brutal with slamming other units/branches than military people. And this is coming from someone affectionately (or not) known as a meathead.
    3 points
  38. See it's a joke because he was a Navy Seal and seals (the animal) are sometimes trained to do tricks like balance a ball on their nose.
    3 points
  39. Yeah..I kinda wondered what he was babbling about as Haba started in place of JJ and then couldn't get back on roster when JJ was back cause of a Seal
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. His arm didn’t look that exceptional. Michael Bishop’s arm was exceptional.
    2 points
  42. Arm is exceptional. Accuracy isn't there, pocket presence isn't there. Not a guy you mind standing on the sideline because he can win games running a normal offense. But I don't see anyone being more than .500 with him starting.
    2 points
  43. Interchangeable with corny imo. Not likely to be more than a qb2 but some chance with great coaching and a good offence of maybe taking a step.
    2 points
  44. I am actually looking forward to them only dressing 6 OL on the active roster this season (hopefully). Dressing 7 guys last season was another waste of a roster spot that hindered them elsewhere.
    2 points
  45. As a Canadian I don’t give 2 shits about the American military or navy seals and am happy Jackson was let go. Listen all the respect in the world for his services to a country I can’t stand but dude was a football player who wasn’t good enough. Seals huh. Seal your ass later
    2 points
  46. I think we will see significantly less cover 0, a lot more mixed zones, split field zone, more blitzes with a particular design as well. I hope, we will see better front useage like we had previously from hall not being a full time co, less feeding biggie to an OL to limit double teams, and of course more reasonable cushion in coverage. We get lost playing damn near prevent D in strange parts of games and just give away full length of the field drives.
    2 points
  47. I'll be curious what changes Younger will bring to our defensive schemes. Seeing what he will do will have an impact on our roster decisions.
    2 points
  48. u going way off the rails here bud...nobody is dissin' his service....as to which is totally unrelated or relevant to his football foray......so you can get off the soap box there He was tho above and beyond that a totally waste of a roster spot, and served no purpose any other payer could have in his role save for a punter or kicker and a lighter receiver/db...or someone built like Holm Boy....
    2 points
  49. He was always pretty subpar at tackle and didn't really find success until we moved him to Guard.
    2 points
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