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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-03-18 in Posts

  1. I think the lower scoring is less related to how good defenses are but more on CFL offense. Been thinking about this back in the hay day of CFL scoring Mid 90's to mid 00's teams turned the ball over a lot more than they do these days. The best quarterbacks in league all had 20 to 30 int's in a season turn overs lead to short fields and short fields lead to points. Also the fact that teams use a lot of ball control offense drive the ball 10-15 plays in six or seven minutes you score three TD on long drives and that burns up a lot of clock. No teams just constantly are chucking the ball down the field because they don't want to turn it over. Special teams also factors in to it as well less big returns starting field position has probably also trend further to offenses own goal lines.
    5 points
  2. there are a lot of terrible burger related takes in this thread get with it, old timers
    5 points
  3. No love for 5 Guys? Great burgers, lots of toppings, great fries. Happy happy joy joy for any burger efficienado.
    4 points
  4. Bacon cheeseburger and fries with a Fort Garry Dark and a ride to the East Final from Fionn McCool's for $15 bucks is just about the best money I've ever spent in my life. It took forever and a dog's age to GET to the game, and we just barely made it for kickoff......but all in all, that's a good $15.
    4 points
  5. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Not to mention the sh**-eating grins on the faces of those around her like Cameron Friesen while she's deflecting a question about a tragic death with news of her son's private school hockey team... And then the big applause given to her by the PC MLA's after. Who are these people? Any normal person would have the understanding not to answer a question about someone's death by bragging about your privileged family, especially when her party's mismanagement had a large part to play in the incident.
    4 points
  6. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    And less popular than Jason Kenney! That's quite the accomplishment because everyone hates Jason Kenney.
    4 points
  7. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    This really bothers me for several reasons. There are opportunities in the Leg for just this type of comment to be entered into Hansard. It happens all the time. They recognize guests, they make statements and it's all good. But to ignore a very valid question and one they knew was coming is disrespectful to the family of the victim and all Manitobans. Whoever advised her to make this statement in response to the first question should be fired. Deflecting the question is one thing that all politicians do but to completely ignore the question and go off about your child tells you what type of person Stefanson is. Privileged, out of touch and completely inappropriate for the job as premier. It also bothers me because I know the coach and he and his whole family are such good people. Obviously, no one is going after him but his name has been repeated many times through people watching the clip and through reading Hansard.
    4 points
  8. I'm just truly embarrassed for our species. To paraphrase Walter Cronkite , we're really good at finding ways to kill each each other mentally, spiritually and physically but suck at finding ways to build unity across the board. Usually no matter how one packages it, humans will find a way to take good and make it bad. However the comforting news is when surrounding yourself with diverse group of sane people it does help keep one going and hoping.
    4 points
  9. Not just thoughtless but plain stupid. What politician has no ability to address an issue or question with a bit of " political double talk " and not make a target of yourself. She is way, way over her head .
    3 points
  10. all this talk about improving the offense....Ambrosie said he wants to see 49-49 games be a regular thing.........really? Do people not like seeing good defense? I love seeing great coverage by DBs...I love seeing a great pass rush from the line. I love seeing a great blitz from the LB corps. All this changing to make it easier on the O seems really artificial and dumb.
    3 points
  11. makes u laugh eh?...considering how good our line is....works for me tho
    3 points
  12. Dairi-Wip(my all-time fav), Burger Factory, and Nuburger are all excellent and all quite different from each-other flavor wise.
    3 points
  13. Can't believe how many accolades McDonalds is getting here. I guess sometimes calories are more important than standards. Fatburger for me.
    3 points
  14. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Her comments on Tuesday were so thoughtless, and the fact that she took roughly two days to issue what seemed like a pretty generic and insensitive apology speaks to how out of touch she really is. What an embarrassment.
    3 points
  15. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    I'm guessing if that poll was taken today, the small bump Stefanson has made would be wiped out by her appalling performance this week. Still dead last either way.
    3 points
  16. I'm a sucker for burgers, period. You can all crap on me if you want, but one of my all time favourites is the MCD cheeseburger (2 or 3 of them).
    3 points
  17. I like watching a dominant defense but I didn't always. In my youth, I was a pure offense guy. I barely paid attention to the plays the defense was running. I didn't even learn much about coverage until I played Madden and, even then, I would often just take the recommended play. All this to say, that I understand why offense is the focus. I understand that it helps sell the game to the more casual fans. The NFL, right this moment, has probably the most talented and most entertaining group of QBs ever and the CFL doesn't.
    2 points
  18. Ironically one of the sources that Hal Mumme who invented the air raid (Leach was an assistant for him) used was the hurry up offense/two minute drive that Don Matthews used in bc and the WLAF. I agree we have stagnated in terms of offensive inovation.
    2 points
  19. I don't mind moving the hash marks in, but I don't expect that will result in anything more than higher FG %.
    2 points
  20. the watcher

    US Politics

    To quote Chris Hedges - " Trump is the face of our collective idiocy. He is what lies behind the mask of our professed civility and rationality ----- A sputtering , narcissistic, imbecilic megalomaniac " I believe Hedges is right.Trump is a symptom of the inner rot that infects the world right now. He would never have been elected if he didn't mirror the ethos of a large portion of the USA
    2 points
  21. If they want higher scores then why not merge the league with Arena football?
    2 points
  22. Why not reduce the number of players on the filed by one as well and rename the CFL to "NFL Tier Two"?
    2 points
  23. Nuburger is tremendous Dairi Wip is Rock star
    2 points
  24. Here's an idea Don't **** with what makes the CFL unique I agree removing the DI spot. I think tho that there's only 9 teams so parity is gonna be a thing and the o won't improve because D is part of the game so just have the D only allowed 3 players on Defense at all times cuz that's less dumb than 4 downs Crazy idea here. Allow the QB to actually be hit? Curious tho? So as fans we'd be less close to field level or would we all add seats?
    2 points
  25. Want to improve offenses? Drop 2 of the DI spots. Teams use them almost exclusively for defensive players now to keep their guys fresh and throw different situational looks at an offense. That's the biggest change.
    2 points
  26. I read some quotes last fall about how both sides were actually really looking forward to getting together, and the PA pres (Solly?) was saying that he was really excited about working with the owners because they were on the same page. So I really think this is going to be a bunch of handshakes and paper signing....not contentious at all.
    2 points
  27. "No such thing as bad publicity"
    2 points
  28. CFL calling it self a pedestrian product? Wow. The people in charge of the cfl are only limitless in their ability to get dumber, and do their job worse. I like the hash mark move idea. That would well be worth trying. Changing the length of holding is a terrible idea. The pass rush makes the passing game as exciting as it is. We already muddle through horrid struggles with holding calls that would just make it much worse.
    2 points
  29. No Commish runs any league...they're just a figure-head for the BoG. If we want real change (or to PREVENT real change) we need to take it up with Wade, or in SF27's case, whoever the hell is Calgary's rep on the BoG. I have no doubts in my mind that Wade is on the same side as most fans...I'd be shocked if he wasn't fighting the good fight from the inside. It's the Toronto's and Montreal's of the world that want to see NFL-Lite.
    2 points
  30. I see the problem as this... Everytime they look at "growing the game" the only voices they ask are the ones that are just NFL fans. Of course they'll tell you they want 4 downs, it's what they watch. They never ask the CFL fans how to grow the game. They don't advertise. They're partners just want to sell off the league. Then they get mouthpieces like Farhan and Naylor, who have a vested interest in pushing the league south, out there waving their hands. The CFL, as a league, seem uderrly bewildered on how to grow the CFL. It's embarrassing.
    2 points
  31. we get it, Al....trust me.....we all get it. But your constant harping is just really annoying man...... trust me, we all get it.
    2 points
  32. My cholesterol levels are going up just reading these burger takes ....Burger me up and take me to the game ....and I'm good for the day
    2 points
  33. Mark H.

    US Politics

    They'd be completely different people if they did.
    2 points
  34. I betcha she's an awesome hockey mom to be around said no one ever.
    2 points
  35. Need a picture of Bobby Gorgeous
    2 points
  36. https://angusreid.org/premiers-performance-march/
    2 points
  37. Automatic ban to anyone that posts a pic of a player wearing #85 pre-Milt era...
    2 points
  38. Time for social media backlash from cfl fans. If they aren't stopped now we won't have a cfl in 5 years.
    2 points
  39. 1 point
  40. bustamente

    Canadian Politics

    She has always been over her head in all her portfolio's and this time she failed up the ranks, she knows the next election will not be kind to her and her party
    1 point
  41. bigg jay

    Canadian Politics

    Just another woulda shoulda coulda moment for her. The next election cannot come soon enough.
    1 point
  42. Wow. It’s like if any of us at work were in the boardroom, meeting room, lunchroom whatever and someone asked us to say a few words to help comfort a colleague who lost a child and we start off by celebrating our sons football championship win or daughters hockey championship win. What in actual f. Show some class, some empathy. Your timing to share a proud parent moment sucked royally.
    1 point
  43. JCon

    US Politics

    Douchebag and coward.
    1 point
  44. rebusrankin

    NFL thread

    I don't recall that one. I recall the 30 for 30 called Broke which dealt with how athletes of all races often go bankrupt.
    1 point
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