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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-12-09 in Posts

  1. From this morning's Freep. (And by God, if you can - please subscribe to this fantastic, independent newspaper!) Neufeld said he, just like each one of his teammates, has a personal story to tell that demonstrates the care and concern of their long-time bench boss. “My partner and our dog were in Saskatoon and my partner came up for the Banjo Bowl in 2016 and left our dog at a kennel overnight. There was a tragedy at the kennel where 14 dogs passed away (due to a heater malfunctioning) and our dog was one of them. It was really devastating for us,” Neufeld explained. “He was our best friend. He was just our big goofy dog and he spent a lot of time with my partner. I remember getting the phone call and right away I went and told Osh. He said, ‘Do whatever you have to do. Go home and make sure everything is OK and take as much time as you need.’ And that was in the middle of a football season. “You hear stories like that from lots of guys going through personal things where Osh makes sure you’re OK first as a person and then the football will catch up. He’s someone you can’t do anything but respect and admire in that regard,” added Neufeld.
    14 points
  2. I love how they say "Canada's team" completely unironically..... hilarious and adorable.
    7 points
  3. CFL Headlines @CFL_Headlines · 9m Rider Nation Podcast: The nightmare that is the 2022 season won't end. In episode 25 of the Rider Nation Podcast, we talk about no one wanting to be part of Canada's team, although that's not necessarily a bad thing. We also cover Jason https://youtu.be/-Dc1WxyMcSw via @RiderPodcast 🙄
    7 points
  4. 7 points
  5. Can't see him giving oshea 3 years if he doesn't plan on being around for it.
    6 points
  6. Let's all be clear about this. Prukop got more playing time because he is a gadget player. End of story. When collaros got hurt, who finished the Calgary drive? Who finished the BC game? Who started the games that didn't matter? I've heard this argument a few times and it's based on faulty logic. Brown is the replacement for Collaros should something happen, not prukop. The Bombers were fortunate to have a gadget player in prukop that could bring something different to the table. He wasn't the #2 QB because Brown is a better QB for this Offense. Also....isn't Brown under contract until next year?
    6 points
  7. Thought I'd share this from my Facebook page... That picture with the little booth looks scary. I have a major fear of heights. Peter Young is with Mike Kelly and 9 others . eSdnotposr05uh279aut1t12h109hg01u32ch865g47ia62h06tl4hg69uc4 · Boy this photo from Al Nickel sure brought back some great memories. In the five seasons in the late 70's that I did the play by play broadcasts of the CFL on CTV it seemed like we did almost every BC Lions home game. Obviously because the network tried to schedule an east and west game on the same night. One year we did 6 of the Lions home games. OK, the significance. See the red circle I put on the photo. Blow that up on your device and you'll see a little white broadcast booth (shack). That's where we called the games. On the freakin roof. To get there (again blow up the picture) we had to climb straight up a steel ladder from the level below, walk along one of those wooden pathways to get to the booth. Camera guys had to hoist those huge studio cameras up through the hole with ropes. I did two years of games from that perch with colour commentator Fred Fleming and three years with the late Frank Rigney. At halftime, if you had to pee, you had two options....climb down the steel ladder, stand in line with fans who had been drinking beer and hope you made it back for the second half OR...what we did....just walk out of the booth...AND PEE ON THE ROOF.
    5 points
  8. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Alberta suspended their gas tax... know what happened? Stations charged 10 cents more per litre. (Tax was 8 cents I believ)
    5 points
  9. So they think it might be a good thing that no coaches with success, experience, mouth full of teeth, personal grooming supplies, wants to be a part of their team??
    5 points
  10. **Shrugs** The operations cap is the reason we can keep these guys together. It's not like anyone else can offer significantly more.
    5 points
  11. WTF is Hodge doing? What a greasy comment that was. Claiming Miller is "non committal" about Walters. Trying to create a controversy that isn't there. Just another fanboy masquerading as a journalist.
    4 points
  12. MOS: It has me crusty and it’s probably going to take me until training camp not to be crusty. Q: You’ll wear it that long? MOS: Probably. Me, too, Osh.... me, too.....
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    And Kinew is conspiring with Singh... Actually, if they're smart they won't mention this. With the NDP propping up Trudeau's Liberals, it could be a good time to have a provincial NDP government
    4 points
  15. Fatty Liver

    Canadian Politics

    That's the key, they rarely do, they provide sound bites of negativity to dwell on and shout out, but rarely provide a contrary plan or an explanation of their reasoning. Mainly because their followers are either too lazy to bother looking deeper into an issue than the soundbite itself, or are intellectually incapable of understanding it's complexity.
    4 points
  16. What a horrible thing to happen to those dogs
    4 points
  17. 3 points
  18. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    I'm not a genius, but I'd argue this point. Between profiteers raising prices and the added costs of delaying publicly funded infrastructure and services, it doesn't actually ring true in real life.
    3 points
  19. I listened to 1 minute and 15 seconds before shutting it off. Direct quote re: finding an OC: "this is the RIDERS, you'd think people would be lined up" Lolololol do they not know that it's the least desirable location in the country?
    3 points
  20. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Except, we all get the rebates.
    3 points
  21. Walters isn’t looking to leave. He has been here 10 years and built this up from the ground floor. I wouldn’t just be handing over the keys to the best franchise in the league to have someone else come in and succeed immediately off my work. They will figure something out. We will see if the operations cap even exists in 2024.
    3 points
  22. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    "not really adding nothing"....... sigh.
    3 points
  23. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    Name calling and zero added value...
    3 points
  24. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    That sounds consistent. When the going gets tough, conservatives whine and cry for their cookies and go home for a nap. Then, everyone else cleans up their mess.
    3 points
  25. Watch Maas get it Wouldn’t you just leave your Saskatchewan employment out of it - and just say you were incarcerated during that gap at this point?
    3 points
  26. Raise your hand if your greed and pettiness helped your former team's biggest rival end the league's longest drought a season later.
    3 points
  27. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    CPC MP and Covidiot Clown Convoy Cheerleader Raquel Dancho was ejected by House Speaker Anthony Rota from the HOC yesterday after accusing Liberal MP Vance Badeway of lying and neither withdrawing the comment nor apologizing for it. The event was sparked when Badeway was responding to questions posed by CPC MP Dane Lloyd regarding highly controversial Bill C-21. video of the event: https://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20221208/-1/38229?Embedded=true&globalstreamId=20&startposition=16866&viewMode=3 Exactly. And if those greedy fucks chose to pay their fair share, we'd all be better off.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. It's probably just old or unreleased music. The song I Admit It was originally released in 2018 so I'd guess the rest of the album is the same.
    2 points
  30. I can't recall anyone here stating she blamed the carbon "tax" alone for inflation. However, the implication of blame is in the letter penned by her, Moe, and Kenney back in late March: Actual data substantiating the claim that suspending it would help Manitobans. It shouldn't be difficult to crunch some numbers and objectively determine if the carbon "tax" is exacerbating inflation issue for Manitobans. Her only explanation was: It seems a bit lazy and disingenuous to make a claim like that, have it refuted, and then make the above statement to defend her position.
    2 points
  31. Bigblue204

    Canadian Politics

    One of my issues with the government/Health experts throughout this thing has been the messaging around what they're doing and why. It's been a master class of how to **** it all up basically. Started with the "2 weeks" to flatten the curve. Moved on to masking and then eventually the vaccine. I believe part of the reasoning for what could be seen as flat out lies (stops transmission) comes from a misunderstanding of how the world works today among other things. When it came to the 2 weeks to flatten the curve. I STILL hear people use that phrase as if it meant - 2 weeks of obedience = pandemic over. Anyone who thought that was possible in the age of flight is flat out idiot....full stop.... And anecdotally, the people I know personally who still go one about that are some of the, for lack of a better term, dumbest people I know. And I mean that in a didn't do well in high school at all type of way. When it comes to things like stopping transmission. I actually agree with you. It was 100% said by people who should have known better. And it's my belief they did say things like that to convince people to get it. Knowing that if they said it doesn't stop transmission(like most vaccines), or we don't know...that there would be major push back and the vaccine may not be relevant in the fight at all. Was it right for them to do that? no. Where ever the message got mixed up, those people should have known better, the internet has changed everything including how fast information flows. It was only a matter of time before it became public knowledge. Hindsight is always 20/20 and looking back, it's a mistake that imo should cost people their lively hoods. Was greed involved 100%...they're humans like the rest of us and lost of money was on the table. Judge them for that if you want, but we all have a price. You can sit there and say you don't. But you're wrong. Was it human error, absolutely. If you've ever worked for someone, regardless of how small the company, you should understand how 1 persons can really **** up a lot of things. The bigger the company the more often that happens. When it's a global organization...there was bound to be some major major major mistakes. We aren't good enough for there not to be. When it comes to myocarditis and other side effects of the vaccine. I honestly don't know what people were expecting. The flames were DEFINETLY fanned by the grifters (still are) claiming that myocarditis in young people is 1) new, which is a flat out lie and 2) a serious condition in most cases, again a flat out lie. But what I don't understand is this belief that there would be some magical cure (or IS some magical cure) with no side effects. There isn't a single medication on this planet that is safe for everyone to take. Not one. Nothing. Zip, nadda. That's not the way the universe seems to work. The vast majority of my personal and professional circle has gotten the vaccine. Many people are on 4 or 5 shots now. I don't know a single person who has had a serious side effect occur. Not one. That cirlce includes, elderly, middle age, teen agers, young children, pregnant women etc etc etc. The vaccine has side effects. In some people, they can be severe. Does that mean it shouldn't be used? No. Not at all. To believe that is flat out ignorance of how the world works and how the human body works. It slows transmission, slows serious illness and gave us a chance to help out the failing systems the world over. IT WAS NOT PERFECT. That's ok nothing is or ever will be. The grifters still talking about what will happen in ten years etc etc are doing so because they found their honey pot. Even if you're not giving them money directly, you are supporting them financially. Again, the internet has changed a lot of things. How people make money is certainly one of them. The people claiming they know how the RNA vaccines work because they helped invent them is very similar to someone who used to build cars in the 80's claiming they know how to work on a car built in 2022. They'll have a very basic understanding sure...but the devil is in the details. And they unless they've been brought up to date, they don't know ****. Anyway...that's my ramblings and thoughts on the matter.
    2 points
  32. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    As have all useless cons. It's all a blame game without a fundamental understanding of inflation and the factors that cause it. You really have to speak slowly or Cons get that glazed over look and say, 'ef Trudeau'. Drool.
    2 points
  33. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    You're suggesting that the Conservative base knows the difference. They don't.
    2 points
  34. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    So they're going to run on fighting inflation caused by Trudeau... And guns! Don't forget muh guns! So predictable.
    2 points
  35. Why are you doing this? 😂
    2 points
  36. Walters has said it was OShea first and his contract later. Did'y seemed worried about it.
    2 points
  37. His wiki say Italian but he's referred to himself as Mexican so I think he'd be a pretty good source of information. "To think that a skinny little Mexican kid from La Puente, Calif., could be in this position, I could barely hold it all in," said Anthony Calvillo, his voice cracking." https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-2011-10-12-sc-spt-1012-plaschke-20111012-38-story.html
    2 points
  38. TrueBlue4ever

    Game 25 : @Blues

    Need to hit 5 with more than 5 minutes left in the 3rd to release the Andrea. Team is now 17-0-0 when scoring 3 or more.
    2 points
  39. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    That's why the last POS Premier did it. But, the sooner they're out, the better for everyone.
    2 points
  40. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    If the Cons are floating the idea of a spring election, there must be bad news looming for the province if not the PCs.
    2 points
  41. So they basically interviewed their own coaching staff and Jason Maas.
    2 points
  42. Can't see why Walters would want to move on from something he contributed a great deal to, building a winner...As long as Mike O is in the Peg, and it looks like that he will be for the forseeable future, Walters and Osh will remain together... cuz together they're golden for this club...Just can't see it any other way
    1 point
  43. Capitalism at it’s finest.
    1 point
  44. Yeah Walters is signed through 2023 so they aren't in a rush to get his deal done.
    1 point
  45. Probably did think that, they are that dumb.
    1 point
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