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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-04-12 in Posts

  1. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    You are not a centrist voter, then. And the irony of you saying facts over feelings while then stating you'll plug your nose to vote for an alt-right, dog-whistling, rage-baiting populist ghoul to "mercy kill" the current gov't is highly contradictory. This is the same ghoul who supported and took donuts to the Kovidiot Klown Konvoy and their protest petulant tantrum, despite previously shitting on indigenous people for actually protesting the ongoing destruction of their lands at the hands of avarice-driven corporate interests. The same ghoul who shakes hands with white supremacists, marches with stochastic terrorists, tweets blatant misinformation, retweets an oxygen thief like Jordan Peterson, lies through his teeth on a daily basis, and continues to spend the bulk of his adult life suckling at the teat of taxpayers while simultaneously decrying taxation, government, and social responsibility. Also, suggesting many Canadians agree with you isn't the gotcha you think it is. It just means that those Canadians are also letting misguided emotion get in the way of critical thinking. And one more thing: Mario Dion didn't "resign in disgust" earlier this year. He cited his health as a driving factor: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-ethics-commissioner-retiring-after-5-years-citing-health-issues-1.6273311 (https://ciec-ccie.parl.gc.ca/en/news-nouvelles/Pages/Statement-Feb2023-Declaration.aspx)
    6 points
  2. What moderate policies are you referencing here? What specific policies do you see them moving away from that they should embrace? I feel you are trying to both sides this thing... I keep asking you for specifics, yet you never provide any. I suspect you are just going by your "feels" at this point, with no basis in reality...
    6 points
  3. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    That deficit spending is a real left wing policy. I wonder what a CPC gov't would do in a similar situation? Year budgetary balance (% of GDP) 2009-10 -3.6 2021-22 -3.6 Once again, it's not about facts, it's all about fake outrage and both siding everything.
    5 points
  4. As we rapidly approach training camp and as I look at flights to book to make sure that I am able to attend the first game of the year, aka the season opener, as I attended the Western Final, the last game of the year in Winnipeg for 2022, all I can hear is this song in my head... Let's go boys!!!! 2023 is our year!!! We are going to win it all!!!
    5 points
  5. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    That video right there is a fine example of what propaganda looks like. Oh, and human garbage.
    4 points
  6. Fatty Liver

    Canadian Politics

    As a native person are you unaware of how openly racist this iteration of the Conservative party is? Their definition of "old stock Canadians" only goes back 150 years.
    4 points
  7. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Eventually, the CPC will have to release some policies. As of now, other than ranting into a camera and offering nothing but rage farming, they've done nothing. They have nothing to share. Just like in the US, the right has no policies other than "woke bad" and tear everything down. The Trump administration was a huge failure because they did so little, other than pack the courts with alt-right judges and promote white supremacy. This is why PP will fail in an election because he has nothing to offer, other than rage farming and the Post Media lapdogs to wax poetic about him.
    4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    I'm forever thankful for people smarter than me, better able to articulate my feelings....fabulous work, team.
    4 points
  10. Yup, the Ref should be up for a hearing too...Interference? And how do you miss that brutal from behind hit from Reaves? Player safety huh?
    4 points
  11. Rich

    Random Jets News

    It is a combination of a lot of factors. It is also NHL / hockey fatigue. To see a dip in season ticket holders and attendance around the 10 year mark of a new franchise / relocated franchise is pretty typical if you look to some other recent examples (ie. Minnesota). If they hadn't planned for this, then they weren't really doing their homework. This city is too small to support the Jets, Moose, and Ice. The Ice is leaving. Question remains if this city can really support both the Jets and the Moose. Up until last year, I was part of a season ticket group where we shared seats. I went to about 18 games a season. Which, to be honest is too much just in terms of time commitment (let alone the $$$). Demand is no longer there and we downgraded to a mini pack. We now go to 11 games, which feels about the right amount. Similar to the number of home games for the Bombers. When they were selling out, a high percentage of full season tickets were groups of people splitting them. They seem reluctant to really push the mini packs, and sometimes feels like they are an after thought. They are currently only available for the 300 level. Why not open this up to the 200 / 100 levels? When we had a window to upgrade our seats, there was only options for full and half season tickets. I had to push them to open up the mini packs. Their website is a bit of a mess as well. There are pages where the mini packs aren't even talked about. Agree this messaging they are using is going to rub people the wrong way. #1 rule of marketing is know your target audience. They seem oblivious to who their target audience is.
    4 points
  12. https://www.bgmsportstrax.com/2023/04/11/winnipeg-blue-bombers-sign-rb-tazhawn-henry-and-ol-kelvin-ateman/
    4 points
  13. What a bunch of dirty f***s the Wild are. Can't believe Pionk got 5 and that asshat Reaves got nothing for his hit on Demelo.
    4 points
  14. the amount of space this fella is going to have on the field, thanks to the receivers, is going to be unreal........
    4 points
  15. 3 points
  16. None of this is indicative of a centrist voter. The clue is how often you use "hate". and yes PP is included in as hate. Also... this is not even a thing. He resigned because of health issues, unless you are calling him a liar, which would be odd...
    3 points
  17. They really are the Roughriders of the NHL. 1. "State of Hockey" (similar to "Canada's Team") - self-proclaimed titles 2. plenty of clueless, uninformed, arrogant, hypocritical fans 3. haven't won much of anything despite their hubris 4. rules for thee but not for me (last night was a prime example) **** 'em.
    3 points
  18. Bill C-11 is not an all out assault on free speech- that is hyperbole. It looks to need more work and to be ironed out, and that is what they seem to be doing in the senate right now. The Chretien/Martin government had a MUCH different environment when they were governing, where being fiscally prudent was the order of the day... that is not our reality right now. Also, I think you are mistaking the Overton window for your political center. The Overton window shifts, while what you consider acceptable policies do not.
    3 points
  19. A classless coach in charge of a classless team. Seriously, **** the Minnesota Wild.
    3 points
  20. Noeller

    Random Jets News

    THE reason they made playoffs....
    3 points
  21. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    It is the craziest thing that you all actually believe that....
    3 points
  22. Bettman would declare an emergency and end the season if two Canadian teams made it to the Stanley Cup. Everything he has worked for as commissioner would coming crashing down.
    3 points
  23. I’ll have what he’s having.
    3 points
  24. An inch taller and 5 pounds lighter than Blink. It's not just size but how you use it I keep telling my wife
    3 points
  25. They’ll give him one game and it won’t mean ****. It was a dirty cheap shot and everyone knows it, but there’s no way he’ll get anything more.
    3 points
  26. I feel a great disturbance in Nashville, as if a million voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. All good here tho.
    3 points
  27. Based on that tweet- he's got the observational skills of a young Helen Keller.
    3 points
  28. He now claims he was having fun and trash talking. Guy is a hack, I mean he works for the Sun. Oh and note, I am not trash talking, he's a hack.
    3 points
  29. JCon

    Random Jets News

    Bombers should update their season ticket campaign to be: We're not going anywhere because we have the best fans in the CFL.
    3 points
  30. This is fantastic, thanks for posting... makes you wonder why the CFL hasn't done something like this to promote the entire league... it's almost like they don't know what the heck they're doing...
    3 points
  31. I want to see if Reaves gets a fine for the boarding that went unpenalized, or gets fined or suspended for the late staged fight. If my reading of the rule is correct (or unless they have changed it) it required an instigator penalty to enforce the rule that any fight started in the last 5 minutes of the game where an instigator gets called nets an automatic league review that could lead to a one game suspension for the player and the coach. It was clear as day what happened out there, refs blew another call. I am not sure that there is an automatic suspension. He gets an automatic game misconduct (which applies to last night’s game).
    2 points
  32. Noeller

    Random Jets News

    I think, more than the team on the ice, it's SUPER important for TNSE to make sure the in-house entertainment is top notch......the game day experience....... so that even when the team isn't playing well (they can't all be ******* winners) then at least people are having a good time at the rink and want to be there. If the game day experience is as bad as some are suggesting on here, and you combine that with lacklustre effort on the ice.......that's how you get to a drop of 3000 season tickets (according to Chipman)
    2 points
  33. Their fans are clueless too. For a northern state they have a terrible understanding. Booing the Hartman penalty lmao
    2 points
  34. If they are going to basically threaten to move the team after a pandemic and recession, they can leave as far as I am concerned. The amount of money I have poured into that team is depressing.
    2 points
  35. I've said it before and will say it again: **** the Wild. No better way to clinch a playoff spot than by embarrassing those turds in front of their fans.
    2 points
  36. JCon

    US Politics

    IF they get another term, they'll be building whole new camps for immigrants and other undesirables and taking them there by train. We're not too far off.
    2 points
  37. The Bombers will be much older than the Stamps this year after all their good players fled via Free agency, and their recruitment is down to Dave Dickenson handing out candy to players at Junior High Friday night light games in West Texas. I mean really....has any team had a worse offseason than the Stamps? They seriously crapped the bed. Their roster, which wasn't good enough last year, has been seriously downgraded and DD doesn't seem to have a hot clue how to negotiate an extension. Orimalade, Thurman, Lemon....that's 3 all stars gone from their team, not just all stars but 3 guys who were all legit CFL DMOP calibre last year. Would be like us losing Jefferson, Jeffcoat, and Biggie in one offseason.
    2 points
  38. What a game! Wild are the dirtiest team in the league 😇
    2 points
  39. Bomber ticket is like beer and nachos at a Jets game.
    2 points
  40. I know Willard Reaves a little bit and he has always been a good guy, but his kids are punks.
    2 points
  41. Only reason Reaves doesn’t get a boarding call there is because DeMelo luckily got up. Totally dirty hit. League always punishes the result, not the act. Bush league.
    2 points
  42. Haven’t listened to him in a while so I’ll reserve judgment, but I was not a fan when he started out. Too wordy for hockey PBP, always behind on the play.
    2 points
  43. Paul Edmonds is an outstanding play by play guy.
    2 points
  44. Minny rested a bunch of stars last night.
    2 points
  45. When you think he is gonna almost kind of be an afterthought somewhat, and yes, having more space to do things than last year, with that valuable year of experience as the guy now....he gonna be a load to contain, and we just seen the tip of what he is capable of, as he just got better, and better as the season progressed...And from all accounts...he's putting in the work at a beastmode level this offseason too
    2 points
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