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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-06-19 in Posts

  1. Tracker

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    I remain confident that there will be a 2020 season and that the league will surivive. Its too much a part of the Canadian indentity to be allowed to fold.
    6 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Well, not really a training camp memory; but preseason at least... 2018 season, Bombers hosted Edmonton for our home preseason game, then also played against them in our home opener two weeks later. Anyways...during the preseason game two Edmonton players were talking trash to a fan behind us. This fan sometimes just roasts players, quick-witted he said to them (and I quote) "I'll bet you $20 CANADIAN that neither of you make it to the home opener"... sure enough, two weeks later, Edmonton team is introduced and both of them had made the team (and had remembered the bet). One of the players came out doing the Johnny Manziel money thing... Fan was a good guy though... paid them both their $20.
    4 points
  4. Yeah it's impossible to watch everything all the time, best we generally manage watching live is a couple stand out plays here and there. Most people recognize that they're doing that. Then you had guys like gbill or whatever the **** he called himself would see things completely differently from reality and get pissy when called on it. Good times.
    4 points
  5. God, I miss TC. I've only been a couple of times, but the best one, by far, was the year the Women's World Cup was on, so TC was moved over to the field next to IGF. @17to85 and I road-tripped it out from Calgary to spend a couple days at camp. A hell of a time. All the fans could come and sit right on the sidelines and watch. All the media folks were there...I remember Bob Irving playing with his granddaughter for a bit during it.....I remember Wade Miller coming out and announcing that they'd brought in hot dog carts and it was free food for everyone. Dave was wearing his Doug Brown jersey, and it was the year that Ivan Brown was trying to make the team, and was also going to be wearing 97, so he was yelling at Dave about the jersey....and I think he said something about how it was nice that he wouldn't even have to change the nameplate. Ha ha. Ray was there with his Feoli-Gudino jersey cheering on his boy. Man, that was a great time...
    4 points
  6. Man, that reminds me of that stellar home opener (O'Shea's first game as head coach) when they absolutely mopped the walloped the Argos (who had Ray). I'll always remember that random fake punt O'Shea called that went to none other than ... Feoli-Gudino. Reminiscing aside, preseason is one of my favorite times of the year, between the myriad of newbies, and the office banter about who thinks which teams are gonna make some noise this year...just the buzz in the city surrounding the upcoming season. Nothing quite like it. ...Can we do a virtual rum hut and re-stream the 2019 playoffs?
    3 points
  7. There was a 15 year stretch give or take where I went to nearly every training camp. Always took the week off from work and went everyday. In true Winnipeg fashion ive sat through +30 weather one year, and sleet the next lol. Loved just sitting with the old-timers and talking football. So many training camp stars that seemed destined for greatness only to fade away. I remember watching Ramonce Taylor one year and was sure he was the next superstar. Lots of memories but a couple stand out for me. Watching Milt, year after year, embarrass whichever hot shot DB they put across from him in 1 on 1's lol. That and watching Charles Roberts sitting on his helmet chatting with Milt and the other players during stretching drills lol. The dude was amazing and put next to zero effort into his conditioning. Man, if he had worked half as hard as Milt did during is career, we would be talking about him as the greatest CFL RB of all time. No doubt in my mind. Shame really.
    3 points
  8. bigg jay


    Counter-punch from another church... https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/life/faith/petition-to-open-places-of-worship-a-terrible-idea-cleric-says-571370282.html
    3 points
  9. blue_gold_84


    It really isn't, though. Religion is not an essential service. I get the importance of religion to many people but deeming religious services or attendance of a place of faith as essential is simply ridiculous. And presenting the premier with some petition to allow for such services that basically fly in the face of restrictions in place is just a demonstration of ignorance of those who either don't understand science or refuse to acknowledge its importance during this time, not to mention completely baseless entitlement. These men of god ought to find an alternative way to do their work, instead of wasting a politician's time with frivolity like a petition.
    3 points
  10. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    What ******* planet is this anymore?
    3 points
  11. Tracker

    US Politics

    Trump wants to find and prosecute person who leaked that he hid in a bunker during protests: report Trump is lashing out so much that "many advisers wonder if he is truly interested in serving a second term". President Donald Trump is "consumed" by leaks coming from the White House as aides worry his "incendiary behavior" could sink his re-election hopes, according to The New York Times. Trump has obsessed over media reports that he was rushed to the White House bunker with his family during a protest against police brutality following the death of George Floyd in police custody. He has gone as far as "demanding that officials find and prosecute those responsible" for leaking the incident to the press, according to the report. https://www.salon.com/2020/06/18/trump-wants-to-find-and-prosecute-person-who-leaked-that-he-hid-in-a-bunker-during-protests-report/
    3 points
  12. 17to85

    US Politics

    Only now? Funny how with an election coming and polls looking awful everyone is fleeing a sinking ship. Trump has been a joke since day 1.
    3 points
  13. Lots of us enjoy attending a training camp practice or 2 when the football season starts. As I've been living in Calgary since 1990, I haven't gone to many Stamps practices although when my sons played pee wee football I did take them a couple of times. But that was 2 decades ago. However, when I lived in Winnipeg I always tried to make it to at least one training camp practice every year. When I was a teen, I was there nearly everyday. Do any of you have a Bomber practice that stand out in your memory you'd like to share as we're all missing football right now? My best memory was being 15 years old & riding my bike to practice at St Johns Ravenscourt School in Fort Garry. It's about a 30 minute bike ride one way but I did it a lot back then. In those days, training camp started June 15th. I would usually be writing exams at Churchill High School but they'd be just about finished. Then I could go to training camp if I wanted to. I remember one day in particular. Warm, muggy June day & the forecast was for scattered thunderstorms in the late afternoon. When I left my house after lunch, it was a nice sunny day with just a few puffy clouds. During practice, the skies darkened & I was thinking I should leave but I wanted to see the afternoon scrimmage so I stuck around. Newcomer Don Jonas was battling it out with Benji Dial for the starting qb spot. Charlie Bryant was fighting with Mack Herron for a backfield position. There were a lot of new players on the roster so competition was keen everywhere. I stuck around & almost regretted it. I could see some dark clouds on the horizon coming my way. I decided it was time to split before scrimmage ended & rode like a crazy man all the way home while this huge thunderstorm chased me. I remember I was freaking out all the way home. By the time I did get about a km away from my house all hell broke loose. The rain came down like out of a shower head, hail, thunder, lightning & wind. I jumped off my bike & hit the ground running in full stride in the backyard soaked to the skin. My Mom thought I took too much of a chance with the weather & I got a big lecture from her. I never forgot THAT practice.
    2 points
  14. bustamente

    US Politics

    Re elect Trump and this is what you'll see
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Back when the Bombers held training camp in Brandon, I wrote to Cal Murphy begging him to let me help out (Would've been '94 or '95?) I was 11 or 12. It was the thrill of a lifetime, the team let me essentially be the "water boy," I got to miss school, ride my bike over to Kinsmen 'stadium' and hang around my heroes for a few weeks. I got a lot of pics of that time with Cal, Dunigan, Wilcox, Walby and the boys. What a time! I was also there for Reinebold's first training camp in Portage. I have nothing but fond memories literally everyone in the organization treated me extremely well and I'd get a practice used J5V at the end of each camp lol.
    2 points
  17. BBlink

    Training Camp Memories

    I went to a lot of training camps in the late 2000s and early 2010s...A lot of those were very lean years, and our scouting was not very good. You would expect there to be quite a bit of TCF. So when a new player stood out in practice, it was very noticeable. Whether they were good or bad. I used to love writing up my useless scouting reports for the message boards and reading everyone else's. It was a great time sitting in the sun and hanging out with friends/family. We'd usually get an ice cap and soak it all in. Now it's a bit more difficult to pay that kind of attention and be at all the practices. But I still try to get to one a year.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Hopefully it wasn't a total sausage fest. Unless that's what you were into, not that there's anything wrong with that.
    2 points
  20. Mr Dee

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Former Winnipeg Blue Bombers chair takes Canadian government to task over lack of CFL support“I really had hoped the Canadian government would have stepped up and been a more active partner earlier in this to allow whatever planning has to go on, knowing that they have that partnership,” Asper told show host Christian Aumell and co-host Bob Irving. https://globalnews.ca/news/7080106/winnipeg-blue-bombers-david-asper-canadian-government-cfl-support/
    2 points
  21. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    The Liberals have the next election in the bag, if that's the best he can come up with.
    2 points
  22. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    This and Trump’s “maybe SCOTUS doesn’t like me” tweet show just how broken and partisan the system is. The judiciary is supposed to be a co-equal branch or government, balancing the executive (President) and legislative (Congress), so they are meant to make rulings and not just bend to the whim of another branch. Also, judges are appointed for life so that they can be impartial and not answer to anyone else, thus keeping their impartiality. But Trump and the GOP figure “we appointed you, now go do our bidding forever regardless of what the law says, you owe us”. The fact that so many judges have ruled along party lines is an embarrassment to any judiciary, much less the highest court in the land. And the fact that politicians appoint based on who will carry the water for their party and are shocked when judges rule based on legal principle is an indictment of the whole process. Drain the swamp, indeed.
    2 points
  23. The cool thing about being a training camp regular is you get noticed by a lot of people. Fans were allowed to line the practice field at St Johns Ravenscourt as there were no stands to sit in so players would come off the field for a rest, look at me & say, "Hey man". To a 15 year old kid that was really something just to be acknowledged. Once in awhile a player would stand beside me & just have a quick chat before going back in. Wanted to know my name & what grade I was in, that kind of thing. Even the coaches would say hello. I remember having chats on the sidelines with Jack Matheson, Don Wittman & Bob Picken.
    2 points
  24. Damn... here's more: A little background: https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/1488 "1488 is a combination of two popular white supremacist numeric symbols. The first symbol is 14, which is shorthand for the "14 Words" slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The second is 88, which stands for "Heil Hitler" (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet). Together, the numbers form a general endorsement of white supremacy and its beliefs. As such, they are ubiquitous within the white supremacist movement " Who would have thought that following modern american politics, one would become versed in nazi imagery and symbolism...
    2 points
  25. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    It would be so much better for Canada and the US if this guy was still in charge..
    1 point
  26. TB shouldn't be a hub city
    1 point
  27. Tracker

    US Politics

    “Fox is terrible!”: Trump rages at network after poll shows him losing to Joe Biden by double digits Trump's campaign threatened legal action against CNN over a similarly unfavorable poll. Will it do the same to Fox? President Donald Trump lashed out at Fox News after the network's latest national poll showed him trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 12 points. Biden leads Trump 50-38 in the latest survey after the network found him leading by only eight points last month. "For over a year, the portion backing Trump against Biden has stayed between 37-42 percent," Fox News reported. "Biden's support has ranged from 42-52 percent." Days after his campaign threatened legal action against CNN over a poll which found Biden leading by a similar 14 points, the president alleged that the far more Trump-friendly Fox News had produced a "phony" poll which was "done by the same group of haters that got it even more wrong in 2016." https://www.salon.com/2020/06/19/fox-is-terrible-trump-rages-at-network-after-poll-shows-him-losing-to-joe-biden-by-double-digits/
    1 point
  28. Mr Dee


    Well said. Churches are not exempt from such safety precautions. Gatherings at Masses are practically the worst for physical distancing when they’re held indoors. To propose re-opening, raise suspicions as to motivations. If the powers that be, in these Churches, can promise that nothing will happen, then so be it. But they can’t. It’s already been proven down South. Why on earth won’t you even consider it? I cannot believe that, whatever God they believe in, would sanction such a move.
    1 point
  29. DR. CFL

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Tampa Bay Lighting had to close down their a Phase 2 start up due to multiple players and staff testing positive. The notion that pro sports are going to be able to operate is very suspect. Initiating any start up, and the expense associated with it only to have to shut it down maybe simply a waste of money at this point in time. This has to put up red flags.
    1 point
  30. BBlink

    Training Camp Memories

    Yep and that's why I take my training camp reports with a grain of salt. Although I have gotten better over the years.
    1 point
  31. FrostyWinnipeg

    Canadian Politics

    You been...well not Snoped but same thing. "Donald Trump will not lift a finger to help Justin Trudeau because of what he's done," Sloan said. "I'm confident Trump will defy the odds again and win the next election and when I'm prime minister I'll call and congratulate him."
    1 point
  32. Brandon


    Most churches have found alternative methods (web streams, preaching in the parking lot with social distancing) .... I'm guessing the big issue is directly related to the donations going down.....
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Wideleft


    If church services are essential, why am I as an atheist doing just fine during the pandemic and how have I survived 50 years of largely not attending services?
    1 point
  35. 17to85

    US Politics

    That is such bullshit. Anyone enabling him in any way is complicit. Let him make bad decisions, perhaps it will force the senate to actually do their jobs and hold an out of control president accountable.
    1 point
  36. https://www.carbonbrief.org/in-depth-bp-data-reveals-clean-electricity-matched-coal-for-the-first-time-in-2019
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Mr Dee


    It’s safe eh Ron..
    1 point
  39. Jpan85

    Training Camp Memories

    Clarence Denmark stood out from the first practices knew he was going make the team.
    1 point
  40. Tracker

    Upcoming Movies

    But will he cultivate a taste for human flesh to copy Tyson?
    1 point
  41. johnzo

    US Politics

    I'm gonna pirate the **** out of that shitgoblin's book. HMU if you want a link when I get hold of it.
    1 point
  42. johnzo


    Dug the spot on Dynamite last night where they pumped the tires on fancy girl Anna Jay with a big glowing soft-focus promo and then she got KO'd in a minute by horror freakshow girl Abadon who is my new favorite. and then Anna Jay joined the Dark Order. real nice tight storytelling there and the promo was a great misdirect.
    1 point
  43. A year from now if we play this season Randy will say (if the Als exceed the cap) that they had a new owner who didn't understand the inner workings of the cap & therefore it would be wrong to punish him & his team.
    1 point
  44. Mr Dee


    https://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2020/06/pentecostal-church-responsible-for-oregons-largest-covid-19-outbreak/ A church in rural northeastern Oregon is now the epicenter of the state’s largest coronavirus outbreak, as 236 people tested positive for the disease, authorities said Tuesday.The Observer reports the church ignored executive orders issued by Oregon Governor Kate Brown limiting public gatherings, noting: The church held services in April and May, despite Gov. Kate Brown’s executive orders limiting gatherings, and recently held a wedding and a graduation ceremony with more than 100 people at each event.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Mr Dee


    To Trump’s brilliant statement of no testing, no cases, Trevor Noah from the Daily News responds: Just like if black people stopped recording the cops, we’d have zero cases of Police brutality.
    1 point
  48. bustamente

    US Politics

    The Lincoln project said that they were make Trump cry and go bat shiate crazy with all the ads that they were going to put out, Trump want to bring back jobs to the States maybe he should practice what he preaches
    1 point
  49. 1 point
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