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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-10-08 in Posts

  1. OMG I just read Mcguire's picks for the week. "Saskatchewan is on the upswing" he said. That is an actual quote.
    9 points
  2. 6pm CT kickoff at IGF. With a Toronto win over the Leos and Winnipeg over Edm, we can all lock down some tix for Sunday Nov 13! LFG!
    8 points
  3. Could you imagine how out of hand this game would be without Dan Clark in the lineup
    7 points
  4. Ed Tait said Wolitarsky and Ellingson are not far away from being back.
    6 points
  5. 6 points
  6. Just a bit off on your dates but not as bad as this guy who may have shown up to an empty IGF tonight... 😂
    6 points
  7. We spent most of the game handing them the ball. Thankfully, the Riders have no idea what to do with a football (or soap and toothpaste).
    6 points
  8. Let's goooooooooooo! It's Oktoberfest!
    5 points
  9. look....Buck Pierce is a better offensive co'ordinator than Glenn...I'll put money on that
    5 points
  10. And finish sub .500 hahahaha
    5 points
  11. Stf up and show and explain what's going on in the game
    5 points
  12. 3300 yards and 19 passing tds both separate years. Kg has 9 seasons with more passing yards than bucks best and 7 years with more passing tds than bucks best. 288 career tds to 191 picks. Over 50k passing yards. In the 15 seasons he actually played games in he averaged more yards per year than bucks career peak. That’s including a bunch of seasons with only a handful of passing attempts. Buck pierce put up 92 tds and 76 picks. Buck only surpassed 14 passing tds in whole career once. kg put up 14 in the first year he took kharis job here. Then he passed that mark 11 times. buck pierce is the bombers Dan Clark. He was a warrior and totally loveable. Kg often wasn’t terribly likeable. But buck was never half the qb kg was in his prime. People are bitter about the lost gc and kg never being clutch. But buck is the most over rated qb in bombers history.
    4 points
  13. do or die

    Think of it this way…

    It went off...... just the way we planned it......
    4 points
  14. Welllll we did it in 2015 so can’t really say much lol.
    4 points
  15. I'm fully convinced that he's translating the calls in his head on the fly and that's why it sounds like he's fumbling over his words. I like that he explains some of the more oddball penalties sometimes though so we know what's going on... Even if he fluvs it a bit sometimes.
    4 points
  16. looks like suitor has finally been kicked off rider games.
    4 points
  17. I told you all BC was terrible. Let's ******* go!
    3 points
  18. Let’s gooo end this lions game and get a bomber win What would they do if game one went into lightning delay? Hold the second game for an hour two or more?
    3 points
  19. We **** kicked BC when they had a good QB.
    3 points
  20. So the guy who runs this account is a Riders fan, clearly, but this statement bothers me.... I feel like the Bombers had exemplary attendance with worse records for years. I will fight to the death that Winnipeg has way more hardcore fans than the Riders. The Riders have a lot more bandwagon fans.
    3 points
  21. 100% it’s not even close.
    3 points
  22. I don’t think there’s an argument at all… with the exception of a broken play here and there from Buck … Kevin Glenn was consistent a better QB
    3 points
  23. Mcadoo built an offense to hide his weaknesses ad much as he could and riderfans had no stomach for it because it was boring.
    3 points
  24. not all sask fans are deluded... reddit comment re game: "Guys!! If you're into some juicy commentary, tune into 620 CKRM in about 30 minutes for the greatest comedy show you'll hear all week. It will feature a bunch of drunk raging Rider fans coming unglued about how **** this team is. Usually the episodes are downloadable in podcast form, but last week was so bad that they didn't put it up because everyone was calling for the entire Rider organization to be fired... on the Rider radio network. I imagine this week will be worse." sask 29 yards rushing. hope they keep faj next season. he is entertaining. that down field rifle arm.
    3 points
  25. 2-9 in their last 11. The only team they have beat is Edmonton (barely) and lost their last game vs Edmonton. On the upswing though!
    3 points
  26. Rider fans everyone.... I have seen some **** as a Bomber fan, and I watched every god damned minute of it.
    3 points
  27. Somewhat like a car crash, where you just can't look away........
    3 points
  28. I actually know this guy. He’s not the brightest lol.
    3 points
  29. Noeller

    Upcoming Movies

    I didn't want to be the first adult here to say it....
    3 points
  30. Am impressed with Hills' tough running.
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. how did this team score 48 v. bombers?
    3 points
  33. once again the game is a streaming exclusive here's the link https://www.nhl.com/jets/video/live-jets-at-flames/t-277437442/c-42256603?fbclid=IwAR07Sudffwzw06wJTAjQx-OSfcumhDDn_H2fpJCSVSPHo9UC9cB8o4Ft2MM
    2 points
  34. evans going to have no figer prints after this game
    2 points
  35. Dan Clark would have caught that
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. Durant sucks. Makes way too much $$$.
    2 points
  38. Don’t run the ball as much. When you have 10 Carrie’s a game, it doesn’t leave much room to do stuff like that. Some teams would do better to commit to it though.
    2 points
  39. Is Proulx drunk? WTF is Proulx talking about
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. WTF was that He gets hit a ton even without sacks Wear a mouth guard that is clear, white, black, or a team colour. Anything else is stupid
    2 points
  42. Honestly just absurdly dumb
    2 points
  43. Wait….. the Riders have a Big Play belt now? LMFAO. What a bunch of clowns. I think he used up all his Rider Vouchers. Gonna be doing Ottawa and Elk games the rest of the season.
    2 points
  44. What a duck by Evans Also McInnis gave up on the ball immediately and went down to get a call
    2 points
  45. God the Riders are an insufferable bunch.
    2 points
  46. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    Sanna Marin hits the nail on the head.
    2 points
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