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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-06-09 in Posts

  1. We made it boys and girls! Let's party! 🏈🍻🥳
    15 points
  2. Your Game Day Gifs Belong Here! Training camp is done. Team is set: So it's time to.... And, fly the flag. Get on your feet! Yeah you! LFG!!!!
    13 points
  3. First time ever Bomber regular season game on my Birthday
    12 points
  4. JCon

    Lions v stamps

    NO! YES!
    11 points
  5. LFG!!! Cameron tweeted earlier this week that they're anticipating 29,000 in the stadium tonight. I think we'll push 30,000.
    11 points
  6. Ewwwww. I'll take sleep thanks.
    9 points
  7. I bet we eclipse 30k tonight
    9 points
  8. No better time than the first game of the year to remind everyone why we are the best fans in the league. Show up, Be loud and celebrate a shellacking of the tabbies.
    9 points
  9. FNF the perfect time to start slapping teams around. Here's to another successful season but this year we retake the Grey Cup
    9 points
  10. Will they televise the post-game parking lot altercation tonight?
    9 points
  11. Why are you going to Regina?
    8 points
  12. JuranBoldenRules

    Lions v stamps

    In a business where 6 months of the year you are idle, there is no excuse to start your season without something so basic being functional.
    8 points
  13. Ready for the game baby!! Took the afternoon off, hit up the driving range. Dinner is made!! Getting ready to leave for IGF. If you're so inclined, get to your seats a bit earlier...my boy is playing flag football on the field before kickoff!
    7 points
  14. Reminded me of this:
    7 points
  15. They're hitting the media today. Weather at kick-off 25C and sunny. Wind 26, gusting to 39. Can you think of a better place to be tonight than Fort Hew? Heck no.
    7 points
  16. I’m not going to lie… The defense concerns me. Hopefully the offense can get off to a quick start and help them out. Either way, I’ll be there cheering my ass off!
    7 points
  17. And for the record, Matty and Jeff clarified this awhile back. There's 1x IGF and then IGF West (in The Gap).... Not an East/West....
    6 points
  18. Why are those hats $130!!!
    6 points
  19. Gotta be 5 o'clock som...ah who am I kidding, I started the day with Bailey's in my coffee!
    6 points
  20. Let's watch football and eat nachos and drink beer
    6 points
  21. There is no Progressive Conservative party at the federal level.
    6 points
  22. Jesse

    Lions v stamps

    Why the hell am I listening to an Ambrosie interview in the first game of the year while they all completely ignore a TD happening on the field?
    6 points
  23. You win the internet this afternoon, good sir! Soda out my nose.
    5 points
  24. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    Here I'll just get ahead of this and post what I'm sure a few other posters here are typing out on their keyboards in response: I'm going to enjoy drinking the salty tears of you libtards when PP takes out the most corrupt Prime Minister has ever had!
    5 points
  25. 17to85

    Lions v stamps

    Just blown away by how bad maier was. This is the guy you hitched your wagon to? Inaccurate, immobile, weak arm. Won't find a lotnof success like that.
    5 points
  26. Beverages are chilling in the fridge, so I'm ready. Just need to kill a day waiting.
    5 points
  27. 5 points
  28. do or die

    Lions v stamps

    Stamps may be entering a somewhat different era, here.....
    5 points
  29. Mike

    Lions v stamps

    Not having live stats to start the year is so CFL
    5 points
  30. Yeah I'm not getting any work done today.
    4 points
  31. Atomic

    Lions v stamps

    McMahon is such a dump. Can't they sneak a stadium into that multi-billion dollar sports complex they're building?
    4 points
  32. She’s still not over 2019.
    4 points
  33. 3 Feet of Meat?
    4 points
  34. Standing in a miles long security line at YYC.... Will be a hustle after security to make boarding but we'll be good. Land at 12:30 and then the party is on!! Woooooooo! Fort Hew on a gorgeous Manitoba Friday summer night... Ain't no better place in the world.
    4 points
  35. Well that's a lot better then the friends and family in Calgary last night
    4 points
  36. So pumped for this! Opening game is always a big thrill and I know the home fans will bring it. Will be watching the game myself with some friends who I hope to persuade to start watching the team with me haha.
    4 points
  37. Mr. Perfect

    Lions v stamps

    First and third quarter, the quarter will end if there is a penalty, minus a couple exceptions... https://cfldb.ca/rulebook/application-of-penalties/fouls-occur-on-last-play-of-quarter/
    4 points
  38. 3 points
  39. Eternal optimist

    Lions v stamps

    So... For stats why not at least keep what you had going while you make the updates to the new stats module? So bush league...
    3 points
  40. BaconNBigBlue

    Lions v stamps

    Gonna be a long year for Calgary.
    3 points
  41. Maier's arm is going to be a problem for Calgary.
    3 points
  42. The problem for BLM is the type of injuries he's had from 2019 on. He's had torn muscles and ligaments in his throwing shoulder, elbow and back. Nobody has come back from that really.
    3 points
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