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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-02-23 in Posts

  1. this is a HORIBLE take..... "boys will be boys"..... no. Society needs to change so that women can feel comfortable working in any situation.....
    10 points
  2. I don't think I agree with victim shaming.
    10 points
  3. And, so instead of expecting more out of men, we make young women bend? F*** that. It is a horrible take because it says that men can't control themselves when the reality is that they make their own choices. Even worse. Tell your daughter she can't live her life because we make excuses for pathetic men.
    8 points
  4. "she was asking for it!" god there's some shitty attitudes that still exist in the world.
    8 points
  5. Hi Adam, can you please unblock me on Twitter
    7 points
  6. She's a victim but other than being a creep the person who looks like the real ******* in thr situation is Murphy based on the accusations. Lady goes to the boss about an uncomfortable situation and gets blamed for it and fired.
    7 points
  7. yeah it's quite frankly offensive to everyone. Women just have to put up with being harassed and sorry men, you're just animals with no self control. No the reason some men act like this is because they've never faced consequences for it. It's not OK to be a shitty person and the sooner crap like "well boys will be boys" goes away the better off the entirety of society will be.
    6 points
  8. We're still blaming the victims? Good god.
    6 points
  9. Glad Castillo is back.
    5 points
  10. It's worse than that, she was fired for bringing it up to management!
    5 points
  11. I get your point. Because I struggle with it while raising my kids too. I come from a **** around and find out environment that included lots of violence. So I'm aware of the world we live in vs the world we want. "I'd like to vote, but that's not the world we live in" "I'd like to be free but that's not the world we live in." Etc etc. basically what I'm trying to say is, eventually we need to make the world the way we want it to be. If everyone is stuck waiting for something to change. Nothing ever will. The world has plenty of con men. It'll be fine without him.
    5 points
  12. So we just accept that's how the world is that's that?? **** that ****. Long overdue for change and this is how it starts. You punish the assholes who maintain the status quo and teach them what's acceptable, regardless of testosterone or estrogen.
    5 points
  13. If she's asking for 85,000, doesn't she realize that's 50 years of gate receipts for the Argos? Seriously though, some of the comments here make me think that some of you have neither daughters, sisters or mothers. Yeah, women go public with complaints like this because they just love all the attention that it creates for them... Considering that by doing this, she's likely going to have almost zero chance of working in professional sports again (at least in the male side of things) I'd tend to think that rather than rushing to support Kelly or the team, a better response would be to demand that the team get to the bottom of this and if true, that several heads need to roll.
    5 points
  14. No it isn’t. Kelly is a creep with a long history of offense. The system is in place to protect victims, not predatory losers. As it should be.
    5 points
  15. Pinball is old boys club through and through. The Argos had a load of scumbags in his time as a coach. When we hired O'Shea one of my main concerns is he'd bring that stink in here but he seems to have some human-level accountability.
    5 points
  16. I got tired of buying new jerseys too. My current jersey is a #6 with no name on the back. Why #6? An all time great Bomber and it happens to be my seat number, so it also helps me remember where I need to go
    4 points
  17. Lots of demerits to be handed out in this thread..... clear rules on "no politics allowed", and very clearly the politics have been brought up.........
    4 points
  18. Any synopsis of what he said? glad Sergio is back. Hope they either let him punt or get a really good punter and kick off guy.
    4 points
  19. 4 points
  20. Suggesting a woman shouldn't take certain jobs because "boys will be boys" is in fact a s****y take. These incidents are not limited to "testosterone filled locker rooms", they happen in all work places, unfortunately. Would you advise your daughter to not take an office job or work at McDonalds because it can happen there too? Yup, I have multiple family members who are or have been guards at federal penitentiaries - it's not a safe, healthy environment regardless of who/what you are.
    4 points
  21. Nope, no planning in sueing you. I have a 22 year old daughter training to be a physiotherapist and why I mention that is she could potentially be working with football teams. I don't see the world as extremes for the most part. My wife and I have hopefully raised her with the tools to know the dangers of the world and how to handle it coupled with not limiting her options due to others and their bad behaviours. Like a lot of other people's daughters, she's a smart, independent well adjusted full of quirks young human being who may want to contribute value to a room full of professional athletes. No guarantees for her but how you appear to accept reality is different in how I and others may accept reality. Fair enough.
    4 points
  22. Kudos to you and the others taking this sensible position, as opposed to the "don't put yourself in a vulnerable position" nonsense.
    4 points
  23. So, yes? Blame the victims because we couldn't possibly ask grown men to not harass the staff.
    4 points
  24. It's not the reality because **itty people keep making excuses and blaming the victims.
    4 points
  25. I'll take the innocent until proven guilty mindset... in fairness to everyone involved... but if the accused was someone on the bottom of the roster, making near minimum... that player would be released already
    4 points
  26. Presumption of innocent until proven guilty is for the courts. The rest of us are free to presume Kelly and Murphy are guilty POS
    4 points
  27. Maybe he did it when he had the "concussion" and didn't realize??? Fact is...multiple witnesses have corroborated several incidents.....Murphy has a track record for being a greaseball....Kelly has many documented incidents of being unhinged and not right....So all signs point to this being something that was handled poorly...attempted to be glossed over and swept under the radar/rug for team and player to save face....and obviously nothing was solved internally, or the Trainer was treated even more poorly She is seeking lost pay it seems, and other damages related to it....and also not a huge amount by any means to make this a real big issue....and the media is just doing what media does....get a lead on a story...and they publish it I can see if she went to media...made multiple statements and interviews on it...asking for bags of money....then it may be seen as a lil more sensationalized, but this seems far from the case. Now.....bigger question is...if this is found and proven to be accurate...the threats of harm preceding having his desires for a relationship rejected...Murphy trying to make it seem it a non-issue, and his comments about wtf did you bring this up...eytc....should it be safe to assume good ship Argo immediately puts out a presser saying they don't condone this, and the 2 schmucks get sent packing...never to be seen in the CFL again??...I would think yes....correct me if I am wrong
    4 points
  28. It's Canada, those big us style awards don't happen. Argos and Murphy come across looking like real trash in this situation. Kelly is the least of the problem here. He was a ****** made a pass at a coworker and she felt uncomfortable. So she complains and gets fired. How's that for a sit down Argo fans? This is the pg version of the reason hockey Canada is in a heap of ****.
    4 points
  29. Considering the money she's asking for is not in anyway life changing. I have a hard time buying that she's only doing this for a quick payday. She should have went to someone high up in the club to get this settled.....someone like....Murphy perhaps.
    4 points
  30. Tbh, Kelly does not get the benefit of the doubt. Dude has been in soo much trouble soo often and kicked off soo many teams, I presume things are worse than we are hearing. Screw the Argos too.
    4 points
  31. Kelly being a ****? Nooooo Murphy being a ****? Nooooo Hopefully this is Murphys swan song and he can **** right off. Kelly (assuming he's guilty) can follow afaic.
    4 points
  32. The coach wrote in her lawsuit that she then informed Mujtaba and Argos assistant general manager John Murphy about what had happened. “Murphy responded by stating that [she] should not have spoken to [Kelly] and that she has now ‘opened a can of worms that didn’t need to be opened,’” the lawsuit says. Wait, you mean cool guy John Murphy wanted to sweep Kelly's behaviour under the rug? Say it ain't so... what a **** stain yes, sorry, "alleged" behaviour
    4 points
  33. Looking forward to more of this:
    3 points
  34. It sort of felt inevitable. But, this time, Walters had the upper hand negotiating. I'm kind of surprised he didn't go UFL, then sign with a CFL team when that contract ended.
    3 points
  35. Very true! PTSD is a very real thing and it's not like men are immune to it.
    3 points
  36. I wouldn't tell my son to work as prison guard., either. I know enough of them to say that it is a stressful job at best and toxic at worst, and the inmates are not the only problem.
    3 points
  37. Maybe instead of cautioning your daughter to limit herself because of what men might do, you could champion her right to take a job and tell men that they should keep their hands/comments to themselves. Your comment smacks of "look at the way she was dressed, she was asking for it". Don't teach girls to be careful, teach boys that that stuff is not ok. That's nothing more than a pathetic excuse. Pro tip: when you're in a hole, stop digging.
    3 points
  38. found guilty, accusations proven whatever, stop trying to shield abusers.
    3 points
  39. Maybe its changed since I played, but there was an unwritten rule that you dont hit on the trainers or strength coaches... Smart like dump truck
    3 points
  40. don't be an apologist. It's OK to admit your team employs known dirt bags.
    3 points
  41. Well, this seemingly happened and they were told not to open that can of worms. If the the lawsuit has been filed, they already tried to handle it quietly and the club refused.
    3 points
  42. Lot of older guys can't see the writing on the wall. It serves them well as competitors but in other matters....
    3 points
  43. She should sit down with them. Really her fault for being assaulted, saying something, and getting fired. Am I doing this right, Argo fans? ****ing trash.
    3 points
  44. It's hard for the Bombers to play it fair & square with older players like Jeffcoat when his own teammates didn't care (Oliveira & Schoen) about him either. They stalled the process by waiting until it was FA time in the CFL. At the same time, it's not their responsibility to care. There'll come a time when what happened to Jeffcoat will happen to them.
    3 points
  45. Couldn't happen to a nicer team.
    3 points
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