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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-01-07 in Posts

  1. 10 points
  2. 9 points
  3. Good point in there about building the team. It's not just the Canadian Mafia that built it, the players did too. They've taken ownership of this team and seem to consider it part of their responsibilities. It's the culture.
    9 points
  4. Omicron is surging. The weather is terrible. Yet waking up and reading that Jefferson and Jeffcoat are coming back really does make it a great day.
    9 points
  5. 8 points
  6. The mafia is generally used to refer to the trinity of wade most and walters. But its really, really deep. danny mac, goveia, soo many players, coaches, and un sung franchise workers. The 01 team was a small group of mafioso, this team is a dynasty because they own the mafia standard top to bottom. Bill walsh talked about that in his book the score takes care of it self. That the day he took over he sat down with every one out side of football operations. He made sure that every thing, from the way the place was cleaned to how to phones were answered was done the 49er way. The mafia have done the exact same thing here. They didnt build a roster or a team, they built a franchise that would stand as a dynasty.
    8 points
  7. This, THIS is how you promote the CFL. Are you listening, Randy?
    8 points
  8. https://twitter.com/FarhanLaljiTSN/status/1479426961415966721?t=U6joiHXZaurynQ8nVMJVeA&s=19 "I’m told Jackson Jeffcoat has also now agreed to terms on a 1 year deal at 175k with #Bombers. Very good season in 2021 for the @cfl all star. @CFLonTSN"
    8 points
  9. Riderfans already calling us out on cap shenanigans, despite us only having like 10 players signed.
    7 points
  10. Darren Cameron ("The Consigliere" credit: Our Man Tait) is the massively important guy getting it done behind the scenes....
    7 points
  11. You could say J&J are a great vaccine for Omicron.
    7 points
  12. Yeah I was really surprised. It always seemed that hank on the panel was the same hank we saw on the field. Unlikeable as it gets. But BLM had the ****** aura completely gone with the absence of competition. He has a tremendously bright 2nd career as a broadcaster if he wants it. And I sure hope he does.
    6 points
  13. Great day for signings. Put a smile on my face.
    6 points
  14. Stanley is a formality, he usually signs in the after a few others fall...as He is the kind of guy who will let others get signed first who need a bump...thats who he is..he's at the top of his payscale basically, so fair...is fair to him
    6 points
  15. They have enough guys now for a starting Dline, Willie, Thomas, Sayles and Jeffcoat
    6 points
  16. Dear Mr. O'Day, Please give Duke Williams $200,000 for 2022. We also advise a minimum of $175,000 for Dan Clark. Ed Gainey and Mike Edem should not see a penny less than $150,000 a piece. Signed Morning Big Blue
    5 points
  17. well if they dont restructure Fajardo...And likely resign the ******..I mean Duke to a most likely stupid contract, that alnoe will put theirs into question...let alone if the are able to sign a free agent lineman to fix their steaming pile of an oline Players have already gone on record here, and are saying in media they will take a bit less to stay here.....so cry me a river 4cupsonly
    5 points
  18. What do you expect from a province where counting to 13 is hard?
    5 points
  19. JCon


    This is fine. Everything is fine. No presser announced today. Health orders, I believe, expire on Monday night. I think they've given up.
    5 points
  20. We're all talking about 3 peats... Nobody's mentioned repeats. That's old news.
    5 points
  21. More teams need to do what the Bombers did a few years ago. Start 3 Americans on the OL and slot in Canadians elsewhere. Protecting the QB is #1.
    5 points
  22. I think we are starting to see the QB market come back to earth. I don't think any QB next year will be making 500k +
    5 points
  23. Nice to see CFL letting the American guys get some time with the cup
    5 points
  24. I'm doing the BB-Als game in Montreal, August 4. How do I get this on a T?
    4 points
  25. "Well, good luck with another team's OL..." - Kyle Walters
    4 points
  26. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    Our decision to get our two kid's second doses @ 6 weeks instead of the full 8, feels like the right decision now. So much this...
    4 points
  27. Super Duper Negatron


    It is not an easy decision. Commitment to the team is one factor, plus the fact that I am helping with coaching both. I am still waffling, to be honest. I wish the province would just take it out of my hands. Already decided to skip my beer league game this week until my booster takes hold.
    4 points
  28. Yep, forgot to add a legit YAC threat Exhibit A: Nic Demski
    4 points
  29. Post of the day....well done, sir.
    4 points
  30. rebusrankin


    Come on, Heather already did her monthly press conference. You expect more? Side note, do they not look the same?
    4 points
  31. Gotta Love Yosh's commitment....and u can bet..they all feel same way....I have no fears of us losing anyone to another cfl that we dont wanna lose
    4 points
  32. I like the idea in theory, but I seem to remember Walters, early in his tenure as GM, saying that he doesn't like incentive deals because it's too much uncertainty for the SMS and makes it a lot harder to manage.
    4 points
  33. The boys are back in town. Jeff-ends for another GC?
    4 points
  34. 2 Jeff's better than 1, getter done
    3 points
  35. Sounds like Darren Cameron is down there putting the full court press on Willie and Jackson
    3 points
  36. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Just gross...
    3 points
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