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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-01-30 in Posts

  1. GCJenks

    Canadian Politics

    Walking around with a Nazi flag should be an arrest on sight offence. There sure isn’t much left to the legitimacy of their protest when they allow this to go own.
    6 points
  2. A placard put on a statue of beloved Terry Fox reading Mandate Freedom. What?? Derp Derp Derpidity Derp The people or person who did this should be forced to apologize to the family of Terry Fox on national television and be fined heavily for being THE stupidest person on this planet (and maybe universe dunno). I’m embarrassed as a human being.
    4 points
  3. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    Today is a really sad day for me. I had hoped what we've seen in the US come to the fore during the Trump years would galvanize us against going down the same road. I had hoped conservative politicians would show leadership and create intentional separation between themselves and the far right. I thought we were better as a country. Nazi flags, partying at the war memorial, Prime Minister needing to be moved, defacing Terry Fox statue - this in a cause that was known to have ties to the far right, yet was encouraged by self-serving politicians with real power in our country. I'm not sure where we go from this level of divisiveness now and I'm genuinely scared for our future.
    4 points
  4. I'd like to know how many of these people at the " truckers protest " are actually truckers. Even the ones who actually drove trucks. A good percentage ,maybe half of farms have semis now, or often multiple semis. That doesn't make them truckers. A trucker is someone who makes his living trucking. I have my class 1 and drove trucks both in construction and farming but I'm not a trucker.
    3 points
  5. I don't care what I was protesting , old man or not, if someone is carrying a Nazi flag by me the war is back on. These damn cowards down there protesting are to gutless, or have no problem with Nazis so they allow it in their protest.The same with what went on at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It's disgusting.
    3 points
  6. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    It would probably be best for all the news media to simply say, " The bunch of idiots in the Trucker parade defaced a memorial, carried a Nazi flag and extorted food from a charity" and leave it at that. The Sun would probably print that " bold heroes expressed themselves vigorously."
    3 points
  7. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    lol. arrogant, stupid, freeloading , toothless, stinking, stained gotch, illiterate hillbilly jobless bums, nazi/KKK racists defacing tributes to truly selfless, heroic Canadians. Probably a lot of them with criminal records, not paying child maintenance wife beating. losers all. burdens on society. not fit to lick the dirt off the sole of Terry Fox 's shoe. All the attention will just make it worse probably
    3 points
  8. So apparently some of these Convoy aholes harrassed staff at a homeless shelter, demanding food. Staff gave it to them to avoid a huge issue. These people are evil.
    3 points
  9. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    erin otoole must be proud of himself today.
    3 points
  10. Huff usually doesn't overpay. Expect some vets to be going to FA from the Stamps now. They have their OL signed so I expect they'll be a run heavy team with noodle armed Bo playing. Now we know why Sankey is not coming back.
    2 points
  11. Splurging on an American RB..... Wellsir.... That's one way to spend your budget, alright......
    2 points
  12. As a sask fan stay away from Moncrief, I want him back. Looking at FA list I wonder if the Bombers would be interested in Zach Williams from Calgary. Played pretty well last year for the stamps, honestly might have been the second best LG in the CFL behind Desjarlias. He is from Brandon and played at U of M. If you guys lose Couture and Eli could have some money to spend on a veteran guy from another team.
    2 points
  13. Was not in Ottawa for the past few years. They have problems, yes, but he has nothing to do with them.
    2 points
  14. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Ironic that we need vaccine mandates because we have so many selfish, self-centered, d-bags. If everyone acted responsibly and respectfully of others, "mandates" would disappear.
    2 points
  15. These idiots are not true Canadians and know nothing about what freedom really means, their actions today in Ottawa is all about getting their faces on social media and looking like fools
    2 points
  16. bustamente

    NFL thread

    As long as Andy Reid loses I'm okay with the result hated him since he was with the Eagles, and nobody would of had the Bengals going to the Super Bowl with a second year qb who was coming off a terrible injury last year
    1 point
  17. Venus, Les, Bailey, Andy
    1 point
  18. bustamente

    NFL thread

    Chiefs/ Bengals games has been a wild ride going to OT
    1 point
  19. What will Stanback be seeking if he outperforms Carey in 2022?
    1 point
  20. Tracker


    In March, apparently- testing underway now with promising results so far.
    1 point
  21. Pretty much. After schiltz you have vets who barely have a pulse. If he's terrible what do you call brown and McGuire? 😄
    1 point
  22. MOBomberFan

    The RIP 2022 Thread

    @Noeller Isn't this the guy from your old avatar?
    1 point
  23. Schiltz is terrible? Relative to QB play around our league today? He's about as good a backup anyone can hope for, and could start for a weak team (OTT). CFL takes what it can get at QB. Schiltz has won games as a starter in this league. We are very fortunate to have Collaros, that much is clear. I'm not looking forward to wandering the desolate QB-hunting grounds in the future.
    1 point
  24. you're correct. CFL.ca said he was on the free agency list but after a google search i can see he signed 6 days ago.
    1 point
  25. Zack Williams has resigned with Calgary... Yes, would have been a very good option, here...
    1 point
  26. the watcher


    Canada - % 79 fully vaccinated plus %6 partially vaccinated for a total of % 85 vaccinated . The other %15 I'm sure include a % or 2 who can't get Vaccinated and I feel for them. The rest can sit down, shut up and F off. I have no time for them.
    1 point
  27. rebusrankin


    Wait, they want to turn us into cyborgs? I though Skynet just wanted to kill us all?
    1 point
  28. Interesting about Sankey. Calgary has done a good job locking guys up, wonder what the story is there?
    1 point
  29. Moncrief would be a nice add. I am wondering if they are hoping Donovan Olumba is a potential SAM?
    1 point
  30. I'm sure Moncrief will get a lot of love from Sask... I hope we get our own here....
    1 point
  31. JohnnyAbonny

    Canadian Politics

    I haven’t lived in Olds since 2006 but that doesn’t surprise me. The amount of racist garbage I heard in my short time there was staggering and that was with the Harper government. My reasonable, kind hearted (aka left wing radical) brother who still lives there has been baseline mood disgusted for years now.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    Yes, I have- grew up there and spent a few years of my practice there. There were a few misanthropes but nowhere near Alberta levels.
    1 point
  34. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    they display the same logic that my 3 year old son does. and when told no throw the same kind of tantrums.
    1 point
  35. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Did you spend time in rural Manitoba? Cause I promise you, you will hear and see the exact same **** there.
    1 point
  36. He has hamstring issues. That's a huge problem if it becomes chronic for Williams. That could be career ending. My son tore his left hamstring training in the off season between his junior & season season at the end of January 2015. He went to spring camp 2 months later but couldn't run. He was in line to be the srarter at SFU but he lost his speed & mobility. As a result, he just threw 1 TD pass his senior year as he was the backup. He didn't have surgery as he didn't want to lose any time & figured he could play through it. He said that was a mistake. Still bothers him today almost 7 years later. He knows he'll have to have surgery sooner or later.
    1 point
  37. I always forget about him. He's fantastic. Great hands
    1 point
  38. Tracker


    The Sun newsrags are hyping the trucker parade for all they are worth.
    1 point
  39. Duke last year looked like he came to Canada out of shape and heavy If he returns this year..in shape...head on right he could be a good asset in right lockeroom.. He always been a bit of a ****..but last yr he came into a room with a group of me first assbags (hello purifiy..marshall..Edam and Gainey) and HC who had no control of his team...and almost seemed like they didn't respect him...and he fell right in line with acting like the rest.. Pretty sure in FIFO lockeroom he would be kept in check...now.does that lockeroom want him...that's the question...but if we were to lose Lawler...and say Adams comes back on a friendly deal...or we move on...i'd take a one yr flyer...if he doesn't fit in...or is heads and shoulders above whatever other competition is in camp...u send him packing..or flip him somewhere for draft pick..or neg list guy Darkhorse this yr may be that Jackson tho....heard good things...and also coukd be the emerg 3rd string QB
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. On 3downs Facebook page the amount of people taking the stegall article seriously is terrifying ...
    1 point
  42. Goalie


    I'm good with being part cyborg
    1 point
  43. I’d much rather watch our DBs burn Duke over and over and over then watch him catch 50/50 balls in blue and gold. I’ll take a pass on that dbag.
    1 point
  44. This is a pretty fantastic read: https://thecollision980815762.wordpress.com/2022/01/26/the-new-order-of-libertarians-or-exhausted-friends/ Author is from Winnipeg, too.
    1 point
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