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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-05-28 in Posts

  1. 1 pigrome looks like we have our short yardage / option package qb and with some up side as a passer 2 Darby. Made lots of plays looks as good as ever 3 Thomas the nose tackle we’ve missed since stove left finished really strong hh lawler with the big td catch early when the first team offense was in a funk couple other guys had real good games, couple looked like they played them self off the team.
    6 points
  2. I wanna see us give Sterling a big amount of reps...and with a healthy Jeffcoat and Willie those 3 will I think be a good rotation and allow us to ease Bennet in gradually as didn't see much outta him in that first game..he def not ready for primetime yet...but with the Jeff's and Sterling...and Hansen when he gets back...we should look pretty good there. Thomas impressed...and Walker looks like he changed his physique a bit...looks more powerful and was getting good push...if he progresses more...and Thomas is real deal we may have fixed up that middle of the line...and will allow our ends to flourish. I expect Lawson and JAke to be the main Canadian dlineman...really looking forward to Lawson's progression this yr..I can see possibly more of Jake spelling him.off this yr than the other way around. Whoever we end up starting game one with the DBS we will be fine..even if a guy or two start off injured...we are deep and solid and there some new blood pushing the vets and second yr guys...if everyone is healthy game 1 likely we start a Rose..Nichols..BA..Parker..Lawrence staring 5 with Houston..Holm and Swaray vying for the 6th...and the extra possible DB rostered...but I think/hope we use that rangy Global who looks legit or another Canadian to utilize a DI spot for one of Augudosi/Sheed ...I know we and especially ZC are gonna want both those guys rostered...and will make it work If..and I assume Ford will be back mid summer...that will really help with roster configuration as he can bump a DI'd DB off gameday and allow us another on the Dline..or linebacker...heck even Mcrae or one the other import backs if one blows the doors off the riders Friday. Have zero...none...nadda concerns with the online...the starting 5 all looked good ...and I think sooner or later Eli will supplant Kolo as a starter...so having Kolo/Eli/Dobson as Canadian backups in whatever form shakes out...and Richmond at Tackle...we are so deep and solid...if Hardrick or big Stan get any minor nicks...We could rest em and not miss a beat with Richmond Our backups Richmond.. Dobson...Eli..Machino are prob a better core or on par with several teams starters..what a embarrassing amount of depth And love..love this QB trio...prob best we have had in eons...I actually think Piggy could and will be more electric than Strevie...heafty praise and statement...but if he can do more of that in game 2...when teams know what he possesses...he may just be huge for us
    5 points
  3. On the big td run I said right there that he earned the 3rd spot . That acceleration was obscene. Just hits the jets and no one was going to catch him. What a weapon. Looked like a kick returner hitting the hole and blowing by everyone.
    5 points
  4. All other clubs witnessing what Pigrome did yesterday, most likely said under their breath ....'cripes....yeah...that's what those buggers need is another weapon like that'.....Luv it and can't wait to see more action involving the 'new weapon'....heh heh
    4 points
  5. Apparently in the post game show O'Shea said they planned the vets getting their time today because of the short turnaround between the last pre season game and the home opener. So expect game 2 to be all roster hopefuls.
    4 points
  6. Best. Football. Name. Ever.
    3 points
  7. I'd like to see Maruo used as a rusher while Hansen works his way back. He's got a lot of will but isn't a strong player in the open field/coverage. Set him up with a role that relies mostly on effort and he'll be ok.
    3 points
  8. yeah...Piggy isn't just a one trick pony...cheat or creap.up on the run and he has the arm to kill u too...but that running ability is gonna give teams fits...I can totally see a lot of him and ZC on field at same time....
    3 points
  9. Over all think the first pre season game was what we needed. I think it’s a great call to get the vets lots of early action and give them most of the second game off so they can be healthy. The biggest obstacles to the bombers being good early are going to be health and rust. Work too much of the rust off and you put health at risk. It’s a tough spot with low contact practice these days. Early weeks of the regular season are gonna be lower quality if they stick to no tackle practice. If Jeffcoat is healthy Thomas starting as our nose with walker rotating will improve a lot of our pass rush and run stop. Having biggie back will be huge too. Barrington is going to be a pretty big upgrade over Clements though not kyrie atleast yet. Lots of good dbs, some good players are gonna be cut. Wr core is super deep too. Nice to have a new back up ni to bolo. richmond looks as good as ever at T for depth. Dobson needs a lot of work at C still with snaps but if Eli gets healthy it isn’t a big issue. And we identified a new short yardage option qb. We even found great depth at kicker and punter. look forward to seeing round 2 of the db and wr battle next week, and more from pigrome.
    3 points
  10. Just go to the Norwood for a 12 and hit up Shoppers on the way for some jerky
    3 points
  11. bustamente

    US Politics

    Apparently there are some really really stupid people that thought that Trump bucks were real.
    3 points
  12. That’s what he said. Doug Brown said an even better reason IMO - if a starter gets dinged up there is not much recovery time. Edmonton has two weeks to make cuts and practice as a team. We have to make cuts and be into the season opener game plan by Sunday. Seems fair
    3 points
  13. This is going to sound weird but Pigrome reminded me of Kevin Glenn when in short yardage situations. They both are 5'10" and around 200 pounds. IIRC Glenn was actually pretty good at short yardage because he ran it so technically well. He could hide himself behind the line and pick his spots. I see the same with Pigrome. But Pigrome can clearly run. Being only 5'10" can allow you to get to the line of scrimmage before someone even sees you. And if there's open field (as we witnessed today) then goodbye.
    3 points
  14. 3 stars is tough but I’ll go Good, Bad and Ugly Good - Pigrome, Lawler, Caleb Thomas, Holm, Swaray, Damien Jackson, the kicking in general, Jeremy Murphy Bad - Augustine, Clements, our QB contain efforts on Ford, Kornelson, the drops by Beaulieu/Westfield, most of our new DL guys Ugly - Matt Cole fielding kicks, Les Maruo trying to tackle anything, Josh Jones, Dobson snapping the football
    3 points
  15. To me, there are some very easy cuts you could make after this game QB Jones, WR Beaulieu, WR Westfield, DL Agnew, DB Cole, DL Kornelson all stand out for the wrong reasons
    3 points
  16. Richmond looks good coming off injury...and thank god we have Eli as Dobson scares me as center...he better suited as a mailing guard
    3 points
  17. Like what I see from Walker and Thomas at DT...96 the kid we drafted got ate up and abused...see ya..Bennet too ..needs to step up his game...seemed over matched a lot Darby is solid and a huge having him from the get go this yr I like what Jackson has done in several facets..some good blocks as full back...solid snaps...versatile foot soldier Wade too...for first action...fares well and will be better...not sure why the hate... Receiving core will be lights out...and Augudosi will play a role...and Piglet has locked up his spot...can see a lot of 2 qb sets this yr with him in lineup That kicker looked smooth...but I don't want us going into season with a unproven rookie...nope...not again...PR him if need be...Father time gets good hang time on his punts...do we see him as one of our Global's with Karakoma until the Panzer gets healthy?
    3 points
  18. Piggy reminds me of Kevin Glenn. O'shea calls him Piggy
    3 points
  19. Methinks I should change my handle now 😄
    2 points
  20. From Our Man Tait: "For those fans who have been regularly attending practices… take note: there will not be a session on Monday. The team is expected to be back on the field Tuesday, time still to be determined."
    2 points
  21. Tweets still won't embed but from DB97 today: "Thoughts after seeing the WBB starters for 1.5 quarters: If they can afford it, the team could use a Shawn Lemon—or another difference maker off the edge—and a disruptive force at DT. Jeffcoat didn’t play, but they need at least 3 viable edge rushers & help stopping the run. As Willie J enters his golden years, he needs to be put on a pitch count. To be most effective, he can’t be playing 60 snaps a game. "
    2 points
  22. Nevermind. They have to be designated imports. That still changes a lot though, because you can definitely play with the ratio in a sense where you can get creative in ways you never would before. As an example, this could be our starting set of Canadians Oliviera, Demski, Wolitarsky, Bryant (I’m assuming he’s the easiest choice as our “Americanized Canadian”), Neufeld, Kolankowski, Gray, Gauthier There’s the 8, you could technically designate Kyrie (as an example) to play 49% of the snaps in Gauthier’s spot and run two American defensive tackles all game. You could also do it with Kramdi/Darby (I think this may be the direction they go in) or I guess theoretically you could even do it with Bennett/Jeffcoat but I wouldn’t assume that would be a smart idea. If we get Ford back, you could also do it in a scenario with Ford/Rose. Not entirely sure what the overall benefit is other than limiting Jake Thomas to minimal snaps. But it’s going to be interesting to see how we deploy it.
    2 points
  23. Has anyone clarified if the new roster rules where we can have 3 “Americanized Canadians” take 49% of the reps for a Canadian allow those players to be considered Canadians in the makeup of the roster? That would change a ton. You could essentially make Rasheed Bailey, Kyrie Wilson and I dunno … let’s say Adam Bighill all count as Canadians in terms of the roster makeup. I would imagine it isn’t this way, but nobody has really clarified. (EDIT: my bad it’s 2 this year not 3)
    2 points
  24. Does Jeremy Murphy play teams? If he can, would be nice to have him on the roster to do that and to have him and BOLO as two backup wr.
    2 points
  25. Yep. He’s been banged I think couple days before the game.
    2 points
  26. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Tax cuts are as much deficit spending as spending on social programs are because both are argued that they have economic benefit and are worth the expense or loss of revenue. You can't simply apply blanket statements like tax cuts are not spending because they might possibly under the exact right circumstances be a net benefit. You can do that with any government spending. That's why you evaluate each item on its own based on its merit. And I know this, the theory of slashing taxes hasn't done anything other than widen the wealth gap and shrink the middle class. Anything that makes the middle class smaller is not good economic policy.
    2 points
  27. I think I recall hearing he has university eligibility and it’s likely that was the plan for him all along.
    2 points
  28. Sard

    Canadian Politics

    Let's try this again... what is the extreme-left?
    2 points
  29. bustamente

    US Politics

    The guy is the poster child for corruption forget impeachment guy should be in jail
    2 points
  30. Parker continues to be one of the surest tacklers on the team.
    2 points
  31. Aaron Sterling should be on this team. Hopefully we can keep him on the PR
    2 points
  32. Just preseason BUT I gotta get to see more of this Pigrome kid.....He impressed the heck outta me .....Brown was his usual steady self......Jones didn't do much
    2 points
  33. Hard as hell to judge all those receivers given that we basically ran our starters for most of a half (with Brown too) and then didn't have the ball for the next half. Maybe 1-2 of them are ongoing prospects but there's no roster space for receivers anyway. As it is if everyone is healthy we probably can roster one of Agudosi, Grant, McCrae. Not a lot of opportunity to get on the team for rookie receivers. I like Murphy too which probably squeezes out another import off the practice roster. He was probably the best receiver after the starters went out.
    2 points
  34. Might of been preseason but a win is always enjoyable, some players are going to get a ticket out of town but a few opened some eyes, Thomas on the D played real well.
    2 points
  35. Dobson needs a lot of work on snapping if he's going to be the backup.
    2 points
  36. Lol pretty obvious example right there of what JBR was talking about re: competitive level of some of these guys. Beaulieu with a hideous drop.
    2 points
  37. Pigrome looking like lock for QB3
    2 points
  38. Perfect back shoulder to Agudosi, he just didn't want a back shoulder. Ok, that's RTP.
    2 points
  39. pigrome also smart play on bad snap. also, built very solid.
    2 points
  40. Hot damn. 2 perfect throws and then becomes the piggyback and takes it to the house.
    2 points
  41. Sad and telling that this is what you think makes the internet great.
    2 points
  42. 1 point
  43. Apparently a 30yr dart lol Piiiiiiggggg!
    1 point
  44. Pigrome to Murphy already legendary.
    1 point
  45. Edmonton will be a tough out until they let their QB's throw.
    1 point
  46. And injuries. Even high school now we're about 1/3 practices in pads...but a lot of guys have never played before. They aren't getting much contact until they are out there for real. OK DL Coach...teach the guys about offside.
    1 point
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